Esempio n. 1
class DeviceServer(LabradServer):
    """A server for devices.

    Creates a DeviceWrapper for each device it finds, based on a
    user-provided function.  Provides standard settings for listing
    devices, selecting a device for the current context, and
    refreshing the list of devices.  Also, provides for device-locking
    with timeouts.
    name = 'Generic Device Server'
    deviceWrapper = DeviceWrapper

    def initServer(self):
        self.devices = MultiDict() # aliases -> device
        self.device_guids = {} # name -> guid
        self._next_guid = 0
        self._refreshLock = defer.DeferredLock()
        return self.refreshDeviceList()

    def stopServer(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'devices'):
            ds = [defer.maybeDeferred(dev.shutdown)
                  for dev in self.devices.values()]
            return defer.DeferredList(ds, fireOnOneErrback=True)

    def findDevices(self):
        """Return a list of found devices.

        The result should be a list of (name, args, kw) tuples
        where args and kw are the arguments tuple and keyword dict
        that will be used to call the device's connect function.
        return []

    def refreshDeviceList(self):
        """Refresh the list of available devices.

        Devices are assigned a unique identifying
        number that will persist between refreshes, so that
        clients that have selected devices in context will still
        be able to refer to them after the refresh.

    def chooseDeviceWrapper(self, *args, **kw):
        Override in subclass to support multiple device wrapper classes

        args and kw come from findDevices (ie same as are passed into the
        device wrapper's connect method).
        return self.deviceWrapper

    def _doRefresh(self):
        """Do the actual refreshing."""
        self.log('refreshing device list...')
        all_found = yield self.findDevices()

        # If there are devices for which we don't have wrappers,
        # create them. If we have a wrapper for a
        # device that is no longer available, then that wrapper should
        # be marked somehow to indicate that it is no longer available.

        def fixFound(f):
            if isinstance(f, str):
                f = f, (), {}
            name = f[0]
            args = f[1] if len(f) > 1 else ()
            kw = f[2] if len(f) > 2 else {}
            return name, args, kw
        all_found = [fixFound(f) for f in all_found]

        additions = [(name, args, kw) for (name, args, kw) in all_found
                     if name not in self.devices]
        names_found = [name for (name, args, kw) in all_found]
        deletions = [name for name in self.device_guids
                     if name in self.devices and name not in names_found]
        self.log('all_found: %s' % all_found)
        self.log('additions: %s' % additions)
        self.log('deletions: %s' % deletions)

        # start additions
        for name, args, kw in additions:
            if name in self.device_guids:
                # we've seen this device before
                # so we'll reuse the old guid
                guid = self.device_guids[name]
                guid = self.device_guids[name] = self._next_guid
                self._next_guid += 1

            deviceWrapper = self.chooseDeviceWrapper(name, *args, **kw)
            dev = deviceWrapper(guid, name)
            yield dev.connect(*args, **kw)
            self.devices[guid, name] = dev

        # do deletions
        for name in deletions:
            # we delete the device, but not its guid, so that
            # if this device comes back, users who have
            # selected it by guid will reconnect seamlessly
            dev = self.devices[name]
            del self.devices[name]
                yield dev.shutdown()
            except Exception as e:
                self.log('Error while shutting down device "%s": %s' % (name, e))

    def serverConnected(self, ID, name):

    def serverDisconnected(self, ID, name):

    def expireContext(self, c):
        """Release selected/locked device when context expires."""
        if 'device' in c:
            alias = c['device']
                dev = self.devices[alias]
                if dev.lockedInContext(c):
            except KeyError:

    def deviceLists(self):
        """Get parallel lists of device names and IDs."""
        guids = sorted(self.devices.keys())
        names = [self.devices[g].name for g in guids]
        return guids, names

    def selectedDevice(self, context):
        """Get the selected device from the given context."""
        if not len(self.devices):
            raise errors.NoDevicesAvailableError()
            key = context['device']
        except KeyError:
            raise errors.DeviceNotSelectedError()
            dev = self.devices[key]
        except KeyError:
            raise errors.NoSuchDeviceError()
        if not dev.accessibleFrom(context.ID):
            raise DeviceLockedError()
        return dev

    def selectDevice(self, context, key=None):
        """Select a device in our current context."""
        if not len(self.devices):
            raise errors.NoDevicesAvailableError()
        if key is None:
            # use the first device
            key = sorted(self.devices.keys())[0]
            dev = self.devices[key]
        except KeyError:
            raise errors.NoSuchDeviceError(key)
        if not dev.accessibleFrom(context.ID):
            raise DeviceLockedError()

        if 'device' in context:
            if context['device'] != dev.guid:
                    oldDev = self.devices[context['device']]
                except KeyError:
                    # we're trying to select a new device.
                    # make sure to unlock previously selected device
                    if oldDev.lockedInContext(context.ID):
                context['device'] = dev.guid
            context['device'] = dev.guid
        return dev

    def deselectDevice(self, context):
        if 'device' in context:
                oldDev = self.devices[context['device']]
            except KeyError:
                # unlock and deselect device
                if oldDev.lockedInContext(context.ID):
            del context['device']

    def getDevice(self, context, key=None):
        if not len(self.devices):
            raise errors.NoDevicesAvailableError()
        if key is None:
            # use the first device
            key = sorted(self.devices.keys())[0]
            dev = self.devices[key]
        except KeyError:
            raise errors.NoSuchDeviceError()
        if not dev.accessibleFrom(context.ID):
            raise DeviceLockedError()
        return dev

