Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self):
        self.description, self.notes = util.parseSettingDoc(self.__doc__)

        self.started = False
        self.stopping = False

        self.onStartup = util.DeferredSignal()
        self.onShutdown = util.DeferredSignal()

        self.settings = {}
        self.signals = []
        self.contexts = {}

        self.__protocol = None
        self.__async_client = None
        self.__thread_data = threading.local()
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self):
        self.description, self.notes = util.parseSettingDoc(self.__doc__)

        self.started = False
        self.stopping = False

        self.onStartup = util.DeferredSignal()
        self.onShutdown = util.DeferredSignal()

        self.settings = {}
        self.signals = []
        self.contexts = {}

        self.__protocol = None
        self.__async_client = None
        self.__thread_data = threading.local()
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, func, lr_ID, lr_name, returns, unflatten, **params):
        """Setting constructor

            func (callable):   Function to implement the setting.
            lr_ID (int):       The ID number of the setting used in the labrad
            lr_name (str):     The setting name.  By default, this is derived
                               from the function name.
            returns:           The labrad type tag or list of tags the setting
            unflatten (bool):  Request automatic unflattening of incoming data.
                               (default True)
            **params:          Additional keyword arguments indicate arguments
                               to the setting.  Each keyword should be a string
                               matching one of the formal parameters of func,
                               while the value is the type tag or list of tags
                               accepted by that parameter.

        If unflattening is requested, pylabrad will use the default unflattening
        for the data.  Otherwise, arguments will receive FlatData objects.  If
        there are multiple arguments, the top-level tuple will still be

        self.func = func
        self.ID = lr_ID = lr_name or func.__name__
        self.returns = [returns] if isinstance(returns, basestring) else returns
        self.unflatten = unflatten
        self.description, self.notes = util.parseSettingDoc(func.__doc__)
        self.__doc__ = "Setting wrapper for {}\n\n{}".format(func.__name__, func.__doc__)
        # We need to validate the arguments.  Things we need to checks:
        # 1) All parameters must match function arguments
        # 2) Function arguments with no specified parameter default to '?'
        # 3) The empty tag '' is only allowd on the first argument, and only
        #    if all other arguments are optional.
        # 4) If more than one argument are required, we expect to always receive
        #    a tuple and unpack it
        # 5) If only a single argument is allowed, we never unpack tuples
        # 6) If both =1 and >1 arguments are allowed, it is ambiguous whether to
        #    unpack tuples, so this case is not allowed:  The first argument
        #    cannot be a tuple or '?' tag if the second argument is optional.
        argspec = inspect.getargspec(self.func)
        args = argspec.args[2:] # Skip 'self' and context data arguments.

        if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(func):
            self.func = defer.inlineCallbacks(func)

        for arg in args:
            if arg not in params:
                params[arg] = ['?']

        for p in params.keys():
            if p not in args:
                raise ValueError("Setting parameter {} not accepted by function".format(p))
            if isinstance(params[p], basestring):
                params[p] = [params[p]]

        Nparams = len(args)
        Noptional = len(argspec.defaults) if argspec.defaults else 0
        Nrequired = Nparams - Noptional

        if Nrequired > 1:
            self.expand_cluster = "always"
        elif Nparams > 1:
            self.expand_cluster = "optional"
        else: # one or fewer arguments
            self.expand_cluster = "never"

        self.allow_none = Nrequired == 0

        if Nparams:
            for tag in params[args[0]]:
                tt = T.parseTypeTag(tag)
                if isinstance(tt, T.LRNone) and Nrequired > 1:
                    raise ValueError("First argument {} cannot accept '' "
                          "unless other arguments are optional".format(args[0]))
                if isinstance(tt, (T.LRAny, T.LRCluster)) and self.expand_cluster=="optional":
                    raise ValueError("First argument {} cannot accept type {} "
                          "because other arguments are optional".format(args[0], tt))
            for arg in args[1:]:
                for tag in params[arg]:
                    if isinstance(T.parseTypeTag(tag), T.LRNone):
                        raise ValueError("Argument {} cannot accept ''".format(arg))

        # Build list of accepted data types.
        # This is basically every combination of accepted types for each agrument,
        # including omitting any number of trailing optional arguments.

        accepted_types = []
        for i in range(Nrequired, Nparams+1):
            if i == 0:
                accept_tuples = itertools.product(*[params[arg] for arg in args[:i]])
                accepted_types.extend(combine_type_tags(x) for x in accept_tuples)
        self.accepts = accepted_types
Esempio n. 4
    def decorated(f):
        args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(f)
        args = args[lr_num_params:]

