def main(args=None): """Generate random periodic time series and train an autoencoder model. args: dict Dictionary of values to override default values in `keras_util.parse_model_args`; can also be passed via command line. See `parse_model_args` for full list of possible arguments. """ args = ku.parse_model_args(args) train = np.arange(args.N_train); test = np.arange(args.N_test) + args.N_train X, Y, X_raw = sample_data.periodic(args.N_train + args.N_test, args.n_min, args.n_max, even=args.even, noise_sigma=args.sigma, kind=args.data_type) if args.even: X = X[:, :, 1:2] X_raw = X_raw[:, :, 1:2] else: X[:, :, 0] = ku.times_to_lags(X_raw[:, :, 0]) X[np.isnan(X)] = -1. X_raw[np.isnan(X_raw)] = -1. model_type_dict = {'gru': GRU, 'lstm': LSTM, 'vanilla': SimpleRNN} main_input = Input(shape=(X.shape[1], X.shape[-1]), name='main_input') if args.even: model_input = main_input aux_input = None else: aux_input = Input(shape=(X.shape[1], X.shape[-1] - 1), name='aux_input') model_input = [main_input, aux_input] encode = encoder(main_input, layer=model_type_dict[args.model_type], output_size=args.embedding, **vars(args)) decode = decoder(encode, num_layers=args.decode_layers if args.decode_layers else args.num_layers, layer=model_type_dict[args.decode_type if args.decode_type else args.model_type], n_step=X.shape[1], aux_input=aux_input, **{k: v for k, v in vars(args).items() if k != 'num_layers'}) model = Model(model_input, decode) run = ku.get_run_id(**vars(args)) if args.even: history = ku.train_and_log(X[train], X_raw[train], run, model, **vars(args)) else: sample_weight = (X[train, :, -1] != -1) history = ku.train_and_log({'main_input': X[train], 'aux_input': X[train, :, 0:1]}, X_raw[train, :, 1:2], run, model, sample_weight=sample_weight, **vars(args)) return X, Y, X_raw, model, args
def main(args=None): args = ku.parse_model_args(args) N = args.N_train + args.N_test train = np.arange(args.N_train) test = np.arange(args.N_test) + args.N_train X, Y, X_raw = sample_data.periodic(N, args.n_min, args.n_max, even=args.even, noise_sigma=args.sigma, kind=args.data_type) if args.even: X = X[:, :, 1:2] else: X[:, :, 0] = ku.times_to_lags(X_raw[:, :, 0]) X[np.isnan(X)] = -1. X_raw[np.isnan(X_raw)] = -1. Y = sample_data.phase_to_sin_cos(Y) scaler = StandardScaler(copy=False, with_mean=True, with_std=True) scaler.fit_transform(Y) if args.loss_weights: # so far, only used to zero out some columns Y *= args.loss_weights model_type_dict = {'gru': GRU, 'lstm': LSTM, 'vanilla': SimpleRNN} model_input = Input(shape=(X.shape[1], X.shape[-1]), name='main_input') encode = encoder(model_input, layer=model_type_dict[args.model_type], output_size=Y.shape[-1], **vars(args)) model = Model(model_input, encode) run = ku.get_run_id(**vars(args)) history = ku.train_and_log(X[train], Y[train], run, model, **vars(args)) return X, Y, X_raw, scaler, model, args
def main(args=None): args = parse_model_args(args) K.set_floatx('float64') run = get_run_id(**vars(args)) log_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'keras_logs', args.sim_type, run) #Loading the model architecture weights_path = os.path.join(log_dir, 'weights.h5') #Loading the model weights print("log_dir", log_dir) print("Weight matrix read...") #Load the model #How do I access dict using index? I just want to load the model #Why not use the main args? model = list(survey_autoencoder(vars(args)))[2] #LOADING GMM PARAMTERS # Where is updated? gmm_para = np.load(log_dir + '/gmm_parameters') gmm_mu = gmm_para[gmm_mu] #Size = embedding size * #classes #LOADING THE MODEL decode_model = Model(inputs=model.input, outputs=model.get_layer('time_dist').output) #What is X[valid], X[new] #TRAINING SAMPLES gmm_mu = np.float64(gmm_mu) #NO AUX INPUT FOR DECODER! DOES IT ASSUME EVEN INPUTS? decoding_train = decode_model.predict(gmm_mu) print(decoding_train.shape) phase = np.linspace(0, 1, len(decoding_train[0])) for i in range(len(decoding_train)): plt.plot(phase, decoding_train[i])
