Esempio n. 1
    def make_bootstrap_idx(symbol):
        venue = l1.venue_by_symbol(symbol)
        tick_size, contract_size = l1.asset_info(symbol)
        start_hour, end_hour = l1.get_start_end_hour(symbol)

        idx = { 'global': \
                       { 'symbol': symbol, \
                         'venue' : venue,  \
                         'sehour': [start_hour, end_hour], \
                         'ticksz': tick_size
                       },  \
                'daily' : {\
                    #  '19700101' : \
                    #             { 'bar_sec': 1, \
                    #               'cols'   : [] \  # columns available
                    #             }  \
        return idx
Esempio n. 2
def fn_from_dates(symbol, sday, eday, is_front_future):
        is_fx = l1.venue_by_symbol(symbol) == 'FX'
        is_etf = l1.venue_by_symbol(symbol) == 'ETF'
        is_idx = l1.venue_by_symbol(symbol) == 'IDX'
        print 'Unknow symbol %s' % (symbol)
        raise ValueError('Unknown symbol ' + symbol)

    from ibbar import read_cfg
    hist_path = read_cfg('HistPath')
    sym0 = symbol
    if symbol in l1.RicMap.keys():
        sym0 = l1.RicMap[symbol]
    if is_etf:
        fqt = glob.glob(hist_path + '/ETF/' + sym0 + '_[12]*_qt.csv*')
    elif is_fx:
        fqt = glob.glob(hist_path + '/FX/' + sym0 + '_[12]*_qt.csv*')
    elif is_idx:
        fqt = glob.glob(hist_path + '/IDX/' + sym0 + '_[12]*_trd.csv*')
        if is_front_future:
            fqt = glob.glob(hist_path + '/' + symbol + '/' + sym0 +
            fqt = glob.glob(hist_path + '/' + symbol + '/nc/' + sym0 +

    ds = []
    de = []
    fn = []
    for f in fqt:
        if os.stat(f).st_size < 500:
            print '\t\t\t ***** ', f, ' is too small, ignored'
        ds0 = f.split('/')[-1].split('_')[1]
        de0 = f.split('/')[-1].split('_')[2].split('.')[0]
        # check for inclusion
        if ds0 > eday or de0 < sday:

    # sort the list in the increasing order of starting dates
    # this will make the merging easier by using append
    # in case of total inclusion, then the rule will be
    # "overwrite", instead of "append"
    # append means add only the new content to the existing daily bar
    # overwrite means add all the content to the existing daily bar, overwirte if overlap
    # merge means to only apply to daily bars of any days that doesn't exists.
    ix = np.argsort(ds)
    dss = np.array(ds)[ix]
    des = np.array(de)[ix]
    fns = np.array(fn)[ix]

    while True:
        if len(fns) == 0:
            print 'ERROR! Nothing found for %s from %s to %s (front %s), search path %s' % (
                symbol, sday, eday, str(is_front_future), hist_path)

        # remove the files that are contained
        desi = des.astype(int)
        ix = np.nonzero(desi[1:] - desi[:-1] <= 0)[0]
        if len(ix) > 0:
            print fns[ix + 1], ' contained by ', fns[
                ix], ', removed, if needed, consider load and overwrite repo'
            fns = np.delete(fns, ix + 1)
            des = np.delete(des, ix + 1)
            dss = np.delete(dss, ix + 1)

    return fns, is_fx, is_etf, is_idx
Esempio n. 3
def bar_by_file_ib(fn,
    _qt.csv and _trd.csv are expected to exist for the given fn
    return :
    bar_qt[:,0], utc_ltt, bar_qt[:,1:5].T, vwap, vol, vb, vs

    return bar_qt, bar_trd, bar
    bar {utc, utcltt, open, high, low, close,vwap,vol,vb,vs}
    bid_ask_spd = get_future_spread(symbol)
    is_fx = l1.venue_by_symbol(symbol) == 'FX'
    is_idx = l1.venue_by_symbol(symbol) == 'IDX'
    is_etf = l1.venue_by_symbol(symbol) == 'ETF'

