Esempio n. 1
def handle(msg):
    content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg)
    if content_type == 'text':
        command = msg['text']
        print('Got command: %s' % command)
        mss = command
        mss = mss.replace('/', ',')
        mss = mss.replace('.', ',')
        mss = mss.replace('-', ',')
        mss = mss.split(',')
        now =
        zz = ""
        zzz = ''
        kk = 0
        if len(mss) < 3:
            if command == 'Time':
                ss = str(
            elif command == '/help':
                sss = 'سلام واسه استفاده بايد تاريخ رو با يکي از فرمت هاي زير وارد کني' + '\n' + '1364/3/27' + '\n' + '1382-3-27' + '\n' + '1373.1.15' + '\n' + '1373,4,5'
                ss = str(sss)
            elif command == 'راهنما':
                sss = 'سلام واسه استفاده بايد تاريخ رو با يکي از فرمت هاي زير وارد کني' + '\n' + '1364/3/27' + '\n' + '1382-3-27' + '\n' + '1373.1.15' + '\n' + '1373,4,5'
                ss = str(sss)
            elif command == '/start':
                markupp = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard=[['راهنما']],
                                "خیلی خوش اومدی لطفا یه تاریخ وارد کن",
            elif command == 'ممنون':
                ss = str("خواهش میکنم مهربون .. قابلی نداشت ")
            elif command == 'احمق':
                ss = str("خودتی")
                ss = 'اگه میشه تاریخ رو اینجوری وارد کن تا من بتونم بخونمش' + '\t' + '1372.11.5'
                kk = 1

            databa = User.query.filter_by(name=str(chat_id))
            if databa.count() > 0:
                tedadestefade = databa.count()
                com = databa[tedadestefade - 1].comment
                sumofuse = db.session.query(User).count()
                markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard=[[command], ['راهنما']],
                bot.sendMessage(chat_id, command, reply_markup=markup)
            old = JalaliDatetime(int(mss[0]), int(mss[1]), int(mss[2]))
            dif = [
                100, 200, 222, 300, 333, 400, 444, 500, 555, 600, 666, 700,
                777, 800, 888, 900, 999, 1000, 1111, 2000, 2222, 3000, 3333,
                4000, 4444, 5000, 5555, 6000, 6006, 6116, 6226, 6336, 6446,
                6556, 6666, 6776, 6886, 6996, 7000, 7007, 7100, 7117, 7200,
                7227, 7300, 7337, 7400, 7447, 7500, 7557, 7600, 7667, 7700,
                7777, 7800, 7887, 7900, 7997, 8000, 8100, 8200, 8228, 8300,
                8338, 8400, 8448, 8500, 8558, 8668, 8778, 8888, 9000, 9009,
                9999, 10000, 11111, 12000, 13000, 14000, 15000, 16000, 17000,
                18000, 19000, 20000, 21000, 22000, 22222, 23000, 24000, 25000,
                26000, 27000
            i = 0
            d = (now - old).days
            if now.dayofyear() < old.dayofyear():
                ruzt = old.dayofyear() - now.dayofyear()
                ruzt = old.dayofyear() + 365 - now.dayofyear()

            ss = 'سلام امروز ' + str(d) + ' روزه هستی '
            ss = ss + "\n" + str(ruzt) + " روز مونده تا به دنیا بیای "
            zzz = "      you are  " + str(d) + "  days old "
            cc = d
            for x in dif:
                dif1 = datetime.timedelta(x)
                date = old + dif1
                jdate = JalaliDatetime(date)
                if (jdate > now and i < 10):
                    ss = ss + '\n' + str(
                        jdate.strftime('%A %D %B %N')) + ' میشی ' + str(
                            dif1.days) + " روزه "
                    if (i < 1):
                        zz = zz + '\n' + 'You will be ' + str(
                            dif1.days) + ' days old in the next ' + str(
                                dif1.days - cc) + ' days'

                    i = i + 1
            ss = ss + '\n' + '\n' + str(
            ) + " تعداد استفاده شما  " + '\n' + str(
            ) + " تعداد استفاده کل  " + '\n' + 'مواظب خوبیات باش' + " @strixdaybot "
            zz = zz + '\n' + '\n' + '               Take care of your good behaviors' + '\n' + '               and appreciate your days of life' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '                             telegram: @strixdaybot '

        img = requests.get("")
        ff = requests.get("")
        font1 = ImageFont.truetype(StringIO(ff.content), 30)
        font2 = ImageFont.truetype(StringIO(ff.content), 40)
        font3 = ImageFont.truetype(StringIO(ff.content), 50)

        image =
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
        draw.text((30, 150), zzz, (0, 0, 0), font=font3)
        draw.text((20, 400), zz, (255, 255, 255), font=font1)
        bio = BytesIO() = 'image.jpeg', 'JPEG')
        if (kk == 0):
            if len(zz) > 10:
                bot.sendPhoto(chat_id, photo=bio)
        reg = User(str(chat_id), command)
        bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text=ss)
Esempio n. 2
 def test_day_of_year(self):
     d1 = JalaliDatetime(1395, 5, 29, 22, 18, 32, 749938, tzinfo=teh_tz)
     self.assertEqual(d1.dayofyear(), 153)