Esempio n. 1
    def optimize_auto_init(p, dat, J, **ops):
        Optimize parameters by calling optimize_locs_widths(). Automatically 
        initialize the test locations and the Gaussian width.

        Return optimized locations, Gaussian width, optimization info
        assert J > 0
        # Use grid search to initialize the gwidth
        X =
        n_gwidth_cand = 5
        gwidth_factors = 2.0**np.linspace(-3, 3, n_gwidth_cand)
        med2 = util.meddistance(X, 1000)**2

        k = kernel.KGauss(med2 * 2)
        # fit a Gaussian to the data and draw to initialize V0
        V0 = util.fit_gaussian_draw(X, J, seed=829, reg=1e-6)
        list_gwidth = np.hstack(((med2) * gwidth_factors))
        besti, objs = GaussFSSD.grid_search_gwidth(p, dat, V0, list_gwidth)
        gwidth = list_gwidth[besti]
        assert util.is_real_num(
            gwidth), 'gwidth not real. Was %s' % str(gwidth)
        assert gwidth > 0, 'gwidth not positive. Was %.3g' % gwidth'After grid search, gwidth=%.3g' % gwidth)

        V_opt, gwidth_opt, info = GaussFSSD.optimize_locs_widths(
            p, dat, gwidth, V0, **ops)

        # set the width bounds
        #fac_min = 5e-2
        #fac_max = 5e3
        #gwidth_lb = fac_min*med2
        #gwidth_ub = fac_max*med2
        #gwidth_opt = max(gwidth_lb, min(gwidth_opt, gwidth_ub))
        return V_opt, gwidth_opt, info
Esempio n. 2
def job_fssdJ1q_opt(p, data_source, tr, te, r, J=1, null_sim=None):
    FSSD with optimization on tr. Test on te. Use a Gaussian kernel.
    if null_sim is None:
        null_sim = gof.FSSDH0SimCovObs(n_simulate=2000, seed=r)

    Xtr =
    with util.ContextTimer() as t:
        # Use grid search to initialize the gwidth
        n_gwidth_cand = 5
        gwidth_factors = 2.0**np.linspace(-3, 3, n_gwidth_cand)
        med2 = util.meddistance(Xtr, 1000)**2

        k = kernel.KGauss(med2 * 2)
        # fit a Gaussian to the data and draw to initialize V0
        V0 = util.fit_gaussian_draw(Xtr, J, seed=r + 1, reg=1e-6)
        list_gwidth = np.hstack(((med2) * gwidth_factors))
        besti, objs = gof.GaussFSSD.grid_search_gwidth(p, tr, V0, list_gwidth)
        gwidth = list_gwidth[besti]
        assert util.is_real_num(
            gwidth), 'gwidth not real. Was %s' % str(gwidth)
        assert gwidth > 0, 'gwidth not positive. Was %.3g' % gwidth'After grid search, gwidth=%.3g' % gwidth)

        ops = {
            'reg': 1e-2,
            'max_iter': 40,
            'tol_fun': 1e-4,
            'disp': True,
            'locs_bounds_frac': 10.0,
            'gwidth_lb': 1e-1,
            'gwidth_ub': 1e4,

        V_opt, gwidth_opt, info = gof.GaussFSSD.optimize_locs_widths(
            p, tr, gwidth, V0, **ops)
        # Use the optimized parameters to construct a test
        k_opt = kernel.KGauss(gwidth_opt)
        fssd_opt = gof.FSSD(p, k_opt, V_opt, null_sim=null_sim, alpha=alpha)
        fssd_opt_result = fssd_opt.perform_test(te)
    return {
        'test_result': fssd_opt_result,
        'time_secs': t.secs,
        'goftest': fssd_opt,
        'opt_info': info,
Esempio n. 3
    def optimize_locs_params(
        Optimize the test locations and the the two parameters (b and c) of the
        IMQ kernel by maximizing the test power criterion. 
             k(x,y) = (c^2 + ||x-y||^2)^b 
            where c > 0 and b < 0. 
        data should not be the same data as used in the actual test (i.e.,
        should be a held-out set). This function is deterministic.

