def juliana_rfid_get(request, event_id, rfid): event = _get_validate_event(request, event_id) identifier = rfid_to_identifier(rfid=rfid) try: card = RfidCard.objects.get(identifier=identifier, is_active=True) except RfidCard.DoesNotExist: raise InvalidParamsError('RFID card not found') user = card.user authorization = Authorization.get_for_user_event(user, event) if not authorization: raise InvalidParamsError('No authorization found for user') res = { 'user': { 'id':, 'first_name': user.first_name, 'last_name': user.last_name, 'username': user.username, }, 'authorization': format_authorization(authorization), } return res
def rpc_thermostat_set_state(request, device, datetime, state): try: thermostat = ThermostatDevice.objects.get(id=device) except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise ThermostatDeviceNotFound() if thermostat: if state == 0: enabled = False elif state == 1: enabled = True else: raise InvalidParamsError("Invalid state.") try: dbState = ThermostatState.objects.filter( device=thermostat).order_by('-datetime')[0] except Exception: dbState = None if dbState is None or dbState.enabled != enabled: dt = parse_date(datetime) state = ThermostatState(device=thermostat, datetime=dt, enabled=enabled) return "OK" return "UNCHANGED" raise TemperatureDeviceNotFound()
def rpc_parse_datetime_range(range_from=None, range_to=None): if range_to is None: dt_to = datetime.utcnow() dt_to = dt_to.replace(second=0, microsecond=0) # use minute resolution dt_to = dt_to + timedelta(minutes=1) # round up else: try: dt_to = parse_date(range_to) except ParseError: raise InvalidParamsError("Invalid range_to date.") if range_from is None: dt_from = dt_to - timedelta(days=1) else: try: dt_from = parse_date(range_from) except ParseError: raise InvalidParamsError("Invalid range_from date.") return (dt_from, dt_to)
def rfid_to_identifier(rfid): if 'atqa' not in rfid: raise InvalidParamsError('atqa value required') if 'sak' not in rfid: raise InvalidParamsError('sak value required') if 'uid' not in rfid: raise InvalidParamsError('uid value required') if rfid['atqa'] == "00:04" and rfid['sak'] == "08": # MIFARE Classic 1k ia_rfid_prefix = '02' elif rfid['atqa'] == "00:02" and rfid['sak'] == "18": # MIFARE Classic 4k ia_rfid_prefix = '03' elif rfid['atqa'] == "03:44" and rfid['sak'] == "20": # MIFARE DESFire ia_rfid_prefix = '04' elif rfid['atqa'] == "00:44" and rfid['sak'] == "00": # MIFARE Ultralight ia_rfid_prefix = '05' else: raise InvalidParamsError('atqa/sak combination unknown') return '%s,%s' % (ia_rfid_prefix, rfid['uid'])
def juliana_user_check(request, event_id, user_id): event = _get_validate_event(request, event_id) try: user = User.objects.get(pk=user_id) except User.DoesNotExist: raise InvalidParamsError('User does not exist') order_sum = Order.objects \ .filter(authorization__in=user.authorizations.all(), event=event) \ .aggregate(Sum('amount'))['amount__sum'] if order_sum: return int(order_sum * 100) else: return 0
def _get_validate_event(request, event_id): """ Get and validate access to the given event id. :param request: Request object. :param event_id: Event id. :return: Event :raises InvalidParamsError: If the event id is invalid. :raises ForbiddenError: If the current user may not access the event. """ try: event = Event.objects.get(pk=event_id) except Event.DoesNotExist: raise InvalidParamsError('Event does not exist') cur_user = request.user if not request.user.is_superuser and not event.is_tender(cur_user): raise ForbiddenError('Forbidden - You are not a tender for this event') if not request.user.is_superuser and not event.can_be_opened(): raise ForbiddenError('Forbidden - This event is not open') return event
def juliana_order_save(request, event_id, user_id, purchases, rfid_data): """Saves a new order in the database""" event = _get_validate_event(request, event_id) rfid_identifier = rfid_to_identifier(rfid=rfid_data) try: user = User.objects.get(pk=user_id) rfidcard = RfidCard.objects.get(identifier=rfid_identifier, is_active=True) except User.DoesNotExist: raise InvalidParamsError('User does not exist') except RfidCard.DoesNotExist: raise InvalidParamsError('RFID card not found') cur_user = request.user authorization = Authorization.get_for_user_event(user, event) if not authorization: raise InvalidParamsError('No authorization available') order = Order(event=event, authorization=authorization, added_by=cur_user, rfidcard=rfidcard) for p in purchases: if p['product'][0:7] != 'product': raise InvalidParamsError('Product %s invalid' % p['product']) product_pk = int(p['product'][7:]) try: product = Product.objects.get(pk=product_pk) except Product.DoesNotExist: raise InvalidParamsError('Product %s not found' % p['product']) if product.is_permanent: product = product.permanentproduct if product.organization != event.organizer \ or product.productgroup not in event.pricegroup.productgroups.all(): raise InvalidParamsError( 'Product %s is not available for this event' % p['product']) elif product.is_temporary: product = product.temporaryproduct if event != product.event: raise InvalidParamsError( 'Product %s is not available for this event' % p['product']) else: raise OtherError('Product %s is broken' % p['product']) amount = p['amount'] if p['amount'] <= 0: raise InvalidParamsError('Zero or negative amount not allowed') price = amount * product.get_price(event) if price != p['price'] / Decimal(100): raise InvalidParamsError('Price for product %s is incorrect' % p['product']) purchase = Purchase(order=order, product=product, amount=amount, price=price) # ensure order.amount is correct return True
def rpc_parse_datetime(isodate): try: dt = parse_date(isodate) return dt except ParseError: raise InvalidParamsError("Invalid datetime.")