def eval_expr_listo(exprs: Union[List, Var], env, value, depth=0, maxdepth=3):
    """ Evaluate a list of expressions. Not the same as evaluating the List AST """
    if depth >= maxdepth:
        # logger.debug("Depth {} reached, which is the maximum depth".format(depth))
        return fail
    uuid = str(uuid4())[:4]
    head_expr = var("head_expr_" + uuid)
    tail_expr = var("tail_expr_" + uuid)
    head_value = var("head_value_" + uuid)
    tail_value = var("tail_value_" + uuid)
    # fmt: off
    return conde((
        typeo(exprs, list),
        typeo(value, list),
        # Either empty list or filled list
            (eq(exprs, []), eq(value, [])),
                conso(head_expr, tail_expr, exprs),
                eval_expro(head_expr, env, head_value, depth + 1, maxdepth),
                # TODO: how to do depth in lists?
                typeo(tail_expr, list),
                typeo(tail_value, list),
                eval_expr_listo(tail_expr, env, tail_value, depth + 1,
                conso(head_value, tail_value, value)))))
Esempio n. 2
def walk(pos, path, end_pos):
    if eq(path, []):
        eq(pos, end_pos)
        return success
        x = var()
        return conde(edges(pos, path[0], x), walk(x, path[1:], end_pos))
Esempio n. 3
    def generic_recusive_predicate(
        bvars = [
                [(c, kanren.var()) for c in v]
                + [(x, args[x]) for x in range(head.get_arity())]
            for v in bvars
        rvars = [
                [(c, kanren.var()) for c in v]
                + [(x, args[x]) for x in range(head.get_arity())]
            for v in rvars

        base_cases = [
                        bvars[ind][ar] if ar in bvars[ind] else ar.get_name()
                        for ar in a[1:]
                for a in cl
            for ind, cl in enumerate(bases)

        recursion = [
                        rvars[ind][ar] if ar in rvars[ind] else ar.get_name()
                        for ar in a[1:]
                if a[0] != head_predicate
                else kanren.core.Zzz(
                        rvars[ind][ar] if ar in rvars[ind] else ar.get_name()
                        for ar in a[1:]
                for a in cl
            for ind, cl in enumerate(recursion)

        all_for_conde = base_cases + recursion

        return kanren.conde(*all_for_conde)
def eval_stmto(stmt, env, new_env, depth=0, maxdepth=3):"Evaluating stmt {} to new env {} using old env {}".format(
    if depth >= maxdepth:
        return fail

    uuid = str(uuid4())[:4]

    # fmt: off
    goals = conde(
                ast.Assign(targets=var('assign_targets_' + uuid),
                           value=var("assign_value_" + uuid))),
            # TODO: Allow for multiple assigns: a, b, = ...
            heado(ast.Name(id=var('assign_lhs_' + uuid), ctx=ast.Store()),
                  var('assign_targets_' + uuid)),
            eval_expro(var("assign_value_" + uuid), env,
                       var("assign_rhs_" + uuid)),
            conso([var("assign_lhs_" + uuid),
                   var("assign_rhs_" + uuid)], env,
                  new_env),  # new_env = [lhs, rhs] + env
        # Expression statements don't change the environment
            eq(stmt, ast.Expr(value=var("exprbody" + uuid))),  # Expressions
            eq(env, new_env)),
    # fmt: on
    return goals
Esempio n. 5
def tios(x, z):
    y = var()
    w = var()
    lista = set(run(16, x, conde((padre(y, x), padre(y, w), padre(w, z)))))
    p = list(run(8, x, padre(x, z)))
    for i in p:
    return lista
Esempio n. 6
def tios(x, z):
    y = var()
    w = var()
    vtios=set(run(10, x, conde((parent(y,x), parent(y,w), parent(w,z)))))
    p=list(run(10, x, parent(x, z)))
    for i in p:
    return vtios
Esempio n. 7
def math_reduceo(in_expr, out_expr):
    """Create a relation for a couple math-based identities."""
    x_lv = var()
    x_lv.token = f'x{x_lv.token}'

    return (lall,
                eq(in_expr, etuple(add, x_lv, x_lv)),
                eq(out_expr, etuple(mul, 2, x_lv))
            ], [
                eq(in_expr, etuple(log, etuple(exp, x_lv))),
                eq(out_expr, x_lv)
            conde([(isinstanceo, [in_expr,
                                  (float, int, ExpressionTuple)], True)],
                  [(isinstanceo, [out_expr,
                                  (float, int, ExpressionTuple)], True)]))
def eval_expro(expr, env, value, depth=0, maxdepth=3):
    # logger.debug("Evaluating expr {} to {} with env {}".format(expr, value, env))
    uuid = str(uuid4())[:4]
    if isinstance(expr, ast.AST):"Found AST for expr -> {}".format(
    if isinstance(value, ast.AST):"Found AST for value -> {}".format(