        # handle generators as defer.inlineCallbacks
        if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(f):
            f = defer.inlineCallbacks(f)

        # make sure that defined params are actually accepted by the function.
        # having extra params would not affect the running, but it is
        # unnecessary and hence may indicate other problems with the code
        for p in params:
            if p not in args:
                raise Exception("'%s' is not a valid parameter." % p)
            # turn single string annotations into lists
            if isinstance(params[p], str):
                params[p] = [params[p]]

        Nparams = len(args)
        Noptional = 0 if defaults is None else len(defaults)
        Nrequired = Nparams - Noptional

        if Nparams == 0:
            accepts_s = [''] # only accept notifier
            accepts_t = [T.parseTypeTag(s) for s in accepts_s]

            def handleRequest(self, c, data):
                return f(self, c)

        elif Nparams == 1:
            accepts_s = params.get(args[0], [])
            accepts_t = [T.parseTypeTag(s) for s in accepts_s]

            if Nrequired == 0:
                # if accepted types were specified, add '' to the list
                # we don't add '' if the list of accepted types is empty,
                # since this would make '' the ONLY accepted type
                if len(accepts_t) and T.LRNone() not in accepts_t:
                    accepts_s.append(': defaults [%s=%r]' \
                                     % (args[0], defaults[0]))

                def handleRequest(self, c, data):
                    if data is None:
                        return f(self, c)
                    return f(self, c, data)

                # nothing special to do here
                handleRequest = f

            # sanity checks to make sure that we'll be able to
            # correctly dispatch to the function when called
            if Nrequired <= 1:
                if args[0] not in params:
                    raise Exception('Must specify types for first argument '
                                    'when fewer than two args are required.')
                for s in params[args[0]]:
                    t = T.parseTypeTag(s)
                    if isinstance(t, (T.LRAny, T.LRCluster)):
                        raise Exception('Cannot accept cluster or ? in first '
                                        'arg when fewer than two args are '

            # '' is not allowed on first arg when Nrequired > 1
            types = [T.parseTypeTag(s) for s in params.get(args[0], [])]
            if Nrequired > 1 and T.LRNone() in types:
                raise Exception("'' not allowed when more than "
                                "one arg is required.")

            # '' is never allowed on args after the first.
            for p in args[1:]:
                types = [T.parseTypeTag(s) for s in params.get(p, [])]
                if T.LRNone() in types:
                    raise Exception("'' not allowed after first arg.")

            # allowed types are as follows:
            # one type for each parameter, with the number of
            # parameters ranging from the total number down to
            # and including the required number
            # we don't include any zero-length group
            groups = []
            for n in range(Nparams, Nrequired-1, -1):
                lists = [params.get(a, ['?']) for a in args[:n]]
                if len(lists):
                    groups += _product(lists)
                for i, group in reversed(list(enumerate(groups))):
                    # if there are any LRNones in the group, we remove it
                    ts = [T.parseTypeTag(t) for t in group]
                    if T.LRNone() in ts:

            accepts_t = []
            accepts_s = []
            for group in groups:
                if len(group) > 1:
                    t = T.LRCluster(*[T.parseTypeTag(t) for t in group])
                    s = ', '.join('%s{%s}' % (sub_t, arg)
                                  for sub_t, arg in zip(t, args))
                    s = '(%s)' % s
                    t = T.parseTypeTag(group[0])
                    if isinstance(t, T.LRCluster):
                        raise Exception("Can't accept cluster in first param.")
                    s = '%s{%s}' % (group[0], args[0])
                # add information about default values of unused params
                if len(group) < Nparams:
                    defstr = ', '.join('%s=%r' % (args[n], defaults[n-Nrequired])
                                       for n in range(len(group), Nparams))
                    s = s + ': defaults [%s]' % defstr

            if Nrequired == 0:
                if T.LRNone() not in accepts_t:
                    defstr = ', '.join('%s=%r' % (a, d)
                                       for a, d in zip(args, defaults))
                    accepts_s.append(': defaults [%s]' % defstr)

                def handleRequest(self, c, data):
                    if isinstance(data, tuple):
                        return f(self, c, *data)
                    elif data is None:
                        return f(self, c)
                        return f(self, c, data)
                def handleRequest(self, c, data):
                    if isinstance(data, tuple):
                        return f(self, c, *data)
                        return f(self, c, data)

        f.ID = lr_ID = lr_name or f.__name__
        f.accepts = accepts_s
        f.returns = returns
        f.handleRequest = handleRequest

