def extract_document(cls, obj_id, obj=None): """Extracts interesting thing from a Thread and its Posts""" if obj is None: model = cls.get_model() obj = model.objects.select_related('user').get(pk=obj_id) if not obj.user.is_active: raise UnindexMeBro() d = {} d['id'] = d['model'] = cls.get_mapping_type_name() d['url'] = obj.get_absolute_url() d['indexed_on'] = int(time.time()) d['username'] = obj.user.username d['display_name'] = obj.display_name d['iusername'] = obj.user.username.lower() d['idisplay_name'] = obj.display_name.lower() from kitsune.users.helpers import profile_avatar d['avatar'] = profile_avatar(obj.user, size=120) d['suggest'] = { 'input': [d['iusername'], d['idisplay_name']], 'output': _(u'{displayname} ({username})').format( displayname=d['display_name'], username=d['username']), 'payload': { 'user_id': d['id'] }, } return d
def extract_document(cls, obj_id, obj=None): if obj is None: model = cls.get_model() obj = model.uncached.select_related( 'current_revision', 'parent').get(pk=obj_id) if obj.html.startswith(REDIRECT_HTML): # It's possible this document is indexed and was turned # into a redirect, so now we want to explicitly unindex # it. The way we do that is by throwing an exception # which gets handled by the indexing machinery. raise UnindexMeBro() d = {} d['id'] = d['model'] = cls.get_mapping_type_name() d['url'] = obj.get_absolute_url() d['indexed_on'] = int(time.time()) d['topic'] = [t.slug for t in obj.get_topics(True)] d['product'] = [p.slug for p in obj.get_products(True)] d['document_title'] = obj.title d['document_locale'] = obj.locale d['document_parent_id'] = if obj.parent else None d['document_content'] = obj.html d['document_category'] = obj.category d['document_slug'] = obj.slug d['document_is_archived'] = obj.is_archived if obj.current_revision is not None: d['document_summary'] = obj.current_revision.summary d['document_keywords'] = obj.current_revision.keywords d['updated'] = int(time.mktime( obj.current_revision.created.timetuple())) d['document_current_id'] = d['document_recent_helpful_votes'] = obj.recent_helpful_votes else: d['document_summary'] = None d['document_keywords'] = None d['updated'] = None d['document_current_id'] = None d['document_recent_helpful_votes'] = 0 # Don't query for helpful votes if the document doesn't have a current # revision, or is a template, or is a redirect, or is in Navigation # category (50). if (obj.current_revision and not obj.is_template and not obj.html.startswith(REDIRECT_HTML) and not obj.category == 50): d['document_recent_helpful_votes'] = obj.recent_helpful_votes else: d['document_recent_helpful_votes'] = 0 # Select a locale-appropriate default analyzer for all strings. d['_analyzer'] = es_analyzer_for_locale(obj.locale) return d
def extract_document(cls, obj_id, obj=None): """Extracts interesting thing from a Thread and its Posts""" if obj is None: model = cls.get_model() obj = model.objects.select_related("user").get(pk=obj_id) if not obj.user.is_active: raise UnindexMeBro() d = {} d["id"] = d["model"] = cls.get_mapping_type_name() d["url"] = obj.get_absolute_url() d["indexed_on"] = int(time.time()) d["username"] = obj.user.username d["display_name"] = obj.display_name d["twitter_usernames"] = obj.twitter_usernames d["last_contribution_date"] = obj.last_contribution_date d["iusername"] = obj.user.username.lower() d["idisplay_name"] = obj.display_name.lower() d["itwitter_usernames"] = [u.lower() for u in obj.twitter_usernames] from kitsune.users.templatetags.jinja_helpers import profile_avatar d["avatar"] = profile_avatar(obj.user, size=120) d["suggest"] = { "input": [d["iusername"], d["idisplay_name"]], "output": _("{displayname} ({username})").format( displayname=d["display_name"], username=d["username"]), "payload": { "user_id": d["id"] }, } return d
def extract_document(cls, obj_id, obj=None): """Extracts indexable attributes from a Question and its answers.""" fields = ['id', 'title', 'content', 'num_answers', 'solution_id', 'is_locked', 'is_archived', 'created', 'updated', 'num_votes_past_week', 'locale', 'product_id', 'topic_id', 'is_spam'] composed_fields = ['creator__username'] all_fields = fields + composed_fields if obj is None: # Note: Need to keep this in sync with # tasks.update_question_vote_chunk. model = cls.get_model() obj = model.objects.values(*all_fields).get(pk=obj_id) else: fixed_obj = dict([(field, getattr(obj, field)) for field in fields]) fixed_obj['creator__username'] = obj.creator.username obj = fixed_obj if obj['is_spam']: raise UnindexMeBro() d = {} d['id'] = obj['id'] d['model'] = cls.get_mapping_type_name() # We do this because get_absolute_url is an instance method # and we don't want to create an instance because it's a DB # hit and expensive. So we do it by hand. get_absolute_url # doesn't change much, so this is probably ok. d['url'] = reverse('questions.details', kwargs={'question_id': obj['id']}) d['indexed_on'] = int(time.time()) d['created'] = int(time.mktime(obj['created'].timetuple())) d['updated'] = int(time.mktime(obj['updated'].timetuple())) topics = Topic.objects.filter(id=obj['topic_id']) products = Product.objects.filter(id=obj['product_id']) d['topic'] = [t.slug for t in topics] d['product'] = [p.slug for p in products] d['question_title'] = obj['title'] d['question_content'] = obj['content'] d['question_num_answers'] = obj['num_answers'] d['question_is_solved'] = bool(obj['solution_id']) d['question_is_locked'] = obj['is_locked'] d['question_is_archived'] = obj['is_archived'] d['question_has_answers'] = bool(obj['num_answers']) d['question_creator'] = obj['creator__username'] d['question_num_votes'] = (QuestionVote.objects .filter(question=obj['id']) .count()) d['question_num_votes_past_week'] = obj['num_votes_past_week'] d['question_tag'] = list(TaggedItem.tags_for( Question, Question(pk=obj_id)).values_list('name', flat=True)) d['question_locale'] = obj['locale'] answer_values = list(Answer.objects .filter(question=obj_id, is_spam=False) .values_list('content', 'creator__username')) d['question_answer_content'] = [a[0] for a in answer_values] d['question_answer_creator'] = list(set(a[1] for a in answer_values)) if not answer_values: d['question_has_helpful'] = False else: d['question_has_helpful'] = Answer.objects.filter( question=obj_id).filter(votes__helpful=True).exists() return d