def get_all_nodes_health():
    """ This function will use the proliantutils library
    module "get_host_health_data" to derive the health status of
    the following components 'BIOS, Fans, Temperature Sensors,
    Battery, Processor, Memory, Network, Storage.

    If the health status of all component is ok then overall
    health of the physical node is returned as "OK"
        result = get_all_nodes()
        final = {}
        for key, value in result.items():
            dict_object = {}
            if type(value) == type(dict()):
                v = list(value.values())
                ilo_client = client.IloClient(v[1], v[2], v[3])
                dict_object = ilo_client.get_host_health_data()
                q = JSONParser(dict_object)
                bios = q.dict_query(
                fans = q.dict_query(
                temperature = q.dict_query(
                battery = q.dict_query(
                processor = q.dict_query(
                memory = q.dict_query(
                network = q.dict_query(
                storage = q.dict_query(
                total_health = [bios, fans, temperature, battery, processor,\
                    memory, network, storage]
                result1 = len(set(total_health)) == 1
                if result1:
                    final[v[0]] = "OK"
                    final[v[0]] = "Degraded"
        print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])

    return (final)
def get_all_node_security_status():
    """ This function will use the proliantutils library
    module "get_current_bios_settings" to derive the status of
    the following BIOS configuration which are important for
    the security: 'secure boot status (enabled), asset tag (locked),
    UEFI Shell Script Verification (enabled), 
    UEFI Shell Startup (disabled), Processor AES (enabled)"
    If the value of any of the configuration deviates from the 
    recommended value, overall security status will be marked as 
    degraded. Refer to BIOS user guide for recommended value of these
        result = get_all_nodes()
        final = {}
        for key, value in result.items():
            dict_object = {}
            if type(value) == type(dict()):
                v = list(value.values())
                ilo_client = client.IloClient(v[1], v[2], v[3])
                dict_object = ilo_client.get_current_bios_settings()
                q = JSONParser(dict_object)
                secure_boot_status = q.dict_query("SecureBootStatus")
                asset_tag = q.dict_query("AssetTagProtection")
                shell_script_verify = q.dict_query(
                shell_startup = q.dict_query("UefiShellStartup")
                processor_aes = q.dict_query("ProcAes")
                if v[0] == "secphyworker1.sec.twentynet.local" and \
                    secure_boot_status.lower() == "disabled":
                    final[v[0]] = "OK"
                elif secure_boot_status.lower() == "enabled" and \
                    asset_tag.lower() == "locked" and \
                        shell_script_verify.lower() == "enabled" and \
                            shell_startup.lower() == "disabled" and \
                                processor_aes.lower() == "enabled":
                    final[v[0]] = "OK"
                    final[v[0]] = "Degraded"
        print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
    return (final)