    if is_idx:
        print 'Getting IDX quotes!'
        b0 = bar_by_file_ib_idx(fn)
        if len(b0) > 0:
            ix0, ix1 = clip_idx(b0[:, 0], symbol, start_day, end_day)
            return [], [], b0[ix0:ix1, :]
        return [], [], b0
        if fn[-3:] == '.gz':
            fn = fn[:-3]
        if fn[-4:] == '.csv':
            fn = fn[:-7]
        fnqt = fn + '_qt.csv'
        fntd = fn + '_trd.csv'

    if bar_trd is None or len(bar_trd) == 0:
        has_trd = l1.get_file_size(fntd) > 100 or l1.get_file_size(fntd +
                                                                   '.gz') > 100
        if has_trd:
            bar_trd = get_trd(fntd)
        if is_fx or not has_trd or len(bar_trd) < 1:
            print 'Getting Quote Only!'
            b0 = bar_by_file_ib_qtonly(fn)
            if len(b0) > 0:
                ix0, ix1 = clip_idx(b0[:, 0], symbol, start_day, end_day)
                return [], [], b0[ix0:ix1, :]
            return [], [], b0
    if bar_qt is None or len(bar_qt) == 0:
        bar_qt = get_qt(fnqt)

    # use quote as ref
    nqt = bar_qt.shape[0]
    assert nqt > 3, 'too few bars found at ' + fn

    # make sure the time stamps strictly increasing
    qix = l1.get_inc_idx(bar_qt[:, 0])
    tix = l1.get_inc_idx(bar_trd[:, 0])
    bar_qt = bar_qt[qix, :]
    bar_trd = bar_trd[tix, :]

    qts = bar_qt[:, 0]
    tts = bar_trd[:, 0]
    assert len(np.nonzero(
        qts[1:] - qts[:-1] < 0)[0]) == 0, 'quote time stamp goes back'
    assert len(np.nonzero(
        tts[1:] - tts[:-1] < 0)[0]) == 0, 'trade time stamp goes back'

    # deal with length difference
    # some times the file content has more days than the file name suggests.
    # such as ZNH8_20180201_20180302_1S_qt.csv has days from 2/1 to 3/19.
    # but the _trd.csv only has to 3/2 as file name suggests.
    # In this case, take the shorter one and ensure the days
    # checked for gaps in between for missing days
    # Only exception is when there is only one day, then

    while True:
        if len(qts) < 10:
            return [], [], []
        #dtq0 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(qts[0])
        #dtt0 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tts[0])
        #dtq1 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(qts[-1])
        #dtt1 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tts[-1])

        dtq0 = l1.trd_day(qts[0])
        dtt0 = l1.trd_day(tts[0])
        dtq1 = l1.trd_day(qts[-1])
        dtt1 = l1.trd_day(tts[-1])
        print 'Got Quote: ', dtq0, ' to ', dtq1, ' Trade: ', dtt0, ' to ', dtt1

        #if (qts[-1] != tts[-1]) :
        if dtq1 != dtt1:
            # only handles where ending date is different
            print '!!! Quote/Trade ending date mismatch!!!'
            ts = min(qts[-1], tts[-1])
            if qts[-1] > ts:
                ix = np.nonzero(qts > ts)[0]
                qts = qts[:ix[0]]
                bar_qt = bar_qt[:ix[0], :]
                ix = np.nonzero(tts > ts)[0]
                tts = tts[:ix[0]]
                bar_trd = bar_trd[:ix[0], :]
        #elif (qts[0] != tts[0]) :
        elif dtq0 != dtt0:
            print '!!! Quote/Trade date starting mismatch!!!'
            ts = max(qts[0], tts[0])
            if qts[0] < ts:
                ix = np.nonzero(qts < ts)[0]
                six = ix[-1] + 1
                qts = qts[six:]
                bar_qt = bar_qt[six:, :]
                ix = np.nonzero(tts < ts)[0]
                six = ix[-1] + 1
                tts = tts[six:]
                bar_trd = bar_trd[six:, :]

    tix = np.clip(np.searchsorted(tts, qts), 0, len(tts) - 1)
    # they should be the same, otherwise, patch the different ones
    ix0 = np.nonzero(tts[tix] - qts != 0)[0]
    if len(ix0) != 0:
        print len(ix0), ' bars mismatch!'
    ts = bar_trd[tix, :]

