def __init__(self, resource_name, opts=None, items=None, metadata=None, __name__=None, __opts__=None): if __name__ is not None: warnings.warn("explicit use of __name__ is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) resource_name = __name__ if __opts__ is not None: warnings.warn( "explicit use of __opts__ is deprecated, use 'opts' instead", DeprecationWarning) opts = __opts__ if not resource_name: raise TypeError( 'Missing resource name argument (for URN creation)') if not isinstance(resource_name, str): raise TypeError('Expected resource name to be a string') if opts and not isinstance(opts, kulado.ResourceOptions): raise TypeError( 'Expected resource options to be a ResourceOptions instance') __props__ = dict() __props__['apiVersion'] = '' __props__['kind'] = 'IngressList' if items is None: raise TypeError('Missing required property items') __props__['items'] = items __props__['metadata'] = metadata if opts is None: opts = kulado.ResourceOptions() if opts.version is None: opts.version = version.get_version() super(IngressList, self).__init__( "", resource_name, __props__, opts)
def __init__(self, resource_name, opts=None, metadata=None, spec=None, status=None, __name__=None, __opts__=None): if __name__ is not None: warnings.warn("explicit use of __name__ is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) resource_name = __name__ if __opts__ is not None: warnings.warn( "explicit use of __opts__ is deprecated, use 'opts' instead", DeprecationWarning) opts = __opts__ if not resource_name: raise TypeError( 'Missing resource name argument (for URN creation)') if not isinstance(resource_name, str): raise TypeError('Expected resource name to be a string') if opts and not isinstance(opts, kulado.ResourceOptions): raise TypeError( 'Expected resource options to be a ResourceOptions instance') __props__ = dict() __props__['apiVersion'] = 'policy/v1beta1' __props__['kind'] = 'PodDisruptionBudget' __props__['metadata'] = metadata __props__['spec'] = spec __props__['status'] = status if opts is None: opts = kulado.ResourceOptions() if opts.version is None: opts.version = version.get_version() super(PodDisruptionBudget, self).__init__("kubernetes:policy/v1beta1:PodDisruptionBudget", resource_name, __props__, opts)
def __init__(self, resource_name, opts=None, metadata=None, target=None, __name__=None, __opts__=None): if __name__ is not None: warnings.warn("explicit use of __name__ is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) resource_name = __name__ if __opts__ is not None: warnings.warn( "explicit use of __opts__ is deprecated, use 'opts' instead", DeprecationWarning) opts = __opts__ if not resource_name: raise TypeError( 'Missing resource name argument (for URN creation)') if not isinstance(resource_name, str): raise TypeError('Expected resource name to be a string') if opts and not isinstance(opts, kulado.ResourceOptions): raise TypeError( 'Expected resource options to be a ResourceOptions instance') __props__ = dict() __props__['apiVersion'] = 'v1' __props__['kind'] = 'Binding' if target is None: raise TypeError('Missing required property target') __props__['target'] = target __props__['metadata'] = metadata if opts is None: opts = kulado.ResourceOptions() if opts.version is None: opts.version = version.get_version() super(Binding, self).__init__("kubernetes:core/v1:Binding", resource_name, __props__, opts)
def __init__(self, resource_name, opts=None, metadata=None, webhooks=None, __name__=None, __opts__=None): if __name__ is not None: warnings.warn("explicit use of __name__ is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) resource_name = __name__ if __opts__ is not None: warnings.warn( "explicit use of __opts__ is deprecated, use 'opts' instead", DeprecationWarning) opts = __opts__ if not resource_name: raise TypeError( 'Missing resource name argument (for URN creation)') if not isinstance(resource_name, str): raise TypeError('Expected resource name to be a string') if opts and not isinstance(opts, kulado.ResourceOptions): raise TypeError( 'Expected resource options to be a ResourceOptions instance') __props__ = dict() __props__['apiVersion'] = '' __props__['kind'] = 'MutatingWebhookConfiguration' __props__['metadata'] = metadata __props__['webhooks'] = webhooks if opts is None: opts = kulado.ResourceOptions() if opts.version is None: opts.version = version.get_version() super(MutatingWebhookConfiguration, self).__init__( "", resource_name, __props__, opts)