    # server settings

    @setting(1, 'List Devices', returns=['*(ws)'])
    def list_devices(self, c):
        """List available devices."""
        IDs, names = self.deviceLists()
        return list(zip(IDs, names))

    @setting(2, 'Select Device',
                key=[': Select first device',
                     's: Select device by name',
                     'w: Select device by ID'],
                returns=['s: Name of the selected device'])
    def select_device(self, c, key=0):
        """Select a device for the current context."""
        dev = self.selectDevice(c, key=key)

    @setting(3, 'Deselect Device', returns=[''])
    def deselect_device(self, c):
        """Select a device for the current context."""
        dev = self.deselectDevice(c)

    @setting(4, 'Refresh Devices', returns=['*(ws)'])
    def refresh_devices(self, c):
        """Refresh the list of available devices."""
        yield self.refreshDeviceList()

    @setting(1000001, 'Lock Device',
                      timeout=[': Lock the selected device for default time',
                            'v[s]: Lock for specified time'],
    def lock_device(self, c, timeout):
        """Lock a device to be accessible only in this context."""
        dev = self.selectedDevice(c)
        if timeout is not None:
            timeout = timeout['s']
        dev.lock(c.ID, timeout)

    @setting(1000002, 'Release Device', returns=[''])
    def release_device(self, c):
        """Release the lock on the currently-locked device."""
        dev = self.selectedDevice(c)
Esempio n. 2
class DeviceServer(LabradServer):
    """A server for devices.

    Creates a DeviceWrapper for each device it finds, based on a
    user-provided function.  Provides standard settings for listing
    devices, selecting a device for the current context, and
    refreshing the list of devices.  Also, provides for device-locking
    with timeouts.
    name = 'Generic Device Server'
    deviceWrapper = DeviceWrapper

    def initServer(self):
        self.devices = MultiDict()  # aliases -> device
        self.device_guids = {}  # name -> guid
        self._next_guid = 0
        self._refreshLock = defer.DeferredLock()
        return self.refreshDeviceList()

    def stopServer(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'devices'):
            ds = [
                for dev in self.devices.values()
            return defer.DeferredList(ds, fireOnOneErrback=True)

    def findDevices(self):
        """Return a list of found devices.

        The result should be a list of (name, args, kw) tuples
        where args and kw are the arguments tuple and keyword dict
        that will be used to call the device's connect function.
        return []

    def refreshDeviceList(self):
        """Refresh the list of available devices.

        Devices are assigned a unique identifying
        number that will persist between refreshes, so that
        clients that have selected devices in context will still
        be able to refer to them after the refresh.

    def chooseDeviceWrapper(self, *args, **kw):
        Override in subclass to support multiple device wrapper classes

        args and kw come from findDevices (ie same as are passed into the
        device wrapper's connect method).
        return self.deviceWrapper

    def _doRefresh(self):
        """Do the actual refreshing."""
        self.log('refreshing device list...')
        all_found = yield self.findDevices()

        # If there are devices for which we don't have wrappers,
        # create them. If we have a wrapper for a
        # device that is no longer available, then that wrapper should
        # be marked somehow to indicate that it is no longer available.

        def fixFound(f):
            if isinstance(f, str):
                f = f, (), {}
            name = f[0]
            args = f[1] if len(f) > 1 else ()
            kw = f[2] if len(f) > 2 else {}
            return name, args, kw

        all_found = [fixFound(f) for f in all_found]

        additions = [(name, args, kw) for (name, args, kw) in all_found
                     if name not in self.devices]
        names_found = [name for (name, args, kw) in all_found]
        deletions = [
            name for name in self.device_guids
            if name in self.devices and name not in names_found
        self.log('all_found: %s' % all_found)
        self.log('additions: %s' % additions)
        self.log('deletions: %s' % deletions)

        # start additions
        for name, args, kw in additions:
            if name in self.device_guids:
                # we've seen this device before
                # so we'll reuse the old guid
                guid = self.device_guids[name]
                guid = self.device_guids[name] = self._next_guid
                self._next_guid += 1

            deviceWrapper = self.chooseDeviceWrapper(name, *args, **kw)
            dev = deviceWrapper(guid, name)
            yield dev.connect(*args, **kw)
            self.devices[guid, name] = dev

        # do deletions
        for name in deletions:
            # we delete the device, but not its guid, so that
            # if this device comes back, users who have
            # selected it by guid will reconnect seamlessly
            dev = self.devices[name]
            del self.devices[name]
                yield dev.shutdown()
            except Exception, e:
                self.log('Error while shutting down device "%s": %s' %
                         (name, e))
Esempio n. 3
class ManagedDeviceServer(LabradServer):
    """A server for devices.

