Esempio n. 1
def receive_data(settings, role):
    """Receive data from the other node."""
    # Setup kodo encoder_factory and decoder
    decoder_factory = kodo.FullVectorDecoderFactoryBinary(

    decoder =

    send_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

    # Set receiving sockets
    data_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    data_socket.bind(('', settings['data_port']))

    if role == 'client':
        address = (settings['server_ip'], settings['server_control_port'])
    else:  # server
        address = (settings['client_ip'], settings['client_control_port'])
        send(send_socket, "settings OK, receiving", address)

    # Decode coded packets
    received = 0
    start = time.time()
    end = None
    while 1:
            packet = data_socket.recv(settings['symbol_size'] + 100)

            if not decoder.is_complete():
                received += 1

            if decoder.is_complete():
                if end is None:
                    end = time.time()  # stopping time once
                send(send_socket, "Stop sending", address)

        except socket.timeout:
            break  # no more data arriving

    # in case we did not complete
    if end is None:
        end = time.time()


    if not decoder.is_complete():
        print("Decoding failed")

    size = decoder.block_size() * (float(received) / settings['symbols'])
    seconds = end - start
    print("Received {0} packets, {1}kB, in {2}s, at {3:.2f} kb/s.".format(
        size / 1000,
        decoder.block_size() * 8 / 1000 / seconds
Esempio n. 2
def main():
    """Simple example showing how to encode and decode a block of memory."""
    # Set the number of symbols (i.e. the generation size in RLNC
    # terminology) and the size of a symbol in bytes
    symbols = 8
    symbol_size = 160

    # In the following we will make an encoder/decoder factory.
    # The factories are used to build actual encoders/decoders
    encoder_factory = kodo.FullVectorEncoderFactoryBinary(symbols, symbol_size)
    encoder =

    decoder_factory = kodo.FullVectorDecoderFactoryBinary(symbols, symbol_size)
    decoder =

    # Create some data to encode. In this case we make a buffer
    # with the same size as the encoder's block size (the max.
    # amount a single encoder can encode)
    # Just for fun - fill the input data with random data
    data_in = os.urandom(encoder.block_size())

    # Assign the data buffer to the encoder so that we can
    # produce encoded symbols

    packet_number = 0
    while not decoder.is_complete():
        # Generate an encoded packet
        packet = encoder.write_payload()
        print("Packet {} encoded!".format(packet_number))

        # Pass that packet to the decoder
        print("Packet {} decoded!".format(packet_number))
        packet_number += 1
        print("rank: {}/{}".format(decoder.rank(), decoder.symbols()))

    print("Processing finished")

    # The decoder is complete, now copy the symbols from the decoder
    data_out = decoder.copy_from_symbols()

    # Check if we properly decoded the data
    print("Checking results")
    if data_out == data_in:
        print("Data decoded correctly")
        print("Unable to decode please file a bug report :)")
Esempio n. 3
def kododecoder(blockSize):

    # Set the number of symbols (i.e. the generation size in RLNC
    # terminology) and the size of a symbol in bytes
    #file_size = os.path.getsize(FILE_ORIGINAL_PATH)
    print 'kodo block Size: ', blockSize
    symbols = blockSize / SYMBOLSIZE
    if blockSize % SYMBOLSIZE:
        symbols = symbols + 1
    #print 'symbolsize,symbols: ',SYMBOLSIZE, symbols

    # In the following we will make an decoder factory.
    # The factories are used to build actual decoder
    decoder_factory = kodo.FullVectorDecoderFactoryBinary(
        max_symbols=symbols, max_symbol_size=SYMBOLSIZE)

    decoder =
    print 'symbolsize, symbols ', SYMBOLSIZE, symbols
    return decoder
def main():
    Switch systematic off example.