def main(args=None): """Train an autoencoder model from `LightCurve` objects saved in `args.survey_files`. args: dict Dictionary of values to override default values in `keras_util.parse_model_args`; can also be passed via command line. See `parse_model_args` for full list of possible arguments. """ args = ku.parse_model_args(args) np.random.seed(0) K.set_floatx('float64') run = ku.get_run_id(**vars(args)) if not args.survey_files: raise ValueError("No survey files given") lc_lists = [joblib.load(f) for f in args.survey_files] n_reps = [max(len(y) for y in lc_lists) // len(x) for x in lc_lists] combined = sum([x * i for x, i in zip(lc_lists, n_reps)], []) # Preparation for classification probability classprob_pkl = joblib.load("./data/asassn/class_probs.pkl") class_probability = dict(classprob_pkl) # Combine subclasses into eight superclasses: # CEPH, DSCT, ECL, RRAB, RRCD, M, ROT, SR for lc in combined: if ((lc.label == 'EW') or (lc.label == 'EA') or (lc.label == 'EB')): lc.label = 'ECL' if ((lc.label == 'CWA') or (lc.label == 'CWB') or (lc.label == 'DCEP') or (lc.label == 'DCEPS') or (lc.label == 'RVA')): lc.label = "CEPH" if ((lc.label == 'DSCT') or (lc.label == 'HADS')): lc.label = "DSCT" if ((lc.label == 'RRD') or (lc.label == 'RRC')): lc.label = "RRCD" top_classes = ['SR', 'RRAB', 'RRCD', 'M', 'ROT', 'ECL', 'CEPH', 'DSCT'] print ("Number of raw LCs:", len(combined)) if args.lomb_score: combined = [lc for lc in combined if lc.best_score >= args.lomb_score] if args.ss_resid: combined = [lc for lc in combined if lc.ss_resid <= args.ss_resid] if args.class_prob: combined = [lc for lc in combined if float(class_probability["/")[-1][2:-4]]) >= args.class_prob] #combined = [lc for lc in combined if lc.class_prob >= args.class_prob] # Select only superclasses for training combined = [lc for lc in combined if lc.label in top_classes] split = [el for lc in combined for el in lc.split(args.n_min, args.n_max)] if args.period_fold: for lc in split: lc.period_fold() X_list = [np.c_[lc.times, lc.measurements, lc.errors] for lc in split] classnames, indices = np.unique([lc.label for lc in split], return_inverse=True) y = classnames[indices] periods = np.array([np.log10(lc.p) for lc in split]) periods = periods.reshape(len(split), 1) X_raw = pad_sequences(X_list, value=np.nan, dtype='float64', padding='post') model_type_dict = {'gru': GRU, 'lstm': LSTM, 'vanilla': SimpleRNN} X, means, scales, wrong_units, X_err = preprocess(X_raw, args.m_max) y = y[~wrong_units] periods = periods[~wrong_units] # Prepare the indices for training and validation train, valid = list(StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=SEED).split(X, y))[0] X_valid = X[valid] y_valid = y[valid] means_valid = means[valid] scales_valid = scales[valid] periods_valid = periods[valid] energy_dummy_valid = np.zeros((X_valid.shape[0], 1)) X_err_valid = X_err[valid] sample_weight_valid = 1. / X_err_valid X = X[train] y = y[train] means = means[train] scales = scales[train] periods = periods[train] energy_dummy = np.zeros((X.shape[0], 1)) X_err = X_err[train] sample_weight = 1. / X_err supports_valid = np.concatenate((means_valid, scales_valid, periods_valid), axis=1) supports = np.concatenate((means, scales, periods), axis=1) num_supports_train = supports.shape[-1] num_supports_valid = supports_valid.shape[-1] assert(num_supports_train == num_supports_valid) num_additional = num_supports_train + 2 # 2 for reconstruction error if (args.gmm_on): gmm = GMM(args.num_classes, args.embedding+num_additional) ### Covert labels into one-hot vectors for training label_encoder = LabelEncoder() ### Transform the integers into one-hot vector for softmax train_y_encoded = label_encoder.transform(y) train_y = np_utils.to_categorical(train_y_encoded) ### Repeat