Esempio n. 1
def read_account(account_id='', account_email='', account_token=''):

# import dependencies
    from labpack.records.settings import load_settings
    from labpack.platforms.localhost import localhostClient

# construct default response
    account_details = {}
    account_results = []

    localhost_client = localhostClient()

# search by index feature
    if account_id:
        id_query = [{'.file_name': {'discrete_values': ['%s.yaml' % account_id]}}]
        id_filter = localhost_client.conditional_filter(id_query)
        account_results = localhost_client.list(id_filter, list_root='../data/accounts/id', max_results=1)
    elif account_email:
        import hashlib
        email_hash = hashlib.sha256(account_email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
        email_query = [{'.file_name': {'discrete_values': ['%s.yaml' % email_hash ]}}]
        email_filter = localhost_client.conditional_filter(email_query)
        account_results = localhost_client.list(email_filter, list_root='../data/accounts/email', max_results=1)
    elif account_token:
        token_query = [{'.file_name': {'discrete_values': ['%s.yaml' % account_token ]}}]
        token_filter = localhost_client.conditional_filter(token_query)
        account_results = localhost_client.list(token_filter, list_root='../data/accounts/token', max_results=1)

# return account details
    if account_results:
        account_details = load_settings(account_results[0])

    return account_details
Esempio n. 2
def construct_license(license_type='mit'):

# retrieve license text
    file_path = 'models/license.%s.txt' % license_type
    file_text = retrieve_template(file_path)

# retrieve username
    import os
    from labpack.platforms.localhost import localhostClient
    localhost_client = localhostClient()
    if localhost_client.os.sysname == 'Windows':
        username = os.environ.get('USERNAME')
        home_path = os.path.abspath(localhost_client.home)
        root_path, username = os.path.split(home_path)

# retrieve date
    from datetime import datetime
    new_date = datetime.utcnow()
    new_year = str(new_date.year)

# replace terms in license
    file_text = file_text.replace('2017', new_year)
    file_text = file_text.replace('Collective Acuity', username)

    return file_text
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, virtualbox_name='', verbose=False):

            a method to initialize the dockerClient class

        :param virtualbox_name: [optional] string with name of virtualbox image
        :return: dockerClient object

        title = '%s.__init__' % self.__class__.__name__
    # construct super
        super(dockerClient, self).__init__()

    # construct fields model
        from jsonmodel.validators import jsonModel
        self.fields = jsonModel(self._class_fields)
    # validate inputs
        input_fields = {
            'virtualbox_name': virtualbox_name
        for key, value in input_fields.items():
            if value:
                object_title = '%s(%s=%s)' % (title, key, str(value))
                self.fields.validate(value, '.%s' % key, object_title)

    # construct properties
        self.vbox = virtualbox_name
        self.verbose = verbose
    # construct localhost
        from labpack.platforms.localhost import localhostClient
        self.localhost = localhostClient()

    # verbosity
        if self.verbose:
            print('Checking docker installation...', end='', flush=True)

    # validate docker installation
        if self.verbose:
            print('.', end='', flush=True)

    # validate virtualbox installation
        self.vbox_running = self._validate_virtualbox()
        if self.verbose:
            print('.', end='', flush=True)
    # set virtualbox variables
        if self.vbox_running:
            if self.verbose:
                print('.', end='', flush=True)

        if self.verbose:
            print(' done.')
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, collection_name='', prod_name='', org_name='', root_path=''):

        ''' initialization method of appdata client class

        :param collection_name: [optional] string with name of collection to store records
        :param prod_name: [optional] string with name of application product
        :param org_name: [optional] string with name of organization behind product
        :param root_path: [optional] string with path to root of collections (defaults to user home)

        title = '%s.__init__' % self.__class__.__name__
    # add localhost property to class
        self.localhost = localhostClient()

