Esempio n. 1
def opt_error_fun(est_input, *args):

    :param est_input: {numpy.array} -- the initial guess of the transformation of Toct and Tneedle
    :param args: {tuple} -- the set of tranfermation of Tlink and ICP transformation matrix
    :return: error: {float} -- the error between the true transformation and estimated transformation
    Roct = so3.from_rpy(est_input[0:3])
    toct = est_input[3:6]
    Rn = so3.from_rpy(est_input[6:9])
    tn = est_input[9:12]
    Tlink_set = args[0]
    Tneedle2oct_icp = args[1]
    fun_list = np.array([])
    for i in range(len(Tlink_set)):
        fun_list = np.append(
                          so3.mul(so3.mul(so3.inv(Roct), Tlink_set[i][0]),
                                  Rn)), 1))
        fun_list = np.append(
                    vectorops.sub([0., 0., 0.],
                        vectorops.add(vectorops.sub(Tlink_set[i][1], toct),
                                      so3.apply(Tlink_set[i][0], tn)))), 1000))

    return fun_list
Esempio n. 2
    def substep(self, dt):
        twist = self.twist
        #compute the angular velocity of the shell in the motor frame
        motorBody = self.sim.body(
        shellBody = self.sim.body(
        motorTwist = motorBody.getVelocity()
        shellTwist = shellBody.getVelocity()
        motorXform = motorBody.getTransform()
        shellXform = shellBody.getTransform()
        shellRelativeAvel = so3.apply(
            so3.inv(motorXform[0]), vectorops.sub(shellTwist[0],
        #print "Relative angular vel",shellRelativeAvel

        desiredTurnSpeed = twist[2] * self.velocityLimits[0]
        desiredDriveSpeed = 0
        if twist[0] == 0 or twist[0] * self.motorSpeeds[1] < 0:  #stop
            desiredDriveSpeed = 0
            desiredDriveSpeed = self.motorSpeeds[
                1] + twist[0] * self.accelLimits[1] * self.dt
        #print "Turn des",desiredTurnSpeed, "drive des",desiredDriveSpeed
        #clamp speeds to limits
        desiredTurnSpeed = max(-self.velocityLimits[0],
                               min(desiredTurnSpeed, self.velocityLimits[0]))
        desiredDriveSpeed = max(-self.velocityLimits[1],
                                min(desiredDriveSpeed, self.velocityLimits[1]))
        terr = desiredTurnSpeed - self.motorSpeeds[0]
        derr = desiredDriveSpeed - self.motorSpeeds[1]
        #clamp desired accelerations to limits
        terr = max(-self.accelLimits[0] * self.dt,
                   min(terr, self.accelLimits[0] * self.dt))
        derr = max(-self.accelLimits[1] * self.dt,
                   min(derr, self.accelLimits[1] * self.dt))
        self.motorSpeeds[0] += terr
        self.motorSpeeds[1] += derr

        #apply locked velocity control to bring shell up to relative speed
        #this is the desired angular velocity of the shell in the motor
        desiredShellAvel = [self.motorSpeeds[1], 0, self.motorSpeeds[0]]
        #print "Desired angular vel",desiredShellAvel
        relativeVelError = vectorops.sub(desiredShellAvel, shellRelativeAvel)
        wrenchlocal = vectorops.mul(relativeVelError, self.velocityLockGain)
        #local wrench is k*(wdes-wrel)
        wrench = so3.apply(motorXform[0], wrenchlocal)
        #print "Wrench to shell",wrench
        motorBody.applyWrench([0, 0, 0], vectorops.mul(wrench, -1.0))
        shellBody.applyWrench([0, 0, 0], wrench)
        #disable PID controllers
        self.controller.setTorque([0, 0, 0])

        #apply rolling friction forces
        shellBody.applyWrench([0, 0, 0],
Esempio n. 3
def sample_object_pose_table(obj, stable_fs, bmin, bmax):
    """Samples a transform of the object so that it lies on in the given
    bounding box bmin,bmax.

        obj (RigidObjectModel)
        stable_fs (list of lists): giving the stable faces of the object,
            as in MP2.
        bmin,bmax (3-vectors): the bounding box of the area in which the
            objects should lie.
    table_height = bmin[2] + 0.001
    face = random.choice(stable_fs)
    normal = np.cross(face[1] - face[0], face[2] - face[0])
    normal = normal / np.linalg.norm(normal)
    centroid = np.sum(face, axis=0) / len(face)
    x = random.uniform(bmin[0], bmax[0])
    y = random.uniform(bmin[1], bmax[1])
    z = table_height +, normal)
    Rnormal = so3.canonical((-normal).tolist())
    Rx = so3.rotation((1, 0, 0), random.uniform(0, math.pi * 2))
    Rxz = so3.rotation((0, 1, 0), -math.pi * 0.5)
    R = so3.mul(Rxz, so3.mul(Rx, so3.inv(Rnormal)))
    #R*com + t = [x,y,_]
    t = vectorops.sub([x, y, z], so3.apply(R, obj.getMass().getCom()))
    t[2] = z
    obj.setTransform(R, t)
Esempio n. 4
def transform_point_cloud(pc,
                          point_channels=[0, 1, 2],
                          normal_channels=[6, 7, 8]):
    """Given a point cloud `pc` and a transform T, apply the transform
    to the point cloud (in place).
        pc (np.ndarray): an N x M numpy array, with N points and M
        T (klampt se3 element): a Klamp't se3 element representing
            the transform to apply.
        point_channels (list of 3 ints): The channel indices (columns)
             in pc corresponding to the point data.
        normal_channels (list of 3 ints): The channels indices(columns)
            in pc corresponding to the normal data.  If this is None
            or an index is >= M, just ignore.
    N, M = pc.shape
    assert len(point_channels) == 3
    for i in point_channels:
        assert i < M, "Invalid point_channel"

    for i in range(N):
        point_data = pc[i, :]
        point = point_data[point_channels]
        point_data[point_channels] = se3.apply(T, point)