for validation dataset label_encoder = LabelEncoder() ### Transform the integers into one-hot vector for softmax valid_y_encoded = label_encoder.transform(y_valid) valid_y = np_utils.to_categorical(valid_y_encoded) main_input = Input(shape=(X.shape[1], 2), name='main_input') # dim: (200, 2) = dt, mag aux_input = Input(shape=(X.shape[1], 1), name='aux_input') # dim: (200, 1) = dt's model_input = [main_input, aux_input] if (args.gmm_on): support_input = Input(shape=(num_supports_train,), name='support_input') model_input = [main_input, aux_input, support_input] encode = encoder(main_input, layer=model_type_dict[args.model_type], output_size=args.embedding, **vars(args)) decode = decoder(encode, num_layers=args.decode_layers if args.decode_layers else args.num_layers, layer=model_type_dict[args.decode_type if args.decode_type else args.model_type], n_step=X.shape[1], aux_input=aux_input, **{k: v for k, v in vars(args).items() if k != 'num_layers'}) optimizer = Adam( if not args.finetune_rate else args.finetune_rate) if (not args.gmm_on): model = Model(model_input, decode) model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss='mse', sample_weight_mode='temporal') else: est_net = EstimationNet(args.estnet_size, args.num_classes, K.tanh) # extract x_i and hat{x}_{i} for reconstruction error feature calculations main_input_slice = Lambda(lambda x: x[:,:,1], name="main_slice")(main_input) decode_slice = Lambda(lambda x: x[:,:,0], name="decode_slice")(decode) z_both = Lambda(extract_features, name="concat_zs")([main_input_slice, decode_slice, encode, support_input]) gamma = est_net.inference(z_both, args.estnet_drop_frac) print ("z_both shape", z_both.shape) print ("gamma shape", gamma.shape) sigma_i = Lambda(lambda x:[0], x[1]), output_shape=(args.num_classes, args.embedding+num_additional, args.embedding+num_additional), name="sigma_i")([z_both, gamma]) energy = Lambda(lambda x:[0], x[1]), name="energy")([z_both, sigma_i]) model_output = [decode, gamma, energy] model = Model(model_input, model_output) optimizer = Adam( if not args.finetune_rate else args.finetune_rate) model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss=['mse', 'categorical_crossentropy', energy_loss], loss_weights=[1.0, 1.0, args.lambda1], metrics={'gamma':'accuracy'}, sample_weight_mode=['temporal', None, None]) # summary for checking dimensions print(model.summary()) if (args.gmm_on): history = ku.train_and_log( {'main_input':X, 'aux_input':np.delete(X, 1, axis=2), 'support_input':supports}, {'time_dist':X[:, :, [1]], 'gamma':train_y, 'energy':energy_dummy}, run, model, sample_weight={'time_dist':sample_weight, 'gamma':None, 'energy':None}, validation_data=( {'main_input':X_valid, 'aux_input':np.delete(X_valid, 1, axis=2), 'support_input':supports_valid}, {'time_dist':X_valid[:, :, [1]], 'gamma':valid_y, 'energy':energy_dummy_valid}, {'time_dist':sample_weight_valid, 'gamma':None, 'energy':None}), **vars(args)) else: # Just train RNN autoencoder history = ku.train_and_log({'main_input':X, 'aux_input':np.delete(X, 1, axis=2)}, X[:, :, [1]], run, model, sample_weight=sample_weight, validation_data=( {'main_input':X_valid, 'aux_input':np.delete(X_valid, 1, axis=2)}, X_valid[:, :, [1]], sample_weight_valid), **vars(args)) return X, X_raw, model, means, scales, wrong_units, args