    Creates a DeviceWrapper for each device it finds, based on a
    user-provided function.  Provides standard settings for listing
    devices, selecting a device for the current context, and
    refreshing the list of devices.  Also, provides for device-locking
    with timeouts.

    Device names and associated wrappers can be specified in two ways
    1 (old way)
    Give a device name or list of device names:
    deviceName = "nameOfDevice" eg. "Acme XL123" or
    deviceName = ["nameOfDevice", "nameOfOtherDevice",...]
    and also give a single device wrapper.
    deviceWrapper=<a device Wrapper (sub)class>
    With this method the same device wrapper is used for all detected
    devices, regardless of eg. model. This works if all models use
    the same SCPI commands.
    2 (new better way)
    Give a dict mapping device names to wrappers
    deviceWrappers = {"deviceName":wrapperForThisDevice,...}
    This allows you to use the same server for eg. devices of the same
    general type but from different manufacturers or of different

    1. Old way example
    deviceName = "Acme Widget"
    deviceWrapper = AcmeWidgetWrapper
    2. New way example
    deviceWrappers={"Acme Widget": AcmeWidgetExample}

    Optionally specify a device specific identication function
    deviceIdentFunc = 'identify_device'
    name = 'Generic Device Server'
    deviceManager = 'Device Manager'

    # Default device name and wrapper for backwards compatibility with servers
    # written before we supported multiple different device types, and which
    # do not explicitly set deviceWrapper and/or deviceName.
    deviceName = 'Generic Device'
    deviceWrapper = DeviceWrapper

    messageID = 21436587

    def __init__(self):
        #Backward compatibility for servers that don't use a
        #deviceWrappers dict
        if not hasattr(self, 'deviceWrappers'):
            names = self.deviceName
            if isinstance(names, str):
                names = [names]
            self.deviceWrappers = dict((name, self.deviceWrapper) for name in names)

    def initServer(self):
        self.devices = MultiDict() # aliases -> device
        self.device_guids = {} # name -> guid
        self._next_guid = 0
        # register a message handler for connect/disconnect messages
        handler = lambda c, data: self.handleDeviceMessage(*data)
        self._cxn.addListener(handler, ID=self.messageID)
        if self.deviceManager in self.client.servers:
            yield self.connectToDeviceManager()

    def stopServer(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'devices'):
            ds = [defer.maybeDeferred(dev.shutdown)
                  for dev in self.devices.values()]
            yield defer.DeferredList(ds, fireOnOneErrback=True)

    def makeDeviceName(self, device, server, address):
        return server + ' - ' + address

    def handleDeviceMessage(self, device, server, address, isConnected=True):
        print 'Device message:', device, server, address, isConnected
        name = self.makeDeviceName(device, server, address)
        if isConnected: # add device
            if name in self.devices:
                return # we already have this device
            if name in self.device_guids:
                # we've seen this device before
                # so we'll reuse the old guid
                guid = self.device_guids[name]
                guid = self.device_guids[name] = self._next_guid
                self._next_guid += 1
            dev = self.deviceWrappers[device](guid, name)
            yield self.client.refresh()
            yield dev.connect(self.client[server], address)
            self.devices[guid, name] = dev

        else: # remove device
            yield self.removeDevice(name)

    def removeDevice(self, name):
        # we delete the device, but not its guid, so that
        # if this device comes back, users who have
        # selected it by guid will reconnect seamlessly
        if name not in self.devices:
        dev = self.devices[name]
        del self.devices[name]
            yield dev.shutdown()
        except Exception, e:
            self.log('Error while shutting down device "%s": %s' % (name, e))
Esempio n. 4
class DeviceServer(LabradServer):
    """A server for devices.

    Creates a DeviceWrapper for each device it finds, based on a
    user-provided function.  Provides standard settings for listing
    devices, selecting a device for the current context, and
    refreshing the list of devices.  Also, provides for device-locking
    with timeouts.
    name = 'Generic Device Server'
    deviceWrapper = DeviceWrapper

    def initServer(self):
        self.devices = MultiDict() # aliases -> device
        self.device_guids = {} # name -> guid
        self._next_guid = 0
        self._refreshLock = defer.DeferredLock()
        return self.refreshDeviceList()

    def stopServer(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'devices'):
            ds = [defer.maybeDeferred(dev.shutdown)
                  for dev in self.devices.values()]
            return defer.DeferredList(ds, fireOnOneErrback=True)

    def findDevices(self):
        """Return a list of found devices.

        The result should be a list of (name, args, kw) tuples
        where args and kw are the arguments tuple and keyword dict
        that will be used to call the device's connect function.
        return []

    def refreshDeviceList(self):
        """Refresh the list of available devices.

