Esempio n. 1
def _test_put_get(user):
    filenames = ['test.dat', 'test2.dat']

    # Make a local temp dir and put files there
    local_tmpdir = Ska.File.TempDir()
    with Ska.File.chdir(
        for filename in filenames:
            open(filename, 'w').write(filename)
        local_filenames = [os.path.abspath(x) for x in os.listdir(]

    remote_tmpdir = str(uuid.uuid4())  # random remote dir name
    occweb.ftp_put_to_lucky(remote_tmpdir, local_filenames, user=user)

    # Make a new local temp dir for the return
    local_tmpdir2 = Ska.File.TempDir()
    local_filenames = [os.path.join(, x) for x in filenames]
    occweb.ftp_get_from_lucky(remote_tmpdir, local_filenames, user=user)

    # Clean up remote temp dir
    lucky = Ska.ftp.SFTP('lucky')
    if user is None:
        user = lucky.ftp.get_channel().transport.get_username()
    lucky.rmdir('/home/{}/{}'.format(user, remote_tmpdir))

    # Make sure round-tripped files are the same
    with Ska.File.chdir(
        for filename in filenames:
            assert open(filename).read() == filename
Esempio n. 2
def _test_put_get(user):
    filenames = ['test.dat', 'test2.dat']

    # Make a local temp dir and put files there
    local_tmpdir = Ska.File.TempDir()
    with Ska.File.chdir(
        for filename in filenames:
            open(filename, 'w').write(filename)
        local_filenames = [os.path.abspath(x) for x in os.listdir(]

    remote_tmpdir = str(uuid.uuid4())  # random remote dir name
    occweb.ftp_put_to_lucky(remote_tmpdir, local_filenames, user=user)

    # Make a new local temp dir for the return
    local_tmpdir2 = Ska.File.TempDir()
    local_filenames = [os.path.join(, x) for x in filenames]
    occweb.ftp_get_from_lucky(remote_tmpdir, local_filenames, user=user)

    # Clean up remote temp dir
    lucky = Ska.ftp.SFTP('lucky')
    if user is None:
        user = lucky.ftp.get_channel().transport.get_username()
    lucky.rmdir('/home/{}/{}'.format(user, remote_tmpdir))

    # Make sure round-tripped files are the same
    with Ska.File.chdir(
        for filename in filenames:
            assert open(filename).read() == filename
Esempio n. 3
def main():
    Command line interface to update the cmd_states table to reflect current
    load segments / timelines in database.

    Usage: [options]::

        -h, --help            show this help message and exit
        --dbi=DBI             Database interface (sqlite|sybase)
        --server=SERVER       DBI server (<filename>|sybase)
        --user=USER           database user (default=Ska.DBI default)
        --database=DATABASE   database name (default=Ska.DBI default)
        --h5file=H5FILE       filename for HDF5 version of cmd_states
                              Starting date for update (default=Now-10 days)
        --mp_dir=DIR          MP directory. (default=/data/mpcrit1/mplogs)
        --loglevel=LOGLEVEL   Log level (10=debug, 20=info, 30=warnings)
        --occ                 Running on OCC network (default=False)
    opt, args = get_options()

    # Configure logging to emit msgs to stdout
                        stream=sys.stdout)'Running {0} at {1}'
                 .format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), time.ctime()))

    # Paths for the "flight" versions
    # In that case use ftp directory cmd_states, else cmd_states_test.
    flt_h5 = '/proj/sot/ska/data/cmd_states/cmd_states.h5'
    flt_db3 = '/proj/sot/ska/data/cmd_states/cmd_states.db3'
    ftp_h5_dirname = 'cmd_states' if opt.h5file == flt_h5 else 'cmd_states_test'
    ftp_db3_dirname = 'cmd_states' if opt.server == flt_db3 else 'cmd_states_test'
    # If running on the OCC (GRETA) network then just try to get a new HDF5
    # file from lucky in /home/taldcroft/cmd_states and copy to opt.h5file.  The
    # file will appear on lucky only when the HEAD network version gets updated
    # with changed content.
    if opt.occ:
        if opt.server:
            occweb.ftp_get_from_lucky(ftp_db3_dirname, [opt.server], logger=logging)
        if opt.h5file:
            occweb.ftp_get_from_lucky(ftp_h5_dirname, [opt.h5file], logger=logging)

