Esempio n. 1
    def get_pending_messages(self, max=None):
        """Get any pending messages that aren't being held, up to max."""
        accepted_types = self.get_accepted_types()
        server_api = self.get_server_api()
        messages = []
        for filename in self._walk_pending_messages():
            if max is not None and len(messages) >= max:
            data = read_binary_file(self._message_dir(filename))
                # don't reinterpret messages that are meant to be sent out
                message = bpickle.loads(data, as_is=True)
            except ValueError as e:
                self._add_flags(filename, BROKEN)
                if u"type" not in message:
                    # Special case to decode keys for messages which were
                    # serialized by py27 prior to py3 upgrade, and having
                    # implicit byte message keys. Message may still get
                    # rejected by the server, but it won't block the client
                    # broker. (lp: #1718689)
                    message = {
                        (k if isinstance(k, str) else k.decode("ascii")): v
                        for k, v in message.items()}
                    message[u"type"] = message[u"type"].decode("ascii")

                unknown_type = message["type"] not in accepted_types
                unknown_api = not is_version_higher(server_api, message["api"])
                if unknown_type or unknown_api:
                    self._add_flags(filename, HELD)
        return messages
Esempio n. 2
    def add(self, message):
        """Queue a message for delivery.

        @param message: a C{dict} with a C{type} key and other keys conforming
            to the L{Message} schema for that specific message type.

        @return: message_id, which is an identifier for the added
                 message or C{None} if the message was rejected.
        assert "type" in message
        if self._persist.get("blackhole-messages"):
            logging.debug("Dropped message, awaiting resync.")

        server_api = self.get_server_api()

        if "api" not in message:
            message["api"] = server_api

        # We apply the schema with the highest API version that is greater
        # or equal to the API version the message is tagged with.
        schemas = self._schemas[message["type"]]
        for api in sort_versions(schemas.keys()):
            if is_version_higher(server_api, api):
                schema = schemas[api]
        message = schema.coerce(message)

        message_data = bpickle.dumps(message)

        filename = self._get_next_message_filename()
        temp_path = filename + ".tmp"
        create_file(temp_path, message_data)
        os.rename(temp_path, filename)

        if not self.accepts(message["type"]):
            filename = self._set_flags(filename, HELD)

        # For now we use the inode as the message id, as it will work
        # correctly even faced with holding/unholding.  It will break
        # if the store is copied over for some reason, but this shouldn't
        # present an issue given the current uses.  In the future we
        # should have a nice transactional storage (e.g. sqlite) which
        # will offer a more strong primary key.
        message_id = os.stat(filename).st_ino

        return message_id
Esempio n. 3
 def get_pending_messages(self, max=None):
     """Get any pending messages that aren't being held, up to max."""
     accepted_types = self.get_accepted_types()
     server_api = self.get_server_api()
     messages = []
     for filename in self._walk_pending_messages():
         if max is not None and len(messages) >= max:
         data = self._get_content(self._message_dir(filename))
             message = bpickle.loads(data)
         except ValueError, e:
             self._add_flags(filename, BROKEN)
             unknown_type = message["type"] not in accepted_types
             unknown_api = not is_version_higher(server_api, message["api"])
             if unknown_type or unknown_api:
                 self._add_flags(filename, HELD)
Esempio n. 4
    def _handle_result(self, payload, result):
        """Handle a response from the server.

        Called by L{exchange} after a batch of messages has been
        successfully delivered to the server.

        If the C{server_uuid} changed, a C{"server-uuid-changed"} event
        will be fired.

        Call L{handle_message} for each message in C{result}.

        @param payload: The payload that was sent to the server.
        @param result: The response got in reply to the C{payload}.
        message_store = self._message_store
        self._client_accepted_types_hash = result.get(
        next_expected = result.get("next-expected-sequence")
        old_sequence = message_store.get_sequence()
        if next_expected is None:
            # If the server doesn't specify anything for the next-expected
            # value, just assume that it processed all messages that we sent
            # fine.
            next_expected = message_store.get_sequence()
            next_expected += len(payload["messages"])

        message_store_state = got_next_expected(message_store, next_expected)
        if message_store_state == ANCIENT:
            # The server has probably lost some data we sent it. The
            # slate has been wiped clean (by got_next_expected), now
            # let's fire an event to tell all the plugins that they
            # ought to generate new messages so the server gets some
            # up-to-date data.
  "Server asked for ancient data: resynchronizing all "
                         "state with the server.")
            self.send({"type": "resynchronize"})