    This example shows how to enable or disable systematic coding for
    coding stacks that support it.
    Systematic coding is used to reduce the amount of work done by an
    encoder and a decoder. This is achieved by initially sending all
    symbols which has not previously been sent uncoded. Kodo allows this
    feature to be optionally turn of or off.
    # Set the number of symbols (i.e. the generation size in RLNC
    # terminology) and the size of a symbol in bytes
    symbols = 16
    symbol_size = 160

    # In the following we will make an encoder/decoder factory.
    # The factories are used to build actual encoders/decoders
    encoder_factory = kodo.FullVectorEncoderFactoryBinary(
        max_symbols=symbols, max_symbol_size=symbol_size)

    encoder =

    decoder_factory = kodo.FullVectorDecoderFactoryBinary(
        max_symbols=symbols, max_symbol_size=symbol_size)

    decoder =

    # Create some data to encode. In this case we make a buffer
    # with the same size as the encoder's block size (the max.
    # amount a single encoder can encode)
    # Just for fun - fill the input data with random data
    data_in = os.urandom(encoder.block_size())

    # Assign the data buffer to the encoder so that we may start
    # to produce encoded symbols from it

    print("Starting encoding / decoding")

    while not decoder.is_complete():

        # If the chosen codec stack supports systematic coding
        if 'is_systematic_on' in dir(encoder):

            # With 50% probability toggle systematic
            if random.choice([True, False]):

                if encoder.is_systematic_on():
                    print("Turning systematic OFF")
                    print("Turning systematic ON")

        # Encode a packet into the payload buffer
        packet = encoder.encode()

        if random.choice([True, False]):
            print("Drop packet")

        # Pass that packet to the decoder

        print("Rank of decoder {}".format(decoder.rank()))

        # Symbols that were received in the systematic phase correspond
        # to the original source symbols and are therefore marked as
        # decoded
        print("Symbols decoded {}".format(decoder.symbols_uncoded()))

    # The decoder is complete, now copy the symbols from the decoder
    data_out = decoder.copy_symbols()

    # Check we properly decoded the data
    if data_out == data_in:
        print("Data decoded correctly")
        print("Unexpected failure to decode please file a bug report :)")
Esempio n. 5
def main():
    Encode recode decode example.

    In Network Coding applications one of the key features is the
    ability of intermediate nodes in the network to recode packets
    as they traverse them. In Kodo it is possible to recode packets
    in decoders which provide the recode() function.

    This example shows how to use one encoder and two decoders to
    simulate a simple relay network as shown below (for simplicity
    we have error free links, i.e. no data packets are lost when being
    sent from encoder to decoder1 and decoder1 to decoder2):

            +-----------+     +-----------+     +-----------+
            |  encoder  |+---.| decoder1  |+---.|  decoder2 |
            +-----------+     | (recoder) |     +-----------+
    In a practical application recoding can be using in several different
    ways and one must consider several different factors e.g. such as
    reducing linear dependency by coordinating several recoding nodes
    in the network.
    Suggestions for dealing with such issues can be found in current
    research literature (e.g. MORE: A Network Coding Approach to
    Opportunistic Routing).

       This is for the forwarding/recoding example discussed in class
       In the first case H is a recoder and in the second a forwarder!
       S -> R has erasure rate e1 = 80%
       S -> H has erasure rate e2 = 10%
       H -> R has erasure rate e3 = 10%
       The network is like this:

          ---- H ----
         /           \ 
        /             \
       S --------------R

       Can change the encoder and decoder factories to Binary8
       if want to compare with a larger field but it's much slower so
       if you don't want to wait reduce the num_runs.