        Devices are assigned a unique identifying
        number that will persist between refreshes, so that
        clients that have selected devices in context will still
        be able to refer to them after the refresh.

    def chooseDeviceWrapper(self, *args, **kw):
        Override in subclass to support multiple device wrapper classes

        args and kw come from findDevices (ie same as are passed into the
        device wrapper's connect method).
        return self.deviceWrapper

    def _doRefresh(self):
        """Do the actual refreshing."""
        self.log('refreshing device list...')
        all_found = yield self.findDevices()

        # If there are devices for which we don't have wrappers,
        # create them. If we have a wrapper for a
        # device that is no longer available, then that wrapper should
        # be marked somehow to indicate that it is no longer available.

        def fixFound(f):
            if isinstance(f, str):
                f = f, (), {}
            name = f[0]
            args = f[1] if len(f) > 1 else ()
            kw = f[2] if len(f) > 2 else {}
            return name, args, kw
        all_found = [fixFound(f) for f in all_found]

        additions = [(name, args, kw) for (name, args, kw) in all_found
                     if name not in self.devices]
        names_found = [name for (name, args, kw) in all_found]
        deletions = [name for name in self.device_guids
                     if name in self.devices and name not in names_found]
        self.log('all_found: %s' % all_found)
        self.log('additions: %s' % additions)
        self.log('deletions: %s' % deletions)

        # start additions
        for name, args, kw in additions:
            if name in self.device_guids:
                # we've seen this device before
                # so we'll reuse the old guid
                guid = self.device_guids[name]
                guid = self.device_guids[name] = self._next_guid
                self._next_guid += 1

            deviceWrapper = self.chooseDeviceWrapper(name, *args, **kw)
            dev = deviceWrapper(guid, name)
            yield dev.connect(*args, **kw)
            self.devices[guid, name] = dev

        # do deletions
        for name in deletions:
            # we delete the device, but not its guid, so that
            # if this device comes back, users who have
            # selected it by guid will reconnect seamlessly
            dev = self.devices[name]
            del self.devices[name]
                yield dev.shutdown()
            except Exception, e:
                self.log('Error while shutting down device "%s": %s' % (name, e))
Esempio n. 5
class DeviceServer(LabradServer):
    """A server for devices.

    Creates a DeviceWrapper for each device it finds, based on a
    user-provided function.  Provides standard settings for listing
    devices, selecting a device for the current context, and
    refreshing the list of devices.  Also, provides for device-locking
    with timeouts.
    name = 'Generic Device Server'
    deviceWrapper = DeviceWrapper

    def initServer(self):
        self.devices = MultiDict()  # aliases -> device
        self.device_guids = {}  # name -> guid
        self._next_guid = 0
        self._refreshLock = defer.DeferredLock()
        return self.refreshDeviceList()

    def stopServer(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'devices'):
            ds = [
                for dev in self.devices.values()
            return defer.DeferredList(ds, fireOnOneErrback=True)

    def findDevices(self):
        """Return a list of found devices.

        The result should be a list of (name, args, kw) tuples
        where args and kw are the arguments tuple and keyword dict
        that will be used to call the device's connect function.
        return []

    def refreshDeviceList(self):
        """Refresh the list of available devices.

        Devices are assigned a unique identifying
        number that will persist between refreshes, so that
        clients that have selected devices in context will still
        be able to refer to them after the refresh.

    def chooseDeviceWrapper(self, *args, **kw):
        Override in subclass to support multiple device wrapper classes

        args and kw come from findDevices (ie same as are passed into the
        device wrapper's connect method).
        return self.deviceWrapper

    def _doRefresh(self):
        """Do the actual refreshing."""
        self.log('refreshing device list...')
        all_found = yield self.findDevices()

        # If there are devices for which we don't have wrappers,
        # create them. If we have a wrapper for a
        # device that is no longer available, then that wrapper should
        # be marked somehow to indicate that it is no longer available.

        def fixFound(f):
            if isinstance(f, str):
                f = f, (), {}
            name = f[0]
            args = f[1] if len(f) > 1 else ()
            kw = f[2] if len(f) > 2 else {}
            return name, args, kw

        all_found = [fixFound(f) for f in all_found]

        additions = [(name, args, kw) for (name, args, kw) in all_found
                     if name not in self.devices]
        names_found = [name for (name, args, kw) in all_found]
        deletions = [
            name for name in self.device_guids
            if name in self.devices and name not in names_found
        self.log('all_found: %s' % all_found)
        self.log('additions: %s' % additions)
        self.log('deletions: %s' % deletions)

        # start additions
        for name, args, kw in additions:
            if name in self.device_guids:
                # we've seen this device before
                # so we'll reuse the old guid
                guid = self.device_guids[name]
                guid = self.device_guids[name] = self._next_guid
                self._next_guid += 1

            deviceWrapper = self.chooseDeviceWrapper(name, *args, **kw)
            dev = deviceWrapper(guid, name)
            yield dev.connect(*args, **kw)
            self.devices[guid, name] = dev

