Esempio n. 1
    async def convert(ctx: HTTPRequestContext, snowflake: int):
        if ctx.request.method == "GET":
  "Received request to view info on bot {snowflake}")
            snowflake = int(snowflake)
            resp = dict((await server.get_botdata(snowflake))[0])
            return as_json(resp, code=200)
                if "Authorization" not in ctx.request.headers:
                    return HTTPException("Failed to provide token!",  # Token was omitted from the headers
                                         response=Response("Failed to fetch info!", status=401))
                token = ctx.request.headers["Authorization"]  # The user token
                snowflake = int(snowflake)  # The bot snowflake
                req = f"""SELECT * FROM userdata WHERE token = '{token.replace("'", "''")}';"""
                async with server.pool.acquire() as connection:
                    response = await connection.fetch(req)  # Get bots and webhook / gather type
                if response:
                    bots, type = response[0]["bots"], response[0]["type"]
                    if snowflake not in bots:  # That bot is not associated with that token
                        return HTTPException("That snowflake is not valid!",
                                             Response("Failed to fetch info!", status=401))

                    async with server.pool.acquire() as connection:
                        name = await connection.fetchval(
                            f"""SELECT name FROM botdata WHERE id = {snowflake};"""
                        )  # Get the bot's name
                        url = await connection.fetchval(
                            f"""SELECT url FROM botdata WHERE name = '{ctx.request.form["to_bot"].replace("'", "''")}';"""
                        )  # Get the URL of the bot we're sending to
                    if url is None:  # That bot is not in our database!
                        return HTTPException("That is an invalid bot!",
                                             response=Response("Failed to fetch info!", status=400))

                    payload = {
                        "from_bot": name,
                        "amount": ctx.request.form["amount"],
                        "to_bot": ctx.request.form["to_bot"],
                        "server_id": ctx.request.form["server_id"]
                    dumped = json.dumps(payload, indent=4)

          "Received request to convert {ctx.request.form['amount']} from {name} "
                                 f"to {ctx.request.form['to_bot']} on server {ctx.request.form['server_id']}")
                    if type is 0:  # If using webhooks
                            await, json=dumped)  # Post the payload to the other bot's URL
                        except Exception as e:
                            return HTTPException("An error occurred forwarding to the bot!",
                                                 response=Response(e, status=500))

                    return as_json(payload, code=200)
                else:  # If we don't get a response from the given token, the token doesn't exist
                    return HTTPException("Invalid token!", response=Response("Failed to fetch info!", status=401))
            except:  # Generic error catching, always gives 400 cause how could it be _my_ issue?
                return HTTPException("An error occurred!", response=Response("Failed to fetch info!", status=400))
Esempio n. 2
 async def getguild(ctx: HTTPRequestContext, guild: int):
     req = f"""SELECT info FROM servdata WHERE UUID = {guild}"""
     async with as connection:
         response = await connection.fetchval(req)
     if response:
         return as_json(json.decode(response), code=200)
     return Response(status=403)
Esempio n. 3
async def search_handler(ctx):
    """ Returns json respresentiaton of a google reverse image search query """
    img_url = ''
    for url in ctx.request.form:
        img_url = url

    # Check whether the image exists and is actually a proper image
    image_resp = await get_resp_obj(img_url)
    if image_resp is None:
        return as_json({'error': 'Image does not exist'})
    if not is_image(image_resp):
        return as_json({'error': 'URL does not contain a proper image'})

    # Search for the image via reverse google image search
    google_html = await get_resp_html(SEARCH_URI.format(img_url))
    if google_html is None:
        return as_json({'error': 'Google has blocked this IP\nRe-captcha may be required'})

    # Try to decode HTML into JSON response
        return as_json(rp.parse_results(google_html))
    except Exception as e:
        return as_json({'error': f'Soup parsing error: {e}'})

    return as_json(resp_json)
Esempio n. 4
    async def mydata(ctx: HTTPRequestContext):
        # if "token" not in ctx.request.args:
        #    return redirect("/register", code=302)
        token = ctx.request.args['token']
        api_resp = await server.session.get("",
                                                "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}",
        js = await api_resp.json()
        if "code" in js:
            return Response(js["message"], status=js["code"])

        async with server.pool.acquire() as connection:
            exists = await connection.fetch(
                f"""SELECT * FROM userdata WHERE user_id = {js['id']};"""

            if exists:
      "Received request to view user info for {js['id']}")
                js = {
                    "user_id": js["id"],
                    "bots": exists[0]["bots"],
      "Creating new database entry for user {js['id']}")
                token = secrets.token_urlsafe(48)

                await connection.fetch(
                    f"""INSERT INTO userdata VALUES (

                js = {
                    "user_id": js["id"],
                    "bots": [],
                    "token": token,

        return as_json(js, code=200)