    if normal_channels is not None and normal_channels[0] < M:
        for i in normal_channels:
            assert i < M, "Invalid normal_channel"
        for i in range(N):
            point_data = pc[i, :]
            point = point_data[normal_channels]
            point_data[normal_channels] = so3.apply(T[0], point)
Esempio n. 5
    def display(self):
        T1 = self.taskGen.getDesiredCartesianPose('left',0)
        T2 = self.taskGen.getDesiredCartesianPose('right',1)
        baseTransform =
        if T1 is not None:
        if T2 is not None:

        dstate = self.taskGen.serviceThread.hapticupdater.deviceState
        if T1 is not None and dstate[0] != None:
            R = dstate[0].widgetCurrentTransform[0]
            T = se3.mul(baseTransform,(R,T1[1]))
        if T2 is not None and dstate[1] != None:
            R = dstate[1].widgetCurrentTransform[0]
            T = se3.mul(baseTransform,(R,T2[1]))

        if debugHapticTransform:
            for deviceState in dstate:
                #this is the mapping from the handle to the user frame
                Traw = (so3.from_moment(deviceState.rotationMoment),deviceState.position)
                Tuser = se3.mul(se3.inv(handleToUser),Traw)
                T = se3.mul(userToWorld,se3.mul(Tuser,worldToUser))
                T = (T[0],so3.apply([0,-1,0,    0,0,1,   -1,0,0],T[1]))
                T = deviceToViewTransform(Traw[0],Traw[1])

Esempio n. 6
def axis_rotation_magnitude(R, a):
    """Given a rotation matrix R and a unit axis a, determines how far R rotates
    about a. Specifically, if R = from_axis_angle((a,v)) this should return v (modulo pi).
    cterm = so3.trace(R) -, so3.apply(R, a))
    mR = so3.matrix(R)
    sterm = -(a[0] * (mR[1][2] - mR[2][1]) + a[1] *
              (mR[2][0] - mR[0][2]) + a[2] * (mR[0][1] - mR[1][0]))
    return math.atan2(sterm, cterm)
Esempio n. 7
    def apply_tendon_forces(self, i, link1, link2, rest_length):
        tendon_c2 = 30000.0
        tendon_c1 = 10000.0
        b0 = self.sim.body(
  [0] - 3))
        b1 = self.sim.body(
        b2 = self.sim.body(
        p0w = se3.apply(b1.getTransform(), self.tendon0_local)
        p1w = se3.apply(b1.getTransform(), self.tendon1_local)
        p2w = se3.apply(b2.getTransform(), self.tendon2_local)

        d = vectorops.distance(p1w, p2w)
        if d > rest_length:
            #apply tendon force
            direction = vectorops.unit(vectorops.sub(p2w, p1w))
            f = tendon_c2 * (d - rest_length)**2 + tendon_c1 * (d -
            #print d,rest_length
            #print "Force magnitude",,":",f
            f = min(f, 100)
            #tendon routing force
            straight = vectorops.unit(vectorops.sub(p2w, p0w))
            pulley_direction = vectorops.unit(vectorops.sub(p1w, p0w))
            pulley_axis = so3.apply(b1.getTransform()[0], (0, 1, 0))
            tangential_axis = vectorops.cross(pulley_axis, pulley_direction)
            cosangle =, tangential_axis)
            #print "Cosine angle",,cosangle
            base_direction = so3.apply(b0.getTransform()[0], [0, 0, -1])
                vectorops.mul(base_direction, -f),
                vectorops.madd(p0w, base_direction, 0.04))
                vectorops.mul(tangential_axis, cosangle * f),
                vectorops.mul(tangential_axis, -cosangle * f),
            b2.applyForceAtLocalPoint(vectorops.mul(direction, -f),
            self.forces[i][1] = vectorops.mul(tangential_axis, cosangle * f)
            self.forces[i][2] = vectorops.mul(direction, f)
            self.forces[i] = [None, None, None]
 def getSpheres(self):
     for i in range(len(self.obsList)):
         obsDim = self.obsDimList[i]
         pos = self.obsList[i]
         rotMat = mathUtils.euler_zyx_mat([pos[3], pos[4], pos[5]])
         obsSphere = so3.apply(
             rotMat, [obsDim[0] / 2, obsDim[1] / 2, obsDim[2] / 2])
         obsSphere = np.array(obsSphere)
         obsSphere = obsSphere + [pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]]
     return self.spherePosList
    def checkCollision(self, q):
        collisionFlag = False
        # Hardcoded robot dimensions
        robDim = [0.05, 0.05, 0.05]
        robSphereRad = self.getRadius(robDim)
        rotMat = mathUtils.euler_zyx_mat([q[3], q[4], q[5]])
        # position is half of the robots dimension - Center of the approximated robot when placed at [0,0,0]
        robSphere = so3.apply(rotMat,
                              [robDim[0] / 2, robDim[1] / 2, robDim[2] / 2])
        robSphere = np.array(robSphere)
        robSphere = robSphere + [q[0], q[1], q[2]]

        if len(self.spherePosList) == len(self.obsList):
            for i in range(len(self.spherePosList)):
                obsDim = self.obsDimList[i]
                obsSphereRad = self.getRadius(obsDim)
                obsSphere = self.spherePosList[i]
                dist = np.sqrt((obsSphere[0] - robSphere[0])**2 +
                               (obsSphere[1] - robSphere[1])**2 +
                               (obsSphere[2] - robSphere[2])**2)
                if (dist <= robSphereRad + obsSphereRad + self.epsilon):
                    collisionFlag = True
            return collisionFlag