        # do deletions
        for name in deletions:
            # we delete the device, but not its guid, so that
            # if this device comes back, users who have
            # selected it by guid will reconnect seamlessly
            dev = self.devices[name]
            del self.devices[name]
                yield dev.shutdown()
            except Exception as e:
                self.log('Error while shutting down device "%s": %s' %
                         (name, e))

    def serverConnected(self, ID, name):

    def serverDisconnected(self, ID, name):

    def expireContext(self, c):
        """Release selected/locked device when context expires."""
        if 'device' in c:
            alias = c['device']
                dev = self.devices[alias]
                if dev.lockedInContext(c):
            except KeyError:

    def deviceLists(self):
        """Get parallel lists of device names and IDs."""
        guids = sorted(self.devices.keys())
        names = [self.devices[g].name for g in guids]
        return guids, names

    def selectedDevice(self, context):
        """Get the selected device from the given context."""
        if not len(self.devices):
            raise errors.NoDevicesAvailableError()
            key = context['device']
        except KeyError:
            raise errors.DeviceNotSelectedError()
            dev = self.devices[key]
        except KeyError:
            raise errors.NoSuchDeviceError()
        if not dev.accessibleFrom(context.ID):
            raise DeviceLockedError()
        return dev

    def selectDevice(self, context, key=None):
        """Select a device in our current context."""
        if not len(self.devices):
            raise errors.NoDevicesAvailableError()
        if key is None:
            # use the first device
            key = sorted(self.devices.keys())[0]
            dev = self.devices[key]
        except KeyError:
            raise errors.NoSuchDeviceError(key)
        if not dev.accessibleFrom(context.ID):
            raise DeviceLockedError()

        if 'device' in context:
            if context['device'] != dev.guid:
                    oldDev = self.devices[context['device']]
                except KeyError:
                    # we're trying to select a new device.
                    # make sure to unlock previously selected device
                    if oldDev.lockedInContext(context.ID):
                context['device'] = dev.guid
            context['device'] = dev.guid
        return dev

    def deselectDevice(self, context):
        if 'device' in context:
                oldDev = self.devices[context['device']]
            except KeyError:
                # unlock and deselect device
                if oldDev.lockedInContext(context.ID):
            del context['device']

    def getDevice(self, context, key=None):
        if not len(self.devices):
            raise errors.NoDevicesAvailableError()
        if key is None:
            # use the first device
            key = sorted(self.devices.keys())[0]
            dev = self.devices[key]
        except KeyError:
            raise errors.NoSuchDeviceError()
        if not dev.accessibleFrom(context.ID):
            raise DeviceLockedError()
        return dev

    # server settings

    @setting(1, 'List Devices', returns=['*(ws)'])
    def list_devices(self, c):
        """List available devices."""
        IDs, names = self.deviceLists()
        return zip(IDs, names)

             'Select Device',
                 ': Select first device', 's: Select device by name',
                 'w: Select device by ID'
             returns=['s: Name of the selected device'])
    def select_device(self, c, key=0):
        """Select a device for the current context."""
        dev = self.selectDevice(c, key=key)

    @setting(3, 'Deselect Device', returns=[''])
    def deselect_device(self, c):
        """Select a device for the current context."""
        dev = self.deselectDevice(c)

    @setting(4, 'Refresh Devices', returns=['*(ws)'])
    def refresh_devices(self, c):
        """Refresh the list of available devices."""
        yield self.refreshDeviceList()

             'Lock Device',
                 ': Lock the selected device for default time',
                 'v[s]: Lock for specified time'
    def lock_device(self, c, timeout):
        """Lock a device to be accessible only in this context."""
        dev = self.selectedDevice(c)
        if timeout is not None:
            timeout = timeout['s']
        dev.lock(c.ID, timeout)

    @setting(1000002, 'Release Device', returns=[''])
    def release_device(self, c):
        """Release the lock on the currently-locked device."""
        dev = self.selectedDevice(c)
Esempio n. 6
class ManagedDeviceServer(LabradServer):
    """A server for devices.

    Creates a DeviceWrapper for each device it finds, based on a
    user-provided function.  Provides standard settings for listing
    devices, selecting a device for the current context, and
    refreshing the list of devices.  Also, provides for device-locking
    with timeouts.

    Device names and associated wrappers can be specified in two ways
    1 (old way)
    Give a device name or list of device names:
    deviceName = "nameOfDevice" eg. "Acme XL123" or
    deviceName = ["nameOfDevice", "nameOfOtherDevice",...]
    and also give a single device wrapper.
    deviceWrapper=<a device Wrapper (sub)class>
    With this method the same device wrapper is used for all detected
    devices, regardless of eg. model. This works if all models use
    the same SCPI commands.
    2 (new better way)
    Give a dict mapping device names to wrappers
    deviceWrappers = {"deviceName":wrapperForThisDevice,...}
    This allows you to use the same server for eg. devices of the same
    general type but from different manufacturers or of different

    1. Old way example
    deviceName = "Acme Widget"
    deviceWrapper = AcmeWidgetWrapper
    2. New way example
    deviceWrappers={"Acme Widget": AcmeWidgetExample}

    Optionally specify a device specific identication function
    deviceIdentFunc = 'identify_device'
    name = 'Generic Device Server'
    deviceManager = 'Device Manager'