    # This should be tts
    ts[ix0, 5] = 0
    ts[ix0, 6] = 0
    ts[ix0, 7] = bar_qt[ix0, 4].copy()

    import pandas as pd
    vwap = ts[:, 7].copy()
    vol = ts[:, 5].copy()
    vb = vol.copy()
    vs = vol.copy()
    if is_etf:
        print 'adjust ETF size '
        # IB's ETF volume in LOTS, i.e. 250 = 2 LOTS
        vol = vol * 100 + 50
        vb = vb * 100 + 50
        vs = vs * 100 + 50

    utc_ltt = ts[:, 0]
    if len(ix0) > 0:
        utc_ltt[ix0] = np.nan
        df = pd.DataFrame(utc_ltt)
        df.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
    # for those bar without price movements, calculate the volume by avg trade price 

    spd = bid_ask_spd * np.clip(
        np.sqrt((bar_qt[:, 2] - bar_qt[:, 3]) / bid_ask_spd), 1, 2)
    mid = (bar_qt[:, 2] + bar_qt[:, 3]) / 2
    #mid=np.mean(bar_qt[:,1:5], axis=1)

    vb = np.clip((vwap - (mid - spd / 2)) / spd, 0, 1) * vol
    vs = vol - vb
    bar = np.vstack(
        (bar_qt[:, 0], utc_ltt, bar_qt[:, 1:5].T, vwap, vol, vb, vs)).T
    ix0, ix1 = clip_idx(bar[:, 0], symbol, start_day, end_day)
    return bar_qt, bar_trd, bar[ix0:ix1, :]
Esempio n. 4
def write_daily_bar(symbol,
    bar: all bars from a hist file having the format of 
    [utc, utc_ltt, open_px, hi_px, lo_px, close_px, vwap, vol, vb, vs]
    These bars have the same contract. 
    The bar is in increasing utc, but may have gaps, or other invalid values
    The first day of that contract bar, due to prev_close_px unknown, it is
    usually covered by having the previous contract day. 
    Note there is a limitation that the start end time has to be on a whole hour
    i.e. cannot stop on 4:30, just make it 5, which will write some zero bars.
    However, it can handle 24 hour trading, i.e. start/end at 18:00, for fx venues.
    Note 2, the first bar of a day should be 1 bar_sec after the starting utc and
    the last bar of a day should be at the ending utc.

    if get_missing is set to true, then try to get the bar on a bad day

    array of daily_bar for each day covered in the bar (hist file)
    Each daily_bar have the following format: 
    [obs_utc, lr, trd_vol, vbs, lrhl, lrvwap, ltt, lpx]
        obs_utc is the checking time stamp
        lr is the log return between this checking price and last checking price
           i.e. the lr of the previous bar that ended at this checking time (obs_utc)

      (May extend in the future)
    Note that the Trading Hours set to 24 for ICE hours
    In addition, it does the following:
    1. loop the close px to the first open px, 
    2. convert the price to lr, removing bars with maxlr more than 0.2 (CME circuit breaker)
    3. replace all inf/nan values with zero
    4. cacluate the ltt and lpx
    import pandas as pd
    dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(bar[
        0, 0])  # fromtimestamp is safe for getting local representation of utc

    start_hour, end_hour = l1.get_start_end_hour(symbol)
    TRADING_HOURS = end_hour - start_hour
    start_hour = start_hour % 24

