def test_match_unknown_kwarg(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error:
                '{"1": ["one", "two"]}', '{"1": ["two", "one"]}', foo="bar"

        assert "parameter(s) are not valid" in str(error.value)
    def test_match_too_few_args(self):
        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as error:
            payloads_match_exactly('{"1": "one"}')

        assert (
            "payloads_match_exactly() missing 1 required positional argument: 'json_2'"
            in str(error.value)
    def test_match_identical_objects_fail_02(self):
        t1 = '{"1": "one"}'
        t2 = '{"1": "one", "2": "two"}'

        with pytest.raises(JsonCompareError) as error:
            payloads_match_exactly(t1, t2)

        assert "Payloads do NOT match!" in str(error.value)
    def test_match_ignore_order_not_boolean(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error:
                '{"1": ["one", "two"]}', '{"1": ["two", "one"]}', "/foo"

        assert (
            "Argument `ignore_order` must eval to boolean. Valid values: ${TRUE} or ${FALSE}"
            in str(error.value)
    def test_match_too_many_args(self):
        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as error:
                '{"1": ["one", "two"]}', '{"1": ["two", "one"]}', False, "/foo"

        assert (
            "payloads_match_exactly() takes from 2 to 3 positional arguments but 4 were given"
            in str(error.value)
    def test_match_invalid_arguments(self, t1, t2, exp_result):
        with pytest.raises(JsonCompareError) as error:
            payloads_match_exactly(t1, t2)

        assert exp_result in str(error.value)
    def test_match_identical_objects(self):
        t1 = '{"1": "one"}'
        t2 = '{"1": "one"}'

        assert payloads_match_exactly(t1, t2) == True