Esempio n. 1
            meas    = np.asarray(sw.meas['AW'][t])
            weights = 1e4 / sw.plot_size * (dx/4) * np.ones(meas.shape)
            plt.hist(meas, bins=N/4, weights=weights,
                     histtype='stepfilled', color='0.5', edgecolor='0.5', label='aspen meas')

            plt.plot(aw.x, naw[j], '-r', label='aspen', linewidth=2)

            plt.xlabel('dbh (mm)')
            plt.ylabel('stems per hectare')
            plt.savefig('plots/proj_%s_%d.png' % (plotname, t))


    psw = [ sw.population(nsw[j]) for j in range(len(T)) ]
    paw = [ aw.population(naw[j]) for j in range(len(T)) ]

    psw[0] = sum(nsw[0])
    paw[0] = sum(naw[0])

    # Tmeas   = [ t for t in sw.meas['SW'] ]
    Tmeas   = sw.years
    pswmeas = np.asarray([ len(sw.meas['SW'][t]) for t in Tmeas ]) / sw.plot_size * 1e4
    pawmeas = np.asarray([ len(aw.meas['AW'][t]) for t in Tmeas ]) / aw.plot_size * 1e4

    plt.plot(T[1:], psw[1:], 'ob', label='spruce')
    plt.plot(T[1:], paw[1:], 'or', label='aspen')
    plt.plot(Tmeas, pswmeas, 'sc', label='spruce (meas)')
    plt.plot(Tmeas, pawmeas, 'sm', label='aspen (meas)')
Esempio n. 2
    sw = ABBSW()
    aw = ABBAW()

    L, U, N, T, x, name = plot["attrs"]
    nsw, naw = plot["nsw"], plot["naw"]

    dx = float(U - L) / N

    # setup kernels and connect them to each other
    for k in [sw, aw]:
        k.L, k.U = L, U
        k.setup(MidPoint(), N)

    mrates = []
    for j in range(1, nsw.shape[0] - 1):
        mr = sw.population(nsw[j + 1]) / sw.population(nsw[j])
    mrates = np.asarray(mrates)
    print name, np.mean(mrates), np.var(mrates)

    # plt.figure()
    # for j, t in enumerate(T):
    #     plt.plot(sw.x, nsw[j], '-b')
    #     plt.plot(aw.x, naw[j], '-r')

    psw = np.asarray([sw.population(nsw[j]) for j in range(len(T))])
    paw = np.asarray([aw.population(naw[j]) for j in range(len(T))])

    psw[0] = sum(nsw[0])
    paw[0] = sum(naw[0])