        - p: UnnormalizedDensity specifying the problem.
        - b0: initial parameter value for b (in the kernel)
        - c0: initial parameter value for c (in the kernel)
        - dat: a Data object (training set)
        - test_locs0: Jxd numpy array. Initial V.
        - reg: reg to add to the mean/sqrt(variance) criterion to become
            mean/sqrt(variance + reg)
        - max_iter: #gradient descent iterations
        - tol_fun: termination tolerance of the objective value
        - disp: True to print convergence messages
        - locs_bounds_frac: When making box bounds for the test_locs, extend
            the box defined by coordinate-wise min-max by std of each coordinate
            multiplied by this number.
        - b_lb: absolute lower bound on b. b is always < 0.
        - b_ub: absolute upper bound on b
        - c_lb: absolute lower bound on c. c is always > 0.
        - c_ub: absolute upper bound on c

        #- If the lb, ub bounds are None 
        Return (V test_locs, b, c, optimization info log)
        In the optimization, we will parameterize b with its square root.
        Square back and negate to form b. c is not parameterized in any special
        way since it enters to the kernel with c^2. Absolute value of c will be
        taken to make sure it is positive.
        J = test_locs0.shape[0]
        X =
        n, d = X.shape

        def obj(sqrt_neg_b, c, V):
            b = -sqrt_neg_b**2
            return -IMQFSSD.power_criterion(p, dat, b, c, V, reg=reg)

        flatten = lambda sqrt_neg_b, c, V: np.hstack(
            (sqrt_neg_b, c, V.reshape(-1)))

        def unflatten(x):
            sqrt_neg_b = x[0]
            c = x[1]
            V = np.reshape(x[2:], (J, d))
            return sqrt_neg_b, c, V

        def flat_obj(x):
            sqrt_neg_b, c, V = unflatten(x)
            return obj(sqrt_neg_b, c, V)

        # gradient
        #grad_obj = autograd.elementwise_grad(flat_obj)
        # Initial point
        b02 = np.sqrt(-b0)
        x0 = flatten(b02, c0, test_locs0)

        # Make a box to bound test locations
        X_std = np.std(X, axis=0)
        # X_min: length-d array
        X_min = np.min(X, axis=0)
        X_max = np.max(X, axis=0)

        # V_lb: J x d
        V_lb = np.tile(X_min - locs_bounds_frac * X_std, (J, 1))
        V_ub = np.tile(X_max + locs_bounds_frac * X_std, (J, 1))

        # (J*d+2) x 2. Make sure to bound the reparamterized values (not the original)
        For b, b2 := sqrt(-b)
            lb <= b <= ub < 0 means 

            sqrt(-ub) <= b2 <= sqrt(-lb)
            Note the positions of ub, lb.
        x0_lb = np.hstack((np.sqrt(-b_ub), c_lb, np.reshape(V_lb, -1)))
        x0_ub = np.hstack((np.sqrt(-b_lb), c_ub, np.reshape(V_ub, -1)))
        x0_bounds = zip(x0_lb, x0_ub)

        # optimize. Time the optimization as well.
        grad_obj = autograd.elementwise_grad(flat_obj)
        with util.ContextTimer() as timer:
            opt_result = scipy.optimize.minimize(
                    'maxiter': max_iter,
                    'ftol': tol_fun,
                    'disp': disp,
                    'gtol': 1.0e-06,

        opt_result = dict(opt_result)
        opt_result['time_secs'] = timer.secs
        x_opt = opt_result['x']
        sqrt_neg_b, c, V_opt = unflatten(x_opt)
        b = -sqrt_neg_b**2
        assert util.is_real_num(b), 'b is not real. Was {}'.format(b)
        assert b < 0
        assert util.is_real_num(c), 'c is not real. Was {}'.format(c)
        assert c > 0

        return V_opt, b, c, opt_result
Esempio n. 4
    def optimize_locs_widths(
        Optimize the test locations and the Gaussian kernel width by 
        maximizing a test power criterion. data should not be the same data as
        used in the actual test (i.e., should be a held-out set). 
        This function is deterministic.