    # Default device name and wrapper for backwards compatibility with servers
    # written before we supported multiple different device types, and which
    # do not explicitly set deviceWrapper and/or deviceName.
    deviceName = 'Generic Device'
    deviceWrapper = DeviceWrapper

    messageID = 21436587

    def __init__(self):
        #Backward compatibility for servers that don't use a
        #deviceWrappers dict
        if not hasattr(self, 'deviceWrappers'):
            names = self.deviceName
            if isinstance(names, str):
                names = [names]
            self.deviceWrappers = dict((name, self.deviceWrapper) for name in names)

    def initServer(self):
        self.devices = MultiDict() # aliases -> device
        self.device_guids = {} # name -> guid
        self._next_guid = 0
        # register a message handler for connect/disconnect messages
        handler = lambda c, data: self.handleDeviceMessage(*data)
        self._cxn.addListener(handler, ID=self.messageID)
        if self.deviceManager in self.client.servers:
            yield self.connectToDeviceManager()

    def stopServer(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'devices'):
            ds = [defer.maybeDeferred(dev.shutdown)
                  for dev in self.devices.values()]
            yield defer.DeferredList(ds, fireOnOneErrback=True)

    def makeDeviceName(self, device, server, address):
        return server + ' - ' + address

    def handleDeviceMessage(self, device, server, address, isConnected=True):
        print('Device message:', device, server, address, isConnected)
        name = self.makeDeviceName(device, server, address)
        if isConnected: # add device
            if name in self.devices:
                return # we already have this device
            if name in self.device_guids:
                # we've seen this device before
                # so we'll reuse the old guid
                guid = self.device_guids[name]
                guid = self.device_guids[name] = self._next_guid
                self._next_guid += 1
            dev = self.deviceWrappers[device](guid, name)
            yield self.client.refresh()
            yield dev.connect(self.client[server], address)
            self.devices[guid, name] = dev

        else: # remove device
            yield self.removeDevice(name)

    def removeDevice(self, name):
        # we delete the device, but not its guid, so that
        # if this device comes back, users who have
        # selected it by guid will reconnect seamlessly
        if name not in self.devices:
        dev = self.devices[name]
        del self.devices[name]
            yield dev.shutdown()
        except Exception as e:
            self.log('Error while shutting down device "%s": %s' % (name, e))

    def connectToDeviceManager(self):

        yield self.client.refresh()
        manager = self.client[self.deviceManager]
        #If we have a device identification function register it with the device manager
        if hasattr(self, 'deviceIdentFunc'):
            yield manager.register_ident_function(self.deviceIdentFunc)
        #Register ourself as a server who cares about devices
        devs = yield manager.register_server(list(self.deviceWrappers.keys()), self.messageID)
        # the devs list is authoritative any devices we have
        # that are _not_ on this list should be removed
        names = [self.makeDeviceName(*dev[:3]) for dev in devs]
        additions = [self.handleDeviceMessage(*dev) for dev in devs]
        deletions = [self.removeDevice(name)
                     for name in self.device_guids.keys()
                     if name not in names]
        yield defer.DeferredList(additions + deletions)

    def serverConnected(self, ID, name):
        if name == self.deviceManager:

    def expireContext(self, c):
        """Release selected/locked device when context expires."""
        if 'device' in c:
            alias = c['device']
                dev = self.devices[alias]
                if dev.lockedInContext(c):
            except KeyError:

    def deviceLists(self):
        """Get parallel lists of device names and IDs."""
        guids = sorted(self.devices.keys())
        names = [self.devices[g].name for g in guids]
        return guids, names

    def selectedDevice(self, context):
        """Get the selected device from the given context."""
        if not len(self.devices):
            raise errors.NoDevicesAvailableError()
            key = context['device']
        except KeyError:
            raise errors.DeviceNotSelectedError()
            dev = self.devices[key]
        except KeyError:
            raise errors.NoSuchDeviceError()
        if not dev.accessibleFrom(context.ID):
            raise DeviceLockedError()
        return dev

    def selectDevice(self, context, key=None):
        """Select a device in our current context."""
        if not len(self.devices):
            raise errors.NoDevicesAvailableError()
        if key is None:
            # use the first device
            key = sorted(self.devices.keys())[0]
            dev = self.devices[key]
        except KeyError:
            raise errors.NoSuchDeviceError()
        if not dev.accessibleFrom(context.ID):
            raise DeviceLockedError()

        if 'device' in context:
            if context['device'] != dev.guid:
                    oldDev = self.devices[context['device']]
                except KeyError:
                    # we're trying to select a new device.
                    # make sure to unlock previously selected device
                    if oldDev.lockedInContext(context.ID):
                context['device'] = dev.guid
            context['device'] = dev.guid
        return dev

    def deselectDevice(self, context):
        if 'device' in context:
                oldDev = self.devices[context['device']]
            except KeyError:
                # unlock and deselect device
                if oldDev.lockedInContext(context.ID):
            del context['device']

    def getDevice(self, context, key=None):
        if not len(self.devices):
            raise errors.NoDevicesAvailableError()
        if key is None:
            # use the first device
            key = sorted(self.devices.keys())[0]
            dev = self.devices[key]
        except KeyError:
            raise errors.NoSuchDeviceError()
        if not dev.accessibleFrom(context.ID):
            raise DeviceLockedError()
        return dev

    # server settings

    @setting(1, 'List Devices', returns='*(ws)')
    def list_devices(self, c):
        """Get a list of available devices.