def __init__(self, resource_name, opts=None, metadata=None, rules=None, __name__=None, __opts__=None): if __name__ is not None: warnings.warn("explicit use of __name__ is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) resource_name = __name__ if __opts__ is not None: warnings.warn( "explicit use of __opts__ is deprecated, use 'opts' instead", DeprecationWarning) opts = __opts__ if not resource_name: raise TypeError( 'Missing resource name argument (for URN creation)') if not isinstance(resource_name, str): raise TypeError('Expected resource name to be a string') if opts and not isinstance(opts, kulado.ResourceOptions): raise TypeError( 'Expected resource options to be a ResourceOptions instance') __props__ = dict() __props__['apiVersion'] = '' __props__['kind'] = 'Role' __props__['metadata'] = metadata __props__['rules'] = rules if opts is None: opts = kulado.ResourceOptions() if opts.version is None: opts.version = version.get_version() super(Role, self).__init__( "", resource_name, __props__, opts)
def __init__(self, __name__, __opts__=None, api_version=None, kind=None, metadata=None, spec=None): if not __name__: raise TypeError( 'Missing resource name argument (for URN creation)') if not isinstance(__name__, str): raise TypeError('Expected resource name to be a string') if __opts__ and not isinstance(__opts__, kulado.ResourceOptions): raise TypeError( 'Expected resource options to be a ResourceOptions instance') __props__ = dict() if not api_version: raise TypeError('Missing required property apiVersion') __props__['apiVersion'] = api_version if not kind: raise TypeError('Missing required property kind') __props__['kind'] = kind if spec is None: raise TypeError('Missing required property spec') __props__['spec'] = spec __props__['metadata'] = metadata if __opts__ is None: __opts__ = kulado.ResourceOptions() if __opts__.version is None: __opts__.version = version.get_version() super(CustomResource, self).__init__("kubernetes:%s:%s" % (api_version, kind), __name__, __props__, __opts__)
def __init__(self, resource_name, opts=None, description=None, global_default=None, metadata=None, preemption_policy=None, value=None, __name__=None, __opts__=None): if __name__ is not None: warnings.warn("explicit use of __name__ is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) resource_name = __name__ if __opts__ is not None: warnings.warn("explicit use of __opts__ is deprecated, use 'opts' instead", DeprecationWarning) opts = __opts__ if not resource_name: raise TypeError('Missing resource name argument (for URN creation)') if not isinstance(resource_name, str): raise TypeError('Expected resource name to be a string') if opts and not isinstance(opts, kulado.ResourceOptions): raise TypeError('Expected resource options to be a ResourceOptions instance') __props__ = dict() __props__['apiVersion'] = '' __props__['kind'] = 'PriorityClass' if value is None: raise TypeError('Missing required property value') __props__['value'] = value __props__['description'] = description __props__['globalDefault'] = global_default __props__['metadata'] = metadata __props__['preemptionPolicy'] = preemption_policy if opts is None: opts = kulado.ResourceOptions() if opts.version is None: opts.version = version.get_version() super(PriorityClass, self).__init__( "", resource_name, __props__, opts)
def __init__(self, resource_name, opts=None, action=None, count=None, event_time=None, first_timestamp=None, involved_object=None, last_timestamp=None, message=None, metadata=None, reason=None, related=None, reporting_component=None, reporting_instance=None, series=None, source=None, type=None, __name__=None, __opts__=None): if __name__ is not None: warnings.warn("explicit use of __name__ is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) resource_name = __name__ if __opts__ is not None: warnings.warn( "explicit use of __opts__ is deprecated, use 'opts' instead", DeprecationWarning) opts = __opts__ if not resource_name: raise TypeError( 'Missing resource name argument (for URN creation)') if not isinstance(resource_name, str): raise TypeError('Expected resource name to be a string') if opts and not isinstance(opts, kulado.ResourceOptions): raise TypeError( 'Expected resource options to be a ResourceOptions instance') __props__ = dict() __props__['apiVersion'] = 'v1' __props__['kind'] = 'Event' if involved_object is None: raise TypeError('Missing required property involved_object') __props__['involvedObject'] = involved_object if metadata is None: raise TypeError('Missing required property metadata') __props__['metadata'] = metadata __props__['action'] = action __props__['count'] = count __props__['eventTime'] = event_time __props__['firstTimestamp'] = first_timestamp __props__['lastTimestamp'] = last_timestamp __props__['message'] = message __props__['reason'] = reason __props__['related'] = related __props__['reportingComponent'] = reporting_component __props__['reportingInstance'] = reporting_instance __props__['series'] = series __props__['source'] = source __props__['type'] = type if opts is None: opts = kulado.ResourceOptions() if opts.version is None: opts.version = version.get_version() super(Event, self).__init__("kubernetes:core/v1:Event", resource_name, __props__, opts)