def aux_var_model(f, K, sn, g=None): """Implementation of auxiliary variable model inside sds sampling method Reference: P(f|g,theta) = N(f; m_theta_g, R_theta_g) Parameters ---------- f: ndarray with shape (n_samples,) latent samples K: ndarray with shape (n_samples, n_samples) covariance of training samples sn: float noise g: ndarray with shape (n_samples,) auxiliary values with P(g|theta) = N(g; 0, Sigma_theta + S_theta) """ n = K.shape[0] Kii = np.diagonal(K) K_ii_inv = 1./(Kii) v_1 = (sn**2)**(-1) + K_ii_inv # v-1 = variance of posterior P(f|L, theta) according to Laplace Approximation Sii = 1./(v_1 - K_ii_inv) S = np.zeros_like(K) np.fill_diagonal(S, Sii) S = np.maximum(S, 0.) if g is None: # g =, np.random.normal(size=(n,))) g = np.random.multivariate_normal(f, S, 1).T.reshape((n,)) L = tools.jitchol(K+S) V = np.linalg.solve(L, K) # V = L-1 * K, V.T*V = K.T * (K+S)-1 * K R_theta = K -, V) # R_theta = K -, np.linalg.inv(K+S)), K) # LS = np.linalg.cholesky(S) # beta = tools.solve_chol(LS.T, g) # beta = S-1 * g # m_theta_g =, beta) m_theta_g =, np.linalg.inv(S)), g) chol_R_theta = tools.jitchol(R_theta+np.eye(n)*1e-11) return g, K+S, m_theta_g, chol_R_theta, L
def inf_mcmc(f, model, ys=0): """Inference of fs|f Parameters ---------- f: ndarray with shape (n_samples, n_mcmc_iters) latent samples from MCMC model: GP instance Trained Gaussian process model, which has x, y, mean, cov & llk func's ys: ndarray with shape (n_samples,) testing target, for the purpose of computing log-likelihood """ x = model.x y = model.y xs= model.xs my = np.mean(y) n_samples = f.shape[1] ns = xs.shape[0] n, D = x.shape m = np.tile(model.meanfunc.getMean(x), (1, n_samples)) K = model.covfunc.getCovMatrix(x=x, mode='train') sn2 =**2. L = tools.jitchol(K/sn2+np.eye(n)).T alpha = tools.solve_chol(L, f-m)/sn2 #**(-1), f-m) sW = np.ones((n, 1))/np.sqrt(sn2) Ltril = np.all(np.tril(L, -1) == 0) # is L an upper triangular matrix? kss = model.covfunc.getCovMatrix(z=xs, mode='self_test') # this only contains the diagonal terms Ks = model.covfunc.getCovMatrix(x=x, z=xs, mode='cross') ms = model.meanfunc.getMean(xs) Fmu = np.tile(ms, (1, n_samples)) +, alpha) # conditional mean fs|f if Ltril: # L is triangular => use Cholesky parameters (alpha, sW, L) V = np.linalg.solve(L.T, np.tile(sW, (1, ns))*Ks) # Ks has shape (n, ns), fs2 = kss - np.array([(V*V).sum(axis=0)]).T else: # L is not triangular => use alternative parametrization fs2 = kss + np.array([(Ks*, Ks)).sum(axis=0)]).T # variance can only be >= 0 Fs2 = np.maximum(fs2, 0) # Fs2 = np.tile(fs2, (1, n_samples)) Fmu = np.mean(Fmu, axis=1, keepdims=True) Ymu, Lower, Upper = model.likfunc.evaluate(mu=Fmu, s2=Fs2) ym = np.reshape(np.mean(Ymu, axis=1), (ns, 1)) + my ys_lw = np.reshape(np.mean(Lower, axis=1), (ns, 1)) + my ys_up = np.reshape(np.mean(Upper, axis=1), (ns, 1)) + my return ym, ys_lw, ys_up, Fs2