Esempio n. 1
    def retrieve(self, request, pk):
        Get the difficult questions for a particular quiz.
        group_id = request.GET.get("group_id", None)
        queryset = ExamAttemptLog.objects.filter(examlog__exam=pk)
        if group_id is not None:
            queryset = HierarchyRelationsFilter(queryset).filter_by_hierarchy(
                ancestor_collection=group_id, target_user=F("user")
            collection_id = group_id
            collection_id = Exam.objects.get(pk=pk).collection_id
        data = queryset.values("item", "content_id").annotate(correct=Sum("correct"))

        # Instead of inferring the totals from the number of logs, use the total
        # number of people who took the exam as our guide, as people who started the exam
        # but did not attempt the question are still important.
        total = (
                ancestor_collection=collection_id, target_user=F("user")
        for datum in data:
            datum["total"] = total
        return Response(data)
Esempio n. 2
    def retrieve(self, request, pk):
        Get the difficult questions for a particular quiz.
        group_id = request.GET.get("group_id", None)
        # Only return logs when the learner has submitted the Quiz OR
        # the coach has deactivated the Quiz. Do not return logs when Quiz is still
        # in-progress.
        queryset = ExamAttemptLog.objects.filter(
            Q(examlog__closed=True) | Q(examlog__exam__active=False),
        if group_id is not None:
            queryset = HierarchyRelationsFilter(queryset).filter_by_hierarchy(
                ancestor_collection=group_id, target_user=F("user"))
            collection_id = group_id
            collection_id = Exam.objects.get(pk=pk).collection_id
        data = queryset.values("item",

        # Instead of inferring the totals from the number of logs, use the total
        # number of people who submitted (if quiz is active) or started the exam
        # (if quiz is inactive) as our guide, as people who started the exam
        # but did not attempt the question are still important.
        total = (HierarchyRelationsFilter(
            ExamLog.objects.filter(Q(closed=True) | Q(exam__active=False),
        for datum in data:
            datum["total"] = total
        return Response(data)
Esempio n. 3
    def retrieve(self, request, pk):
        Get the difficult questions for a particular exercise.
        pk maps to the content_id of the exercise in question.
        classroom_id = request.GET.get("classroom_id", None)
        group_id = request.GET.get("group_id", None)
        lesson_id = request.GET.get("lesson_id", None)
        queryset = AttemptLog.objects.filter(masterylog__summarylog__content_id=pk)
        if lesson_id is not None:
            collection_ids = Lesson.objects.get(
            ).lesson_assignments.values_list("collection_id", flat=True)
            if group_id is not None:
                if (
                    group_id not in collection_ids
                    and classroom_id not in collection_ids
                    # In the special case that the group is not in the lesson assignments
                    # nor the containing classroom, just return an empty queryset.
                    queryset = AttemptLog.objects.none()
                # Only filter by all the collections in the lesson if we are not also
                # filtering by a specific group. Otherwise the group should be sufficient.
                base_queryset = queryset
                # Set starting queryset to null, then OR.
                queryset = AttemptLog.objects.none()
                for collection_id in collection_ids:
                    queryset |= HierarchyRelationsFilter(
                        ancestor_collection=collection_id, target_user=F("user")
                queryset = queryset.distinct()
        if group_id is not None:
            collection_id = group_id or classroom_id
            queryset = HierarchyRelationsFilter(queryset).filter_by_hierarchy(
                ancestor_collection=collection_id, target_user=F("user")

        data = (
        return Response(data)