Esempio n. 1
def move_motors(imagetype="", obs_mode="", iodine_cell=3):

	### Check which obs mode the OR defines and move motors...

	# Check if motors are moving:
	output = get_db_values.db_connection().get_fields_site01("coude_unit", fields=["calib_mirror_pos", "iodine_pos", "filter_pos", "mirror_slide", "spectrograph_foc", "slit_pos"])

	timeout = time.time() + 20
	for motor in output:
		if float(output[motor]) == 0.0:
			output_motor = get_db_values.db_connection().get_fields_site01("coude_unit", fields=[motor])
			while float(output_motor[motor]) == 0.0:
				output_motor = get_db_values.db_connection().get_fields_site01("coude_unit", fields=[motor])
				if time.time() > timeout:


		if imagetype.lower() == 'thar':
				lamp.Lamp(lamp='thar').set_on()	# Might change Lamp to LAMP at some point
				lamp.Lamp(lamp='halo').set_off()	# Might change Lamp to LAMP at some point
			except Exception,e:
				print clock.timename(), "One of the lamps was not switched correctly"
			pst.PST().move(3,2) 			# Move IODINE cell out of path
			pst.PST().move(4,3) 			# Move Calibration mirror to ThAr position

		elif imagetype.lower() == 'sun':
				lamp.Lamp(lamp='thar').set_off()	# Might change Lamp to LAMP at some point
				lamp.Lamp(lamp='halo').set_off()	# Might change Lamp to LAMP at some point
			except Exception,e:
				print clock.timename(), "One of the lamps was not switched correctly"
Esempio n. 2
def main():
    testLamp = lamp.Lamp(60, 90)
    print(alg(1, 2, 10))
Esempio n. 3
				print clock.timename(), "One of the lamps was not switched correctly"
			pst.PST().move(3,2) 			# Move IODINE cell out of path
			pst.PST().move(4,3) 			# Move Calibration mirror to ThAr position

		elif imagetype.lower() == 'sun':
				lamp.Lamp(lamp='thar').set_off()	# Might change Lamp to LAMP at some point
				lamp.Lamp(lamp='halo').set_off()	# Might change Lamp to LAMP at some point
			except Exception,e:
				print clock.timename(), "One of the lamps was not switched correctly"
			pst.PST().move(3,2) 			# Move IODINE cell out of path
			pst.PST().move(4,4) 			# Move Calibration slide to Sun Fibre position

		elif imagetype.lower() == 'suni2':
				lamp.Lamp(lamp='thar').set_off()	# Might change Lamp to LAMP at some point
				lamp.Lamp(lamp='halo').set_off()	# Might change Lamp to LAMP at some point
			except Exception,e:
				print clock.timename(), "One of the lamps was not switched correctly"
			pst.PST().move(3,iodine_cell) 			# Move IODINE cell into light path
			pst.PST().move(4,4) 			# Move Calibration mirror to Sun Fiber position

		### These are the same for all types of observations...
		pst.PST().move(1,4) 				# Move Filter wheel to position 4 (Free)
		pst.PST().move(6,8) 				# Move slit to right position


	except Exception, e:
		print clock.timename(), "An error occured when trying to move the motors: ", e
Esempio n. 4
''' Un módulo permite agrupar funcionalidad y ocultar la complejidad.
Para poder incluir un módulo podemos utilizar import '''

from lamp import Lamp
lamp = Lamp(is_turned_on=True)

import lamp
lamp = lamp.Lamp(is_turned_on=False)
''' En Python la comunidad comparte su código usando PyPi (python package index),
Pip es un repositorio utilizado para instalar módulos de la comunidad.
Con pip install [package_name] se puede instalar el paquete que se desea e 
importarlo a nuestro código con el keyword import. '''