def noise_from_psd(length, sample_rate, psd, seed=0, name=None, unit=u.m): """ Create noise with a given psd. Return noise with a given psd. Note that if unique noise is desired a unique seed should be provided. Parameters ---------- length : int The length of noise to generate in seconds. sample_rate : float the sample rate of the data stride : int Length of noise segments in seconds psd : FrequencySeries The noise weighting to color the noise. seed : {0, int} The seed to generate the noise. Returns -------- noise : TimeSeries A TimeSeries containing gaussian noise colored by the given psd. """ if name is None: name = 'noise' length *= sample_rate noise_ts = TimeSeries(np.zeros(length), sample_rate=sample_rate, name=name, unit=unit) randomness = lal.gsl_rng("ranlux", seed) N = int(sample_rate / psd.df.value) n = N / 2 + 1 stride = N / 2 if n > len(psd): raise ValueError("PSD not compatible with requested delta_t") psd = (psd[0:n]).to_lal()[n - 1] = 0 segment = TimeSeries(np.zeros(N), sample_rate=sample_rate).to_lal() length_generated = 0 SimNoise(segment, 0, psd, randomness) while (length_generated < length): if (length_generated + stride) < length:[length_generated:length_generated + stride] =[0:stride] else:[length_generated:length] =[ 0:length - length_generated] length_generated += stride SimNoise(segment, stride, psd, randomness) return noise_ts
def noise_from_psd(length, delta_t, psd, seed=None): """ Create noise with a given psd. Return noise with a given psd. Note that if unique noise is desired a unique seed should be provided. Parameters ---------- length : int The length of noise to generate in samples. delta_t : float The time step of the noise. psd : FrequencySeries The noise weighting to color the noise. seed : {0, int} The seed to generate the noise. Returns -------- noise : TimeSeries A TimeSeries containing gaussian noise colored by the given psd. """ noise_ts = TimeSeries(zeros(length), delta_t=delta_t) if seed is None: seed = numpy.random.randint(2**32) randomness = lal.gsl_rng("ranlux", seed) N = int(1.0 / delta_t / psd.delta_f) n = N // 2 + 1 stride = N // 2 if n > len(psd): raise ValueError("PSD not compatible with requested delta_t") psd = (psd[0:n]).lal()[n - 1] = 0[0] = 0 segment = TimeSeries(zeros(N), delta_t=delta_t).lal() length_generated = 0 lalsimulation.SimNoise(segment, 0, psd, randomness) while (length_generated < length): if (length_generated + stride) < length:[length_generated:length_generated + stride] =[0:stride] else:[length_generated:length] =[ 0:length - length_generated] length_generated += stride lalsimulation.SimNoise(segment, stride, psd, randomness) return noise_ts
def __init__(self, psd, length, epoch, rate = 16384.0): """ Create a noisy timeseries. Parameters ---------- psd : `minke.noise.PSD` The power spectral density of the noise. """ self.psd = psd randomness = lal.gsl_rng("ranlux", seed) seg = lal.CreateREAL8TimeSeries("STRAIN", epoch, 0.0, 1.0/rate, lal.StrainUnit, length)
def noise_from_psd(length, delta_t, psd, seed=None): """ Create noise with a given psd. Return noise with a given psd. Note that if unique noise is desired a unique seed should be provided. Parameters ---------- length : int The length of noise to generate in samples. delta_t : float The time step of the noise. psd : FrequencySeries The noise weighting to color the noise. seed : {0, int} The seed to generate the noise. Returns -------- noise : TimeSeries A TimeSeries containing gaussian noise colored by the given psd. """ noise_ts = TimeSeries(zeros(length), delta_t=delta_t) if seed is None: seed = numpy.random.randint(2**32) randomness = lal.gsl_rng("ranlux", seed) N = int (1.0 / delta_t / psd.delta_f) n = N/2+1 stride = N/2 if n > len(psd): raise ValueError("PSD not compatible with requested delta_t") psd = (psd[0:n]).lal()[n-1] = 0 segment = TimeSeries(zeros(N), delta_t=delta_t).lal() length_generated = 0 SimNoise(segment, 0, psd, randomness) while (length_generated < length): if (length_generated + stride) < length:[length_generated:length_generated+stride] =[0:stride] else:[length_generated:length] =[0:length-length_generated] length_generated += stride SimNoise(segment, stride, psd, randomness) return noise_ts
