Esempio n. 1
def LesserEqual(field, comp_value):
    Condition applies if the value of the field is lesser than or equals to the comp_value

    :rtype: :class:`~kitty.model.low_level.condition.Compare`
    return Compare(field, '<=', comp_value)
Esempio n. 2
def BitMaskNotSet(field, comp_value):
    Condition applies if the given bitmask is equal to 0 in the value of the field

    :rtype: :class:`~kitty.model.low_level.condition.Compare`
    return Compare(field, '&=0', comp_value)
Esempio n. 3
def NotEqual(field, comp_value):
    Condition applies if the value of the field is not equal to the comp_value

    :rtype: :class:`~kitty.model.low_level.condition.Compare`
    return Compare(field, '!=', comp_value)
Esempio n. 4
def Greater(field, comp_value):
    Condition applies if the value of the field is greater than the comp_value

    :rtype: :class:`~kitty.model.low_level.condition.Compare`
    return Compare(field, '>', comp_value)
Esempio n. 5
def LesserEqual(field, comp_value):
    Condition applies if the value of the field is lesser than or equals to the comp_value
    return Compare(field, '<=', comp_value)
Esempio n. 6
def Lesser(field, comp_value):
    Condition applies if the value of the field is lesser than the comp_value
    return Compare(field, '<', comp_value)
Esempio n. 7
def GreaterEqual(field, comp_value):
    Condition applies if the value of the field is greater than or equals to the comp_value
    return Compare(field, '>=', comp_value)
Esempio n. 8
def Greater(field, comp_value):
    Condition applies if the value of the field is greater than the comp_value
    return Compare(field, '>', comp_value)
Esempio n. 9
def NotEqual(field, comp_value):
    Condition applies if the value of the field is not equal to the comp_value
    return Compare(field, '!=', comp_value)