        - data: a Data object
        - test_locs0: Jxd numpy array. Initial V.
        - reg: reg to add to the mean/sqrt(variance) criterion to become
            mean/sqrt(variance + reg)
        - gwidth0: initial value of the Gaussian width^2
        - max_iter: #gradient descent iterations
        - tol_fun: termination tolerance of the objective value
        - disp: True to print convergence messages
        - locs_bounds_frac: When making box bounds for the test_locs, extend
            the box defined by coordinate-wise min-max by std of each coordinate
            multiplied by this number.
        - gwidth_lb: absolute lower bound on the Gaussian width^2
        - gwidth_ub: absolute upper bound on the Gaussian width^2
        - use_2terms: If True, then besides the signal-to-noise ratio
          criterion, the objective function will also include the first term
          that is dropped.

        #- If the lb, ub bounds are None, use fraction of the median heuristics 
        #    to automatically set the bounds.
        Return (V test_locs, gaussian width, optimization info log)
        J = test_locs0.shape[0]
        X =
        n, d = X.shape

        # Parameterize the Gaussian width with its square root (then square later)
        # to automatically enforce the positivity.
        def obj(sqrt_gwidth, V):
            return -GaussFSSD.power_criterion(
                p, dat, sqrt_gwidth**2, V, reg=reg, use_2terms=use_2terms)

        flatten = lambda gwidth, V: np.hstack((gwidth, V.reshape(-1)))

        def unflatten(x):
            sqrt_gwidth = x[0]
            V = np.reshape(x[1:], (J, d))
            return sqrt_gwidth, V

        def flat_obj(x):
            sqrt_gwidth, V = unflatten(x)
            return obj(sqrt_gwidth, V)

        # gradient
        #grad_obj = autograd.elementwise_grad(flat_obj)
        # Initial point
        x0 = flatten(np.sqrt(gwidth0), test_locs0)

        #make sure that the optimized gwidth is not too small or too large.
        fac_min = 1e-2
        fac_max = 1e2
        med2 = util.meddistance(X, subsample=1000)**2
        if gwidth_lb is None:
            gwidth_lb = max(fac_min * med2, 1e-3)
        if gwidth_ub is None:
            gwidth_ub = min(fac_max * med2, 1e5)

        # Make a box to bound test locations
        X_std = np.std(X, axis=0)
        # X_min: length-d array
        X_min = np.min(X, axis=0)
        X_max = np.max(X, axis=0)
        # V_lb: J x d
        V_lb = np.tile(X_min - locs_bounds_frac * X_std, (J, 1))
        V_ub = np.tile(X_max + locs_bounds_frac * X_std, (J, 1))
        # (J*d+1) x 2. Take square root because we parameterize with the square
        # root
        x0_lb = np.hstack((np.sqrt(gwidth_lb), np.reshape(V_lb, -1)))
        x0_ub = np.hstack((np.sqrt(gwidth_ub), np.reshape(V_ub, -1)))
        x0_bounds = zip(x0_lb, x0_ub)

        # optimize. Time the optimization as well.
        grad_obj = autograd.elementwise_grad(flat_obj)
        with util.ContextTimer() as timer:
            opt_result = scipy.optimize.minimize(
                    'maxiter': max_iter,
                    'ftol': tol_fun,
                    'disp': disp,
                    'gtol': 1.0e-06,

        opt_result = dict(opt_result)
        opt_result['time_secs'] = timer.secs
        x_opt = opt_result['x']
        sq_gw_opt, V_opt = unflatten(x_opt)
        gw_opt = sq_gw_opt**2

        assert util.is_real_num(
            gw_opt), 'gw_opt is not real. Was %s' % str(gw_opt)

        return V_opt, gw_opt, opt_result