def noise_from_psd(length, sample_rate, psd, seed=0, name=None, unit=u.m): """ Create noise with a given psd. Return noise with a given psd. Note that if unique noise is desired a unique seed should be provided. Parameters ---------- length : int The length of noise to generate in seconds. sample_rate : float the sample rate of the data stride : int Length of noise segments in seconds psd : FrequencySeries The noise weighting to color the noise. seed : {0, int} The seed to generate the noise. Returns -------- noise : TimeSeries A TimeSeries containing gaussian noise colored by the given psd. """ if name is None: name='noise' length *=sample_rate noise_ts = TimeSeries(np.zeros(length), sample_rate=sample_rate, name=name, unit=unit) randomness = lal.gsl_rng("ranlux", seed) N = int (sample_rate / psd.df.value) n = N/2+1 stride = N/2 if n > len(psd): raise ValueError("PSD not compatible with requested delta_t") psd = (psd[0:n]).to_lal()[n-1] = 0 segment = TimeSeries(np.zeros(N), sample_rate=sample_rate).to_lal() length_generated = 0 SimNoise(segment, 0, psd, randomness) while (length_generated < length): if (length_generated + stride) < length:[length_generated:length_generated+stride] =[0:stride] else:[length_generated:length] =[0:length-length_generated] length_generated += stride SimNoise(segment,stride, psd, randomness) return noise_ts
def create_cbc_prior_function( trigtime, component_min=1., component_max=5., massratio_min=0.2, massratio_max=0.25, distance_min=1., distance_max=100., trigtime_window=1., ): """ Generates two closures; one will calculate the log(prior) for a given set of parameters (uses LALInferenceInspiralPriorNormalised) and the other will do a random draw from the same prior. """ # Create a LALInferenceVariables representing the prior function parameters # i.e. the min/max values corresponding to the prior bounds for each # parameter. prior_args = li.Variables() time_width = trigtime_window # in seconds # TODO: fix so this uses full inspiral prior with cuts on mass ratio/total mass # These are the prior function parameters specifying various bounds # on the parameters. prior_args_list = [ #('component',component_min,component_max,li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), #('massratio',massratio_min,massratio_max,li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), ('mass1', component_min, component_max, li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), ('mass2', component_min, component_max, li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), ('distance', distance_min, distance_max, li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), ('inclination', 0, np.pi, li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), ('phase', 0., 2. * np.pi, li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), ('time', trigtime - time_width / 2., trigtime + time_width / 2., li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), ('polarisation', 0., np.pi, li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), ('rightascension', 0., 2. * np.pi, li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), ('declination', -np.pi / 2., np.pi / 2., li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), ] # Initialise the prior function parameters for param_name, param_min, param_max, param_type in prior_args_list: LALInferenceAddMinMaxPrior(prior_args, param_name, param_min, param_max, param_type) #li.AddREAL8Variable(prior_args,'MTotMax',2.*component_max-component_min,li.LALINFERENCE_PARAM_FIXED) # These are the actual run parameters in_params_args = [ ('mass1', ), ('mass2', ), ('distance', ), ('inclination', ), ('phase', ), ('time', ), ('polarisation', ), ('rightascension', ), ('declination', ), ] # Pre-allocate a list to transfer the run parameters in/out of # LALInference functions. in_params = li.Variables() for (param_name, ) in in_params_args: li.AddREAL8Variable(in_params, param_name, 0., li.LALINFERENCE_PARAM_LINEAR) # Create a dummy LALInferenceRunState to hold the prior args to pass # to the prior functions. dummy_rs = li.RunState() dummy_rs.priorArgs = prior_args # Initialise a GSL random number generator li_gsl_rng = lal.gsl_rng("mt19937", int(time.time())) def logp(params_in): for (param_name, ), param_val in zip(in_params_args, params_in): li.SetREAL8Variable(in_params, param_name, param_val) # Call the prior functions and return the normalised prior value return li.InspiralPrior(dummy_rs, in_params) def draw_from_prior(): li.DrawFromPrior(in_params, prior_args, li_gsl_rng) params_out = [] for (param_name, ) in in_params_args: params_out.append(li.GetREAL8Variable(in_params, param_name)) return cbc_params_sub(*params_out) return logp, draw_from_prior
