Esempio n. 1
def print_grep_matches(grep_matches, color=True):
    Print text associated to grep matches.

    grep_matches    - the list of Artifacts to print
                      in the form of grep matches
    color           - a boolean, if True, color is enabled

    for view_id, match in enumerate(grep_matches):
        path = "/".join(
            fs.get_filename_parts_wo_prefix(match[0], config["PATH_KB_DATA"]))
        line_number = match[1]
        matched_text = match[2]

        if color:
            path = BOLD + str(path) + RESET
            line_number = BOLD + str(line_number) + RESET

        result_line = "{path}:{line_number}:{matched_text}".format(
            path=path, line_number=line_number, matched_text=matched_text)
Esempio n. 2
def grep(args: Dict[str, str], config: Dict[str, str]):
    Grep through the list of artifacts of the knowledge base of kb.

    args:           - a dictionary containing the following fields:
                      regex -> the regex to search for
                      case_insensitive -> a boolean, if true,
                        the search will be case insensitive
                      matches -> a boolean, if true, only the raw
                        matches will be shown
                      verbose -> a boolean, if true, a verbose
                        output is produced on screen
    config:         - a configuration dictionary containing at least
                      the following keys:
                      PATH_KB_DB        - the database path of KB
                      PATH_KB_DATA      - the data directory of KB
                      PATH_KB_HIST      - the history menu path of KB

    conn = db.create_connection(config["PATH_KB_DB"])

    # Get all artifacts
    rows = db.get_artifacts_by_filter(conn, title="")

    # Get all the file paths related to the artifacts in the database
    file_list = [Path(config["PATH_KB_DATA"], r.category, r.title)
                 for r in rows]

    # Grep in the files
    results = fs.grep_in_files(

    # Get the list of artifact tuples in the form (category,title)
    artifact_names = [fs.get_filename_parts_wo_prefix(
        res[0], config["PATH_KB_DATA"]) for res in results]

    # If user specied --matches -> just show matching lines and exit
    if args["matches"]:

    # Get the set of uniq artifacts
    uniq_artifact_names = set(artifact_names)

    # Get the number of matches (hits) for each path found
    filecounts = get_hits_per_artifact_name(artifact_names)

    grep_result = list()

    for art in uniq_artifact_names:
        artifact = db.get_artifacts_by_filter(
            conn, category=art[0], title=art[1])[0]
        if artifact:
            no_of_hits = filecounts[art]
            grep_result.append((artifact, no_of_hits))

    # Sort by number of hits, the largest -> the first
    grep_result.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

    grep_artifacts = [r[0] for r in grep_result]
    grep_hits = [r[1] for r in grep_result]

    # Write to history file
    history.write(config["PATH_KB_HIST"], grep_artifacts)

    color_mode = not args["no_color"]
    if args["verbose"]:
            grep_artifacts, grep_hits, color_mode)
        printer.print_grep_result(grep_artifacts, grep_hits, color_mode)