    if depth >= maxdepth:
        return fail
    # fmt: off
    return conde(
        (eq(expr, ast.Name(id=var('name_' + uuid), ctx=ast.Load())),
         lookupo(var('name_' + uuid), env, value)),
        # (lany(
        #     typeo(value, int),
        #     typeo(value, str),
        #  ),
        #  eq(expr, ast.Constant(value=value)),),
        (eq(expr, ast.Str(s=var('str_e_' + uuid))), typeo(
            value, str), eq(var('str_e_' + uuid), value)),
        (eq(expr, ast.Num(n=value)), membero(value, [_ for _ in range(5)])),
            ast.BinOp(left=var('e1_' + uuid),
                      op=var('op_e_' + uuid),
                      right=var('e2_' + uuid))), typeo(var('v1_' + uuid), int),
         typeo(var('v2_' + uuid), int),
         eval_expro(var('e1_' + uuid), env, var('v1_' + uuid), depth + 1,
         eval_expro(var('e2_' + uuid), env, var('v2_' + uuid), depth + 1,
         eval_opo(var('op_e_' + uuid), var('op_v_' + uuid), var('v1_' + uuid),
                  var('v2_' + uuid), value),
         binopo(var('v1_' + uuid),
                var('v2_' + uuid),
                op=var('op_v_' + uuid))),

        # Lists
        (eq(expr, ast.List(elts=var("list_elements_" + uuid), ctx=ast.Load())),
         eval_expr_listo(var("list_elements_" + uuid), env, value, depth,

        # Functions
        (eq(expr, ast.Lambda(body=var('body_' + uuid),
                             args=[])), typeo(value, FunctionType),
         eval_expro(var('body_' + uuid), env, var('body_v_' + uuid), depth + 1,
                    maxdepth), eq(lambda: var('body_v_' + uuid), value)),
        (eq(expr, ast.Call(func=var('func_' + uuid), args=[], keywords=[])),
         typeo(var('func_v_' + uuid), FunctionType),
         eval_expro(var('func_' + uuid), env, var('func_v_' + uuid), depth + 1,
                    maxdepth), applyo(var('func_v_' + uuid), [], value)),
def lookupo(name, env, t, depth=0, maxdepth=100):
    if depth >= maxdepth:
        return fail

    head = var()
    rest = var()
    # fmt: off
    return conde(
        (heado(head, env), heado(name, head), tailo(rest, head), heado(
            t, rest)),
        (tailo(rest, env), lookupo(name, rest, t, depth + 1, maxdepth)))
Esempio n. 10
 def generic_predicate(*args,
     vars_to_use = dict([(v, kanren.var()) for v in ovars])
     return kanren.conde([
             args[hvars[y]] if y in hvars else vars_to_use[y]
             for y in x.get_terms()
         ]) for x in core_obj.get_literals()
def eval_opo(op, value, v1, v2, v):
    # Extra args for future use
    # fmt: off
    return conde(
        (eq(op, ast.Add()), eq(value, add)),
        (eq(op, ast.Sub()), eq(value, sub)),
        (eq(op, ast.Mult()), eq(value, mul)),
            eq(op, ast.Mod()),
            neq(v2, 0),  # Prevent division by zero
            eq(value, mod)),
Esempio n. 12
def primos(x,w):
    y = var()
    j = var()
    k = var()
    l = var()
    vprimos=set(run(10, x, conde((parent(y,x), parent(j,w), parent(k,y),parent(k,j)))))
    for i in hermano:
    return vprimos
Esempio n. 13
def test_instanceo():
    b_lv, q_lv = var(), var()