        The list entries have a numerical ID and a string name.
        It is recommended to use the names wherever possible to
        identify devices, since this contains human-readable
        information about the device, however for speed numerical
        IDs may sometimes be desirable.  The ID number for a
        device is persistent, so it can be used even if the device
        disconnects and later reconnects under the same name.
        IDs, names = self.deviceLists()
        return zip(IDs, names)

    @setting(2, 'Select Device',
                key=[': Select first device',
                     's: Select device by name',
                     'w: Select device by ID'],
                returns='s: Name of the selected device')
    def select_device(self, c, key=0):
        """Select a device for the current context."""
        dev = self.selectDevice(c, key=key)

    @setting(3, 'Deselect Device', returns='')
    def deselect_device(self, c):
        """Deselect a device in the current context."""
        dev = self.deselectDevice(c)

    @setting(1000001, 'Lock Device',
                      timeout=[': Lock the selected device for default time',
                            'v[s]: Lock for specified time'],
    def lock_device(self, c, timeout):
        """Lock a device to be accessible only in this context."""
        dev = self.selectedDevice(c)
        if timeout is not None:
            timeout = timeout['s']
        dev.lock(c.ID, timeout)

    @setting(1000002, 'Release Device', returns='')
    def release_device(self, c):
        """Release the lock on the currently-locked device."""
        dev = self.selectedDevice(c)
Esempio n. 7
class ManagedDeviceServer(LabradServer):
    """A server for devices.

    Creates a DeviceWrapper for each device it finds, based on a
    user-provided function.  Provides standard settings for listing
    devices, selecting a device for the current context, and
    refreshing the list of devices.  Also, provides for device-locking
    with timeouts.

    Device names and associated wrappers can be specified in two ways
    1 (old way)
    Give a device name or list of device names:
    deviceName = "nameOfDevice" eg. "Acme XL123" or
    deviceName = ["nameOfDevice", "nameOfOtherDevice",...]
    and also give a single device wrapper.
    deviceWrapper=<a device Wrapper (sub)class>
    With this method the same device wrapper is used for all detected
    devices, regardless of eg. model. This works if all models use
    the same SCPI commands.
    2 (new better way)
    Give a dict mapping device names to wrappers
    deviceWrappers = {"deviceName":wrapperForThisDevice,...}
    This allows you to use the same server for eg. devices of the same
    general type but from different manufacturers or of different

    1. Old way example
    deviceName = "Acme Widget"
    deviceWrapper = AcmeWidgetWrapper
    2. New way example
    deviceWrappers={"Acme Widget": AcmeWidgetExample}

    Optionally specify a device specific identication function
    deviceIdentFunc = 'identify_device'
    name = 'Generic Device Server'
    deviceManager = 'Device Manager'

    # Default device name and wrapper for backwards compatibility with servers
    # written before we supported multiple different device types, and which
    # do not explicitly set deviceWrapper and/or deviceName.
    deviceName = 'Generic Device'
    deviceWrapper = DeviceWrapper

    messageID = 21436587

    def __init__(self):
        #Backward compatibility for servers that don't use a
        #deviceWrappers dict
        if not hasattr(self, 'deviceWrappers'):
            names = self.deviceName
            if isinstance(names, str):
                names = [names]
            self.deviceWrappers = dict((name, self.deviceWrapper) for name in names)

    def initServer(self):
        self.devices = MultiDict() # aliases -> device
        self.device_guids = {} # name -> guid
        self._next_guid = 0
        # register a message handler for connect/disconnect messages
        handler = lambda c, data: self.handleDeviceMessage(*data)
        self._cxn.addListener(handler, ID=self.messageID)
        if self.deviceManager in self.client.servers:
            yield self.connectToDeviceManager()

    def stopServer(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'devices'):
            ds = [defer.maybeDeferred(dev.shutdown)
                  for dev in self.devices.values()]
            yield defer.DeferredList(ds, fireOnOneErrback=True)

    def makeDeviceName(self, device, server, address):
        return server + ' - ' + address

    def handleDeviceMessage(self, device, server, address, isConnected=True):
        print('Device message:', device, server, address, isConnected)
        name = self.makeDeviceName(device, server, address)
        if isConnected: # add device
            if name in self.devices:
                return # we already have this device
            if name in self.device_guids:
                # we've seen this device before
                # so we'll reuse the old guid
                guid = self.device_guids[name]
                guid = self.device_guids[name] = self._next_guid
                self._next_guid += 1
            dev = self.deviceWrappers[device](guid, name)
            yield self.client.refresh()
            yield dev.connect(self.client[server], address)
            self.devices[guid, name] = dev