        # this is the data that will be sent to the manager to
        # register this setting to be remotely callable
        f.description, f.notes = util.parseSettingDoc(f.__doc__)
        def getRegistrationInfo():
            return (f.ID,, f.description,
                    f.accepts, f.returns, f.notes)
        f.getRegistrationInfo = getRegistrationInfo

        return f
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, func, lr_ID, lr_name, returns, unflatten, **params):
        """Setting constructor

            func (callable):   Function to implement the setting.
            lr_ID (int):       The ID number of the setting used in the labrad
            lr_name (str):     The setting name.  By default, this is derived
                               from the function name.
            returns:           The labrad type tag or list of tags the setting
            unflatten (bool):  Request automatic unflattening of incoming data.
                               (default True)
            **params:          Additional keyword arguments indicate arguments
                               to the setting.  Each keyword should be a string
                               matching one of the formal parameters of func,
                               while the value is the type tag or list of tags
                               accepted by that parameter.

        If unflattening is requested, pylabrad will use the default unflattening
        for the data.  Otherwise, arguments will receive FlatData objects.  If
        there are multiple arguments, the top-level tuple will still be

        self.func = func
        self.ID = lr_ID = lr_name or func.__name__
        self.returns = [returns] if isinstance(returns,
                                               basestring) else returns
        self.unflatten = unflatten
        self.description, self.notes = util.parseSettingDoc(func.__doc__)
        self.__doc__ = "Setting wrapper for {}\n\n{}".format(
            func.__name__, func.__doc__)

        # We need to validate the arguments.  Things we need to checks:
        # 1) All parameters must match function arguments
        # 2) Function arguments with no specified parameter default to '?'
        # 3) The empty tag '' is only allowd on the first argument, and only
        #    if all other arguments are optional.
        # 4) If more than one argument are required, we expect to always receive
        #    a tuple and unpack it
        # 5) If only a single argument is allowed, we never unpack tuples
        # 6) If both =1 and >1 arguments are allowed, it is ambiguous whether to
        #    unpack tuples, so this case is not allowed:  The first argument
        #    cannot be a tuple or '?' tag if the second argument is optional.

        argspec = inspect.getargspec(self.func)
        args = argspec.args[2:]  # Skip 'self' and context data arguments.

        if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(func):
            self.func = defer.inlineCallbacks(func)

        for arg in args:
            if arg not in params:
                params[arg] = ['?']

        for p in params.keys():
            if p not in args:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Setting parameter {} not accepted by function".format(p))
            if isinstance(params[p], basestring):
                params[p] = [params[p]]

        Nparams = len(args)
        Noptional = len(argspec.defaults) if argspec.defaults else 0
        Nrequired = Nparams - Noptional

        if Nrequired > 1:
            self.expand_cluster = "always"
        elif Nparams > 1:
            self.expand_cluster = "optional"
        else:  # one or fewer arguments
            self.expand_cluster = "never"

        self.allow_none = Nrequired == 0

        if Nparams:
            for tag in params[args[0]]:
                tt = T.parseTypeTag(tag)
                if isinstance(tt, T.TNone) and Nrequired > 1:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "First argument {} cannot accept '' "
                        "unless other arguments are optional".format(args[0]))
                if isinstance(
                     T.TCluster)) and self.expand_cluster == "optional":
                    raise ValueError(
                        "First argument {} cannot accept type {} "
                        "because other arguments are optional".format(
                            args[0], tt))
            for arg in args[1:]:
                for tag in params[arg]:
                    if isinstance(T.parseTypeTag(tag), T.TNone):
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Argument {} cannot accept ''".format(arg))

        # Build list of accepted data types.
        # This is basically every combination of accepted types for each agrument,
        # including omitting any number of trailing optional arguments.

        accepted_types = []
        for i in range(Nrequired, Nparams + 1):
            if i == 0:
                accept_tuples = itertools.product(
                    *[params[arg] for arg in args[:i]])
                    combine_type_tags(x) for x in accept_tuples)
        self.accepts = accepted_types
Esempio n. 6
    def decorated(f):
        args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(f)
        args = args[lr_num_params:]

        # handle generators as defer.inlineCallbacks
        if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(f):
            f = defer.inlineCallbacks(f)

        # make sure that defined params are actually accepted by the function.
        # having extra params would not affect the running, but it is
        # unnecessary and hence may indicate other problems with the code
        for p in params:
            if p not in args:
                raise Exception("'%s' is not a valid parameter." % p)
            # turn single string annotations into lists
            if isinstance(params[p], str):
                params[p] = [params[p]]