def create_cbc_prior_function( trigtime, component_min=1., component_max=5., massratio_min=0.2, massratio_max=0.25, distance_min=1., distance_max=100., trigtime_window=1., ): """ Generates two closures; one will calculate the log(prior) for a given set of parameters (uses LALInferenceInspiralPriorNormalised) and the other will do a random draw from the same prior. """ # Create a LALInferenceVariables representing the prior function parameters # i.e. the min/max values corresponding to the prior bounds for each # parameter. prior_args=li.Variables() time_width=trigtime_window # in seconds # TODO: fix so this uses full inspiral prior with cuts on mass ratio/total mass # These are the prior function parameters specifying various bounds # on the parameters. prior_args_list=[ #('component',component_min,component_max,li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), #('massratio',massratio_min,massratio_max,li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), ('mass1',component_min,component_max,li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), ('mass2',component_min,component_max,li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), ('distance',distance_min,distance_max,li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), ('inclination',0,np.pi,li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), ('phase',0.,2.*np.pi,li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), ('time',trigtime-time_width/2.,trigtime+time_width/2.,li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), ('polarisation',0.,np.pi,li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), ('rightascension',0.,2.*np.pi,li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), ('declination',-np.pi/2.,np.pi/2.,li.LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t), ] # Initialise the prior function parameters for param_name,param_min,param_max,param_type in prior_args_list: LALInferenceAddMinMaxPrior(prior_args,param_name,param_min,param_max,param_type) #li.AddREAL8Variable(prior_args,'MTotMax',2.*component_max-component_min,li.LALINFERENCE_PARAM_FIXED) # These are the actual run parameters in_params_args=[ ('mass1',), ('mass2',), ('distance',), ('inclination',), ('phase',), ('time',), ('polarisation',), ('rightascension',), ('declination',), ] # Pre-allocate a list to transfer the run parameters in/out of # LALInference functions. in_params=li.Variables() for (param_name,) in in_params_args: li.AddREAL8Variable(in_params,param_name,0.,li.LALINFERENCE_PARAM_LINEAR) # Create a dummy LALInferenceRunState to hold the prior args to pass # to the prior functions. dummy_rs=li.RunState() dummy_rs.priorArgs=prior_args # Initialise a GSL random number generator li_gsl_rng=lal.gsl_rng("mt19937",int(time.time())) def logp(params_in): for (param_name,),param_val in zip(in_params_args,params_in): li.SetREAL8Variable(in_params,param_name,param_val) # Call the prior functions and return the normalised prior value return li.InspiralPrior(dummy_rs,in_params) def draw_from_prior(): li.DrawFromPrior(in_params,prior_args,li_gsl_rng) params_out=[] for (param_name,) in in_params_args: params_out.append(li.GetREAL8Variable(in_params,param_name)) return cbc_params_sub(*params_out) return logp,draw_from_prior
def generate_gaussian_timeseries(self, length, sample_rate, seed=None, name=None, unit=None): """ Create noise with a given PSD. Return noise with a given psd. Note that if unique noise is desired a unique seed should be provided. Parameters ---------- length : int The length of noise to generate in seconds. sample_rate : float the sample rate of the data stride : int Length of noise segments in seconds psd : FrequencySeries The noise weighting to color the noise. seed : {0, int} The seed to generate the noise. Returns -------- noise : TimeSeries A TimeSeries containing gaussian noise colored by the given psd. """ if name is None: name = 'noise' length *= sample_rate length = int(length) if seed is None: seed = np.random.randint(2**32) randomness = lal.gsl_rng("ranlux", seed) N = int(sample_rate / self.df.value) n = N / 2 + 1 stride = N / 2 notches = [(58, 62), (19, 21), (118, 122), (75, 77), (0, 10)] freqs_to_notch = np.asarray([]) df = np.nanmin( np.abs(self.frequencies.value[1:] - self.frequencies.value[:-1])) for notch in notches: freqs_to_notch = np.append(freqs_to_notch, np.arange(notch[0], notch[1], df)) idxs = np.in1d(np.round(np.abs(self.frequencies.value), 7), np.round(freqs_to_notch, 7)) psd_vals = self.value.copy() psd_vals[idxs] = 0 psd = MagSpectrum(psd_vals, x0=self.x0, dx=self.dx) if n > len(psd): raise ValueError("PSD not compatible with requested delta_t") psd = (psd[0:n]).to_lal()[n - 1] = 0 segment = MagTimeSeries(np.zeros(N), sample_rate=sample_rate).to_lal() length_generated = 0 newdat = [] SimNoise(segment, 0, psd, randomness) while (length_generated < length): if (length_generated + stride) < length: newdat.extend([:stride]) else: newdat.extend([0:length - length_generated]) length_generated += stride SimNoise(segment, stride, psd, randomness) return MagTimeSeries(newdat, sample_rate=sample_rate, name=name, unit=unit, channel=name)