class Library(Screen): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Library, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.deckname = None self.skeleton_frame() def skeleton_frame(self): #Displays all decks on the app = MDBoxLayout(orientation="vertical") self.scrollview = ScrollView() self.list = MDList() self.scrollview.add_widget(self.list) #calls the activate_for_loop method self.display_deck() # Buttons on the bottom of the screen # Buttons are places on bottom of screen MDLabel(size_hint=(0.2, 0.15))) # Push down the list of buttons self.bottom_bar = MDToolbar() self.delete_deck_button = MDIconButton(icon="trash-can-outline", pos_hint={ 'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5 }) self.delete_deck_button.bind(on_press=self.delete_deck) self.build_deck_button = MDIconButton(icon="plus-thick", pos_hint={ 'center_x': 0.5, 'center_y': 0.5 }) self.build_deck_button.bind(on_press=self.build_new_deck) #add method to make a new deck self.bottom_bar.add_widget(self.delete_deck_button) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(MDLabel()) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(self.build_deck_button) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(MDLabel()) self.add_widget( def skeleton_frame2(self, instance): # method must be used to make the on_press method work self.scrollview.remove_widget(self.list) self.list = MDList() self.scrollview.add_widget(self.list) #Displays all decks on the app = MDBoxLayout(orientation="vertical") self.scrollview = ScrollView() self.list = MDList() self.scrollview.add_widget(self.list) #calls the activate_for_loop method self.display_deck() # Buttons on the bottom of the screen # Buttons are places on bottom of screen MDLabel(size_hint=(0.2, 0.15))) # Push down the list of buttons self.bottom_bar = MDToolbar() self.delete_deck_button = MDIconButton(icon="trash-can-outline", pos_hint={ 'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5 }) self.delete_deck_button.bind(on_press=self.delete_deck) self.build_deck_button = MDIconButton(icon="plus-thick", pos_hint={ 'center_x': 0.5, 'center_y': 0.5 }) self.build_deck_button.bind(on_press=self.build_new_deck) #add method to make a new deck self.bottom_bar.add_widget(self.delete_deck_button) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(MDLabel()) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(self.build_deck_button) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(MDLabel()) self.add_widget( # Creates a section that will list out the decks def display_deck(self): conn = sqlite3.connect("flashcard_app.db") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(""" SELECT DeckName FROM Decks """) names = cur.fetchall() for name in names: # the nested for loop will remove (),' from the string name = str(name) for char in name: if char == "(" or char == ")" or char == "," or char == "'": name = name.replace(char, "") self.items = OneLineListItem(text=name) self.items.bind(on_press=self.display_cards) self.list.add_widget(self.items) conn.commit() conn.close() # working code to switch screens with python code def display_cards(self, instance): self.scrollview.remove_widget(self.list) self.list = MDList() self.scrollview.add_widget(self.list) self.deckname = instance.text print(self.deckname) conn = sqlite3.connect("flashcard_app.db") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( """ SELECT CardName FROM Cards WHERE DeckName = ? """, (instance.text, )) names = cur.fetchall() for name in names: # the nested for loop will remove (),' from the string name = str(name) for char in name: if char == "(" or char == ")" or char == "," or char == "'": name = name.replace(char, "") self.items = OneLineListItem(text=name) self.items.bind(on_press=self.display_name_def) self.list.add_widget(self.items) conn.commit() conn.close() self.get_bottom_bar() def display_cards2(self): self.scrollview.remove_widget(self.list) self.list = MDList() self.scrollview.add_widget(self.list) conn = sqlite3.connect("flashcard_app.db") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( """ SELECT CardName FROM Cards WHERE DeckName = ? """, (self.deckname, )) names = cur.fetchall() for name in names: # the nested for loop will remove (),' from the string name = str(name) for char in name: if char == "(" or char == ")" or char == "," or char == "'": name = name.replace(char, "") self.items = OneLineListItem(text=name) self.items.bind(on_press=self.display_name_def) self.list.add_widget(self.items) conn.commit() conn.close() self.get_bottom_bar() #displays