    # Set the number of symbols (i.e. the generation size in RLNC
    # terminology) and the size of a symbol in bytes
    symbols = 100  #42
    symbol_size = 140  #160
    num_runs = 1000

    # Erasure rates
    e1 = 0.8
    e2 = 0.1
    e3 = 0.1

    # Encoder factory used to build encoder
    encoder_factory = kodo.FullVectorEncoderFactoryBinary(
        max_symbols=symbols, max_symbol_size=symbol_size)

    encoder =

    # H Recoder case
    # Total packets sent by the source and total number of redundant packets
    total_packets = 0
    total_red_packets = 0
    for i in range(num_runs):

        # Decoder factory used to build recoder and decoder
        decoder_factory = kodo.FullVectorDecoderFactoryBinary(
            max_symbols=symbols, max_symbol_size=symbol_size)

        decoder1 =
        decoder2 =

        # Create some data to encode. In this case we make a buffer
        # with the same size as the encoder's block size (the max.
        # amount a single encoder can encode)
        # Just for fun - fill the input data with random data
        data_in = os.urandom(encoder.block_size())

        # Assign the data buffer to the encoder so that we may start
        # to produce encoded symbols from it

        # Packets sent by source and redundant packets for this run
        packets_needed = 0
        red_packets = 0

        past_rank = 0

        while not decoder2.is_complete():

            # Encode a packet into the payload buffer from the source
            packet = encoder.write_payload()
            packets_needed += 1

            # S -> R direct path
            if random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) > e1:
                past_rank = decoder2.rank()
                if decoder2.rank() == past_rank:
                    red_packets += 1

            # The multihop path
            # S -> H where H is a recoder
            if random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) > e2:

            # H -> R
            # Not nested in S -> H because sending is independent of receiving in recoder case.
            # i.e. it always sends something out with the info it has already.
            # First produce a new recoded packet from the current
            # decoding buffer, and place it into the payload buffer
            packet = decoder1.write_payload()
            if random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) > e3:
                past_rank = decoder2.rank()
                if decoder2.rank() == past_rank:
                    red_packets += 1

        # decoder2 should now be complete,
        # copy the symbols from the decoder
        data_out2 = decoder2.copy_from_symbols()

        # Check we properly decoded the data
        if data_out2 == data_in:
            total_packets += packets_needed
            total_red_packets += red_packets
            print("Unexpected failure to decode please file a bug report :)")
    print("Avg. packets needed:")
    print(total_packets / float(num_runs))
    print("Avg. Redundant packets:")
    print(total_red_packets / float(num_runs))


    # H Forwarder case
    # Total packets sent by the source and total number of redundant packets
    total_packets = 0
    total_red_packets = 0
    for i in range(num_runs):

        # Decoder factory used to build recoder and decoder
        decoder_factory = kodo.FullVectorDecoderFactoryBinary(
            max_symbols=symbols, max_symbol_size=symbol_size)

        decoder1 =
        decoder2 =

        # Create some data to encode. In this case we make a buffer
        # with the same size as the encoder's block size (the max.
        # amount a single encoder can encode)
        # Just for fun - fill the input data with random data
        data_in = os.urandom(encoder.block_size())

        # Assign the data buffer to the encoder so that we may start
        # to produce encoded symbols from it

        # Packets sent by source and redundant packets for this run
        packets_needed = 0
        red_packets = 0

        past_rank = 0

        while not decoder2.is_complete():

            # Encode a packet into the payload buffer from the source
            packet = encoder.write_payload()
            packets_needed += 1

            # S -> R direct path
            if random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) > e1:
                past_rank = decoder2.rank()
                if decoder2.rank() == past_rank:
                    red_packets += 1

            # The multihop path
            # S -> H where H is a recoder
            if random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) > e2:

                # H -> R
                # Only get to this point if S -> H succeeds
                # It's going to be the same packet from the encoder since
                # just forwarding here!
                if random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) > e3:
                    past_rank = decoder2.rank()
                    if decoder2.rank() == past_rank:
                        red_packets += 1

        # decoder2 should now be complete,
        # copy the symbols from the decoder
        data_out2 = decoder2.copy_from_symbols()

        # Check we properly decoded the data
        if data_out2 == data_in:
            total_packets += packets_needed
            total_red_packets += red_packets
            print("Unexpected failure to decode please file a bug report :)")
    print("H Forwarder:")
    print("Avg. packets needed:")
    print(total_packets / float(num_runs))
    print("Avg. Redundant packets:")
    print(total_red_packets / float(num_runs))
Esempio n. 6
def main():
    Multicast example, reciever part.