    # get the initial day, last price
    day_start = dt.strftime('%Y%m%d')
    utc_s = int(
        l1.TradingDayIterator.local_ymd_to_utc(day_start, start_hour, 0, 0))
    if last_close_px is None:
        x = np.searchsorted(bar[1:, 0], float(utc_s) - 1e-6)

        # only take the last price within 5 minutes of utc_s
        if x + 1 >= bar.shape[0] or bar[x + 1, 0] - utc_s > 300:
            if x + 1 >= bar.shape[0]:
                print 'no bars found after the start utc of ', day_start
                print 'start up utc (%d) more than 5 minutes later than start utc (%d) on %s' % (
                    bar[x + 1, 0], utc_s, day_start)
                print 'initializing start up last_close_px deferred'
            if x == 0:
                #last_close_px = bar[0, 2]
                #print 'last close price set as the first bar open px, this should use previous contract', datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(bar[0,0]), datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(bar[1,0])
                last_close_px = bar[0, 5]
                print 'lost last close price, set as the first bar close px'
                last_close_px = bar[x, 5]
                print 'last close price set to close px of bar ', datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
                    bar[x, 0]), ' px: ', last_close_px

        print 'GOT last close px ', last_close_px
        print 'GIVEN last close price ', last_close_px

    day_end = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(bar[-1, 0]).strftime('%Y%m%d')
    # deciding on the trading days
    if dt.hour > end_hour or (start_hour == end_hour and dt.hour >= end_hour):
        # CME 17, ICE 18,
        # the second rule is for 24 hour trading, note start/end has to be on a whole hour
        ti = l1.TradingDayIterator(day_start, adj_start=False)
        trd_day_start = ti.yyyymmdd()
        trd_day_start = day_start
    trd_day_end = day_end
    print 'preparing bar from ', day_start, ' to ', day_end, ' , trading days: ', trd_day_start, trd_day_end

    ti = l1.TradingDayIterator(trd_day_start,
                               adj_start=False)  # day maybe a sunday
    day1 = ti.yyyymmdd()  # first trading day
    barr = []
    trade_days = []
    col_arr = []
    bad_trade_days = []
    while day1 <= trd_day_end:
        utc_e = int(
            l1.TradingDayIterator.local_ymd_to_utc(day1, end_hour, 0, 0))
        # get start backwards for starting on a Sunday
        utc_s = utc_e - TRADING_HOURS * 3600  # LIMITATION:  start/stop has to be on a whole hour
        day = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(utc_s).strftime('%Y%m%d')

        i = np.searchsorted(bar[:, 0], float(utc_s) - 1e-6)
        j = np.searchsorted(bar[:, 0], float(utc_e) - 1e-6)
        bar0 = bar[
            j, :]  # take the bars in between the first occurance of start_hour (or after) and the last occurance of end_hour or before

        print 'getting bar ', day + '-' + str(
            start_hour) + ':00', day1 + '-' + str(
                end_hour) + ':00', ' , got ', j - i, 'bars'
        N = (
            utc_e - utc_s
        ) / bar_sec  # but we still fill in each bar, so N should be fixed for a given symbol/venue pair

        # here N*0.90, is to account for some closing hours during half hour ib retrieval time
        # The problem with using histclient.exe to retrieve IB history data for ES is
        # set end time is 4:30pm, will retreve 3:45 to 4:15.  Because 4:15-4:30pm doesn't
        # have data.  This is only true for ES so far
        # another consideration is that IB Hist client usually won't be off too much, so 90% is
        # a good threshold for missing/bad day
        bar_good = True
        if j - i < N * 0.90:
            if symbol in ['LE', 'HE'] or l1.venue_by_symbol(symbol) == 'IDX':
                bar_good = (j - i) > N * 0.75
            elif not is_front:
                bar_good = (j - i) > N * 0.5
                bar_good = False

        if not bar_good:
            print 'fewer bars for trading day %s: %d < %d * 0.9' % (day1,
                                                                    j - i, N)
            if day1 not in l1.bad_days and get_missing:
                # recurse with the current last price and get the updated last price
                print 'getting missing day %s' % (day1)
                from ibbar import get_missing_day
                fn = get_missing_day(symbol, [day1],
                    _, _, b0 = bar_by_file_ib(fn[0],
                except Exception as e:
                    print e
                    b0 = []