the bottom nav bar when display_cards is called def get_bottom_bar(self): self.bottom_bar = MDToolbar() self.add_card_button = MDIconButton(icon="plus-thick", pos_hint={ 'center_x': 0.5, 'center_y': 0.5 }) self.trash_button = MDIconButton(icon="trash-can-outline", pos_hint={ 'center_x': 0.5, 'center_y': 0.5 }) self.back_button = MDIconButton(icon="arrow-left-bold", pos_hint={ 'center_x': 0.5, 'center_y': 0.5 }) self.trash_button.bind(on_press=self.delete_card) self.back_button.bind(on_press=self.skeleton_frame2) self.add_card_button.bind(on_press=self.add_cards) #self.build_deck_button.bind(on_press=self.to_build_card) # jargon of code to space out the buttons on bottom nav bar self.bottom_bar.add_widget(MDLabel()) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(self.back_button) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(MDLabel()) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(MDLabel()) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(self.add_card_button) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(MDLabel()) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(MDLabel()) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(self.trash_button) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(MDLabel()) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(MDLabel()) def add_cards(self, instance): close_button = MDFlatButton(text="Close", on_release=self.close_dialog) enter_button = MDFlatButton(text="Enter", on_release=self.add_cardname_to_db) self.grid = MDGridLayout(rows=4, size_hint_y=None, height=int(Window.height) / 8.9) self.front_input = MDTextField(size_hint=(.9, 1)) self.back_input = MDTextField(size_hint=(.9, 1)) self.dialog = MDDialog(title="Card Creation", pos_hint={ 'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5 }, type="custom", content_cls=Content(), size_hint=(.9, 1), buttons=[close_button, enter_button]) self.grid.add_widget(MDLabel(text=" Front")) self.grid.add_widget(self.front_input) self.grid.add_widget(MDLabel(text=" Back")) self.grid.add_widget(self.back_input) self.dialog.add_widget(self.grid) def add_cardname_to_db(self, instance): front_input = self.front_input.text back_input = self.back_input.text print(self.deckname) print(front_input) print(back_input) con = sqlite3.connect("flashcard_app.db") cur = con.cursor() cur.execute( """ INSERT INTO Cards (CardName, Definition, DeckName) VALUES(?, ?, ?) """, (front_input, back_input, self.deckname)) names = cur.fetchall() for name in names: # the nested for loop will remove (),' from the string name = str(name) for char in name: if char == "(" or char == ")" or char == "," or char == "'": name = name.replace(char, "") self.items = OneLineListItem(text=name) #self.items.bind(on_press=self.display_name_def) self.list.add_widget(self.items) con.commit() con.close() self.display_cards2() # displays the front and back of a single card def display_name_def(self, instance): self.predicate = True self.scrollview.remove_widget(self.list) print(instance.text) con = sqlite3.connect("flashcard_app.db") cur = con.cursor() cur.execute( """ SELECT CardName, Definition FROM Cards WHERE CardName = ? """, (instance.text, )) row = cur.fetchall() for cardname, definition in row: self.front = cardname self.back = definition print(self.front, self.back) con.commit() con.close() # will display the front-side of selected card self.click_action() # the screen will act as a button to display the front or back after clicking the screen def click_action(self): if self.predicate == True: self.button = Button(text=self.front, color=(1, 0, 1, 1), background_color=(0, 0, 0, 0), font_size='20sp', on_release=self.click_action2) self.predicate = False else: self.button = Button(text=self.back, color=(1, 0, 1, 1), background_color=(0, 0, 0, 0), font_size='20sp', on_release=self.click_action2) self.predicate = True self.scrollview.add_widget(self.button) self.bottom_bar_name_def() def click_action2(self, instance): self.remove_widget(self.bottom_bar) self.scrollview = ScrollView() if self.predicate == True: self.button = Button(text=self.front, color=(1, 0, 1, 1), background_color=(0, 0, 0, 0), font_size='20sp', on_release=self.click_action2) self.predicate = False else: self.button = Button(text=self.back, color=(1, 0, 1, 1), background_color=(0, 0, 0, 0), font_size='20sp', on_release=self.click_action2) self.predicate = True self.scrollview.add_widget(self.button) self.bottom_bar_name_def() # displays