def main(args=None): """Generate random periodic time series and train an autoencoder model. args: dict Dictionary of values to override default values in `keras_util.parse_model_args`; can also be passed via command line. See `parse_model_args` for full list of possible arguments. """ args = ku.parse_model_args(args) train = np.arange(args.N_train) test = np.arange(args.N_test) + args.N_train npzfile = np.load('/Users/juan/L3/ml_prototype/training_data_rnn.npy.npz', allow_pickle=True) X1 = npzfile['arr_0'] Y = npzfile['arr_1'] Y[np.isnan(Y)] = 0.5 print(Y) X = tf.keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(X1, maxlen=None, dtype="float", padding="post", truncating="pre", value=0.0) model_type_dict = {'gru': GRU, 'lstm': LSTM, 'vanilla': SimpleRNN} main_input = Input(shape=(X.shape[1], X.shape[-1]), name='main_input') if args.even: model_input = main_input aux_input = None else: aux_input = Input(shape=(X.shape[1], X.shape[-1] - 1), name='aux_input') model_input = [main_input, aux_input] encode = encoder(main_input, layer=model_type_dict[args.model_type], output_size=args.embedding, **vars(args)) decode = decoder( encode, num_layers=args.decode_layers if args.decode_layers else args.num_layers, layer=model_type_dict[args.decode_type if args.decode_type else args. model_type], n_step=X.shape[1], aux_input=aux_input, **{k: v for k, v in vars(args).items() if k != 'num_layers'}) model = Model(model_input, decode) model.compile(optimizer="Adam", loss="mse") #run = ku.get_run_id(**vars(args)) #if args.even: #history = ku.train_and_log(X[train], Y[train], run, model, **vars(args)) #history = ku.train_and_log(X[train], Y[train], run, model, nb_epoch, batch_size, lr, loss, sim_type, metrics=[], # sample_weight=None, no_train=False, patience=20, finetune_rate=None, # validation_split=0.2, validation_data=None, gpu_frac=None, # noisify=False, errors=None, pretrain_weights=None) history =, Y, batch_size=64, validation_split=0.2, epochs=1) #else: # sample_weight = (X[train, :, -1] != -1) # history = ku.train_and_log({'main_input': X[train], 'aux_input': X[train, :, 0:1]}, # X_raw[train, :, 1:2], run, model, # sample_weight=sample_weight, **vars(args)) return X, Y, model, args
def main(args=None): args = ku.parse_model_args(args) args.loss = 'categorical_crossentropy' np.random.seed(0) if not args.survey_files: raise ValueError("No survey files given") classes = [ 'RR_Lyrae_FM', 'W_Ursae_Maj', 'Classical_Cepheid', 'Beta_Persei', 'Semireg_PV' ] lc_lists = [joblib.load(f) for f in args.survey_files] combined = [lc for lc_list in lc_lists for lc in lc_list] combined = [lc for lc in combined if lc.label in classes] if args.lomb_score: combined = [lc for lc in combined if lc.best_score >= args.lomb_score] split = [el for lc in combined for el in lc.split(args.n_min, args.n_max)] if args.period_fold: for lc in split: lc.period_fold() X_list = [np.c_[lc.times, lc.measurements, lc.errors] for lc in split] classnames, y_inds = np.unique([lc.label for lc in split], return_inverse=True) Y = to_categorical(y_inds, len(classnames)) X_raw = pad_sequences(X_list, value=np.nan, dtype='float', padding='post') X, means, scales, wrong_units = preprocess(X_raw, args.m_max) Y = Y[~wrong_units] # Remove errors X = X[:, :, :2] if args.even: X = X[:, :, 1:] # shuffled_inds = np.random.permutation(np.arange(len(X))) # train = np.sort(shuffled_inds[:args.N_train]) # valid = np.sort(shuffled_inds[args.N_train:]) train, valid = list( StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=0).split(X_list, y_inds))[0] model_type_dict = { 'gru': GRU, 'lstm': LSTM, 'vanilla': SimpleRNN, 'conv': Conv1D } #, 'atrous': AtrousConv1D, 'phased': PhasedLSTM} # if args.pretrain: # auto_args = {k: v for k, v in args.__dict__.items() if k != 'pretrain'} # auto_args['sim_type'] = args.pretrain ## auto_args['no_train'] = True # auto_args['epochs'] = 1; auto_args['loss'] = 'mse'; auto_args['batch_size'] = 32; auto_args['sim_type'] = 'test' # _, _, auto_model, _ = survey_autoencoder(auto_args) # for layer in auto_model.layers: # layer.trainable = False # model_input = auto_model.input[0] # encode = auto_model.get_layer('encoding').output # else: # model_input = Input(shape=(X.shape[1], X.shape[-1]), name='main_input') # encode = encoder(model_input, layer=model_type_dict[args.model_type], # output_size=args.embedding, **vars(args)) model_input = Input(shape=(X.shape[1], X.shape[-1]), name='main_input') encode = encoder(model_input, layer=model_type_dict[args.model_type], output_size=args.embedding, **vars(args)) scale_param_input = Input(shape=(2, ), name='scale_params') merged = merge([encode, scale_param_input], mode='concat') out = Dense(args.size + 2, activation='relu')(merged) out = Dense(Y.shape[-1], activation='softmax')(out) model = Model([model_input, scale_param_input], out) run = ku.get_run_id(**vars(args)) if args.pretrain: for layer in model.layers: layer.trainable = False pretrain_weights = os.path.join('keras_logs', args.pretrain, run, 'weights.h5') else: pretrain_weights = None history = ku.train_and_log( [X[train], np.c_[means, scales][train]], Y[train], run, model, metrics=['accuracy'], validation_data=([X[valid], np.c_[means, scales][valid]], Y[valid]), pretrain_weights=pretrain_weights, **vars(args)) return X, X_raw, Y, model, args
def main(args=None): """Train an autoencoder model from `LightCurve` objects saved in `args.survey_files`. args: dict Dictionary of values to override default values in `keras_util.parse_model_args`; can also be passed via command line. See `parse_model_args` for full list of possible arguments. """ args = ku.parse_model_args(args) np.random.seed(0) if not args.survey_files: raise ValueError("No survey files given") lc_lists = [joblib.load(f) for f in args.survey_files] n_reps = [max(len(y) for y in lc_lists) // len(x) for x in lc_lists] combined = sum([x * i for x, i in zip(lc_lists, n_reps)], []) if args.lomb_score: combined = [lc for lc in combined if lc.best_score >= args.lomb_score] if args.ss_resid: combined = [lc for lc in combined if lc.ss_resid <= args.ss_resid] split = [el for lc in combined for el in lc.split(args.n_min, args.n_max)] if args.period_fold: for lc in split: lc.period_fold() X_list = [np.c_[lc.times, lc.measurements, lc.errors] for lc in split] X_raw = pad_sequences(X_list, value=np.nan, dtype='float', padding='post') model_type_dict = {'gru': GRU, 'lstm': LSTM, 'vanilla': SimpleRNN} X, means, scales, wrong_units = preprocess(X_raw, args.m_max) main_input = Input(shape=(X.shape[1], X.shape[-1]), name='main_input') aux_input = Input(shape=(X.shape[1], X.shape[-1] - 1), name='aux_input') model_input = [main_input, aux_input] encode = encoder(main_input, layer=model_type_dict[args.model_type], output_size=args.embedding, **vars(args)) decode = decoder( encode, num_layers=args.decode_layers if args.decode_layers else args.num_layers, layer=model_type_dict[args.decode_type if args.decode_type else args. model_type], n_step=X.shape[1], aux_input=aux_input, **{k: v for k, v in vars(args).items() if k != 'num_layers'}) model = Model(model_input, decode) run = ku.get_run_id(**vars(args)) errors = X_raw[:, :, 2] / scales sample_weight = 1. / errors sample_weight[np.isnan(sample_weight)] = 0.0 X[np.isnan(X)] = 0. history = ku.train_and_log( { 'main_input': X, 'aux_input': np.delete(X, 1, axis=2) }, X[:, :, [1]], run, model, sample_weight=sample_weight, errors=errors, validation_split=0.0, **vars(args)) return X, X_raw, model, means, scales, wrong_units, args
def main(args=None): args = parse_model_args(args) K.set_floatx('float64') run = get_run_id(**vars(args)) log_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'keras_logs', args.sim_type, run) weights_path = os.path.join(log_dir, 'weights.h5') if not os.path.exists(weights_path): raise FileNotFoundError(weights_path) X_fold, X_raw_fold, model, means, scales, wrong_units, args = survey_autoencoder( vars(args)) print("log_dir", log_dir) print("Weight matrix read...") full = joblib.load(args.survey_files[0]) # Combine subclasses # Resulting in five classes: RR, EC, SR, M, ROT for lc in full: if ((lc.label == 'EW') or (lc.label == 'EA') or (lc.label == 'EB')): lc.label = 'ECL' if ((lc.label == 'CWA') or (lc.label == 'CWB') or (lc.label == 'DCEP') or (lc.label == 