def stateMachine(self, timerStuff): publisher = rospy.Publisher('ballCollectionMovement', Movement) moveMessage = None rest = PWMRaw(channel=5, pwm=0) servoPublisher = rospy.Publisher('/hoverboard/PWMRaw/', PWMRaw) one = PWMRaw(channel=5, pwm=2) #detectionPublisher = rospy.Publisher('/detectionSwitch', DetectionSwitcher) #detectionSwitch = DetectionSwitcher() #detectionSwitch.state = 2 #detectionPublisher.publish(detectionSwitch) if (self.state == 0): #Find a ball of any color #detectionSwitch.state = 2 #detectionPublisher.publish(detectionSwitch) for i in xrange(0,numPublishTimes): servoPublisher.publish(one) moveMessage = self.detectBall() elif (self.state == 1): #Move towards the ball for i in xrange(0,numPublishTimes): servoPublisher.publish(rest) #detectionPublisher.publish(detectionSwitch) moveMessage = self.moveToBall() elif (self.state == 2): #Collect the ball in the mechanism #servoPublisher.publish(rest) #detectionPublisher.publish(detectionSwitch) moveMessage = self.collectBall() else: #Reset to initial state self.publishColorToBallPy() moveMessage = self.stop() self.ballVisible = False self.ballCaptured = False self.currentColor = 'yellow' self.targetColor = None self.state = 0 donePublisher = rospy.Publisher('currentBallState', DetectionSwitcher) #Reuse of existing message type dState = DetectionSwitcher() dState.state = 0 donePublisher.publish(dState) publisher.publish(moveMessage)
def __init__(self): self.debug = float(rospy.get_param('~debug', '0')) #Updates state by publishing different move messages rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(.1), self.updateState) #Initialize vision arbitrator publisher = rospy.Publisher('/detectionSwitch', DetectionSwitcher) switcher = DetectionSwitcher() switcher.state = 2 for i in xrange(0,25): switcher.header.stamp = publisher.publish(switcher) self.colors = ['blue', 'purple', 'green', 'orange'] #Maps colors to landmark numbers self.colorDict = dict() self.colorDict['blue'] = int(rospy.get_param('~blueLandmark', '2')) self.colorDict['green'] = int(rospy.get_param('~greenLandmark', '3')) self.colorDict['yellow'] = int(rospy.get_param('~yellowLandmark', '4')) self.colorDict['purple'] = int(rospy.get_param('~purpleLandmark', '5')) self.colorDict['orange'] = int(rospy.get_param('~orangeLandmark', '6')) self.switchedState = True #State vars for the substate machines for landmark and ball collection self.landmarkVars = dict([('inView', False),('visibleLandmark', -1),('landmarkX', 0), ('distance', -1), ('targetReached', False)]) self.ballVars = dict([('visible', False),('location', ballLocation()),('captured', False), ('colorIndex', 0)]) self.state = 0 #Ball Subscriptions rospy.Subscriber('/ballLocation',ballLocation,self.getBallLocation) rospy.Subscriber('ballVisible',ballVisible, self.isBallVisible) rospy.Subscriber('/rangeInfo', Range, self.isBallCaptured) #Landmark subscrptions rospy.Subscriber('landmarkVisible',landmarkVisible, self.checkForLandmark) rospy.Subscriber('landmarkLocation', landmarkLocation, self.getDistanceToLandmark) #Initialize lifter servoPublisher = rospy.Publisher('/hoverboard/PWMRaw/', PWMRaw) liftMiddle = PWMRaw(channel=5, pwm=4) servoPublisher.publish(liftMiddle)
def stateMachine(self): publisher = rospy.publisher('landmarkDetection',Movement) moveMessage = None if (self.state == 0): #Look for the landmark moveMessage = self.lookForLandmark(self.landmark1) elif (self.state == 1): #Move towards landmark moveMessage = self.moveTowardsLandmark else: #Reset to initial state moveMessage = self.move() self.currentLandmark = -2 self.currentVisibleLMCode = -2 self.isLandmarkInView = False self.landmarkLocation = None self.distanceToLandmark = 1000 self.targetReached = False self.landMarkX = None self.state = 0 donePublisher = rospy.publisher('currentBallState', DetectionSwitcher) #Reuse of existing message type dState = DetectionSwitcher() dState.state = 1 donePublisher.publish(dState) publisher.publish(moveMessage)
def publishColorToBallPy(self): #Publish the collect ball color color = DetectionSwitcher() if self.currentColor == 'orange': color.state = 1 elif self.currentColor == 'purple': color.state = 2 elif self.currentColor == 'yellow': color.state = 3 elif self.currentColor == 'green': color.state = 4 elif self.currentColor == 'blue': color.state = 5 publisher = rospy.Publisher('foundBallColor', DetectionSwitcher) publisher.publish(color)
def updateState(self,timerShit): #Controls the overall state of the node numPublishTimes = 10 cameraPublisher = rospy.Publisher('/detectionSwitch', DetectionSwitcher) switcher = DetectionSwitcher() #Publishes for the lift servoPublisher = rospy.Publisher('/hoverboard/PWMRaw/', PWMRaw) liftDown = PWMRaw(channel=5, pwm=0) liftMiddle = PWMRaw(channel=5, pwm=4) movePublisher = rospy.Publisher('/ballCleanerOut', Movement) moveMessage = None if self.state == 0: servoPublisher.publish(liftMiddle) moveMessage = self.detectBall() switcher.state = 2 elif self.state == 1: if self.switchedState: self.switchedState = False self.debugPrint('Moving to Ball') servoPublisher.publish(liftDown) rospy.sleep(2.0) moveMessage = self.moveToBall() switcher.state = 2 elif self.state == 2: if self.switchedState: self.switchedState = False self.debugPrint('Loading Ball') moveMessage = self.collectBall() switcher.state = 2 elif self.state == 3: string = 'Looking for landmark %d'%(self.colorDict[self.getCurrentColor()]) if self.switchedState: self.switchedState = False self.debugPrint(string) moveMessage = self.lookForLandmark(self.colorDict[self.getCurrentColor()]) switcher.state = 1 elif self.state == 4: if self.switchedState: self.switchedState = False self.debugPrint('Moving Towards Landmark') moveMessage = self.moveTowardsLandmark() switcher.state = 1 elif self.state == 5: if self.switchedState: self.switchedState = False self.debugPrint('Firing') moveMessage = self.launch() switcher.state = 1 elif self.state == 6: if self.switchedState: self.switchedState = False self.debugPrint('Stop Firing') moveMessage = self.stopLaunching() switcher.state = 1 elif self.state == 7: #Resets state machine back to default settings self.resetVariables() switcher.state = 2 self.state = 0 self.switchedState = True moveMessage = self.stop() else: print('Well that shouldn\'t have happened. State is now: ' + str(self.state)) switcher.header.stamp cameraPublisher.publish(switcher) movePublisher.publish(moveMessage)