    An example where data is received, decoded, and finally written to a file.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=main.__doc__)
                        help='Path to the file which should be received.',

                        help='The ip to send to.',

                        help='The port to send to.',

                        help='Run without network use.')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Set the number of symbols (i.e. the generation size in RLNC
    # terminology) and the size of a symbol in bytes
    symbols = 64
    symbol_size = 1400

    # In the following we will make an decoder factory.
    # The factories are used to build actual decoder
    decoder_factory = kodo.FullVectorDecoderFactoryBinary(
        max_symbols=symbols, max_symbol_size=symbol_size)

    decoder =

    sock = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET,

    sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)

    sock.bind(('', args.port))
    mreq = struct.pack("4sl", socket.inet_aton(args.ip), socket.INADDR_ANY)

    sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, mreq)

    if args.dry_run:

    while not decoder.is_complete():
        packet = sock.recv(10240)

        print("Packet received!")
        print("Decoder rank: {}/{}".format(decoder.rank(), decoder.symbols()))

    # Write the decoded data to the output file
    f = open(args.output_file, 'wb')

    print("Processing finished.")
def main():
    Encode recode decode example.

    In Network Coding applications one of the key features is the
    ability of intermediate nodes in the network to recode packets
    as they traverse them. In Kodo it is possible to recode packets
    in decoders which provide the recode() function.

    This example shows how to use one encoder and two decoders to
    simulate a simple relay network as shown below (for simplicity
    we have error free links, i.e. no data packets are lost when being
    sent from encoder to decoder1 and decoder1 to decoder2):

            +-----------+     +-----------+     +-----------+
            |  encoder  |+---.| decoder1  |+---.|  decoder2 |
            +-----------+     | (recoder) |     +-----------+
    In a practical application recoding can be using in several different
    ways and one must consider several different factors e.g. such as
    reducing linear dependency by coordinating several recoding nodes
    in the network.
    Suggestions for dealing with such issues can be found in current
    research literature (e.g. MORE: A Network Coding Approach to
    Opportunistic Routing).
    # Set the number of symbols (i.e. the generation size in RLNC
    # terminology) and the size of a symbol in bytes
    symbols = 42
    symbol_size = 160

    # In the following we will make an encoder/decoder factory.
    # The factories are used to build actual encoders/decoders
    encoder_factory = kodo.FullVectorEncoderFactoryBinary(

    encoder =

    decoder_factory = kodo.FullVectorDecoderFactoryBinary(

    decoder1 =
    decoder2 =

    # Create some data to encode. In this case we make a buffer
    # with the same size as the encoder's block size (the max.
    # amount a single encoder can encode)
    # Just for fun - fill the input data with random data
    data_in = os.urandom(encoder.block_size())

    # Assign the data buffer to the encoder so that we may start
    # to produce encoded symbols from it

    while not decoder2.is_complete():

        # Encode a packet into the payload buffer
        packet = encoder.write_payload()

        # Pass that packet to decoder1

        # Now produce a new recoded packet from the current
        # decoding buffer, and place it into the payload buffer
        packet = decoder1.write_payload()

        # Pass the recoded packet to decoder2

    # Both decoder1 and decoder2 should now be complete,
    # copy the symbols from the decoders

    data_out1 = decoder1.copy_from_symbols()
    data_out2 = decoder2.copy_from_symbols()