    # construct input validation model
        self.fields = jsonModel(self._class_fields)

    # validate inputs
        if not collection_name:
            collection_name = 'User Data'
            collection_name = self.fields.validate(collection_name, '.collection_name')
        if not org_name:
            org_name = __team__
            org_name = self.localhost.fields.validate(org_name, '.org_name')
        if not prod_name:
            prod_name = __module__
            prod_name = self.localhost.fields.validate(prod_name, '.prod_name')
    # construct collection name
        from copy import deepcopy
        self.collection_name = deepcopy(collection_name)

    # construct app folder
        if not root_path:
            self.app_folder = self.localhost.app_data(org_name=org_name, prod_name=prod_name)
            root_path = self.fields.validate(root_path, '.root_path')
            if os.path.exists(root_path):
                if not os.path.isdir(root_path):
                    raise ValueError('%s(root_path="%s") is an existing file.' % (title, root_path))
            self.app_folder = os.path.abspath(root_path)

    # validate existence of file data folder in app data (or create)
        if self.localhost.os in ('Linux', 'FreeBSD', 'Solaris'):
            collection_name = collection_name.replace(' ', '-').lower()
        self.collection_folder = os.path.join(self.app_folder, collection_name)
        self.fields.validate(self.collection_folder, '.record_key_path')
        if not os.path.exists(self.collection_folder):
Esempio n. 5
def recognize_text(file_path, tesseract_cmd=''):

    import re
    import builtins
    from wand.image import Image
    from PIL import Image as PI
    import io
    import pytesseract

    image_texts = []

    # define tesseract command path
    if tesseract_cmd:
        pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = tesseract_cmd
        from labpack.platforms.localhost import localhostClient
        if localhostClient().os.sysname == 'Windows':
            raise IndexError('tesseract_cmd argument required on Windows.')

# open image file
    image_files = []
    png_regex = re.compile('\.png$')
    if not png_regex.findall(file_path):
        image_files = convert_to_png(file_path)
        image_png = Image(filename=file_path, resolution=300)
        for img in image_png.sequence:
            image_page = Image(image=img)

# bypass cp1252 errors in python3
    original_open = open

    def bin_open(filename, mode='rb'):
        return original_open(filename, mode)

# process ocr with tesseract

    try: = bin_open
        for img in image_files:
            bts = pytesseract.image_to_string(
            text_string = str(bts, 'cp1252', 'ignore')
    finally: = original_open

    return image_texts
Esempio n. 6
def delete_signatures(account_id):

# import dependencies
    from labpack.platforms.localhost import localhostClient
    from labpack.records.settings import remove_settings

# remove signatures
    localhost_client = localhostClient()
    signature_query = [{
        '.file_name': {'must_contain': ['^%s' % account_id]}
    signature_filter = localhost_client.conditional_filter(signature_query)
    signature_results = localhost_client.list(signature_filter, list_root='../data/signatures')
    if signature_results:
        for file_path in signature_results:

    return signature_results
Esempio n. 7
def construct_init(module_name):

        a method to create the text for a file for a new module
    :param module_name: string with name of module to create
    :return: string with text for init file

# retrieve username
    import os
    from labpack.platforms.localhost import localhostClient
    localhost_client = localhostClient()
    if localhost_client.os.sysname == 'Windows':
        username = os.environ.get('USERNAME')
        home_path = os.path.abspath(localhost_client.home)
        root_path, username = os.path.split(home_path)

# retrieve date
    from datetime import datetime
    new_date = datetime.utcnow()
    new_month = str(new_date.month)
    if len(new_month) == 1:
        new_month = '0%s' % new_month
    date_string = '%s.%s' % (str(new_date.year), new_month)

