Esempio n. 1
def unique_ids(validator, ui, instance, schema, id_name="id"):
    if ui and validator.is_type(instance, "array"):
        non_unique_ids = set()
        all_ids = set()
        for item in instance:
                item_id = item.get(id_name)
            except AttributeError:
                # if item is not a dict
                item_id = None
            if (item_id and not isinstance(item_id, list)
                    and not isinstance(item_id, dict)):
                if item_id in all_ids:
                if not uniq(instance):
                    msg = "Array has non-unique elements"
                    err = ValidationError(msg, instance=instance)
                    err.error_id = "uniqueItems_no_ids"
                    yield err

        for non_unique_id in sorted(non_unique_ids):
            msg = "Non-unique {} values".format(id_name)
            err = ValidationError(msg, instance=non_unique_id)
            err.error_id = "uniqueItems_with_{}".format(id_name)
            yield err
def oneOf_draft4(validator, oneOf, instance, schema):
    oneOf_draft4 validator from

    Modified to:
    - sort the instance JSON, so we get a reproducible output that we
      can can test more easily
    - Yield all the individual errors for linked or embedded releases within a
    - Return more information on the ValidationError object, to allow us to
      replace the translation with a message in cove-ocds
    subschemas = enumerate(oneOf)
    all_errors = []
    for index, subschema in subschemas:
        errs = list(validator.descend(instance, subschema, schema_path=index))
        if not errs:
            first_valid = subschema
        # We check the title, because we don't have access to the field name,
        # as it lives in the parent.
        # It will not match the releases array in a release package, because
        # there is no oneOf.
        if (schema.get("title") == "Releases" or schema.get("description")
                == "An array of linking identifiers or releases"):
            # If instance is not a list, or is a list of zero length, then
            # validating against either subschema will work.
            # Assume instance is an array of Linked releases, if there are no
            # "id"s in any of the releases.
            if type(instance) is not list or all("id" not in release
                                                 for release in instance):
                if "properties" in subschema.get(
                    {}) and "id" not in subschema["items"]["properties"]:
                    for err in errs:
                        err.assumption = "linked_releases"
                        yield err
            # Assume instance is an array of Embedded releases, if there is an
            # "id" in each of the releases
            elif all("id" in release for release in instance):
                if "id" in subschema.get("items", {}).get(
                        "properties", {}) or subschema.get("items", {}).get(
                            "$ref", "").endswith("release-schema.json"):
                    for err in errs:
                        err.assumption = "embedded_releases"
                        yield err
                err = ValidationError(
                    "This array should contain either entirely embedded releases or "
                    "linked releases. Embedded releases contain an 'id' whereas linked "
                    "releases do not. Your releases contain a mixture.")
                err.error_id = "releases_both_embedded_and_linked"
                yield err

        err = ValidationError(
            f"{json.dumps(instance, sort_keys=True, default=decimal_default)} "
            "is not valid under any of the given schemas",
        err.error_id = "oneOf_any"
        yield err

    more_valid = [s for i, s in subschemas if validator.is_valid(instance, s)]
    if more_valid:
        reprs = ", ".join(repr(schema) for schema in more_valid)
        err = ValidationError(f"{instance!r} is valid under each of {reprs}")
        err.error_id = "oneOf_each"
        err.reprs = reprs
        yield err