        for i in range(len(self.obsList)):
            obsDim = self.obsDimList[i]
            obsSphereRad = self.getRadius(obsDim)
            pos = self.obsList[i]
            rotMat = mathUtils.euler_zyx_mat([pos[3], pos[4], pos[5]])
            obsSphere = so3.apply(
                rotMat, [obsDim[0] / 2, obsDim[1] / 2, obsDim[2] / 2])
            obsSphere = np.array(obsSphere)
            obsSphere = obsSphere + [pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]]
            dist = np.sqrt((obsSphere[0] - robSphere[0])**2 +
                           (obsSphere[1] - robSphere[1])**2 +
                           (obsSphere[2] - robSphere[2])**2)
            if (dist <= robSphereRad + obsSphereRad):
                collisionFlag = True
        return collisionFlag
def so3_grid_test(N=5, staggered=True):
    from klampt import vis
    from klampt.model import trajectory
    if staggered:
        G = so3_staggered_grid(N)
        G = so3_grid(N)
    vispt = [1, 0, 0]
    for n in G.nodes():
        R = G.node[n]['params']
        trans = so3.apply(R, vispt)
        #trans = so3.axis_angle(R)[0]
        #trans = vectorops.unit(so3.quaternion(R)[:3])
        vis.add(str(n), [R, trans])
    #draw edges?
    minDist = float('inf')
    maxDist = 0.0
    for i, j in G.edges():
        Ri = G.node[i]['params']
        Rj = G.node[j]['params']
        tmax = 9
        times = range(tmax + 1)
        milestones = []
        for t in times:
            u = float(t) / tmax
            trans = so3.apply(so3.interpolate(Ri, Rj, u), vispt)
            str(i) + '-' + str(j), trajectory.Trajectory(times, milestones))
        vis.hideLabel(str(i) + '-' + str(j))
        dist = so3.distance(Ri, Rj)
        if dist > maxDist:
            maxDist = dist
            print "Max dispersion at", i, j, ":", dist
        if dist < minDist:
            minDist = dist
    print "Number of points:", G.number_of_nodes()
    print "Min/max dispersion:", minDist, maxDist
Esempio n. 11
def euler_zyx_mat(theta):
    """For the zyx euler angles theta=(rz,ry,rx), produces a matrix A such that
    A*dtheta is the angular velocities when dtheta is the rate of change of the
    euler angles"""
    eu = [0, 0, 1]
    ev = [0, 1, 0]
    ew = [1, 0, 0]
    Ru = so3.rotation([0, 0, 1], theta[0])
    Rv = so3.rotation([0, 1, 0], theta[1])
    col1 = eu
    col2 = so3.apply(Ru, ev)
    col3 = so3.apply(Ru, so3.apply(Rv, ew))
    #col1 = [0,0,1]
    #col2 = [c0 -s0 0] [0] = [-s0]
    #       [s0 c0  0]*[1]   [c0 ]
    #       [0  0   1] [0]   [0  ]
    #col3 = Ru*[c1  0 s1] [1] = Ru*[c1 ] = [c1c0]
    #          [0   1 0 ]*[0]      [0  ]   [c1s0]
    #          [-s1 0 c1] [0]      [-s1]   [-s1 ]
    #A = [ 0 -s0 c1c0]
    #    [ 0  c0 c1s0]
    #    [ 1  0  -s1 ]
    #return [col1[2], col2[2], col3[2], col1[1], col2[1], col3[1], col1[0], col2[0], col3[0]]
    phi = theta[0]
    tht = theta[1]
    psi = theta[2]
    cphi = math.cos(phi)
    sphi = math.sin(phi)
    ctht = math.cos(tht)
    stht = math.sin(tht)
    cpsi = math.cos(psi)
    spsi = math.sin(psi)
    rotMat = [
        cphi * ctht, sphi * cpsi + cphi * stht * spsi,
        sphi * spsi - cphi * stht * cpsi, -sphi * ctht,
        cphi * cpsi - sphi * stht * spsi, cphi * spsi + sphi * stht * cpsi,
        stht, -spsi * ctht, cpsi * ctht
    return rotMat
Esempio n. 12
def euler_zyx_moments(theta):
    """For the zyx euler angles theta=(rz,ry,rx), produces a matrix A such that
    A*dtheta is the angular velocities when dtheta is the rate of change of the
    euler angles"""
    eu = [0, 0, 1]
    ev = [0, 1, 0]
    ew = [1, 0, 0]
    Ru = so3.rotation([0, 0, 1], theta[0])
    Rv = so3.rotation([0, 1, 0], theta[1])
    col1 = eu
    col2 = so3.apply(Ru, ev)
    col3 = so3.apply(Ru, so3.apply(Rv, ew))
    #col1 = [0,0,1]
    #col2 = [c0 -s0 0] [0] = [-s0]
    #       [s0 c0  0]*[1]   [c0 ]
    #       [0  0   1] [0]   [0  ]
    #col3 = Ru*[c1  0 s1] [1] = Ru*[c1 ] = [c1c0]
    #          [0   1 0 ]*[0]      [0  ]   [c1s0]
    #          [-s1 0 c1] [0]      [-s1]   [-s1 ]
    #A = [ 0 -s0 c1c0]
    #    [ 0  c0 c1s0]
    #    [ 1  0  -s1 ]
    return zip(col1, col2, col3)
Esempio n. 13
 def solve_placement(self):
     """Implemented for you: come up with a collision-free target placement"""
     obmin,obmax = self.objbb
     ozmin = obmin[2]
     min_dims = min(obmax[0]-obmin[0],obmax[1]-obmin[1])
     center = [0.5*(obmax[0]+obmin[0]),0.5*(obmax[1]-obmin[1])]
     xmin,ymin,zmin = self.goal_bounds[0]
     xmax,ymax,zmax = self.goal_bounds[1]
     center_sampling_range = [(xmin+min_dims/2,xmax-min_dims/2),(ymin+min_dims/2,ymax-min_dims/2)]
     Tobj_feasible = []
     for iters in range(20):
         crand = [random.uniform(b[0],b[1]) for b in center_sampling_range]
         Robj = so3.rotation((0,0,1),random.uniform(0,math.pi*2))
         tobj = vectorops.add(so3.apply(Robj,[-center[0],-center[1],0]),[crand[0],crand[1],zmin-ozmin+0.002])
         feasible = True
         for i in range(
             if self.object.geometry().collides(
         if not feasible:
             bmin,bmax = self.object.geometry().getBBTight()
             if bmin[0] < xmin:
                 tobj[0] += xmin-bmin[0]
             if bmax[0] > xmax:
                 tobj[0] -= bmin[0]-xmax
             if bmin[1] < ymin:
                 tobj[1] += ymin-bmin[1]
             if bmax[1] > ymax:
                 tobj[1] -= bmin[1]-ymax
             feasible = True
             for i in range(
                 if self.object.geometry().collides(
             if not feasible:
         for i in range(
             if i == self.object.index: continue
             if self.object.geometry().collides(
                 #raise it up a bit
                 bmin,bmax =
                 tobj[2] = bmax[2]-ozmin+0.002
     print("Found",len(Tobj_feasible),"valid object placements")
     return Tobj_feasible
Esempio n. 14
def retract(robot,gripper,amount,local=True):
    """Retracts the robot's gripper by a vector `amount`.