bottom bar that will return user to displaying the list of decks def bottom_bar_name_def(self): self.bottom_bar = MDToolbar() = MDBoxLayout(orientation="horizontal") self.back_button = MDFlatButton(text="Return to Decks", pos_hint={ 'center_x': 0.5, 'center_y': 0.5 }) self.back_button.bind(on_press=self.back_display_cards) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(self.back_button) self.add_widget(self.bottom_bar) def back_display_cards(self, instance): self.remove_widget(self.bottom_bar) self.skeleton_frame() # method to build a new deck using a dialog box def build_new_deck(self, instance): close_button = MDFlatButton(text="Close", on_release=self.close_dialog) # *** This button will put name into db, then refresh the page enter_button = MDFlatButton(text="Enter", on_release=self.add_name_to_db) self.input = MDTextField(pos_hint={ 'center_x': 0.5, 'center_y': 0.5 }, size_hint=(.9, 1)) self.dialog = MDDialog(title="Enter Deck Name", size_hint=(0.7, 1), buttons=[close_button, enter_button]) self.dialog.add_widget(self.input) # method to close the dialog box def close_dialog(self, instance): self.dialog.dismiss() #method that inserts the deck name into db def add_name_to_db(self, instance): input = self.input.text # this will have an if else statement if an error was typed in #self.error = MDDialog() conn = sqlite3.connect("flashcard_app.db") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( """ INSERT INTO Decks (deckname) VALUES(?)""", (input, )) conn.commit() conn.close() self.remove_widget( self.skeleton_frame() print("boo") def delete_deck(self, instance): close_button = MDFlatButton(text="Close", on_release=self.close_dialog) delete_dialog_button = MDFlatButton(text="Delete", on_release=self.delete_deck_input) self.dialog = MDDialog(title="Delete Deck", size_hint=(0.7, 1), buttons=[close_button, delete_dialog_button]) self.input = MDTextField() self.dialog.add_widget(self.input) def delete_deck_input(self, instance): input = self.input.text con = sqlite3.connect("flashcard_app.db") cur = con.cursor() cur.execute( """ DELETE FROM Decks WHERE DeckName = ?; """, (input, )) cur.execute( """ DELETE FROM Cards WHERE DeckName = ?; """, (input, )) con.commit() con.close() self.remove_widget( self.skeleton_frame() def delete_card(self, instance): close_button = MDFlatButton(text="Close", on_release=self.close_dialog) delete_dialog_button = MDFlatButton(text="Delete", on_release=self.delete_card_input) self.dialog = MDDialog(title="Delete Card", size_hint=(0.7, 1), buttons=[close_button, delete_dialog_button]) self.input = MDTextField() self.dialog.add_widget(self.input) def delete_card_input(self, instance): input = self.input.text con = sqlite3.connect("flashcard_app.db") cur = con.cursor() cur.execute( """ DELETE FROM Cards WHERE CardName = ? """, (input, )) con.commit() con.close() self.display_cards2()
class Review(Screen): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Review, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.predicate = True self.skeleton_frame() def skeleton_frame(self): # Displays all decks on the app = MDBoxLayout(orientation="vertical") self.scrollview = ScrollView() self.list = MDList() self.scrollview.add_widget(self.list) # calls the activate_for_loop method self.display_deck() # Buttons on the bottom of the screen # Buttons are places on bottom of screen MDLabel(size_hint=(0.2, 0.15))) # Push down the list of buttons self.bottom_bar = MDToolbar() self.add_widget( def skeleton_frame2(self, instance): # Displays all decks on the app = MDBoxLayout(orientation="vertical") self.scrollview = ScrollView() self.list = MDList() self.scrollview.add_widget(self.list) # calls the activate_for_loop method self.display_deck() # Buttons on the bottom of the screen # Buttons are places on bottom of screen MDLabel(size_hint=(0.2, 0.15))) # Push down the list of buttons self.bottom_bar = MDToolbar() self.add_widget( def display_deck(self): conn = sqlite3.connect("flashcard_app.db") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(""" SELECT DeckName FROM Decks """) names = cur.fetchall() for name in names: # the nested for loop will remove (),' from the string name = str(name) for char in name: if char == "(" or char == ")" or char == "," or char == "'": name = name.replace(char, "") self.items = OneLineListItem(text=name) self.items.bind(on_press=self.review_deck) self.list.add_widget(self.items) conn.commit() conn.close() # screen will display the review