    # Check we properly decoded the data
    if data_out1 == data_in and data_out2 == data_in:
        print("Data decoded correctly")
        print("Unexpected failure to decode please file a bug report :)")
Esempio n. 8
if __name__ == "__main__":

    if len(sys.argv) > 2:
        encoder_decoder = sys.argv[1]
        SYMBOL_SIZE = int(sys.argv[2])

    if coding_mode == "encode":
        if encoder_decoder == "FullVector":
            fw_fac = kodo.FullVectorEncoderFactoryBinary(GEN_SIZE, SYMBOL_SIZE)
        elif encoder_decoder == "SlidingWindow":
            fw_fac = kodo.SlidingWindowEncoderFactoryBinary(
                GEN_SIZE, SYMBOL_SIZE)
        redundancy = 10
    elif coding_mode in ("decode", "recode"):
        if encoder_decoder == "FullVector":
            fw_fac = kodo.FullVectorDecoderFactoryBinary(GEN_SIZE, SYMBOL_SIZE)
        elif encoder_decoder == "SlidingWindow":
            fw_fac = kodo.SlidingWindowDecoderFactoryBinary(
                GEN_SIZE, SYMBOL_SIZE)
        fw_fac = None

    encoder_info = convert_encoder(fw_fac)

    JSONL_FILE_PATH = "pd_{}_{}_{}.jsonl".format(encoder_decoder, SYMBOL_SIZE,

    # Bind sockets and start forwards and backwards processes
    recv_sock, send_sock = bind_raw_sock_pair(ingress_iface, egress_iface)
    fw_proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=forwards_forward,
                                      args=(recv_sock, send_sock, fw_fac))
Esempio n. 9
        if action == 'get' :
            if confirm(sock, client_command) :
                print ('Server accepted request')
                print('Receive packet and decode...')
		#f = open(filename , 'wb')
		while True :
		    # Set the number of symbols (i.e. the generation size in RLNC
    		    # terminology) and the size of a symbol in bytes
                    symbols = 110
    		    symbol_size = 10000

   		    # In the following we will make an decoder factory.
    		    # The factories are used to build actual decoder
    		    decoder_factory = kodo.FullVectorDecoderFactoryBinary(

    		    decoder =
		    while not decoder.is_complete() :
		        sock.sendall('Decode not finished')
                        packet = sock.recv(40960000)
                        decoder.read_payload(packet)                      #decoding packet
		    f = open(filename ,'a')
                    f.write(decoder.copy_symbols())                   # store the decoded data
Esempio n. 10
def main():
    """Example showing the result of enabling the symbol status updater."""
    # Set the number of symbols (i.e. the generation size in RLNC
    # terminology) and the size of a symbol in bytes
    symbols = 50
    symbol_size = 160

    # In the following we will make an encoder/decoder factory.
    # The factories are used to build actual encoders/decoders
    # To show the effect of the symbol status updater we need to use a lower
    # sized field - the lower the better.
    encoder_factory = kodo.FullVectorEncoderFactoryBinary(symbols, symbol_size)
    encoder =

    decoder_factory = kodo.FullVectorDecoderFactoryBinary(symbols, symbol_size)
    # Create two decoders, one which has the status updater turned on, and one
    # which has it off.
    decoder1 =
    decoder2 =


    print("decoder 1 status updater: {}".format(
    print("decoder 2 status updater: {}".format(

    # Create some data to encode. In this case we make a buffer
    # with the same size as the encoder's block size (the max.
    # amount a single encoder can encode)
    # Just for fun - fill the input data with random data
    data_in = os.urandom(encoder.block_size())

    # Assign the data buffer to the encoder so that we can
    # produce encoded symbols

    # Skip the systematic phase as the effect of the symbol status decoder is
    # only visible when reading coded packets.

    while not decoder1.is_complete():
        # Generate an encoded packet
        payload = encoder.write_payload()

        payload_copy = copy.copy(payload)
        # Pass that packet to the decoder
        print("decoder 1: {}".format(decoder1.symbols_uncoded()))
        print("decoder 2: {}".format(decoder2.symbols_uncoded()))

    print("Processing finished")

    # The decoder is complete, now copy the symbols from the decoder
    data_out1 = decoder1.copy_from_symbols()
    data_out2 = decoder2.copy_from_symbols()

    # Check if we properly decoded the data
    print("Checking results")
    if data_out1 == data_in and data_out2 == data_in:
        print("Data decoded correctly")
        print("Unable to decode please file a bug report :)")