                if len(b0) > j - i:
                    print 'Getting more bars %d > %d on %s for %s, take it!' % (
                        len(b0), j - i, day1, symbol)
                    barr0, trade_days0, col_arr0, bad_trade_days0, last_close_px0 = write_daily_bar(
                    # taken as done
                    barr += barr0
                    trade_days += trade_days0
                    col_arr += col_arr0
                    bad_trade_days += bad_trade_days0
                    last_close_px = last_close_px0
                    day1 = ti.yyyymmdd()
                print 'Got %d bars on %s, had %d bars (%s), use previous!' % (
                    len(b0), day1, j - i, symbol)

        if len(bar0) < 1:
            print 'Bad Day! Too fewer bars in trading day %s: %d, should have %d ' % (
                day1, j - i, N)
            ix_utc = ((bar0[:, 0] - float(utc_s)) / bar_sec + 1e-9).astype(
                int)  # lr(close_px-open_px) of a bar0 has bar_utc
            bar_utc = np.arange(
                utc_s + bar_sec, utc_e + bar_sec,
                bar_sec)  # bar time will be time of close price, as if in prod

            if N != j - i:
                print 'fill missing for only ', j - i, ' bars (should be ', N, ')'
                bar1 = np.empty((N, bar0.shape[1]))
                bar1[:, 0] = np.arange(utc_s, utc_e, bar_sec)
                # filling all missing for [utc, utc_ltt, open_px, hi_px, lo_px, close_px, vwap, vol, vb, vs]
                # fillforward for utc_ltt, close_px, vwap
                for col in [1, 5, 6]:
                    bar1[:, col] = np.nan
                    bar1[ix_utc, col] = bar0[:, col]
                    df = pd.DataFrame(bar1[:, col])
                    df.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
                    df.fillna(method='bfill', inplace=True)
                # fill zero for vol, vb, bs
                for col in [7, 8, 9]:
                    bar1[:, col] = 0
                    bar1[ix_utc, col] = bar0[:, col]
                # copy value of close_px for open_px, hi_px, lo_px
                for col in [2, 3, 4]:
                    bar1[:, col] = bar1[:, 5]
                    bar1[ix_utc, col] = bar0[:, col]

            bar_arr = []

            # construct the log returns for each bar, fill in zeros for gap
            if last_close_px is None:
                print 'setting last_close_px to ', bar0[0, 2]
                last_close_px = bar0[0, 2]

            lpx_open = np.log(np.r_[last_close_px, bar0[:-1, 5]])
            lpx_hi = np.log(bar0[:, 3])
            lpx_lo = np.log(bar0[:, 4])
            lpx_close = np.log(bar0[:, 5])
            lpx_vwap = np.log(bar0[:, 6])
            lr = lpx_close - lpx_open
            lr_hi = lpx_hi - lpx_open
            lr_lo = lpx_lo - lpx_open
            lr_vw = lpx_vwap - lpx_open

            # remove bars having abnormal return, i.e. circuit break for ES
            # with 9999 prices
            MaxLR = 0.5
            if l1.is_holiday(day) or l1.is_fx_future(
                    symbol) or l1.venue_by_symbol(symbol) == 'FX':
                MaxLR = 5
            ix1 = np.nonzero(np.abs(lr) >= MaxLR)[0]
            ix1 = np.union1d(ix1, np.nonzero(np.abs(lr_hi) >= MaxLR)[0])
            ix1 = np.union1d(ix1, np.nonzero(np.abs(lr_lo) >= MaxLR)[0])
            ix1 = np.union1d(ix1, np.nonzero(np.abs(lr_vw) >= MaxLR)[0])
            if len(ix1) > 0:
                print 'MaxLR (', MaxLR, ') exceeded: ', len(ix1), ' ticks!'
                # removing one-by-one
                for ix1_ in ix1:
                    dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(bar_utc[ix1_])
                    if not l1.is_pre_market_hour(symbol, dt):
                        print 'warning: removing 1 tick lr/lo/hi/vw: ', lr[
                            ix1_], lr_hi[ix1_], lr_lo[ix1_], lr_vw[ix1_]
                        lr[ix1_] = 0
                        lr_hi[ix1_] = 0
                        lr_lo[ix1_] = 0
                        lr_vw[ix1_] = 0
                        print 'NOT removing 1 tick (pre_market=True: ', symbol, ', ', dt, ') lr/lo/hi/vw: ', lr[
                            ix1_], lr_hi[ix1_], lr_lo[ix1_], lr_vw[ix1_]

