Esempio n. 1
import codecs
import sys
import gl
import query
import similarity
import time
import mention_id
import knowledge_base

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Step1: load knowledge base
    print 'begin to load kb'
    kb = knowledge_base.KnowledgeBase()
    print 'finish loading kb'

    # Step2: load mention2id
    print 'begin to load mention2id'
    mid = mention_id.MentionID()
    print 'finish loading mention2id'

    # training phase

    # Step3: load questions
    print 'begin to load questions'
    query_list = query.QueryList()
Esempio n. 2
import sys
import cherrypy

sys.path.insert(-1, '../nlp/')
sys.path.insert(-1, '../logic_component/')

import tagger

import knowledge_base
from rulebases import rb_sports

db = knowledge_base.KnowledgeBase(rb_sports.SportsClaim)

class Server(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.tgr = tagger.initialize_tagger()

    def factcheck(self, txt):
        tokens = tagger.tokenize(txt)
        tags = tagger.get_tags(self.tgr, tokens)
        answers = []
        for extractor in [
                tagger.extract_player_relation, tagger.extract_age_relation
            relation = extractor(tags)
            if relation:
                print 'found relation', relation
                ans = db.trueOrFalse(
                    rb_sports.SportsClaim(relation[0], tuple(relation[1:])))
                print ans
Esempio n. 3
    def response_message(self, message):
        # 의도 분류
        # 0: Fragments
        # 1: Statement
        # 2: Question
        # 3: Command
        # 4: Rhetorical question
        # 5: Rhetorical command
        # 6: Intonation - dependent utterance

        intent_index = self.intent_analyzer.predict(self.mecab, message)

        print('intent_index : ' + str(intent_index))

        # 사용자의 말과 챗봇의 말이 어떤 message_type 인지 기록
        # message_type : CN -> Client Normal, BF -> Bot Feature ( 추출을 위한 질문 )
        message_type = ''
        if intent_index == 2:
            message_type = 'CQ'
        elif intent_index == 3:
            message_type = 'CC'
            if self.conversation_list:
                last_conversation = self.conversation_list[-1]
                if last_conversation['type'] == 'BF':
                    message_type = 'CA'

        self.save_conversation_list(message, message_type, '')

        response_message = []
        if intent_index not in [2, 3]:
            # 로직대로.. 원래 하던대로
            # type 을 가져올 때, Bot 이 말한 마지막 message_type 을 가지고 옴
            prior_conversation_type = self.get_prior_bot_message_type()
            response_message = self.print_gambit_message(
                message, intent_index, prior_conversation_type['message_type'],
        elif intent_index == 2:
            bot_message_type = ''
            know_base = knowledge_base.KnowledgeBase()
            response_message = know_base.response_question(self.mecab, message)

            # knowledgebase 에서 검색 실패 하는 경우 정규식 매칭 진행
            if len(response_message) == 0:
                bot_message_type = 'BA'
                response_message = self.find_matching_rule(message)

                # 정규식 매칭도 진행되지 않는 경우는 얼버무리기 로직
                if len(response_message) == 0:
                    bot_message_type = 'BQ'
                    response_message = self.response_quibble_message(message)
                bot_message_type = 'BA'

            self.save_conversation_list(response_message, bot_message_type, '')

        elif intent_index == 3:
            bot_message_type = ''
            comm_processor = command_processor.CommandProcessor()
            response_message_dict = comm_processor.process_command(
                self.mecab, message)

            # response_message 를 dict 으로 받아서 적절한 처리를 하는 방향으로 수정
            # recoomand 의 경우 봇과 함께 동작해야 함 ( 다른 항목들처럼 독립적이지 않음 )
            if response_message_dict['command'] == 'recommend':
                bot_message_type = 'BF'
                response_message = self.print_gambit_message(
                    message, intent_index, bot_message_type, '')
                bot_message_type = 'BA'
                response_message = response_message_dict['message']
                if not response_message:
                    response_message = self.response_quibble_message(message)

                self.save_conversation_list(response_message, bot_message_type,

        return response_message