    logging.debug('Connecting to db: dbi=%s server=%s user=%s database=%s'
                  % (opt.dbi, opt.server, opt.user, opt.database))
        db = Ska.DBI.DBI(dbi=opt.dbi, server=opt.server, user=opt.user,
                         database=opt.database, verbose=False)
        if opt.dbi == 'sqlite':
            db.conn.text_factory = str
    except Exception as msg:
        logging.error('ERROR: failed to connect to {0}:{1} server: {2}'
                      .format(opt.dbi, opt.server, msg))

    if opt.h5file:
        filters = tables.Filters(complevel=5, complib='zlib')
        tables_open_file = getattr(tables, 'open_file', None) or tables.openFile
        h5 = tables_open_file(opt.h5file, mode='a', filters=filters)
        h5 = None

    # Get initial state containing the specified datestart
    logging.debug('Getting initial state0')
    state0 = cmd_states.get_state0(date=opt.datestart, db=db)
    logging.debug('Initial state0: datestart=%s datestop=%s obsid=%d' %
                 (state0['datestart'], state0['datestop'], state0['obsid']))

    # Sync up datestart to state0 and get timeline load segments including
    # state0 and beyond.
    datestart = state0['datestart']
    logging.debug('Getting timeline_loads after %s' % datestart)
    timeline_loads = db.fetchall("""SELECT * from timeline_loads
                                    WHERE datestop > '%s'""" % datestart)
    logging.debug('Found %s timeline_loads' % len(timeline_loads))

    # Get cmds since datestart.  If needed add cmds to database
    logging.debug('Getting cmds after %s' % datestart)
    cmds = cmd_states.get_cmds(datestart, db=db, update_db=True,
    logging.debug('Found %s cmds after %s' % (len(cmds), datestart))

    # Get the states generated by cmds starting from state0
    logging.debug('Generating cmd_states after %s' % datestart)
    states = cmd_states.get_states(state0, cmds)
    logging.debug('Found %s states after %s' % (len(states), datestart))

    # Update cmd_states in database
    logging.debug('Updating database cmd_states table')
    states_changed = update_states_db(states, db, h5)

    # If updating sqlite, push that to lucky
    if opt.dbi == 'sqlite':
        occweb.ftp_put_to_lucky(ftp_db3_dirname, [opt.server], logger=logging)

    if h5:
        # Check for consistency between HDF5 and SQL
        n_check = 3000 if states_changed else 100
        check_consistency(db, h5, n_check)

        # upload to lucky ftp server
        occweb.ftp_put_to_lucky(ftp_h5_dirname, [opt.h5file], logger=logging)

    # Close down for good measure.
    if h5:
Esempio n. 4
    cmds = cmd_states.get_cmds(datestart, db=db, update_db=True,
    logging.debug('Found %s cmds after %s' % (len(cmds), datestart))

    # Get the states generated by cmds starting from state0
    logging.debug('Generating cmd_states after %s' % datestart)
    states = cmd_states.get_states(state0, cmds)
    logging.debug('Found %s states after %s' % (len(states), datestart))

    # Update cmd_states in database
    logging.debug('Updating database cmd_states table')
    states_changed = update_states_db(states, db, h5)

    if h5:
        # Check for consistency between HDF5 and SQL
        n_check = 3000 if states_changed else 100
        check_consistency(db, h5, n_check)

        # upload to lucky ftp server
        occweb.ftp_put_to_lucky(ftp_dirname, [opt.h5file], logger=logging)

    # Close down for good measure.
    if h5:

if __name__ == '__main__':