    if local=True, amount is given in local coordinates.  Otherwise, its given in
    world coordinates.
    if not isinstance(gripper,(int,str)):
        gripper = gripper.base_link
    link =
    Tcur = link.getTransform()
    if local:
        amount = so3.apply(Tcur[0],amount)
    obj = ik.objective(link,R=Tcur[0],t=vectorops.add(Tcur[1],amount))
    res = ik.solve(obj)
    if not res:
        return None
    return robot.getConfig()
Esempio n. 15
    def next(self):
        """Returns the next Grasp from the database."""
        if self.options is None:
            return None

        if self.index >= len(self.options):
            self.options = None
            return None

        c, n, score = self.options(self.index)
        self.index += 1
        cworld = se3.apply(self.pc_xform, c)
        nworld = so3.apply(self.pc_xform[0], n)
        objective = IKObjective()
        objective.setFixedPoint(, cworld)
                                        vectorops.mul(nworld, -1))
        return Grasp(objective, score=score)
Esempio n. 16
def plan_pick_one(world,robot,object,gripper,grasp, robot0=True):
    Plans a picking motion for a given object and a specified grasp.

        world (WorldModel): the world, containing robot, object, and other items that
            will need to be avoided.
        robot (RobotModel): the robot in its current configuration
        object (RigidObjectModel): the object to pick.
        gripper (GripperInfo): the gripper.
        grasp (Grasp): the desired grasp. See common/ for more information.

        None or (transit,approach,lift): giving the components of the pick motion.
        Each element is a RobotTrajectory.  (Note: to convert a list of milestones
        to a RobotTrajectory, use RobotTrajectory(robot,milestones=milestones)

        vis.debug(q,world=world) will show a configuration.
    qstart = robot.getConfig()
    qstartopen = gripper.set_finger_config(qstart, gripper.partway_open_config(1))  # open the fingers of the start to match qpregrasp

    grasp.ik_constraint.robot = robot  #this makes it more convenient to use the ik module

    def feasible():
        return is_collision_free_grasp(world, robot, object)
        # return True

    solved = ik.solve_global(objectives=grasp.ik_constraint, iters=50, numRestarts=5, activeDofs=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],feasibilityCheck=feasible)
    print('ik status:', solved)
    if not solved: return None

    qpregrasp = robot.getConfig()
    if not feasible(): return None

    qtransit = retract(robot=robot, gripper=gripper, amount=list(-0.1*np.array(gripper.primary_axis)), local=True)

    # rotate the gripper along its primary axis to make its secondary axis perpendicular to the object
    # so that it can grasp the object easily
    secondary_axis_gripper = gripper.secondary_axis
    if not isinstance(gripper,(int,str)):
        gripper1 = gripper.base_link
        gripper1 = gripper
    link =
    R_gripper_w, _ = link.getTransform()
    secondary_axis_world = so3.apply(R_gripper_w, secondary_axis_gripper)
    secondary_axis_world_2d = np.array(secondary_axis_world)[:-1]
    angle = np.arccos(, [0, 1]))
    q_rotate = copy.deepcopy(qtransit)
    q_rotate[7] = clip_angle(q_rotate[7] - angle)
    qpregrasp[7] = clip_angle(qpregrasp[7] - angle)

    if qtransit is None: return None
    if not feasible(): return None


    qopen = gripper.set_finger_config(qpregrasp, gripper.partway_open_config(1))  # open the fingers further
    if not feasible(): return None

    if robot0:
        close_amount = 0.1
        close_amount = 0.8
    qgrasp = gripper.set_finger_config(qopen, gripper.partway_open_config(close_amount)) # close the gripper


    qlift = retract(robot=robot, gripper=gripper, amount=[0, 0, 0.1], local=False)

    if not feasible(): return None

    transit = feasible_plan(world, robot, object, qtransit)  # decide whether to use feasible_plan or optimizing_plan
    if not transit:
        return None

    return RobotTrajectory(robot,milestones=[qstart]+transit),\
           RobotTrajectory(robot,milestones=[qtransit, q_rotate, qpregrasp, qopen, qgrasp]),\
def integrate_velocities(controller, sim, dt):
    """The make() function returns a 1-argument function that takes a SimRobotController and performs whatever
    processing is needed when it is invoked."""

    global start_time
    global now_dur
    global syn_curr
    global syn_next
    global entered_once
    global got_syn

    if not entered_once:
        syn_vec = controller.getCommandedConfig()
        if not syn_vec:
            got_syn = False
            entered_once = False
            got_syn = True
            entered_once = True
            syn_curr = syn_vec[34]
            start_time = sim.getTime()
        syn_curr = syn_next
        now_dur = sim.getTime() - start_time
        # print 'The current simulation duration is', now_dur

    rob = sim.controller(0).model()
    palm_curr = mv_el.get_moving_base_xform(rob)
    R = palm_curr[0]
    t = palm_curr[1]

    if DEBUG:
        print 'The current palm rotation is ', R
        print 'The current palm translation is ', t
        print 'The simulation dt is ', dt