    goal_sets = [
        # Logic variable instance type that's immediately ground in another
        # goal
        ([isinstanceo(q_lv, list), eq(q_lv, [])], ([],)),
        # Logic variable in the type argument that's eventually unified with
        # a valid type for the given instance argument
        ([isinstanceo([], q_lv), eq(q_lv, list)], (list,)),
        # Logic variable type argument that's eventually reified to a tuple
        # containing a valid type for the instance argument
        # NOTE: Not currently supported.
        # (
        #     [isinstanceo([], q_lv), eq(q_lv, (int, b_lv)), eq(b_lv, list)],
        #     ((int, list),),
        # ),
        # A non-ground, non-logic variable instance argument that changes type
        # when ground
        ([isinstanceo(cons(1, q_lv), list), eq(q_lv, [])], ([],)),
        # Logic variable instance argument that's eventually grounded through
        # another logic variable
        ([isinstanceo(q_lv, int), eq(b_lv, 1), eq(b_lv, q_lv)], (1,)),
        # The same, but with `conde`
                isinstanceo(q_lv, int),
                # One succeeds, one fails
                conde([eq(b_lv, 1)], [eq(b_lv, "hi")]),
                eq(b_lv, q_lv),
        # Logic variable instance argument that's eventually grounded to a
        # mismatched instance type through another logic variable
        ([isinstanceo(q_lv, int), eq(b_lv, 1.0), eq(b_lv, q_lv)], ()),
        # Logic variable type argument that's eventually grounded to a
        # mismatched instance type through another logic variable (i.e. both
        # arguments are ground to `int` types)
        ([isinstanceo(q_lv, b_lv), eq(b_lv, int), eq(b_lv, q_lv)], ()),
        # Logic variable type argument that's eventually grounded to a
        # mismatched instance type through another logic variable (i.e. both
        # arguments are ground to the value `1`, which violates the second
        # argument type expectations)
        ([isinstanceo(q_lv, b_lv), eq(b_lv, 1), eq(b_lv, q_lv)], ()),
        # Check a term that's unground by ground enough for this constraint
        ([isinstanceo(q_lv, tuple), eq([(b_lv,)], q_lv)], ()),

    for i, (goal, expected) in enumerate(goal_sets):
        for goal_ord in permutations(goal):
            res = run(0, q_lv, *goal_ord)
            assert res == expected, (i, goal_ord)
Esempio n. 14
def primos(x, w):
    y = var()
    t = var()
    u = var()
    e = var()

    lista = set(
        run(40, x, conde((padre(y, x), padre(t, w), padre(u, y), padre(u,
    herm = hermanos(e, w)
    for i in herm:
    return lista
Esempio n. 15
def test_disequality():

    a_lv, b_lv = var(), var()
    q_lv, c_lv = var(), var()

    goal_sets = [
        ([neq(a_lv, 1)], 1),
        ([neq(cons(1, a_lv), [1]), eq(a_lv, [])], 0),
        ([neq(cons(1, a_lv), [1]), eq(a_lv, b_lv), eq(b_lv, [])], 0),
        ([neq([1], cons(1, a_lv)), eq(a_lv, b_lv), eq(b_lv, [])], 0),
        # TODO FIXME: This one won't work due to an ambiguity in `cons`.
        # (
        #     [
        #         neq([1], cons(1, a_lv)),
        #         eq(a_lv, b_lv),
        #         # Both make `cons` produce a list
        #         conde([eq(b_lv, None)], [eq(b_lv, [])]),
        #     ],
        #     0,
        # ),
        ([neq(cons(1, a_lv), [1]), eq(a_lv, b_lv), eq(b_lv, tuple())], 1),
        ([neq([1], cons(1, a_lv)), eq(a_lv, b_lv), eq(b_lv, tuple())], 1),
                neq([1], cons(1, a_lv)),
                eq(a_lv, b_lv),
                # The first should fail, the second should succeed
                conde([eq(b_lv, [])], [eq(b_lv, tuple())]),
        ([neq(a_lv, 1), eq(a_lv, 1)], 0),
        ([neq(a_lv, 1), eq(b_lv, 1), eq(a_lv, b_lv)], 0),
        ([neq(a_lv, 1), eq(b_lv, 1), eq(a_lv, b_lv)], 0),
        ([neq(a_lv, b_lv), eq(b_lv, c_lv), eq(c_lv, a_lv)], 0),

    for i, (goal, num_results) in enumerate(goal_sets):
        # The order of goals should not matter, so try them all
        for goal_ord in permutations(goal):

            res = list(lconj(*goal_ord)({}))
            assert len(res) == num_results, (i, goal_ord)

            res = list(lconj(*goal_ord)(ConstrainedState()))
            assert len(res) == num_results, (i, goal_ord)

            assert len(run(0, q_lv, *goal_ord)) == num_results, (i, goal_ord)
Esempio n. 16
 def locate():
     action = var('action')
     reply = var('reply')
     post_replies = var('post.repliesCount')
     reply_syns = {'reply', 'comment'}
     return (
         (post_replies, (reply,)),
             conde((R['dobj'](action, reply),),
                   (R['pobj'](action, reply),)),
             one_of(R, reply, reply_syns),
             R['nummod'](reply, post_replies),
             membero(reply, not_used),
             membero(post_replies, not_used)
Esempio n. 17
def test_typeo():
    a_lv, b_lv, q_lv = var(), var(), var()

