Esempio n. 1
def __main__():
    myID = kb.register()
    obj_from_stt = {
        "text": "We will build a great wall"
    kb.addFact(myID, TAG_USER_TRANSCRIPT, 1, 100, False, obj_from_stt)
Esempio n. 2
def __main__():
    myID = kb.register()
    obj_from_erasmus = {
        "Professor Gervasi is giving classes of the Smart Application course in room L on Wednesday at 14:00"
    kb.addFact(myID, "GNLP_ANSWER", 1, 100, False, obj_from_erasmus)
Esempio n. 3
def __main__():
    Registers the module and subscribe to transcripts tuples
    global myID
    myID = kb.register()
    kb.subscribe(myID, {
        "text": "$input"
    }, callback)  #from the 'text to speech' module
Esempio n. 4
from kb import register

Esempio n. 5
def __main__():
    global myID
    myID = kb.register()
    kb.subscribe(myID, {TAG_ANSWER: "$input"},
                 callback)  # from the 'gnlp' module
Esempio n. 6
def speech_to_text(queue):
    This function implements the translation from speech to text with online and offline services, and compute the
    emotion related to the speech
    :param queue: process shared queue
    myID = kb.register()
    # TODO handle error of registration to KB
    r = sr.Recognizer()
    queue_transc = Queue()
    while True:

        # Data stored in the queue contain all the information needed to create AudioData object
        timestamp, channels, sampleRate, bitPerSample, data = queue.get()
        audio = sr.AudioData(data, sampleRate, bitPerSample/8)

        #TODO detect language
        #TODO add emotion from speech
        emotion = None

        # Transcribe audio with google speech recognition and sphinx
        sphinx_rec = Process(target=recognize, args=("sphinx", audio,  queue_transc, timestamp, r))
        google_rec = Process(target=recognize, args=("google", audio, queue_transc, timestamp, r))

        req_err = False
        res = queue_transc.get()
        models_res = {"google": None, "sphinx": None}

        while not res["timestamp"] == timestamp:
            # this case ensure that the results is not related to old queries
            res = queue_transc.get()

        models_res[res["model"]] = res
        if models_res["google"] is None:
            res = queue_transc.get()
            while not res["timestamp"] == timestamp:
                # this case ensure that the results is not related to old queries
                res = queue_transc.get()
            models_res["google"] = res

        if models_res["google"]["error"] == None:
            # Add to KB Google result with timestamp and ID
            print("Insert into KB only Google result")
            print(kb.addFact(myID, "text_f_audio", 2, 50, 'false', {"TAG": "text_f_audio",
                                                                    "ID": timestamp,
                                                                    "timestamp": timestamp,
                                                                    "text": models_res["google"]["text"],
                                                                    "emotion": emotion})) #TODO adjust "text_f_audio", 2, 50, 'false'
            if models_res["sphinx"] == None:
                res = queue_transc.get()
                while not res["timestamp"] == timestamp:
                    # this case ensure that the results is not related to old queries
                    res = queue_transc.get()
                models_res["sphinx"] = res

            if models_res["sphinx"]["error"] == None:
                # Add to KB Sphinx result with timestamp and ID
                print("Insert into KB only Sphinx result")
                print(kb.addFact(myID, "text_f_audio", 2, 50, 'false', {"TAG": "text_f_audio",
                                                                        "ID": timestamp,
                                                                        "timestamp": timestamp,
                                                                        "text": models_res["sphinx"]["text"],
                                                                        "emotion": emotion}))#TODO adjust "text_f_audio", 2, 50, 'false'
                # Add to KB that none of google and sphinx retrieved a result
                print("Insert into KB that no Google or Sphinx result")
                print(kb.addFact(myID, "text_f_audio", 2, 50, 'false', {"TAG": "text_f_audio",
                                                                        "ID": timestamp,
                                                                        "timestamp": timestamp,
                                                                        "text": "",
                                                                        "emotion": emotion})) #TODO adjust "text_f_audio", 2, 50, 'false' #TODO probably better way to define the error for other module