    # Converting to rpy
    euler = so3.rpy(R)

    # Checking if list empty and returning false
    if not got_syn:
        return False, None, None

    if DEBUG:
        print 'The integration time is ', dt
        print 'The adaptive velocity of hand is ', global_vars.hand_command
        print 'The adaptive twist of palm is \n', global_vars.arm_command
        # print 'The commanded position of the hand encoder (in memory) is ', syn_curr
        # print 'The present position of the hand encoder (sensed) is ', controller.getCommandedConfig()[34]
        v = rob.getVelocity()
        print 'The actual velocity of the robot is ', v
        # print 'The present pose of the palm is \n', palm_curr
        # print 'The present position of the palm is ', t, 'and its orientation is', euler

    # Getting linear and angular velocities
    lin_vel_vec = global_vars.arm_command.linear
    ang_vel_vec = global_vars.arm_command.angular
    lin_vel = [lin_vel_vec.x, lin_vel_vec.y, lin_vel_vec.z]
    ang_vel = [ang_vel_vec.x, ang_vel_vec.y, ang_vel_vec.z]

    ang_vel_loc = so3.apply(so3.inv(R),
                            ang_vel)  # rotating ang vel to local frame

    # Transform ang vel into rpy vel
    euler_vel = transform_ang_vel(euler, ang_vel_loc)
    palm_vel = []
    palm_vel.extend([euler_vel[0], euler_vel[1], euler_vel[2]])  # appending
    syn_vel = global_vars.hand_command

    # Integrating
    syn_next = syn_curr + syn_vel * int_const_syn * dt
    t_next = vectorops.madd(t, lin_vel, int_const_t * dt)
    euler_next = vectorops.madd(euler, euler_vel, int_const_eul * dt)

    # Saturating synergy
    if syn_next >= 1.0:
        syn_next = 1.0

    # Convert back for send xform
    palm_R_next = so3.from_rpy(euler_next)
    palm_t_next = t_next
    palm_next = (palm_R_next, palm_t_next)

    if DEBUG or True:
        print 'euler is ', euler, ' and is of type ', type(euler)
        print 'euler_vel is ', euler_vel, ' and is of type ', type(euler_vel)
        print 'euler_next is ', euler_next, ' and is of type ', type(
        # print 't is ', t, ' and is of type ', type(t)
        # print 't_next is ', t_next, ' and is of type ', type(t_next)
        # print 'R is ', R, ' and is of type ', type(R)
        # print 'palm_R_next is ', palm_R_next, ' and is of type ', type(palm_R_next)
        # print 'palm_curr is ', palm_curr, ' and is of type ', type(palm_curr)
        # print 'palm_next is ', palm_next, ' and is of type ', type(palm_next)

    return True, syn_next, palm_next, syn_vel, palm_vel
Esempio n. 18
def stable_faces(obj, com=None, stability_tol=0.0, merge_tol=0.0):
    Returns a list of support polygons on the object that are
    likely to be stable on a planar surface.
        obj (RigidObjectModel or Geometry3D): the object.
        com (3-list, optional): sets the local center of mass. If
            not given, the default RigidObjectModel's COM will be used,
            or (0,0,0) will be used for a Geometry3D.
        stability_tol (float,optional): if > 0, then only faces that
            are stable with all perturbed "up" directions (dx,dy,1) with
            ||(dx,dy)||<= normal_tol will be outputted (robust stability). 
            If < 0, then all faces that are stable from some "up" direction
            (dx,dy,1) with ||(dx,dy)||<= |normal_tol| will be outputted
            (non-robust stability)
        merge_tol (float, optional): if > 0, then adjacent faces with
            normals whose angles are within this tolerance (in rads) will
            be merged together.
        list of list of 3-vectors: The set of all polygons that could
        form stable sides. Each polygon is convex and listed in
        counterclockwise order (i.e., the outward normal can be obtained
            (poly[2]-poly[0]) x (poly[1]-poly[0])
    if isinstance(obj, RigidObjectModel):
        geom = obj.geometry()
        if com is None:
            com = obj.getMass().getCom()
        geom = obj
        if com is None:
            com = (0, 0, 0)
    assert len(com) == 3, "Need to provide a 3D COM"
    ch_trimesh = geom.convert('ConvexHull').convert('TriangleMesh')
    xform, (verts, tris) = numpy_convert.to_numpy(ch_trimesh)
    trinormals = get_triangle_normals(verts, tris)

    edges = dict()
    tri_neighbors = np.full(tris.shape, -1, dtype=np.int32)
    for ti, tri in enumerate(tris):
        for ei, e in enumerate([(tri[0], tri[1]), (tri[1], tri[2]),
                                (tri[2], tri[0])]):
            if (e[1], e[0]) in edges:
                tn, tne = edges[(e[1], e[0])]
                if tri_neighbors[tn][tne] >= 0:
                    print("Warning, triangle", ti,
                          "neighbors two triangles on edge", tne, "?")
                tri_neighbors[ti][ei] = tn
                tri_neighbors[tn][tne] = ti
                edges[e] = ti, ei
    num_empty_edges = 0
    for ti, tri in enumerate(tris):
        for e in range(3):
            if tri_neighbors[tn][e] < 0:
                num_empty_edges += 1
    if num_empty_edges > 0:
        print("Info: boundary of mesh has", num_empty_edges, "edges")
    visited = [False] * len(tris)
    cohesive_faces = dict()
    for ti, tri in enumerate(tris):
        if visited[ti]:
        face = [ti]
        visited[ti] = True
        myvisit = set()
        q = deque()
        while q:
            tvisit = q.popleft()
            for tn in tri_neighbors[tvisit]:
                if tn >= 0 and tn not in myvisit:
                    if math.acos(trinormals[ti].dot(
                            trinormals[tn])) <= merge_tol:
        for t in myvisit:
            visited[t] = True
        cohesive_faces[ti] = face
    output = []
    for t, face in cohesive_faces.items():
        n = trinormals[t]
        R = so3.canonical(n)
        if len(face) > 1:
            #project face onto the canonical basis
            faceverts = set()
            for t in face:
            faceverts = list(faceverts)
            xypts = [so3.apply(so3.inv(R), verts[v])[1:3] for v in faceverts]
                ch = ConvexHull(xypts)
                face = [faceverts[v] for v in ch.vertices]
            except Exception:
                print("Error computing convex hull of", xypts)
                print("Vertex indices", faceverts)
                print("Vertices", [verts[v] for v in faceverts])
            face = tris[face[0]]
        comproj = np.array(so3.apply(so3.inv(R), com)[1:3])

