def get_endpoint(self,
        """Return a valid endpoint for a service.

        If a valid token is not present then a new one will be fetched using
        the session and kwargs.

        :param session: A session object that can be used for communication.
        :type session: keystonauth.session.Session
        :param string service_type: The type of service to lookup the endpoint
                                    for. This plugin will return None (failure)
                                    if service_type is not provided.
        :param string interface: The exposure of the endpoint. Should be
                                 `public`, `internal`, `admin`, or `auth`.
                                 `auth` is special here to use the `auth_url`
                                 rather than a URL extracted from the service
                                 catalog. Defaults to `public`.
        :param string region_name: The region the endpoint should exist in.
        :param string service_name: The name of the service in the catalog.
        :param tuple version: The minimum version number required for this
                              endpoint. (optional)

        :raises keystonauth.exceptions.HttpError: An error from an invalid
                                                     HTTP response.

        :return: A valid endpoint URL or None if not available.
        :rtype: string or None
        # NOTE(jamielennox): if you specifically ask for requests to be sent to
        # the auth url then we can ignore many of the checks. Typically if you
        # are asking for the auth endpoint it means that there is no catalog to
        # query however we still need to support asking for a specific version
        # of the auth_url for generic plugins.
        if interface is plugin.AUTH_INTERFACE:
            url = self.auth_url
            service_type = service_type or 'identity'

            if not service_type:
                LOG.warning('Plugin cannot return an endpoint without '
                            'knowing the service type that is required. Add '
                            'service_type to endpoint filtering data.')
                return None

            if not interface:
                interface = 'public'

            service_catalog = self.get_access(session).service_catalog
            url = service_catalog.url_for(service_type=service_type,

        if not version:
            # NOTE(jamielennox): This may not be the best thing to default to
            # but is here for backwards compatibility. It may be worth
            # defaulting to the most recent version.
            return url

        # NOTE(jamielennox): For backwards compatibility people might have a
        # versioned endpoint in their catalog even though they want to use
        # other endpoint versions. So we support a list of client defined
        # situations where we can strip the version component from a URL before
        # doing discovery.
        hacked_url = discover._get_catalog_discover_hack(service_type, url)

            disc = self.get_discovery(session, hacked_url, authenticated=False)
        except (exceptions.DiscoveryFailure, exceptions.HttpError,
            # NOTE(jamielennox): Again if we can't contact the server we fall
            # back to just returning the URL from the catalog. This may not be
            # the best default but we need it for now.
                'Failed to contact the endpoint at %s for discovery. '
                'Fallback to using that endpoint as the base url.', url)
            url = disc.url_for(version)

        return url
Esempio n. 2
    def get_endpoint(self, session, service_type=None, interface=None,
                     region_name=None, service_name=None, version=None,
        """Return a valid endpoint for a service.

        If a valid token is not present then a new one will be fetched using
        the session and kwargs.

        :param session: A session object that can be used for communication.
        :type session: keystonauth.session.Session
        :param string service_type: The type of service to lookup the endpoint
                                    for. This plugin will return None (failure)
                                    if service_type is not provided.
        :param string interface: The exposure of the endpoint. Should be
                                 `public`, `internal`, `admin`, or `auth`.
                                 `auth` is special here to use the `auth_url`
                                 rather than a URL extracted from the service
                                 catalog. Defaults to `public`.
        :param string region_name: The region the endpoint should exist in.
        :param string service_name: The name of the service in the catalog.
        :param tuple version: The minimum version number required for this
                              endpoint. (optional)

        :raises keystonauth.exceptions.HttpError: An error from an invalid
                                                     HTTP response.

        :return: A valid endpoint URL or None if not available.
        :rtype: string or None
        # NOTE(jamielennox): if you specifically ask for requests to be sent to
        # the auth url then we can ignore many of the checks. Typically if you
        # are asking for the auth endpoint it means that there is no catalog to
        # query however we still need to support asking for a specific version
        # of the auth_url for generic plugins.
        if interface is plugin.AUTH_INTERFACE:
            url = self.auth_url
            service_type = service_type or 'identity'

            if not service_type:
                LOG.warn(('Plugin cannot return an endpoint without '
                          'knowing the service type that is required. Add '
                          'service_type to endpoint filtering data.'))
                return None

            if not interface:
                interface = 'public'

            service_catalog = self.get_access(session).service_catalog
            url = service_catalog.url_for(service_type=service_type,

        if not version:
            # NOTE(jamielennox): This may not be the best thing to default to
            # but is here for backwards compatibility. It may be worth
            # defaulting to the most recent version.
            return url