        else: # remove device
            yield self.removeDevice(name)

    def removeDevice(self, name):
        # we delete the device, but not its guid, so that
        # if this device comes back, users who have
        # selected it by guid will reconnect seamlessly
        if name not in self.devices:
        dev = self.devices[name]
        del self.devices[name]
            yield dev.shutdown()
        except Exception as e:
            self.log('Error while shutting down device "%s": %s' % (name, e))

    def connectToDeviceManager(self):

        yield self.client.refresh()
        manager = self.client[self.deviceManager]
        #If we have a device identification function register it with the device manager
        if hasattr(self, 'deviceIdentFunc'):
            yield manager.register_ident_function(self.deviceIdentFunc)
        #Register ourself as a server who cares about devices
        devs = yield manager.register_server(list(self.deviceWrappers.keys()), self.messageID)
        # the devs list is authoritative any devices we have
        # that are _not_ on this list should be removed
        names = [self.makeDeviceName(*dev[:3]) for dev in devs]
        additions = [self.handleDeviceMessage(*dev) for dev in devs]
        deletions = [self.removeDevice(name)
                     for name in self.device_guids.keys()
                     if name not in names]
        yield defer.DeferredList(additions + deletions)

    def serverConnected(self, ID, name):
        if name == self.deviceManager:

    def expireContext(self, c):
        """Release selected/locked device when context expires."""
        if 'device' in c:
            alias = c['device']
                dev = self.devices[alias]
                if dev.lockedInContext(c):
            except KeyError:

    def deviceLists(self):
        """Get parallel lists of device names and IDs."""
        guids = sorted(self.devices.keys())
        names = [self.devices[g].name for g in guids]
        return guids, names

    def selectedDevice(self, context):
        """Get the selected device from the given context."""
        if not len(self.devices):
            raise errors.NoDevicesAvailableError()
            key = context['device']
        except KeyError:
            raise errors.DeviceNotSelectedError()
            dev = self.devices[key]
        except KeyError:
            raise errors.NoSuchDeviceError()
        if not dev.accessibleFrom(context.ID):
            raise DeviceLockedError()
        return dev

    def selectDevice(self, context, key=None):
        """Select a device in our current context."""
        if not len(self.devices):
            raise errors.NoDevicesAvailableError()
        if key is None:
            # use the first device
            key = sorted(self.devices.keys())[0]
            dev = self.devices[key]
        except KeyError:
            raise errors.NoSuchDeviceError()
        if not dev.accessibleFrom(context.ID):
            raise DeviceLockedError()

        if 'device' in context:
            if context['device'] != dev.guid:
                    oldDev = self.devices[context['device']]
                except KeyError:
                    # we're trying to select a new device.
                    # make sure to unlock previously selected device
                    if oldDev.lockedInContext(context.ID):
                context['device'] = dev.guid
            context['device'] = dev.guid
        return dev

    def deselectDevice(self, context):
        if 'device' in context:
                oldDev = self.devices[context['device']]
            except KeyError:
                # unlock and deselect device
                if oldDev.lockedInContext(context.ID):
            del context['device']

    def getDevice(self, context, key=None):
        if not len(self.devices):
            raise errors.NoDevicesAvailableError()
        if key is None:
            # use the first device
            key = sorted(self.devices.keys())[0]
            dev = self.devices[key]
        except KeyError:
            raise errors.NoSuchDeviceError()
        if not dev.accessibleFrom(context.ID):
            raise DeviceLockedError()
        return dev

    # server settings

    @setting(1, 'List Devices', returns='*(ws)')
    def list_devices(self, c):
        """Get a list of available devices.

        The list entries have a numerical ID and a string name.
        It is recommended to use the names wherever possible to
        identify devices, since this contains human-readable
        information about the device, however for speed numerical
        IDs may sometimes be desirable.  The ID number for a
        device is persistent, so it can be used even if the device
        disconnects and later reconnects under the same name.
        IDs, names = self.deviceLists()
        return list(zip(IDs, names))

    @setting(2, 'Select Device',
                key=[': Select first device',
                     's: Select device by name',
                     'w: Select device by ID'],
                returns='s: Name of the selected device')
    def select_device(self, c, key=0):
        """Select a device for the current context."""
        dev = self.selectDevice(c, key=key)

    @setting(3, 'Deselect Device', returns='')
    def deselect_device(self, c):
        """Deselect a device in the current context."""
        dev = self.deselectDevice(c)

    @setting(1000001, 'Lock Device',
                      timeout=[': Lock the selected device for default time',
                            'v[s]: Lock for specified time'],
    def lock_device(self, c, timeout):
        """Lock a device to be accessible only in this context."""
        dev = self.selectedDevice(c)
        if timeout is not None:
            timeout = timeout['s']
        dev.lock(c.ID, timeout)

    @setting(1000002, 'Release Device', returns='')
    def release_device(self, c):
        """Release the lock on the currently-locked device."""
        dev = self.selectedDevice(c)