        stable = True
        for vi in range(len(face)):
            vn = (vi + 1) % len(face)
            a, b = face[vi], face[vn]
            pa = np.array(so3.apply(so3.inv(R), verts[a])[1:3])
            pb = np.array(so3.apply(so3.inv(R), verts[b])[1:3])
            #check distance from com
            elen = np.linalg.norm(pb - pa)
            if elen == 0:
            sign = np.cross(pb - pa, comproj - pa) / elen
            if sign < stability_tol:
                stable = False
        if stable:
            output.append([verts[i] for i in face])
    return output
Esempio n. 19
sim = Simulator(w)
robot = w.robot(0)
cam = sim.controller(0).sensor("rgbd_camera")
link = - 1)
amplitudes = [random.uniform(0, 2) for i in range(robot.numLinks())]
phases = [random.uniform(0, math.pi * 2) for i in range(robot.numLinks())]
periods = [random.uniform(0.5, 2) for i in range(robot.numLinks())]
qmin, qmax = robot.getJointLimits()

vis.add("world", w)
vis.add("cam", cam)
vp = vis.getViewport()[1] -= 0.5
default = vis.getViewport().getTransform()
print('x:', so3.apply(default[0], [1, 0, 0]))
print('y:', so3.apply(default[0], [0, 1, 0]))
print('z:', so3.apply(default[0], [0, 0, 1]))
print('offset:', default[1])
circle_points = []
npts = 50
times = []
for i in range(npts + 1):
    angle = math.radians(360 * i / npts)
        se3.mul((so3.rotation([0, 0, 1], angle), [0, 0, 0]), default))
    times.append(i * 20 / npts)
circle_traj = SE3Trajectory(times, circle_points)
circle_traj.milestones[-1] = circle_traj.milestones[0]
circle_smooth_traj = SE3HermiteTrajectory()
circle_smooth_traj.makeSpline(circle_traj, loop=True)
Esempio n. 20
def make_grasp_map(world, id):
    """Estimates a grasp quality and regression map for a sensor image.

        world (WorldModel): contains a robot and a sensor

    Output: a 4-channel numpy array of size (w,h,3) with 
    w x h the sensor dimensions and all values in the range [0,1].

    The first channel encodes the quality.
    The second encodes the grasp opening amount.
    The third and fourth encode the orientation of the grasp
    relative to the camera frame, as a heading and elevation.
    sure to note how you've transformed these quantities to
    [0,1]!  These will be needed for decoding.
    robot = world.robot(0)
    sensor = robot.sensor(0)
    sensor_xform = sensing.get_sensor_xform(sensor, robot)
    w = int(sensor.getSetting("xres"))
    h = int(sensor.getSetting("yres"))
    #You'll be filling this image out
    result = np.zeros((h, w, 4))
    result[:, :, 3] = 0.5

    #this shows how to go from a point in space to a pixel
    # point = (0,0,0)
    # projected = sensing.camera_project(sensor,robot,point)
    # if projected is None:
    #     pass
    # else:
    #     x,y,z = projected
    #     if x < 0 or x > w or y < 0 or y > h:
    #         pass
    #     else:
    #         result[int(y),int(x),0]=1
    # result[50,10,0]=1

    #load the gripper info and grasp database
    source_gripper = robotiq_85
    global gripper_robot, gripper_world, grasp_db
    if gripper_robot is None:
        gripper_world = WorldModel()
        if not gripper_world.readFile(source_gripper.klampt_model):
            raise ValueError("Unable to read gripper file " +
        gripper_robot = gripper_world.robot(0)
    gripper_geom_open = source_gripper.get_geometry(gripper_robot,

    if grasp_db is None:
        db = grasp_database.GraspDatabase(source_gripper)
        if not db.load("../data/grasps/robotiq_85_more_sampled_grasp_db.json"):
            raise RuntimeError("Can't load grasp database?")
        grasp_db = db

    for i in range(world.numRigidObjects()):
        obj = world.rigidObject(i)
        ycb_obj = obj.getName()
        if ycb_obj not in grasp_db.object_to_grasps:
            print("Can't find object", ycb_obj, "in database")
            print("Database only contains objects", grasp_db.objects)
            raise ValueError()
        grasps = grasp_db.object_to_grasps[ycb_obj]
        gripper_tip = vectorops.madd(,
        num_grasps_valid = 0
        for gindex, g in enumerate(grasps):
            #TODO: problem 1B: do collision testing of gripper_geom
            found_approach = False
            if (id, ycb_obj, gindex) in grasps_feasible:
                found_approach = grasps_feasible[(id, ycb_obj, gindex)]
                #this is the Geometry3D corresponding to the robot at the opening configuration
                gripper_geom = source_gripper.get_geometry(
                    gripper_robot, g.finger_config)
                local_pt, world_pt = g.ik_constraint.getPosition()
                local_axis, world_axis = g.ik_constraint.getRotationAxis()
                #TODO: put your code here
                R = so3.vector_rotation(source_gripper.primary_axis,
                t = vectorops.sub(world_pt,
                gripper_geom_open.setCurrentTransform(R, t)
                non_collision = True
                for i in range(world.numRigidObjects()):
                    if i == gripper_robot.getID():
                    if gripper_geom_open.collides(
                        non_collision = False
                found_approach = True if non_collision else False
                if found_approach:
                    gripper_geom.setCurrentTransform(R, t)
                    for i in range(world.numRigidObjects()):
                        if i == gripper_robot.getID() or i == obj.getID():
                        if gripper_geom.collides(
                            found_approach = False
                grasps_feasible[(id, ycb_obj, gindex)] = found_approach
            if not found_approach:
            num_grasps_valid += 1