# construct init text
    init_text = "''' A Brand New Python Module '''"
    init_text += "__author__ = '%s'\n" % username
    init_text += "__created__ = '%s'\n" % date_string
    init_text += "__module__ = '%s'\n" % module_name
    init_text += "__version__ = '0.1'\n"
    init_text += "__license__ = 'MIT'  # BSD, ALv2, GPLv3+, LGPLv3+, ©%s Collective Acuity\n" % str(new_date.year)
    init_text += "__team__ = 'Collective Acuity'\n"
    init_text += "__email__ = '*****@*****.**'\n"
    init_text += "__url__ = ''\n" % module_name
    init_text += "__description__ = 'A Brand New Python Module'\n"

    return init_text
Esempio n. 8
    def _create_folder(self):

        ''' a helper method for creating a temporary audio clip folder '''

    # import dependencies
        import os
        from labpack.platforms.localhost import localhostClient
        from import labID

    # create folder in user app data
        record_id = labID()
        collection_name = 'Watson Speech2Text'
        localhost_client = localhostClient()
        app_folder = localhost_client.app_data(org_name=__team__, prod_name=__module__)
        if localhost_client.os in ('Linux', 'FreeBSD', 'Solaris'):
            collection_name = collection_name.replace(' ', '-').lower()
        collection_folder = os.path.join(app_folder, collection_name)
        clip_folder = os.path.join(collection_folder, record_id.id24)
        if not os.path.exists(clip_folder):

        return clip_folder
Esempio n. 9
    def __init__(self,
        ''' a method to initialize the herokuClient class '''

        title = '%s.__init__' % self.__class__.__name__

        # construct fields model
        from jsonmodel.validators import jsonModel
        self.fields = jsonModel(self._class_fields)

        # validate inputs
        input_fields = {
            'account_email': account_email,
            'account_password': account_password,
            'app_subdomain': app_subdomain
        for key, value in input_fields.items():
            object_title = '%s(%s=%s)' % (title, key, str(value))
            self.fields.validate(value, '.%s' % key, object_title) = account_email
        self.password = account_password
        self.subdomain = app_subdomain

        # construct class properties
        self.verbose = verbose

        # construct localhost
        from labpack.platforms.localhost import localhostClient
        self.localhost = localhostClient()

        # validate installation

        # validate access
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self, virtualbox_name='', verbose=False):
            a method to initialize the dockerClient class
        :param virtualbox_name: [optional] string with name of virtualbox image
        :return: dockerClient object

        # construct vbox property
        self.vbox = virtualbox_name
        self.verbose = verbose

        # construct localhost
        from labpack.platforms.localhost import localhostClient
        self.localhost = localhostClient()

        # verbosity
        if self.verbose:
            print('Checking docker installation...', end='', flush=True)

    # validate docker installation
        if self.verbose:
            print('.', end='', flush=True)

    # validate virtualbox installation
        box_running = self._validate_virtualbox()
        if self.verbose:
            print('.', end='', flush=True)

    # set virtualbox variables
        if box_running:
            if self.verbose:
                print('.', end='', flush=True)

        if self.verbose:
            print(' done.')
Esempio n. 11
    def __init__(self, account_email, auth_token, verbose=True):
        ''' a method to initialize the herokuClient class '''

        title = '%s.__init__' % self.__class__.__name__
    # initialize super
        super(herokuClient, self).__init__(verbose=verbose)
    # construct fields model
        from jsonmodel.validators import jsonModel
        self.fields = jsonModel(self._class_fields)

    # validate inputs
        input_fields = {
            'account_email': account_email,
            'auth_token': auth_token
        for key, value in input_fields.items():
            object_title = '%s(%s=%s)' % (title, key, str(value))
            self.fields.validate(value, '.%s' % key, object_title)
    # construct properties = account_email
        self.token = auth_token
        self.subdomain = ''
        self.apps = []
    # construct localhost
        from labpack.platforms.localhost import localhostClient
        self.localhost = localhostClient()
    # validate installation
    # validate access
Esempio n. 12
def home(service_name, print_path=False, service_path='', overwrite=False):
        a method to manage the local path information for a service