            # the trade volumes for each bar, fill in zeros for gap
            vlm = bar0[:, 7]
            vb = bar0[:, 8]
            vs = np.abs(bar0[:, 9])
            vbs = vb - vs

            for v0, vn in zip([lr, lr_hi, lr_lo, lr_vw, vlm, vbs],
                              ['lr', 'lr_hi', 'lr_lo', 'lr_vw', 'vlm', 'vbs']):
                nix = np.nonzero(np.isnan(v0))[0]
                nix = np.union1d(nix, np.nonzero(np.isinf(np.abs(v0)))[0])
                if len(nix) > 0:
                    print 'warning: removing ', len(
                        nix), ' nan/inf ticks for ', vn
                    v0[nix] = 0
                b0 = np.zeros(N).astype(float)
                b0[ix_utc] = v0

            # get the last trade time, this is needs to be
            ltt = np.empty(N) * np.nan
            ltt[ix_utc] = bar0[:, 1]
            df = pd.DataFrame(ltt)
            df.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
            if not np.isfinite(ltt[0]):
                ptt = 0  #no previous trading detectable
                if i > 0:  #make some effort here
                    ptt = bar[i - 1, 1]
                    if not np.isfinite(ptt):
                        ptt = 0
                df.fillna(ptt, inplace=True)

            # get the last price, as a debugging tool
            # close price
            lpx = np.empty(N) * np.nan
            lpx[ix_utc] = bar0[:, 5]
            df = pd.DataFrame(lpx)
            df.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
            if not np.isfinite(lpx[0]):
                df.fillna(last_close_px, inplace=True)

            ba = np.array(bar_arr).T
            bt0 = ba[:, 0]
            lr0 = ba[:, 1]
            vl0 = ba[:, 5]
            vbs0 = ba[:, 6]
            # add a volatility measure here
            lrhl0 = ba[:, 2] - ba[:, 3]
            vwap0 = ba[:, 4]
            ltt0 = ba[:, 7]
            lpx0 = ba[:, 8]
                np.vstack((bt0, lr0, vl0, vbs0, lrhl0, vwap0, ltt0, lpx0)).T)
            last_close_px = lpx[-1]
        day1 = ti.yyyymmdd()

    # filling in missing days if not included in the bad_trade_days
    bad_trade_days = []
    good_trade_days = []
    it = l1.TradingDayIterator(trd_day_start)
    while True:
        day = it.yyyymmdd()
        if day > trd_day_end:
        if day not in trade_days:

    print 'got bad trade days ', bad_trade_days
    return barr, good_trade_days, col_arr, bad_trade_days, last_close_px
Esempio n. 5
File: Progetto: ssh352/kr
def get_missing_day(symbol,
    Couple of options:
    reuse_exist_file: will take the previous daily file
                      and try to reuse it
    reuse_exist_only: will only try to reuse the existing
                      daily file.  If not found, then
                      don't run the ibclient.  This is
                      usually the case for unnecessary
                      days (such as outside of sday/eday
                      of file name).