            Tfixed = g.ik_constraint.closestMatch(*se3.identity())
            Tworld = se3.mul(obj.getTransform(), Tfixed)
            gworld = se3.apply(Tworld, gripper_tip)
            projected = sensing.camera_project(sensor, robot, gworld)
            if projected is not None:
                x, y, z = projected
                x = int(x)
                y = int(y)
                if x < 0 or x >= w or y < 0 or y >= h:
                gripper_opening_axis = so3.apply(Tworld[0],
                gripper_opening_axis_cam = so3.apply(so3.inv(sensor_xform[0]),
                if gripper_opening_axis_cam[1] < 0:
                    gripper_opening_axis_cam = vectorops.mul(
                        gripper_opening_axis_cam, -1)
                gripper_axis_heading = math.atan2(gripper_opening_axis_cam[1],
                xy = vectorops.norm(gripper_opening_axis_cam[:2])
                if xy < 1e-7:
                    gripper_axis_elevation = math.pi * 0.5
                    gripper_axis_elevation = math.atan(
                        gripper_opening_axis_cam[2] / xy)

                score0 = math.exp(-g.score)
                window = 10
                std = 5
                for u in range(-window, window + 1):
                    if y + u < 0 or y + u >= h: continue
                    for v in range(-window, window + 1):
                        if x + v < 0 or x + v >= w: continue
                        score = score0 * math.exp(-(u**2 + v**2) /
                                                  (2 * std**2))
                        if score > result[y + u, x + v, 0]:
                            result[y + u, x + v, :] = [
                                gripper_axis_heading / math.pi,
                                gripper_axis_elevation / math.pi + 0.5
        print("{}/{} grasps valid for object {}".format(
            num_grasps_valid, len(grasps), ycb_obj))

    return result
def viewToDeviceTransform(R, t):
    Ruser = so3.mul(worldToUser[0], so3.mul(R, userToWorld[0]))
    R = so3.mul(handleToUser[0], Ruser)
    return (R, so3.apply(so3.inv([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0]), t))
def deviceToViewTransform(R, t):
    Ruser = so3.mul(so3.inv(handleToUser[0]), R)
    R = so3.mul(userToWorld[0], so3.mul(Ruser, worldToUser[0]))
    return (R, so3.apply([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0], t))
Esempio n. 23
    def drive(self, qcur, angVel, vel, dt):
        """Drives the robot by an incremental time step to reach the desired
        Cartesian (angular/linear) velocities of the links previously specified
        in start().

            qcur (list of floats): The robot's current configuration.
            angVel (3-vector or list of 3-vectors): the angular velocity of
                each driven link.  Set angVel to None to turn off orientation
                control of every constraint. angVel[i] to None to turn off
                orientation control of constraint i.
            vel (3-vector or list of 3-vectors): the linear velocity of each
                driven link.  Set vel to None to turn off position control of
                every constraint.  Set vel[i] to None to turn off position 
                control of constraint i.
            dt (float): the time step.

            tuple: A pair ``(progress,qnext)``. ``progress`` gives a value
            in the range [0,1] indicating indicating how far along the nominal
            drive amount the solver was able to achieve.  If the result is < 0,
            this indicates that the solver failed to make further progress.

            ``qnext`` is the resulting configuration that should be sent to the
            robot's controller.

        For longer moves, you should pass qnext back to this function as qcur.
        if angVel is None:
            #turn off orientation control
            if vel is None:
                #nothing specified
                return (1.0, qcur)
            angVel = [None] * len(self.links)
            assert len(angVel) > 0
            if not hasattr(angVel[0], '__iter__'):
                angVel = [angVel]
        if vel is None:
            #turn off position control
            vel = [None] * len(self.links)
            assert len(vel) > 0
            if not hasattr(vel[0], '__iter__'):
                vel = [vel]
        if len(qcur) != self.robot.numLinks():
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid size of current configuration, %d != %d" %
                (len(qcur), self.robot.numLinks()))
        if len(angVel) != len(self.links):
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid # of angular velocities specified, %d != %d" %
                (len(angVel), len(self.links)))
        if len(vel) != len(self.links):
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid # of translational velocities specified, %d != %d" %
                (len(vel), len(self.links)))
        anyNonzero = False
        zeroVec = [0, 0, 0]
        for (w, v) in zip(angVel, vel):
            if w is not None and list(w) != zeroVec:
                anyNonzero = True
            if v is not None and list(v) != zeroVec:
                anyNonzero = True
        if not anyNonzero:
            return (1.0, qcur)

        qout = [v for v in qcur]

        #update drive transforms
        robotLinks = [ for l in self.links]

        #limit the joint movement by joint limits and velocity
        tempqmin, tempqmax = self.robot.getJointLimits()
        if self.qmin is not None:
            tempqmin = self.qmin
        if self.qmax is not None:
            tempqmax = self.qmax
        vmax = self.robot.getVelocityLimits()
        vmin = vectorops.mul(vmax, -1)
        if self.vmin is not None:
            vmin = self.vmin
        if self.vmax is not None:
            vmax = self.vmax
        for i in range(self.robot.numLinks()):
            tempqmin[i] = max(tempqmin[i], qcur[i] + dt * vmin[i])
            tempqmax[i] = min(tempqmax[i], qcur[i] + dt * vmax[i])

        #Setup the IK solver parameters
        self.solver.setJointLimits(tempqmin, tempqmax)
        tempGoals = [ik.IKObjective(g) for g in self.ikGoals]
        for i in range(len(self.links)):
            if math.isfinite(self.positionTolerance) and math.isfinite(
                tempGoals[i].rotationScale = self.positionTolerance / (
                    self.positionTolerance + self.rotationTolerance)
                tempGoals[i].positionScale = self.rotationTolerance / (
                    self.positionTolerance + self.rotationTolerance)
            elif not math.isfinite(
                    self.positionTolerance) and not math.isfinite(
                tempGoals[i].rotationScale = min(
                    self.rotationTolerance) / self.rotationTolerance
                tempGoals[i].positionScale = min(
                    self.rotationTolerance) / self.positionTolerance
        tolerance = min(
            min(self.positionTolerance, self.rotationTolerance) /
            (math.sqrt(3.0) * len(self.links)))