'DCEPS') or (lc.label == 'RVA')): lc.label = "CEPH" if ((lc.label == 'DSCT') or (lc.label == 'HADS')): lc.label = "DSCT" if ((lc.label == 'RRD') or (lc.label == 'RRC')): lc.label = "RRCD" top_classes = ['SR', 'RRAB', 'RRCD', 'M', 'ROT', 'ECL', 'CEPH', 'DSCT'] new_classes = ['VAR'] top = [lc for lc in full if lc.label in top_classes] new = [lc for lc in full if lc.label in new_classes] # Preparation for classification probability classprob_pkl = joblib.load("./data/asassn/class_probs.pkl") class_probability = dict(classprob_pkl) if args.ss_resid: top = [lc for lc in top if lc.ss_resid <= args.ss_resid] if args.class_prob: top = [ lc for lc in top if float(class_probability["/")[-1][2:-4]]) >= 0.9 ] #top = [lc for lc in top if lc.class_prob >= args.class_prob] split = [el for lc in top for el in lc.split(args.n_min, args.n_max)] split_new = [el for lc in new for el in lc.split(args.n_min, args.n_max)] if args.period_fold: for lc in split: lc.period_fold() for lc in split_new: if lc.p is not None: lc.period_fold() X_list = [np.c_[lc.times, lc.measurements, lc.errors] for lc in split] classnames, indices = np.unique([lc.label for lc in split], return_inverse=True) y = classnames[indices] periods = np.array([np.log10(lc.p) for lc in split]) periods = periods.reshape(len(split), 1) X_raw = pad_sequences(X_list, value=0., dtype='float64', padding='post') X, means, scales, wrong_units, X_err = preprocess(X_raw, args.m_max) y = y[~wrong_units] periods = periods[~wrong_units] train, valid = list( StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=SEED).split(X, y))[0] X_train = X[train] y_train = y[train] means_train = means[train] scales_train = scales[train] periods_train = periods[train] energy_dummy = np.zeros((X_train.shape[0], 1)) X_valid = X[valid] y_valid = y[valid] means_valid = means[valid] scales_valid = scales[valid] periods_valid = periods[valid] energy_dummy_valid = np.zeros((X_valid.shape[0], 1)) supports_train = np.concatenate((means_train, scales_train, periods_train), axis=1) supports_valid = np.concatenate((means_valid, scales_valid, periods_valid), axis=1) # New class data (VAR type) X_list_new = [ np.c_[lc.times, lc.measurements, lc.errors] for lc in split_new ] classnames_new, indices_new = np.unique([lc.label for lc in split_new], return_inverse=True) y_new = classnames_new[indices_new] periods_new = np.array( [np.log10(lc.p) if lc.p is not None else 99.0 for lc in split_new]) periods_new = periods_new.reshape(len(split_new), 1) X_raw_new = pad_sequences(X_list_new, value=0., dtype='float64', padding='post') X_new, means_new, scales_new, wrong_units_new, X_err_new = preprocess( X_raw_new, args.m_max) y_new = y_new[~wrong_units_new] periods_new = periods_new[~wrong_units_new] supports_new = np.concatenate((means_new, scales_new, periods_new), axis=1) ### Concatenating validation data and data from new classes for testing novelty detection y_new = np.concatenate((y_valid, y_new), axis=0) X_new = np.concatenate((X_valid, X_new), axis=0) supports_new = np.concatenate((supports_valid, supports_new), axis=0) num_supports_train = supports_train.shape[-1] num_supports_valid = supports_valid.shape[-1] assert (num_supports_train == num_supports_valid) num_additional = num_supports_train + 2 # 2 for reconstruction error ### flagging novel samples as 1, samples in superclasses 0. true_flags = np.array([1 if (l not in top_classes) else 0 for l in y_new]) ### Making one-hot labels label_encoder1 = LabelEncoder() train_y_encoded = label_encoder1.transform(y_train) train_y = np_utils.to_categorical(train_y_encoded) label_encoder2 = LabelEncoder() valid_y_encoded = label_encoder2.transform(y_valid) valid_y = np_utils.to_categorical(valid_y_encoded) label_encoder3 = LabelEncoder() new_y_encoded = label_encoder3.transform(y_new) new_y = np_utils.to_categorical(new_y_encoded) ### Loading trained autoencoder