except IndexError:
    # Receive the message data
    data = conn.recv(size)
    # Decode the message
    msg = msg_type()
    return msg

# Open a TCP/IP socket to the RPC server
rpc_conn = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
rpc_conn.connect(('', 50000))

# Send an RPC connection request
request = KRPC.ConnectionRequest()
request.type = KRPC.ConnectionRequest.RPC
request.client_name = 'Jeb'
send_message(rpc_conn, request)

# Receive the connection response
response = recv_message(rpc_conn, KRPC.ConnectionResponse)

# Check the connection was successful
if response.status != KRPC.ConnectionResponse.OK:
    raise RuntimeError('Connection failed: ' + response.message)
print('Connected to RPC server')

# Print out the clients identifier
print('RPC client idenfitier = %s' %