    Note: if IB_CLIENT is not found, i.e. on the hp notebook, 
          reuse_exist_only is set to true
    import copy
    ibclient = copy.deepcopy(IB_CLIENT)
        reuse_exist_only = True

    if reuse_exist_only:
        ibclient = None

    if cid is None:
        dt =
        cid = dt.month * 31 + + 300 + dt.second

    fnarr = []
    for day in trd_day_arr:
        if day in l1.bad_days:
            print 'not getting holiday ', day
        if l1.venue_by_symbol(symbol) == 'FX':
            fnarr += get_ib(day,
                            cid=cid + 3,
            # future or etf
            next_contract = not is_front
            fnarr += get_ib_future([symbol],
                                   cid=cid + 1,

    return fnarr
Esempio n. 6
File: Progetto: ssh352/kr
def ibvenue(symbol):
    return l1.venue_by_symbol(symbol)
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self, symbol, bar_file, dbar_repo) :
        A class for reading IB's L1 bars with the columes as
        UTC         bs    bp         ap            as  bv  sv  utc_at_collect   qbc qac bc sc ism_avg
        1535425169, 5, 2901.5000000, 2901.7500000, 135, 5, 17, 1535425169000056, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2901.5062609
        UTC is the bar ending time
        qbc is best bid change count
        qac is best ask change count
        bc  is buy trade counts 
        sc  is sell trade counts
        Parser will get from the file in 

        Based on a line in the bar file, the parsing returns the following two arrays
        bcol_arr: array of basic columns for each day.  
                 ['vol', 'vbs', 'spd', 'bs', 'as', 'mid']
        ecol_arr: array of extended columns for each day
                 ['qbc', 'qac', 'tbc', 'tsc', 'ism1']

        if dbar_repo is not None, it will update repo by the following rule:
        1. overwrite the [lrc,volc,vbsc,lpxc], whenever exist (indexing using the utcc)
        2. add columns of bs, as, spd qbc qac tbc tsc ism1, fill-in on missing
           (see NOTE 5)

        NOTE 1: utc offset:
        From 201805301800 to 201806261700, utc + 1 matches with history
        From 201806261800 to 201808171700, utc + 2 matches with history
        Good afterwards

        NOTE 2:
        Extended columns starts from 20180715-20:39:55, but may have problem
        for first few days
        NOTE 3:
        Next contract bar starts from 20180802-18:12:30
        Same as the IB_Hist, separate dbar_repo for the same symbol's next contract,
        i.e. dbar_repo_next_contract for bars of next contract
        NOTE 4:
        Be prepared for any data losses and errors!
        zero prices, zero sizes

        Note 5:
        There are 1~2 second drift on the hist's mid and L1's mid before 8/18/2018.
        Since the L1 is the live trading one, it is given more emphasis. 
        To be consistent, the lr also is overwritten together with vol and vbs.

        But when constructing lr to override, due to the first lr being
        calculated with previous trading day on the same contract, 
        BE SURE to use the hist data on the first index

        Weekend ingestion process for front/back future contract:
        1. collect and ingest hist file, handling missings
        2. read and ingest bar files
        self.symbol = symbol
        self.venue = l1.venue_by_symbol(symbol)
        self.hours = l1.get_start_end_hour(symbol)
        self.bar_file = bar_file
        if bar_file[-3:] == '.gz' :
            os.system('gunzip -f ' + bar_file)
            self.bar_file = bar_file[:-3]
            self.gzip = True
        else :
            self.gzip = False
        self.f = open(self.bar_file, 'r')
        self.dbar = dbar_repo

        # the time shifting start/stops, see Note 1
        self.utc10 = l1.TradingDayIterator.local_ymd_to_utc('20180530', 18, 0, 0)
        self.utc11 = l1.TradingDayIterator.local_ymd_to_utc('20180626', 17, 0, 0)
        self.utc20 = l1.TradingDayIterator.local_ymd_to_utc('20180626', 18, 0, 0)
        self.utc21 = l1.TradingDayIterator.local_ymd_to_utc('20180817', 17, 0, 0)
        self.bar_sec = 1  # always fixed as 1 second bar for C++ l1 bar writer