network encode_model = Model(inputs=model.input, outputs=model.get_layer('encoding').output) decode_model = Model(inputs=model.input, outputs=model.get_layer('time_dist').output) X_train = np.float64(X_train) X_valid = np.float64(X_valid) X_new = np.float64(X_new) # Passing samples through trained layers encoding_train = encode_model.predict({ 'main_input': X_train, 'aux_input': np.delete(X_train, 1, axis=2), 'support_input': supports_train }) encoding_valid = encode_model.predict({ 'main_input': X_valid, 'aux_input': np.delete(X_valid, 1, axis=2), 'support_input': supports_valid }) encoding_new = encode_model.predict({ 'main_input': X_new, 'aux_input': np.delete(X_new, 1, axis=2), 'support_input': supports_new }) decoding_train = decode_model.predict({ 'main_input': X_train, 'aux_input': np.delete(X_train, 1, axis=2), 'support_input': supports_train }) decoding_valid = decode_model.predict({ 'main_input': X_valid, 'aux_input': np.delete(X_valid, 1, axis=2), 'support_input': supports_valid }) decoding_new = decode_model.predict({ 'main_input': X_new, 'aux_input': np.delete(X_new, 1, axis=2), 'support_input': supports_new }) z_both_train = extract_features([ X_train[:, :, 1], decoding_train[:, :, 0], encoding_train, supports_train ]) z_both_valid = extract_features([ X_valid[:, :, 1], decoding_valid[:, :, 0], encoding_valid, supports_valid ]) z_both_new = extract_features( [X_new[:, :, 1], decoding_new[:, :, 0], encoding_new, supports_new]) z_both_train = K.eval(z_both_train) z_both_valid = K.eval(z_both_valid) z_both_new = K.eval(z_both_new) # Retrieve estimation network if gmm is on if (args.gmm_on): estnet_model = Model(inputs=model.input, outputs=model.get_layer('gamma').output) gamma_train = estnet_model.predict({ 'main_input': X_train, 'aux_input': np.delete(X_train, 1, axis=2), 'support_input': supports_train }) gamma_valid = estnet_model.predict({ 'main_input': X_valid, 'aux_input': np.delete(X_valid, 1, axis=2), 'support_input': supports_valid }) else: est_net = EstimationNet(args.estnet_size, args.num_classes, K.tanh) # Fit data to gmm if joint, train gmm if sequential gmm = GMM(args.num_classes, args.embedding + num_additional) gmm_init = gmm.init_gmm_variables() # If sequential training, create and train the estimation net if (not args.gmm_on): z_input = Input(shape=(args.embedding + num_additional, ), name='z_input') gamma = est_net.inference(z_input, args.estnet_drop_frac) sigma_i = Lambda(lambda x:[0], x[1]), output_shape=(args.num_classes, args.embedding + num_additional, args.embedding + num_additional), name="sigma_i")([z_input, gamma]) energy = Lambda(lambda x:[0], x[1]), name="energy")([z_input, sigma_i]) # Setting up the GMM model model_output = [gamma, energy] model = Model(z_input, model_output) optimizer = Adam( if not args.finetune_rate else args.finetune_rate) model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss=['categorical_crossentropy', energy_loss], metrics={'gamma': 'accuracy'}, loss_weights=[1.0, args.lambda1]) # Controlling outputs estnet_size = args.estnet_size estsize = "_".join(str(s) for s in estnet_size) gmm_run = 'estnet{}_estdrop{}_l1{}'.format( estsize, int(100 * args.estnet_drop_frac), args.lambda1) gmm_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'keras_logs', args.sim_type, run, gmm_run) if (not os.path.isdir(gmm_dir)): os.makedirs(gmm_dir) # For classifier training only args.nb_epoch = args.cls_epoch history = ku.train_and_log(z_both_train, { 'gamma': train_y, 'energy': energy_dummy }, gmm_dir, model, validation_data=(z_both_valid, { 'gamma': valid_y, 'energy': energy_dummy_valid }, { 'gamma': None, 'energy': None }), **vars(args)) gamma_train, energy_train = model.predict(z_both_train) gamma_valid, energy_valid = model.predict(z_both_valid) if (not args.gmm_on): log_dir = gmm_dir plot_dir = os.path.join(log_dir, 'figures/') if (not