    goal_sets = [
        # Logic variable instance type that's immediately ground in another
        # goal
        ([typeo(q_lv, int), eq(q_lv, 1)], (1,)),
        # Use an unhashable constrained term
        ([typeo(q_lv, list), eq(q_lv, [])], ([],)),
        # TODO: A constraint parameter that is never ground
        # ([typeo(a_lv, q_lv), eq(a_lv, 1)], (int,)),
        # A non-ground, non-logic variable instance argument that changes type
        # when ground
        ([typeo(cons(1, a_lv), list), eq(a_lv, [])], (q_lv,)),
        # Logic variable instance and type arguments
        ([typeo(q_lv, int), eq(b_lv, 1), eq(b_lv, q_lv)], (1,)),
        # The same, but with `conde`
                typeo(q_lv, int),
                # One succeeds, one fails
                conde([eq(b_lv, 1)], [eq(b_lv, "hi")]),
                eq(b_lv, q_lv),
        # Logic variable instance argument that's eventually grounded to a
        # mismatched instance type through another logic variable
        ([typeo(q_lv, int), eq(b_lv, 1.0), eq(b_lv, q_lv)], ()),
        # Logic variable type argument that's eventually grounded to a
        # mismatched instance type through another logic variable (i.e. both
        # arguments are ground to `int` types)
        ([typeo(q_lv, b_lv), eq(b_lv, int), eq(b_lv, q_lv)], ()),
        # Logic variable type argument that's eventually grounded to a
        # mismatched instance type through another logic variable (i.e. both
        # arguments are ground to the value `1`, which violates the second
        # argument type expectations)
        ([typeo(q_lv, b_lv), eq(b_lv, 1), eq(b_lv, q_lv)], ()),
        # Check a term that's unground by ground enough for this constraint
        ([typeo(a_lv, tuple), eq([(b_lv,)], a_lv)], ()),

    for i, (goal, expected) in enumerate(goal_sets):
        for goal_ord in permutations(goal):
            res = run(0, q_lv, *goal_ord)
            assert res == expected, (i, goal_ord)
Esempio n. 18
 def locate():
     post_text = var('post.text')
     post = var('post')
     post_syns = {'message', 'content', 'post'}
     contain = var('contain')
     return (
         (post_text, (contain, post_text)),
             one_of(R, post, post_syns),
             R['LEMMA'](contain, 'contain'),
             conde((R['relcl'](post, contain),),
                   (R['acl'](post, contain),)),
             R['oprd'](contain, post_text),
             membero(contain, not_used),
             membero(post_text, not_used)
Esempio n. 19
def single_math_reduceo(expanded_term, reduced_term):
    """Construct a goal for some simple math reductions."""
    x_lv = var()
    return lall(
        isinstanceo(x_lv, Real),
        isinstanceo(x_lv, ExpressionTuple),
                eq(expanded_term, etuple(add, x_lv, x_lv)),
                eq(reduced_term, etuple(mul, 2, x_lv)),
                eq(expanded_term, etuple(log, etuple(exp, x_lv))),
                eq(reduced_term, x_lv)
def eval_programo(program: ast.Module, env, value):"Evaluating program {} to {} with env {}".format(

    goals = []
    curr_env = env
    for ast_expr in program.body:"Evaluating statement {} with env {}".format(
            ast_dump_if_possible(ast_expr), ast_dump_if_possible(curr_env)))
        new_env = var()
        g = eval_stmto(ast_expr, curr_env, new_env)
        curr_env = find_new_env_after_stmt(g,

    return conde(goals), curr_env
Esempio n. 21
def hermanos(x,w):
    vhermanos=set(run(10, x, conde((parent(y,x), parent(y,w) ))))
    return vhermanos
Esempio n. 22
def parent(x, y):
    return conde((father(x, y),), (mother(x,y),))
Esempio n. 23
def abuelos(x, z):
    y = var()
    return conde((parent(x,y), parent(y,z) ))
Esempio n. 24
def grandparent(gparent, child):
    p = var()
    return conde((parent(gparent, p), parent(p, child)))
Esempio n. 25
def grandparent(x, z):
    y = var()
    return conde((parent(x, y), parent(y, z)))
Esempio n. 26
def grandparent(x, z):
    y = var()
    return conde((dayCal(x, y), dayCal(y, z)))
Esempio n. 27
def uncle(x, y):
    temp = var()
    return conde((father(temp, x), grandparent(temp, y)))
Esempio n. 28
def grandparent(gp, child):
    p = var()
    return conde((parent(gp, p), parent(p, child)))
Esempio n. 29
def sibling(x, y):
    temp = var()
    return conde((parent(temp, x), parent(temp, y)))
Esempio n. 30
def grandparent(x, y):
    temp = var()
    return conde((parent(x, temp), parent(temp, y)))
Esempio n. 31
def parent(p, child):
    return conde([father(p, child)], [mother(p, child)])
Esempio n. 32
def sibling(a, b):
    p = var()
    return conde((parent(p, a), parent(p, b)))
Esempio n. 33
 def one_to_threeo(x, y):
     return conde([eq(x, 1), eq(y, 3)])