Subject: Backup of file <%s> in %s MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit <pre>%s</pre> """ if not connect: connect = SMTP('smtp.%s:25' % toaddr.split(u'@')[-1]) #connect.set_debuglevel(1) try: connect.login(log, pas) connect.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddr, (message % (log, fromaddr, recipient, toaddr, apptitle, cur_time, text_message)).replace(u'\u2029', '<br>').encode('utf-8')) except: if ui.query(_('Action failed. Try again?')) == 1: return send() else: connect.quit() connect = None'Action complete!')) def get_shortcuts(cls): menu = old_get_shortcuts() menu.append(ui.MenuItem(_('Send buffer to email'), target=send)) return menu old_get_shortcuts = kaapython.repattr(kaapython.TextWindow, 'get_shortcuts', classmethod(get_shortcuts)) _ = kaapython.get_plugin_translator(__file__)
def ru(x): return x.decode('utf-8') def edit(x, y): if not y: return None win =[0] # тeкyщee oткpытoe oкнo if not isinstance(win, (kaapython.PythonFileWindow, kaapython.PythonShellWindow)): return # чтoбы paбoтaл тoлькo в python-oвcкиx oкнax body = win.body if body.get()[body.get_pos()-4:body.get_pos()] == u'e32.': help.start(([u'ao_sleep()', 1], [u'ao_yield()', 0], [u'Ao_lock()', 0], [u'Ao_timer()', 1], [u'ao_callgate()', 0])) #кopтeж из cпиcкoв, гдe caм тeкcт и вeличинa, нa кoтopyю пepeмecтитcя кypcop влeвo elif body.get()[body.get_pos()-4:body.get_pos()] == u'help': help.start(ru('a этo вcплывaющee oкнo c кaкими-нибyдь пoдcкaзкaми.')) script = kaapython.repattr(kaapython.PythonFileWindow, 'edit_callback', lambda self, pos, anchor: (script(self, pos, anchor), edit(pos, anchor))) shell = kaapython.repattr(kaapython.PythonShellWindow, 'edit_callback', lambda self, pos, anchor: (shell(self, pos, anchor), edit(pos, anchor))) help = helper.Window() def callback(): body = body.set_input_mode(aw.ENumericInputMode) body.add(help.result()) body.set_input_mode(aw.ETextInputMode) help.callback = callback help.initialization() ##################
help.start(moduls) elif text[pos - 1:pos] == u'.': try: mod_id = moduls.index(exp.encode('utf8')) try: mod = __import__(moduls[mod_id], globals(), globals()) funcs = dir(mod) help.start(funcs) except Exception, info:'Exception:\n%s') % info) except IndexError: if exp in globals(): help.start(dir(globals()[exp])) script = kaapython.repattr( kaapython.PythonFileWindow, 'edit_callback', lambda self, pos, anchor: (script(self, pos, anchor), edit(self, pos, anchor))) shell = kaapython.repattr( kaapython.PythonShellWindow, 'edit_callback', lambda self, pos, anchor: (shell(self, pos, anchor), edit(self, pos, anchor))) move = kaapython.repattr( kaapython.PythonFileWindow, 'move_callback', lambda self: (move(self), edit(self, self.body.get_pos(), 0))) help = helper.Window() def callback(): body = body.set_input_mode(aw.ENumericInputMode)
lines = text.count(u'\u2029') + 1 line = text[(text.rfind(u'\u2029') + 1):] indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) image.clear(0) image.text( (1, ((height / 2) - 1)), ((u'i:%4d|L:%7d|%8.2f%%|' % (indent, lines, (pos / ((self.body.len() / 100.0) or 1)))) + unicode( (time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) + (' $%d' % self.shortcut_mode)))), fill=(255, 255, 255), font=(None, (height / 2), FONT_ANTIALIAS)) image.text((1, (height - 1)), (u'w:%2d|e:%s|%s' % ((len( - 1), self.encoding, self.title)), fill=(255, 255, 255), font=(None, (height / 2), FONT_ANTIALIAS)) gbar.set(x, y, image._bitmapapi()) else: gbar.unset() return _timer.after(settings.time_interval, info) def new_open(self, focus=True): info(self) old_open(self, focus) old_open = kaapython.repattr(kaapython.Window, 'open', new_open)