os.path.isdir(plot_dir)): os.makedirs(plot_dir) # Converting to Keras variables to use Keras.backend functions z_both_train_K = K.variable(z_both_train) gamma_train_K = K.variable(gamma_train) z_both_valid_K = K.variable(z_both_valid) gamma_valid_K = K.variable(gamma_valid) z_both_new_K = K.variable(z_both_new) # Fitting GMM parameters only with training set sigma_i_train =, gamma_train_K) sigma_i_dummy = 1.0 assert (gmm.fitted == True) # Energy calculation energy_train = K.eval(, sigma_i_train))[:, 0] energy_valid = K.eval(, sigma_i_dummy))[:, 0] energy_new = K.eval(, sigma_i_dummy))[:, 0] energy_known = [ e for i, e in enumerate(energy_new) if (true_flags[i] == 0) ] energy_unknown = [ e for i, e in enumerate(energy_new) if (true_flags[i] == 1) ] print("known/unknown", len(energy_known), len(energy_unknown)) gmm_phi = K.eval(gmm.phi) gmm_mu = K.eval( gmm_sigma = K.eval(gmm.sigma) np.savez(log_dir + '/gmm_parameters.npz', gmm_phi=gmm_phi, gmm_mu=gmm_mu, gmm_sigma=gmm_sigma) percentile_list = [80.0, 95.0] txtfilename = log_dir + "/novel_detection_scores.txt" txtfile = open(txtfilename, 'w') for per in percentile_list: new_class_energy_threshold = np.percentile(energy_train, per) print( f"Energy threshold to detect new class: {new_class_energy_threshold:.2f}" ) new_pred_flag = np.where(energy_new >= new_class_energy_threshold, 1, 0) prec, recall, fscore, _ = precision_recall_fscore_support( true_flags, new_pred_flag, average="binary") print(f"Detecting new using {per:.1f}% percentile") print(f" Precision = {prec:.3f}") print(f" Recall = {recall:.3f}") print(f" F1-Score = {fscore:.3f}") txtfile.write(f"Detecting new using {per:.1f}% percentile \n") txtfile.write(f" Precision = {prec:.3f}\n") txtfile.write(f" Recall = {recall:.3f}\n") txtfile.write(f" F1-Score = {fscore:.3f}\n") txtfile.close() ### Make plots of energy nbin = 100 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.hist(energy_train, nbin, normed=True, color='black', histtype='step', label='Training Set') plt.hist(np.isfinite(energy_unknown), nbin, normed=True, color='blue', histtype='step', label='Unknown Classes') plt.hist(energy_known, nbin, normed=True, color='green', histtype='step', label='Known Classes') plt.legend() plt.xlabel(r"Energy E(z)") plt.ylabel("Probability") plt.savefig(plot_dir + 'energy_histogram.pdf', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() plt.cla() plt.close() ### Generate confusion matrix le_list = list(label_encoder2.classes_) predicted_onehot = gamma_valid predicted_labels = [ le_list[np.argmax(onehot, axis=None, out=None)] for onehot in predicted_onehot ] corr_num, tot_num = plot_confusion_matrix( y_valid, predicted_labels, classnames, plot_dir + 'asassn_nn_confusion.pdf') nn_acc = corr_num / tot_num ### Generate confusion matrix for RF RF_PARAM_GRID = { 'n_estimators': [50, 100, 250], 'criterion': ['gini', 'entropy'], 'max_features': [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3], 'min_samples_leaf': [1, 2, 3] } rf_model = GridSearchCV(RandomForestClassifier(random_state=0), RF_PARAM_GRID), y[train]) rf_train_acc = 100 * rf_model.score(encoding_train, y[train]) rf_valid_acc = 100 * rf_model.score(encoding_valid, y[valid]) plot_confusion_matrix(y[valid], rf_model.predict(encoding_valid), classnames, plot_dir + 'asassn_rf_confusion.pdf') ### Text output txtfilename = log_dir + "/classification_accuracy.txt" txtfile = open(txtfilename, 'w') ### Writing results txtfile.write("===== Classification Accuracy =====\n") txtfile.write(f"Neural Network Classifier: {nn_acc:.2f}\n") txtfile.write("==========================\n") txtfile.write("Random Forest Classifier\n") txtfile.write(f"Training accuracy: {rf_train_acc:2.2f}%\n") txtfile.write(f"Validation accuracy: {rf_valid_acc:2.2f}%\n") txtfile.write(f"Best RF {rf_model.best_params_}\n") txtfile.write("==========================\n") txtfile.close()