Esempio n. 1
def base(path, params, content, client_ip):
    test = get_newest_fact('kropotkin', 'constitution_element',
                           {'type': 'home_component'})
    if not test:
        return 200, 'Kropotkin HTTP\n', 'text/plain'

    home_fact = get_newest_fact('kropotkin', 'home_component', {})
    substitute_path = '/component/%s' % home_fact['name']
    return get_component(substitute_path, params, content, client_ip)
Esempio n. 2
def wait_for_fact(factspace, type_, criteria, timeout):
    finish = now() + timeout
    while now() < finish:
        result = kropotkin.get_newest_fact(factspace, type_, criteria)
        if result is not None:
            return True
    return False
def _get_statements_db(statements_dir, factspace, confidence, fact_type,
                       params, result, number, timeout):
    if fact_type == 'constitution_element':
        type_keys = ['keys', 'options', 'translation', 'type']
        constitution_element = get_newest_fact(factspace,
                                               {'type': fact_type})
        if not constitution_element:
            raise Exception('queried type that does not exist: %s' % fact_type)
        type_keys = loads(constitution_element['keys'])

    connection = connect(join(statements_dir, 'factspace.db'))
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute(CHECK_TABLE_SQL, (fact_type,))
    if 0 == len(cursor.fetchall()):
        return []

    if confidence != 'statement':
        params['kropotkin_confidence'] = confidence

    values = []

    param_keys = sorted(params.keys())
    if param_keys:
        match_clause = 'WHERE ' + \
                       ' AND '.join(['%s = ?' % key for key in param_keys])
        match_clause = ''
    values.extend([params[key] for key in param_keys])
    order = 'DESC' if result == 'newest' else 'ASC'
    limit = 'LIMIT %d' % number if number else ''
    select_sql = SELECT_TEMPLATE % (','.join(type_keys), fact_type,
                                    match_clause, order, limit)

    finish = __now_millis() + timeout
    while True:
            cursor.execute(select_sql, values)
            statements = [dict(zip(type_keys, r)) for r in cursor.fetchall()]
        except OperationalError as error:
            stderr.write('Sqlite error %s\n' % error)
            stderr.write('Select SQL: %s' % select_sql)
            statements = []
        if len(statements) > 0 or __now_millis() > finish:

    return statements
Esempio n. 4
def get_component(path, params, content, client_ip):
    name = path.split('/')[2]
    component = get_newest_fact('kropotkin', 'component', {'name': name})
    if not component:
        return 404, 'No such component\n', 'text/plain'
    content = b64decode(component['bytes'])
        content_type = component['content_type']
        mime_type = MIME_TYPES[content_type]
    except KeyError:
        return 404, 'No mime type for %s\n' % content_type, 'text/plain'
    return 200, content, mime_type
def get_statements(path, params, content, client_ip):
    factspace, confidence, fact_type = path.split('/')[2:5]
    if (factspace == 'kropotkin'):
        statements_dir = environ['KROPOTKIN_DIR']
        factspace_info = get_newest_fact('kropotkin', 'factspace',
                                         {'name': factspace})
        if not factspace_info:
            return (404, 'Could not locate factspace %s' % factspace,
        statements_dir = factspace_info['directory']
    statements = _fetch_statements(statements_dir, factspace, confidence,
                                   fact_type, params)
    return 200, dumps(statements), 'application/json'
Esempio n. 6
def check_statement(factspace, fact_type, content_dict):
    actual_keys = sorted(content_dict.keys())

    if fact_type == 'constitution_element':
        expected_keys = ['keys', 'translation', 'type']
        translation = "Constitution amended: type = %(type)s, " \
            + "keys = %(keys)s, translation = %(translation)s"
        constitution_element = get_newest_fact(factspace,
                                               {'type': fact_type})
        if not constitution_element:
            return False
        expected_keys = sorted(loads(constitution_element['keys']))

    return expected_keys == actual_keys
Esempio n. 7
def store_statement(path, params, content, client_ip):
    factspace, confidence, fact_type = path.split('/')[2:5]

    content_dict = loads(content)

    if not check_statement(factspace, fact_type, content_dict):
        stderr.write("Fact of type %s disallowed\n" % fact_type)
        return (400, 'Fact of type %s blocked by constitution\n' % fact_type,

    if (factspace == 'kropotkin'):
        statements_dir = environ['KROPOTKIN_DIR']
        statements_dir = get_newest_fact('kropotkin',
                                         {'name': factspace})['directory']

    rowid = save_statement(statements_dir, confidence, fact_type, content)
    return (200, str(rowid), 'text/plain')
def should_save(factspace, fact_type, content_dict):
    actual_keys = sorted(content_dict.keys())