        # NOTE(jamielennox): For backwards compatibility people might have a
        # versioned endpoint in their catalog even though they want to use
        # other endpoint versions. So we support a list of client defined
        # situations where we can strip the version component from a URL before
        # doing discovery.
        hacked_url = discover._get_catalog_discover_hack(service_type, url)

            disc = self.get_discovery(session, hacked_url, authenticated=False)
        except (exceptions.DiscoveryFailure,
            # NOTE(jamielennox): Again if we can't contact the server we fall
            # back to just returning the URL from the catalog. This may not be
            # the best default but we need it for now.
            LOG.warning('Failed to contact the endpoint at %s for discovery. '
                        'Fallback to using that endpoint as the base url.',
            url = disc.url_for(version)

        return url
Esempio n. 3
    def get_endpoint(self,
        """Return a valid endpoint for a service.

        If a valid token is not present then a new one will be fetched using
        the session and kwargs.

        :param session: A session object that can be used for communication.
        :type session: keystoneauth1.session.Session
        :param string service_type: The type of service to lookup the endpoint
                                    for. This plugin will return None (failure)
                                    if service_type is not provided.
        :param string interface: The exposure of the endpoint. Should be
                                 `public`, `internal`, `admin`, or `auth`.
                                 `auth` is special here to use the `auth_url`
                                 rather than a URL extracted from the service
                                 catalog. Defaults to `public`.
        :param string region_name: The region the endpoint should exist in.
        :param string service_name: The name of the service in the catalog.
        :param tuple version: The minimum version number required for this
                              endpoint. (optional)
        :param dict allow: Extra filters to pass when discovering API
                           versions. (optional)
        :param bool allow_version_hack: Allow keystoneauth to hack up catalog
                                        URLS to support older schemes.
                                        (optional, default True)

        :raises keystoneauth1.exceptions.http.HttpError: An error from an
                                                         invalid HTTP response.

        :return: A valid endpoint URL or None if not available.
        :rtype: string or None
        # NOTE(jamielennox): if you specifically ask for requests to be sent to
        # the auth url then we can ignore many of the checks. Typically if you
        # are asking for the auth endpoint it means that there is no catalog to
        # query however we still need to support asking for a specific version
        # of the auth_url for generic plugins.
        if interface is plugin.AUTH_INTERFACE:
            url = self.auth_url
            service_type = service_type or 'identity'

            if not service_type:
                LOG.warning('Plugin cannot return an endpoint without '
                            'knowing the service type that is required. Add '
                            'service_type to endpoint filtering data.')
                return None

            if not interface:
                interface = 'public'

            service_catalog = self.get_access(session).service_catalog
            url = service_catalog.url_for(service_type=service_type,

        if not version:
            # NOTE(jamielennox): This may not be the best thing to default to
            # but is here for backwards compatibility. It may be worth
            # defaulting to the most recent version.
            return url

        # NOTE(jamielennox): For backwards compatibility people might have a
        # versioned endpoint in their catalog even though they want to use
        # other endpoint versions. So we support a list of client defined
        # situations where we can strip the version component from a URL before
        # doing discovery.
        if allow_version_hack:
            vers_url = discover._get_catalog_discover_hack(service_type, url)
            vers_url = url

            disc = self.get_discovery(session, vers_url, authenticated=False)
        except (exceptions.DiscoveryFailure, exceptions.HttpError,
            # NOTE(jamielennox): The logic here is required for backwards
            # compatibility. By itself it is not ideal.

            if allow_version_hack:
                # NOTE(jamielennox): Again if we can't contact the server we
                # fall back to just returning the URL from the catalog.  This
                # is backwards compatible behaviour and used when there is no
                # other choice. Realistically if you have provided a version
                # you should be able to rely on that version being returned or
                # the request failing.
                    'Failed to contact the endpoint at %s for '
                    'discovery. Fallback to using that endpoint as '
                    'the base url.', url)

                # NOTE(jamielennox): If you've said no to allow_version_hack
                # and you can't determine the actual URL this is a failure
                # because we are specifying that the deployment must be up to
                # date enough to properly specify a version and keystoneauth
                # can't deliver.
                return None

            # NOTE(jamielennox): urljoin allows the url to be relative or even
            # protocol-less. The additional trailing '/' make urljoin respect
            # the current path as canonical even if the url doesn't include it.
            # for example a "v2" path from http://host/admin should resolve as
            # http://host/admin/v2 where it would otherwise be host/v2.
            # This has no effect on absolute urls returned from url_for.
            url = disc.url_for(version, **allow)

            if url:
                url = urllib.parse.urljoin(vers_url.rstrip('/') + '/', url)

        return url