    :param service_name: string with name of service to add to registry
    :param print_path: [optional] boolean to retrieve local path of service from registry
    :param service_path: [optional] string with path to service root
    :param overwrite: [optional] boolean to overwrite existing service registration
    :return: string with local path to service

    title = 'home'

    # validate inputs
    input_map = {'service_name': service_name, 'service_path': service_path}
    for key, value in input_map.items():
        if value:
            object_title = '%s(%s=%s)' % (title, key, str(value))
            fields_model.validate(value, '.%s' % key, object_title)

# validate requirements
# TODO boolean algebra method to check not both inputs

# resolve print path request
    if print_path:

        # retrieve service root
        from pocketlab.methods.service import retrieve_service_root
        command_context = 'Try running "lab home %s" first from its root.' % service_name
        service_root = retrieve_service_root(service_name, command_context)

        # return root path to bash command
        import sys
        exit_msg = 'Transport to "%s" underway.;%s' % (service_name,

# resolve service request

# validate existence of home alias
    from os import path
    from labpack.platforms.localhost import localhostClient
    localhost_client = localhostClient()
    home_alias = "alias home='function _home(){ lab_output=\"$(lab home --print $1)\"; IFS=\";\" read -ra LINES <<< \"$lab_output\"; echo \"${LINES[0]}\"; cd \"${LINES[1]}\"; };_home'"
    config_list = [localhost_client.bash_config, localhost_client.sh_config]
    for i in range(len(config_list)):
        if config_list[i]:
            if not path.exists(config_list[i]):
                with open(config_list[i], 'wt') as f:
                    f.write('# alias for pocketlab home command\n')
                import re
                home_pattern = re.compile('alias home\=')
                lab_pattern = re.compile(
                    'alias home\=\'function _home\(\)\{\slab_output')
                home_match = False
                lab_match = False
                with open(config_list[i], 'rt') as f:
                    for line in f:
                        line = line.partition('#')[0]
                        line = line.rstrip()
                        if home_pattern.findall(line):
                            home_match = True
                        if lab_pattern.findall(line):
                            lab_match = True
                if not home_match:
                    with open(config_list[i], 'a') as f:
                        f.write('\n\n# alias for pocketlab home command\n')
                elif not lab_match:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'the "home" alias is being used by another program.')
    # TODO allow declaration of different alias
    # TODO check system path for home command

# construct registry client
    from pocketlab import __module__
    from import appdataClient
    registry_client = appdataClient(collection_name='Registry Data',

    # validate service name is not already in registry
    file_name = '%s.yaml' % service_name
    filter_function = registry_client.conditional_filter([{
        0: {
            'discrete_values': [file_name]
    service_list = registry_client.list(filter_function=filter_function)
    if file_name in service_list:
        if not overwrite:
            suggest_msg = 'Add -f to overwrite.'
            raise ValueError('"%s" already exists in the registry. %s' %
                             (service_name, suggest_msg))

# add service to registry
    service_root = './'
    if service_path:
        if not path.exists(service_path):
            raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid path.' % service_path)
        elif not path.isdir(service_path):
            raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid directory.' % service_path)
        service_root = service_path
    file_details = {
        'service_name': service_name,
        'service_root': path.abspath(service_root)
    registry_client.create(file_name, file_details)

    exit_msg = '"%s" added to registry. To return to workdir, run "home %s"' % (
        service_name, service_name)
    return exit_msg
Esempio n. 13
    def __init__(self, instance_id, pem_file, access_id, secret_key, region_name, owner_id, user_name, login_name='', verbose=True):

            a method for initializing the SSH connection parameters to the EC2 instance

        :param instance_id: string with AWS id of instance
        :param pem_file: string with path to keypair pem file
        :param access_id: string with access_key_id from aws IAM user setup
        :param secret_key: string with secret_access_key from aws IAM user setup
        :param region_name: string with name of aws region
        :param owner_id: string with aws account id
        :param user_name: string with name of user access keys are assigned to
        :param login_name: [optional] string with name of login user
        :param verbose: boolean to enable process messages

        title = '%s.__init__' % self.__class__.__name__

    # initialize model
        from jsonmodel.validators import jsonModel
        self.fields = jsonModel(self._class_fields)