    if fact_type == 'constitution_element':
        expected_keys = ['keys', 'options', 'translation', 'type']
        translation = "Constitution amended: type = %(type)s, " \
            + "keys = %(keys)s, options = %(options)s, " \
            + "translation = %(translation)s"
        options = ''
        constitution_element = get_newest_fact(factspace,
                                               {'type': fact_type})
        if not constitution_element:
            raise Exception('Statement type %s not recognised' % fact_type)
        expected_keys = sorted(loads(constitution_element['keys']))
        options = constitution_element['options']

    if expected_keys != actual_keys:
        raise Exception('Wrong keys for statement type %s' % fact_type)

    return 'memory_only' not in options
def store_statement(path, params, content, client_ip):
    factspace, confidence, fact_type = path.split('/')[2:5]

    content_dict = loads(content)

        if should_save(factspace, fact_type, content_dict) is False:
            return (200, '0', 'text/plain')
    except Exception as e:
        stderr.write("Fact of type %s disallowed:\n%s: %s\n" \
                         % (fact_type, type(e), str(e)))
        return (400, 'Fact of type %s blocked by constitution\n' % fact_type,

    if (factspace == 'kropotkin'):
        statements_dir = environ['KROPOTKIN_DIR']
        statements_dir = get_newest_fact('kropotkin',
                                         {'name': factspace})['directory']

    rowid = save_statement(statements_dir, confidence, fact_type, content)
    return (200, str(rowid), 'text/plain')
Esempio n. 10
from time import time

def choose(random_value, percentages, default=None):
    n = 0
    for name, percentage in percentages:
        if random_value in range(n, n + percentage):
            return name
            n = n + percentage
    return default

def _now():
    return int(round(time()))

subscribe('whooshingby', 'fact', 'completed_task')
while True:
    fact = get_next_fact('whooshingby', 'completed_task')
    if not fact:

    percentages_fact = get_newest_fact('whooshingby', 'reward_percentages', {})
    reward_percentages = loads(percentages_fact['percentages'])

    random_value = (hash(fact['name']) * 61 + fact['time'] * 47) % 100
    name = choose(random_value, reward_percentages)
    if name:
        content = {'name': name, 'task_id': fact['task_id'],
                   'source': 'python', 'time': _now()}
        if not store_opinion('whooshingby', 'reward', content):
            print "Could not store reward opinion" # handle better
Esempio n. 11
             'options': 'memory_only'},
            {'type': 'user',
              'keys': dumps(['name', 'salt', 'hash']),
              'translation': 'User %(name)s is registered',
              'options': ''},
            {'type': 'user_nonce',
             'keys': dumps(['name', 'nonce', 'expiry']),
             'translation': 'User %(name)s can be identified by %(nonce)s' \
                          + 'until %(expiry)s',
             'options': ''}]

for e in elements:
    if not store_fact('whooshingby', 'constitution_element', e):
        fail_and_exit("Could not store constitution element fact")

reward_percentages = get_newest_fact('whooshingby', 'reward_percentages', {})
if not reward_percentages:
    with open('rewards.json') as f:
        reward_percentages =
        if not store_fact('whooshingby', 'reward_percentages',
                          {'percentages': reward_percentages}):
            fail_and_exit("Could not store reward percentages")

judge_percentages = get_newest_fact('whooshingby', 'judge_percentages', {})
if not judge_percentages:
    if not store_fact('whooshingby', 'judge_percentages',
                      {'percentages': '[["python", 100], ["ruby", 0]]'}):
        fail_and_exit("Could not store judge percentages")

for f in listdir('components'):
    content = {'location': abspath(join('components', f))}
Esempio n. 12
def compare_opinions(opinions, expected_opinions):
    if len(opinions) < expected_opinions:
        return False
    names = set([opinion['name'] for opinion in opinions])
    return len(names) == 1

def classify_opinion(opinion):
    return opinion['task_id']

subscribe_sets('whooshingby', 'opinion', 'reward', classify_opinion, 2, 1)
while True:
    opinions = get_next_set('whooshingby', 'opinion', 'reward')

    if not compare_opinions(opinions, 2):
        if not store_fact('whooshingby', 'opinion_difference',
                          {'opinions': dumps(opinions)}):
            print "Could not store opinion difference fact"

    percentages_fact = get_newest_fact('whooshingby', 'judge_percentages', {})
    percentages = loads(percentages_fact['percentages'])
    random_value = randrange(100)
    source = choose(random_value, percentages, default='python')

    to_promote = next((o for o in opinions if o['source'] == source), None)
    if to_promote:
        for key in to_promote.keys():
            if key.startswith('kropotkin_'):
                del to_promote[key]
        if not store_fact('whooshingby', 'reward', to_promote):
            print "Could not store reward fact"