        # Save the exchange token that the server has sent us. We will provide
        # it at the next exchange to prove that we're still the same client.
        # See also

        old_uuid = message_store.get_server_uuid()
        new_uuid = result.get("server-uuid")
        if new_uuid != old_uuid:
  "Server UUID changed (old=%s, new=%s)." %
                         (old_uuid, new_uuid))
  "server-uuid-changed", old_uuid, new_uuid)

        # Extract the server API from the payload. If it's not there it must
        # be 3.2, because it's the one that didn't have this field.
        server_api = result.get("server-api", "3.2")

        if is_version_higher(server_api, message_store.get_server_api()):
            # The server can handle a message API that is higher than the one
            # we're currently using. If the highest server API is greater than
            # our one, so let's use our own, which is the most recent we can
            # speak. Otherwise if the highest server API is less than or equal
            # than ours, let's use the server one, because is the most recent
            # common one.
            lowest_server_api = sort_versions([server_api, self._api])[-1]


        sequence = message_store.get_server_sequence()
        for message in result.get("messages", ()):
            sequence += 1

        if message_store.get_pending_messages(1):
  "Pending messages remain after the last exchange.")
            # Either the server asked us for old messages, or we
            # otherwise have more messages even after transferring
            # what we could.
            if next_expected != old_sequence:
Esempio n. 5
 def test_greater(self):
     The C{is_version_higher} function returns C{True} if the first
     version is greater than the second.
     self.assertTrue(is_version_higher(b"3.2", b"3.1"))
Esempio n. 6
 def test_lower(self):
     The C{is_version_higher} function returns C{False} if the first
     version is lower than the second.
     self.assertFalse(is_version_higher(b"3.1", b"3.2"))
Esempio n. 7
 def test_equal(self):
     The C{is_version_higher} function returns C{True} if the first
     version is the same as the second.
     self.assertTrue(is_version_higher(b"3.1", b"3.1"))
Esempio n. 8
    def _handle_pre_exchange(self):
        An exchange is about to happen.  If we don't have a secure id already
        set, and we have the needed information available, queue a registration
        message with the server.
        # The point of storing this flag is that if we should *not* register
        # now, and then after the exchange we *should*, we schedule an urgent
        # exchange again.  Without this flag we would just spin trying to
        # connect to the server when something is clearly preventing the
        # registration.
        self._should_register = self.should_register()
        if not self._should_register:

        # These are just to shorten the code.
        identity = self._identity
        account_name = identity.account_name

        if not account_name:
  "registration-failed", reason="unknown-account")

        tags = identity.tags
        group = identity.access_group
        registration_key = identity.registration_key


        if not is_valid_tag_list(tags):
            tags = None
            logging.error("Invalid tags provided for registration.")

        message = {
            "type": "register",
            "hostname": get_fqdn(),
            "account_name": account_name,
            "computer_title": identity.computer_title,
            "registration_password": identity.registration_key,
            "tags": tags,
            "container-info": get_container_info(),
            "vm-info": get_vm_info()

        if self._clone_secure_id:
            # We use the secure id here because the registration is encrypted
            # and the insecure id has been already exposed to unencrypted
            # http from the ping server. In addition it's more straightforward
            # to get the computer from the server through it than the insecure
            message["clone_secure_id"] = self._clone_secure_id

        if group:
            message["access_group"] = group

        server_api = self._message_store.get_server_api()
        # If we have juju data to send and if the server is recent enough to
        # know how to handle juju data, then we include it in the registration
        # message. We want to trigger the 3.3 server handler because client
        # version 14.01 has a different format for the juju-info field,
        # so this makes sure that the correct schema is used by the server
        # when validating our message.
        if self._juju_data and is_version_higher(server_api, b"3.3"):
            message["juju-info"] = {
                "environment-uuid": self._juju_data["environment-uuid"],
                "api-addresses": self._juju_data["api-addresses"],
                "machine-id": self._juju_data["machine-id"]

        # The computer is a normal computer, possibly a container.
        with_word = "with" if bool(registration_key) else "without"
        with_tags = "and tags %s " % tags if tags else ""
        with_group = "in access group '%s' " % group if group else """Queueing message to register with account %r %s%s"
                     "%s a password." %
                     (account_name, with_group, with_tags, with_word))