        #want to solve max_t s.t. there exists q satisfying T_i(q) = TPath_i(t)
        #where TPath_i(t) = Advance(Tdrive_i,Screw_i*t)
        if self.driveSpeedAdjustment == 0:
            self.driveSpeedAdjustment = 0.1
        anyFailures = False
        while self.driveSpeedAdjustment > 0:
            #advance the desired cartesian goals
            #set up IK parameters: active dofs, IKGoal
            amount = dt * self.driveSpeedAdjustment
            desiredTransforms = [[None, None] for i in range(len(self.links))]
            for i in range(len(self.links)):
                if vel[i] is not None:
                    desiredTransforms[i][1] = vectorops.madd(
                        self.driveTransforms[i][1], vel[i], amount)
                        self.endEffectorOffsets[i], desiredTransforms[i][1])
                if angVel[i] is not None:
                    increment = so3.from_moment(
                        vectorops.mul(angVel[i], amount))
                    desiredTransforms[i][0] = so3.mul(
                        increment, self.driveTransforms[i][0])
                self.solver.set(i, tempGoals[i])

            err0 = self.solver.getResidual()
            quality0 = vectorops.norm(err0)

            res = self.solver.solve()
            q = self.robot.getConfig()
            activeDofs = self.solver.getActiveDofs()
            for k in activeDofs:
                if q[k] < tempqmin[k] or q[k] > tempqmax[k]:
                    #the IK solver normalizer doesn't care about absolute
                    #values for joints that wrap around 2pi
                    if tempqmin[k] <= q[k] + 2 * math.pi and q[
                            k] + 2 * math.pi <= tempqmax[k]:
                        q[k] += 2 * math.pi
                    elif tempqmin[k] <= q[k] - 2 * math.pi and q[
                            k] - 2 * math.pi <= tempqmax[k]:
                        q[k] -= 2 * math.pi
                            "CartesianDriveSolver: Warning, result from IK solve is out of bounds: index",
                            k, ",", tempqmin[k], "<=", q[k], "<=", tempqmax[k])
                        q[k] = max(min(q[k], tempqmax[k]), tempqmin[k])

            #now evaluate quality of the solve
            errAfter = self.solver.getResidual()
            qualityAfter = vectorops.norm(errAfter)
            if qualityAfter > quality0:
                #print("CartesianDriveSolver: Solve failed: original configuration was better:",quality0,"vs",qualityAfter)
                #print("  solver result was",res,"increment",amount)
                res = False
            elif qualityAfter < quality0 - 1e-8:
                res = True

            if res:
                for k in activeDofs:
                    qout[k] = q[k]
                    assert tempqmin[k] <= q[k] and q[k] <= tempqmax[k]

                #now advance the driven transforms
                #figure out how much to drive along screw
                numerator = 0  # this will get sum of distance * screws
                denominator = 0  # this will get sum of |screw|^2 for all screws
                #result will be numerator / denominator
                achievedTransforms = [
                    (l.getTransform()[0], l.getWorldPosition(ofs))
                    for l, ofs in zip(robotLinks, self.endEffectorOffsets)
                #TODO: get transforms relative to baseLink
                for i in range(len(self.links)):
                    if vel[i] is not None:
                        trel = vectorops.sub(achievedTransforms[i][1],
                        vellen = vectorops.norm(vel[i])
                        axis = vectorops.div(vel[i], max(vellen, 1e-8))
                        ut = vellen
                        tdistance =, axis)
                        tdistance = min(max(tdistance, 0.0), dt * vellen)
                        numerator += ut * tdistance
                        denominator += ut**2
                    if angVel[i] is not None:
                        Rrel = so3.mul(achievedTransforms[i][0],
                        vellen = vectorops.norm(angVel[i])
                        angVelRel = so3.apply(
                            so3.inv(self.driveTransforms[i][0]), angVel[i])
                        rotaxis = vectorops.div(angVelRel, max(vellen, 1e-8))
                        Rdistance = axis_rotation_magnitude(Rrel, rotaxis)
                        Rdistance = min(max(Rdistance, 0.0), dt * vellen)
                        uR = vellen
                        numerator += uR * Rdistance
                        denominator += uR**2

                distance = numerator / max(denominator, 1e-8)

                #computed error-minimizing distance along screw motion
                for i in range(len(self.links)):
                    if vel[i] is not None:
                        self.driveTransforms[i][1] = vectorops.madd(
                            self.driveTransforms[i][1], vel[i], distance)
                        self.driveTransforms[i][1] = achievedTransforms[i][1]
                    if angVel[i] is not None:
                        Rincrement = so3.from_moment(
                            vectorops.mul(angVel[i], distance))
                        self.driveTransforms[i][0] = normalize_rotation(
                            so3.mul(Rincrement, self.driveTransforms[i][0]))
                        self.driveTransforms[i][0] = achievedTransforms[i][0]

                if math.ceil(distance / dt * 10) < math.floor(
                        self.driveSpeedAdjustment * 10):
                    self.driveSpeedAdjustment -= 0.1
                    self.driveSpeedAdjustment = max(self.driveSpeedAdjustment,
                elif not anyFailures:
                    #increase drive velocity
                    if self.driveSpeedAdjustment < 1.0:
                        self.driveSpeedAdjustment += 0.1
                        self.driveSpeedAdjustment = min(
                            1.0, self.driveSpeedAdjustment)

                return (distance / dt, qout)
                #IK failed: try again with a slower speed adjustment
                anyFailures = True
                self.driveSpeedAdjustment -= 0.1
                if self.driveSpeedAdjustment <= 1e-8:
                    self.driveSpeedAdjustment = 0.0
        #no progress
        return (-1, qcur)