        Nparams = len(args)
        Noptional = 0 if defaults is None else len(defaults)
        Nrequired = Nparams - Noptional

        if Nparams == 0:
            accepts_s = ['']  # only accept notifier
            accepts_t = [T.parseTypeTag(s) for s in accepts_s]

            def handleRequest(self, c, data):
                return f(self, c)

        elif Nparams == 1:
            accepts_s = params.get(args[0], [])
            accepts_t = [T.parseTypeTag(s) for s in accepts_s]

            if Nrequired == 0:
                # if accepted types were specified, add '' to the list
                # we don't add '' if the list of accepted types is empty,
                # since this would make '' the ONLY accepted type
                if len(accepts_t) and T.TNone() not in accepts_t:
                    accepts_s.append(': defaults [%s=%r]' \
                                     % (args[0], defaults[0]))

                def handleRequest(self, c, data):
                    if data is None:
                        return f(self, c)
                    return f(self, c, data)

                # nothing special to do here
                handleRequest = f

            # sanity checks to make sure that we'll be able to
            # correctly dispatch to the function when called
            if Nrequired <= 1:
                if args[0] not in params:
                    raise Exception('Must specify types for first argument '
                                    'when fewer than two args are required.')
                for s in params[args[0]]:
                    t = T.parseTypeTag(s)
                    if isinstance(t, (T.TAny, T.TCluster)):
                        raise Exception('Cannot accept cluster or ? in first '
                                        'arg when fewer than two args are '

            # '' is not allowed on first arg when Nrequired > 1
            types = [T.parseTypeTag(s) for s in params.get(args[0], [])]
            if Nrequired > 1 and T.TNone() in types:
                raise Exception("'' not allowed when more than "
                                "one arg is required.")

            # '' is never allowed on args after the first.
            for p in args[1:]:
                types = [T.parseTypeTag(s) for s in params.get(p, [])]
                if T.TNone() in types:
                    raise Exception("'' not allowed after first arg.")

            # allowed types are as follows:
            # one type for each parameter, with the number of
            # parameters ranging from the total number down to
            # and including the required number
            # we don't include any zero-length group
            groups = []
            for n in range(Nparams, Nrequired - 1, -1):
                lists = [params.get(a, ['?']) for a in args[:n]]
                if len(lists):
                    groups += _product(lists)
                for i, group in reversed(list(enumerate(groups))):
                    # if there are any TNones in the group, we remove it
                    ts = [T.parseTypeTag(t) for t in group]
                    if T.TNone() in ts:

            accepts_t = []
            accepts_s = []
            for group in groups:
                if len(group) > 1:
                    t = T.TCluster(*[T.parseTypeTag(t) for t in group])
                    s = ', '.join('%s{%s}' % (sub_t, arg)
                                  for sub_t, arg in zip(t, args))
                    s = '(%s)' % s
                    t = T.parseTypeTag(group[0])
                    if isinstance(t, T.TCluster):
                        raise Exception("Can't accept cluster in first param.")
                    s = '%s{%s}' % (group[0], args[0])
                # add information about default values of unused params
                if len(group) < Nparams:
                    defstr = ', '.join('%s=%r' %
                                       (args[n], defaults[n - Nrequired])
                                       for n in range(len(group), Nparams))
                    s = s + ': defaults [%s]' % defstr

            if Nrequired == 0:
                if T.TNone() not in accepts_t:
                    defstr = ', '.join('%s=%r' % (a, d)
                                       for a, d in zip(args, defaults))
                    accepts_s.append(': defaults [%s]' % defstr)

                def handleRequest(self, c, data):
                    if isinstance(data, tuple):
                        return f(self, c, *data)
                    elif data is None:
                        return f(self, c)
                        return f(self, c, data)

                def handleRequest(self, c, data):
                    if isinstance(data, tuple):
                        return f(self, c, *data)
                        return f(self, c, data)

        f.ID = lr_ID = lr_name or f.__name__
        f.accepts = accepts_s
        f.returns = returns
        f.handleRequest = handleRequest

        # this is the data that will be sent to the manager to
        # register this setting to be remotely callable
        f.description, f.notes = util.parseSettingDoc(f.__doc__)

        def getRegistrationInfo():
            return (f.ID,, f.description, f.accepts, f.returns, f.notes)

        f.getRegistrationInfo = getRegistrationInfo

        return f