    # construct localhost client
        from labpack.platforms.localhost import localhostClient
        self.localhost = localhostClient()

    # validate credentials and construct ec2 method
        from import ec2Client
        self.ec2 = ec2Client(access_id, secret_key, region_name, owner_id, user_name, verbose)

    # validate inputs
        input_fields = {
            'instance_id': instance_id,
            'pem_file': pem_file
        for key, value in input_fields.items():
            object_title = '%s(%s=%s)' % (title, key, str(value))
            self.ec2.fields.validate(value, '.%s' % key, object_title)

    # construct class properties
        self.instance_id = instance_id

    # verify pem file exists
        from os import path
        if not path.exists(pem_file):
            raise Exception('%s is not a valid path.' % pem_file)
        self.pem_file = path.abspath(pem_file)

    # verify user has privileges
            self.ec2.iam.printer_on = False
        except AWSConnectionError as err:
            if str(err).find('Could not connect') > -1:
            raise AWSConnectionError(title, 'You must have privileges to access EC2 to use sshClient')

    # verify instance exists
        instance_list = self.ec2.list_instances()
        if instance_id not in instance_list:
            raise Exception('%s does not exist in this region or permission scope.' % instance_id)

    # verify instance has public ip
        instance_details = self.ec2.read_instance(instance_id)
        if not instance_details['public_ip_address']:
            raise Exception('%s requires a public IP address to access through ssh.' % instance_id)
        self.instance_ip = instance_details['public_ip_address']

    # retrieve login name from tag
        self.login_name = ''
        input_fields = {
            'login_name': login_name
        for key, value in input_fields.items():
            if value:
                object_title = '%s(%s=%s)' % (title, key, str(value))
                self.fields.validate(value, '.%s' % key, object_title)
                self.login_name = login_name
        if not self.login_name:
            for tag in instance_details['tags']:
                if tag['key'] == 'UserName':
                    self.login_name = tag['value']
        if not self.login_name:
            raise Exception('SSH access to %s requires a login_name argument or UserName tag' % instance_id)

    # verify local and remote pem file names match
        from os import path
        pem_absolute = path.abspath(pem_file)
        pem_root, pem_ext = path.splitext(pem_absolute)
        pem_path, pem_name = path.split(pem_root)
        if not instance_details['key_name'] == pem_name:
            raise Exception('%s does not match name of keypair %s for instance %s.' % (pem_name, instance_details['keypair'], instance_id))

    # verify instance is ready

    # verify security group allows ssh
        group_list = []
        for group in instance_details['security_groups']:
        if not group_list:
            raise Exception('SSH access to %s requires a security group attached to instance.' % instance_id)
        port_22_list = []
        for group_id in group_list:
            group_details = self.ec2.read_security_group(group_id)
            for permission in group_details['ip_permissions']:
                if permission['from_port'] == 22:
        if not port_22_list:
            raise Exception('SSH access to %s requires a security group with inbound permissions for port 22.' % instance_id)
        from labpack.records.ip import get_ip
        current_ip = get_ip()
        ssh_access = False
        for ip_range in port_22_list:
            if ip_range['cidr_ip'].find('') > -1 or ip_range['cidr_ip'].find(current_ip) > -1:
                ssh_access = True
        if not ssh_access:
            raise Exception('SSH access to %s requires your IP %s to be added to port 22 on its security group.' % (instance_id, current_ip))
    # verify pem file has access
            self.script('ls -a')
            raise AWSConnectionError(title, '%s does not have access to instance %s.' % (pem_name, instance_id))

