def __init__(self, configs: Configs): self.device = torch.device('cpu') if torch.cuda.is_available(): self.device = torch.device('cuda:0') self.dataset = TinyShakespeareDataset(configs.seq_len) self.dataloader = DataLoader(self.dataset, batch_size=configs.batch_size, collate_fn=transpose_batch, shuffle=True) if configs.glu_variant == 'GLU': ffn = FeedForward(configs.d_model, configs.d_ff, configs.dropout, nn.Sigmoid(), True, False, False, False) elif configs.glu_variant == 'Bilinear': ffn = FeedForward(configs.d_model, configs.d_ff, configs.dropout, nn.Identity(), True, False, False, False) elif configs.glu_variant == 'ReGLU': ffn = FeedForward(configs.d_model, configs.d_ff, configs.dropout, nn.ReLU(), True, False, False, False) elif configs.glu_variant == 'GEGLU': ffn = FeedForward(configs.d_model, configs.d_ff, configs.dropout, nn.GELU(), True, False, False, False) elif configs.glu_variant == 'SwiGLU': ffn = FeedForward(configs.d_model, configs.d_ff, configs.dropout, nn.SiLU(), True, False, False, False) elif configs.glu_variant == 'ReLU': ffn = FeedForward(configs.d_model, configs.d_ff, configs.dropout, nn.ReLU()) elif configs.glu_variant == 'GELU': ffn = FeedForward(configs.d_model, configs.d_ff, configs.dropout, nn.GELU()) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown variant {configs.glu_variant}') n_chars = len(self.dataset.stoi) self.model = AutoregressiveModel( EmbeddingsWithPositionalEncoding(configs.d_model, n_chars), Encoder( TransformerLayer(d_model=configs.d_model, self_attn=MultiHeadAttention( configs.n_heads, configs.d_model, configs.dropout), src_attn=None, feed_forward=ffn, dropout_prob=configs.dropout), configs.n_layers), nn.Linear(configs.d_model, n_chars)) self.optimizer = Noam(self.model.parameters(), lr=1.0, warmup=2_000, d_model=configs.d_model) self.loss_func = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self.epochs = configs.epochs self.grad_norm_clip = configs.grad_norm_clip # Set tracker configurations tracker.set_scalar("loss.*", True)
def __init__(self, configs: Configs): # Get the device self.device = torch.device('cpu') if torch.cuda.is_available(): self.device = torch.device('cuda:0') # Initialize the dataset self.dataset = TinyShakespeareDataset(configs.seq_len) # Initialize the dataloader self.dataloader = DataLoader(self.dataset, batch_size=configs.batch_size, collate_fn=transpose_batch, shuffle=True) # FFN with Gated Linear Unit # $$FFN_{GLU}(x)(x, W_1, V, W_2) = (\sigma(x W_1) \otimes x V) W_2$$ if configs.glu_variant == 'GLU': ffn = FeedForward(configs.d_model, configs.d_ff, configs.dropout, nn.Sigmoid(), True, False, False, False) # FFN with Bilinear hidden layer # $$FFN_{Bilinear}(x)(x, W_1, V, W_2) = (x W_1 \otimes x V) W_2$$ elif configs.glu_variant == 'Bilinear': ffn = FeedForward(configs.d_model, configs.d_ff, configs.dropout, nn.Identity(), True, False, False, False) # FFN with ReLU gate # $$FFN_{ReGLU}(x)(x, W_1, V, W_2) = (\max(0, x W_1) \otimes x V) W_2$$ elif configs.glu_variant == 'ReGLU': ffn = FeedForward(configs.d_model, configs.d_ff, configs.dropout, nn.ReLU(), True, False, False, False) # FFN with GELU gate # $$FFN_{GEGLU}(x)(x, W_1, V, W_2) = (\text{GELU}(x W_1) \otimes x V) W_2$$ elif configs.glu_variant == 'GEGLU': ffn = FeedForward(configs.d_model, configs.d_ff, configs.dropout, nn.GELU(), True, False, False, False) # FFN with Swish gate # $$FFN_{SwiGLU}(x)(x, W_1, V, W_2) = (\text{Swish}_1(x W_1) \otimes x V) W_2$$ # where $\text{Swish}_\beta(x) = x \sigma(\beta x)$ elif configs.glu_variant == 'SwiGLU': ffn = FeedForward(configs.d_model, configs.d_ff, configs.dropout, nn.SiLU(), True, False, False, False) # FFN with ReLU activation # $$FFN_{ReLU}(x)(x, W_1, W_2, b_1, b_2) = \text{ReLU}_1(x W_1 + b_1) W_2 + b_2$$ elif configs.glu_variant == 'ReLU': ffn = FeedForward(configs.d_model, configs.d_ff, configs.dropout, nn.ReLU()) # FFN with ReLU activation # $$FFN_{GELU}(x)(x, W_1, W_2, b_1, b_2) = \text{GELU}_1(x W_1 + b_1) W_2 + b_2$$ elif configs.glu_variant == 'GELU': ffn = FeedForward(configs.d_model, configs.d_ff, configs.dropout, nn.GELU()) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown variant {configs.glu_variant}') # Number of different characters n_chars = len(self.dataset.stoi) # Initialize [Multi-Head Attention module](../mha.html) mha = MultiHeadAttention(configs.n_heads, configs.d_model, configs.dropout) # Initialize the [Transformer Block](../models.html#TransformerLayer) transformer_layer = TransformerLayer(d_model=configs.d_model, self_attn=mha, src_attn=None, feed_forward=ffn, dropout_prob=configs.dropout) # Initialize the model with an # [embedding layer](../models.html#EmbeddingsWithPositionalEncoding) # (with fixed positional encoding) # [transformer encoder](../models.html#Encoder) and # a linear layer to generate logits. self.model = AutoregressiveModel( EmbeddingsWithPositionalEncoding(configs.d_model, n_chars), Encoder(transformer_layer, configs.n_layers), nn.Linear(configs.d_model, n_chars)) # Move the model to the current device # Initialize [Noam optimizer](../../optimizers/noam.html) self.optimizer = Noam(self.model.parameters(), lr=1.0, warmup=2_000, d_model=configs.d_model) # Cross-entropy loss self.loss_func = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() # Number of training epochs; # *note that our dataset definition repeats the data `seq_len` times in a single epoch self.epochs = configs.epochs # Gradient clipping norm self.grad_norm_clip = configs.grad_norm_clip # Set tracker configurations tracker.set_scalar("loss.*", True)