section def review_deck(self, instance): self.num = 0 self.count = 0 self.review_cardname = ["This deck is empty"] self.review_definition = ["This deck is empty"] self.scrollview.remove_widget(self.list) con = sqlite3.connect("flashcard_app.db") cur = con.cursor() cur.execute( """ SELECT CardName, Definition FROM Cards WHERE DeckName = ? """, (instance.text, )) row = cur.fetchall() for cardname, definition in row: self.review_cardname.append(cardname) self.review_definition.append(definition) self.front = cardname self.back = definition print(self.front, self.back) print(self.review_cardname) if len(self.review_cardname) != 1 and len(self.review_definition) != 1: self.review_cardname.remove("This deck is empty") self.review_definition.remove("This deck is empty") con.commit() con.close() self.click_action() def click_action(self): if self.predicate == True: self.button = Button(text=self.review_cardname[self.num], color=(1, 0, 1, 1), background_color=(0, 0, 0, 0), font_size='20sp', on_release=self.click_action2) self.predicate = False else: self.button = Button(text=self.review_definition[self.num], color=(1, 0, 1, 1), background_color=(0, 0, 0, 0), font_size='20sp', on_release=self.click_action2) self.predicate = True self.scrollview.add_widget(self.button) self.bottom_bar_name_def() def click_action2(self, instance): self.remove_widget(self.bottom_bar) self.scrollview = ScrollView() if self.predicate == True: self.button = Button(text=self.review_cardname[self.num], color=(1, 0, 1, 1), background_color=(0, 0, 0, 0), font_size='20sp', on_release=self.click_action2) self.predicate = False else: self.button = Button(text=self.review_definition[self.num], color=(1, 0, 1, 1), background_color=(0, 0, 0, 0), font_size='20sp', on_release=self.click_action2) self.predicate = True self.scrollview.add_widget(self.button) self.bottom_bar_name_def() def bottom_bar_name_def(self): self.bottom_bar = MDToolbar() self.pass_button = MDIconButton(icon="check-bold", pos_hint={ 'center_x': 0.5, 'center_y': 0.5 }, on_release=self.next_card_pass) self.fail_button = MDIconButton(icon="close-box-outline", pos_hint={ 'center_x': 0.5, 'center_y': 0.5 }, on_release=self.next_card_fail) self.tag_button = MDIconButton(icon="star-circle", pos_hint={ 'center_x': 0.5, 'center_y': 0.5 }) #self.back_button.bind(on_press=self.back_display_cards) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(MDLabel()) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(MDLabel()) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(self.fail_button) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(MDLabel()) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(MDLabel()) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(self.tag_button) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(MDLabel()) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(MDLabel()) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(self.pass_button) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(MDLabel()) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(MDLabel()) self.add_widget(self.bottom_bar) def bottom_bar_complete(self): self.bottom_bar = MDToolbar() self.return_review = MDFlatButton(text="Return to Decks", pos_hint={ 'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5 }, on_release=self.skeleton_frame2) self.bottom_bar.add_widget(self.return_review) self.add_widget(self.bottom_bar) def back_display_cards(self, instance): self.remove_widget(self.bottom_bar) self.skeleton_frame() def next_card_pass(self, instance): self.count += 1 self.num += 1 self.predicate = True if self.num == len(self.review_cardname): self.remove_widget(self.bottom_bar) self.get_result() #self.complete_label = MDLabel(text="Complete") self.bottom_bar_complete() else: self.click_action2(instance) def next_card_fail(self, instance): self.num += 1 self.predicate = True if self.num == len(self.review_cardname): self.remove_widget(self.bottom_bar) self.get_result() #self.complete_label = MDLabel(text="Complete") self.bottom_bar_complete() else: self.click_action2(instance) def get_result(self): self.count_grid = MDGridLayout(cols=3) self.count_label = MDLabel(text=str(self.count), size_hint_x=None, width=20) self.divider = MDLabel(text="/", size_hint_x=None, width=20) self.total_num = MDLabel(text=str(len(self.review_cardname)), size_hint_x=None, width=20) self.count_grid.add_widget(self.count_label) self.count_grid.add_widget(self.divider) self.count_grid.add_widget(self.total_num)