    # verify scp
        self.scp = False
    # turn printer back on
        self.ec2.iam.printer_on = True
Esempio n. 14
    def __init__(self, magic_file=''):

        ''' initialization method for labMagic class

        :param magic_file: [optional] string with local path to magic.mgc file

        title = '%s.__init__' % self.__class__.__name__

    # construct class field model
        from jsonmodel.validators import jsonModel
        self.fields = jsonModel(self._class_fields)

    # validate inputs
        input_fields = {
            'magic_file': magic_file
        for key, value in input_fields.items():
            if value:
                object_title = '%s(%s=%s)' % (title, key, str(value))
                self.fields.validate(value, '.%s' % key, object_title)

    # construct magic method
        magic_kwargs = {
            'mime': True,
            'uncompress': True
        from labpack.platforms.localhost import localhostClient
        sys_name = localhostClient().os.sysname
        if sys_name == 'Windows':
            if not magic_file:
                raise IndexError('%s(magic_file="...") is required on Windows systems.')
        import os
        if magic_file:
            if not os.path.exists(magic_file):
                raise ValueError('%s(magic_file=%s) is not a valid file path.' % (title, magic_file))
            magic_kwargs['magic_file'] = magic_file
        # workaround for module namespace conflict
            from sys import path as sys_path
            import magic
            sys_path.insert(0, sys_path.pop())
            self.magic = magic.Magic(**magic_kwargs)
            raise Exception('\nmagiclab requires the python-magic module. try: pip install python-magic\npython-magic requires the C library libmagic. See documentation in labpack.parsing.magic.')

    # construct mimetypes method
        import mimetypes
        self.mimetypes = mimetypes.MimeTypes()

    # retrieve updates to mimetypes
        mimetype_urls = self.fields.schema['mimetype_urls']
        from import appdataClient
        mime_collection = appdataClient('Mime Types')
        mime_filter = mime_collection.conditional_filter([{-1:{'must_contain': ['mime.types']}}])
        mime_list = mime_collection.list(mime_filter)
        for key in mimetype_urls.keys():
            file_path = os.path.join(mime_collection.collection_folder, key)
            if key not in mime_list:
                file_dir = os.path.split(file_path)[0]
                if not os.path.exists(file_dir):
                import requests
                    response = requests.get(mimetype_urls[key])
                except Exception:
                    from labpack.handlers.requests import handle_requests
                    request_kwargs = {'url': mimetype_urls[key]}
                    response_details = handle_requests(requests.Request(**request_kwargs))
                    print('magiclab attempted to retrieve latest mimetype registry resource at %s but ran into this non-fatal error: %s' % (mimetype_urls[key], response_details['error']))
                with open(file_path, 'wb') as f:
            ext_map = mimetypes.read_mime_types(file_path)
            for key, value in ext_map.items():
                self.mimetypes.add_type(value, key)
__author__ = 'rcj1492'
__created__ = '2016.11'
__license__ = 'MIT'

from labpack.parsing.magic import labMagic

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from labpack.platforms.localhost import localhostClient
    localhost_client = localhostClient()
    file_path = '../data/'
    file_url = ''
    byte_data = open('../data/test_pdf.pde', 'rb').read()
    if localhost_client.os.sysname in ('Windows'):
        lab_magic = labMagic('../data/magic.mgc')
        lab_magic = labMagic()
    analysis = lab_magic.analyze(file_path)
    assert analysis['extension'] == '.png'
    analysis = lab_magic.analyze(file_url=file_url)
    assert analysis['name'] == 'Zelyz-xr_400x400.png'
    analysis = lab_magic.analyze(byte_data=byte_data)
    assert analysis['mimetype'] == 'application/pdf'
    not_a_file = 'happy'.encode('utf-8')
    analysis = lab_magic.analyze(byte_data=not_a_file)
    assert analysis['mimetype'] == 'text/plain'