Esempio n. 1
    def propose_comps_and_attribs(self, text_region_map, center_region_map,
                                  top_height_map, bot_height_map, sin_map,
        """Generate text components and attributes.

            text_region_map (ndarray): The predicted text region probability
            center_region_map (ndarray): The predicted text center region
                probability map.
            top_height_map (ndarray): The predicted text height map from each
                pixel in text center region to top sideline.
            bot_height_map (ndarray): The predicted text height map from each
                pixel in text center region to bottom sideline.
            sin_map (ndarray): The predicted sin(theta) map.
            cos_map (ndarray): The predicted cos(theta) map.

            comp_attribs (ndarray): The text component attributes.
            text_comps (ndarray): The text components.

        assert (text_region_map.shape == center_region_map.shape ==
                top_height_map.shape == bot_height_map.shape == sin_map.shape
                == cos_map.shape)
        text_mask = text_region_map > self.text_region_thr
        center_region_mask = (center_region_map >
                              self.center_region_thr) * text_mask

        scale = np.sqrt(1.0 / (sin_map**2 + cos_map**2 + 1e-8))
        sin_map, cos_map = sin_map * scale, cos_map * scale

        center_region_mask = fill_hole(center_region_mask)
        center_region_contours, _ = cv2.findContours(
            center_region_mask.astype(np.uint8), cv2.RETR_TREE,

        mask_sz = center_region_map.shape
        comp_list = []
        for contour in center_region_contours:
            current_center_mask = np.zeros(mask_sz)
            cv2.drawContours(current_center_mask, [contour], -1, 1, -1)
            if current_center_mask.sum() <= self.center_region_area_thr:
            score_map = text_region_map * current_center_mask

            text_comps = self.propose_comps(score_map, top_height_map,
                                            bot_height_map, sin_map, cos_map,
                                            self.min_width, self.max_width,

            text_comps = la_nms(text_comps, self.nms_thr)
            text_comp_mask = np.zeros(mask_sz)
            text_comp_boxes = text_comps[:, :8].reshape(
                (-1, 4, 2)).astype(np.int32)

            cv2.drawContours(text_comp_mask, text_comp_boxes, -1, 1, -1)
            if (text_comp_mask * text_mask).sum() < text_comp_mask.sum() * 0.5:
            if text_comps.shape[-1] > 0:

        if len(comp_list) <= 0:
            return None, None

        text_comps = np.vstack(comp_list)
        text_comp_boxes = text_comps[:, :8].reshape((-1, 4, 2))
        centers = np.mean(text_comp_boxes, axis=1).astype(np.int32)
        x = centers[:, 0]
        y = centers[:, 1]

        scores = []
        for text_comp_box in text_comp_boxes:
            text_comp_box[:, 0] = np.clip(text_comp_box[:, 0], 0,
                                          mask_sz[1] - 1)
            text_comp_box[:, 1] = np.clip(text_comp_box[:, 1], 0,
                                          mask_sz[0] - 1)
            min_coord = np.min(text_comp_box, axis=0).astype(np.int32)
            max_coord = np.max(text_comp_box, axis=0).astype(np.int32)
            text_comp_box = text_comp_box - min_coord
            box_sz = (max_coord - min_coord + 1)
            temp_comp_mask = np.zeros((box_sz[1], box_sz[0]), dtype=np.uint8)
            cv2.fillPoly(temp_comp_mask, [text_comp_box.astype(np.int32)], 1)
            temp_region_patch = text_region_map[min_coord[1]:(max_coord[1] +
                                                min_coord[0]:(max_coord[0] +
            score = cv2.mean(temp_region_patch, temp_comp_mask)[0]
        scores = np.array(scores).reshape((-1, 1))
        text_comps = np.hstack([text_comps[:, :-1], scores])

        h = top_height_map[y, x].reshape(
            (-1, 1)) + bot_height_map[y, x].reshape((-1, 1))
        w = np.clip(h * self.comp_w_h_ratio, self.min_width, self.max_width)
        sin = sin_map[y, x].reshape((-1, 1))
        cos = cos_map[y, x].reshape((-1, 1))

        x = x.reshape((-1, 1))
        y = y.reshape((-1, 1))
        comp_attribs = np.hstack([x, y, h, w, cos, sin])

        return comp_attribs, text_comps
Esempio n. 2
    def generate_comp_attribs(self, center_lines, text_mask,
                              center_region_mask, top_height_map,
                              bot_height_map, sin_map, cos_map):
        """Generate text component attributes.

            center_lines (list[ndarray]): The list of text center lines .
            text_mask (ndarray): The text region mask.
            center_region_mask (ndarray): The text center region mask.
            top_height_map (ndarray): The map on which the distance from points
                to top side lines will be drawn for each pixel in text center
            bot_height_map (ndarray): The map on which the distance from points
                to bottom side lines will be drawn for each pixel in text
                center regions.
            sin_map (ndarray): The sin(theta) map where theta is the angle
                between vector (top point - bottom point) and vector (1, 0).
            cos_map (ndarray): The cos(theta) map where theta is the angle
                between vector (top point - bottom point) and vector (1, 0).

            pad_comp_attribs (ndarray): The padded text component attributes
                of a fixed size.

        assert isinstance(center_lines, list)
        assert (text_mask.shape == center_region_mask.shape ==
                top_height_map.shape == bot_height_map.shape == sin_map.shape
                == cos_map.shape)

        center_lines_mask = np.zeros_like(center_region_mask)
        cv2.polylines(center_lines_mask, center_lines, 0, 1, 1)
        center_lines_mask = center_lines_mask * center_region_mask
        comp_centers = np.argwhere(center_lines_mask > 0)

        y = comp_centers[:, 0]
        x = comp_centers[:, 1]

        top_height = top_height_map[y, x].reshape(
            (-1, 1)) * self.comp_shrink_ratio
        bot_height = bot_height_map[y, x].reshape(
            (-1, 1)) * self.comp_shrink_ratio
        sin = sin_map[y, x].reshape((-1, 1))
        cos = cos_map[y, x].reshape((-1, 1))

        top_mid_points = comp_centers + np.hstack(
            [top_height * sin, top_height * cos])
        bot_mid_points = comp_centers - np.hstack(
            [bot_height * sin, bot_height * cos])

        width = (top_height + bot_height) * self.comp_w_h_ratio
        width = np.clip(width, self.min_width, self.max_width)
        r = width / 2

        tl = top_mid_points[:, ::-1] - np.hstack([-r * sin, r * cos])
        tr = top_mid_points[:, ::-1] + np.hstack([-r * sin, r * cos])
        br = bot_mid_points[:, ::-1] + np.hstack([-r * sin, r * cos])
        bl = bot_mid_points[:, ::-1] - np.hstack([-r * sin, r * cos])
        text_comps = np.hstack([tl, tr, br, bl]).astype(np.float32)

        score = np.ones((text_comps.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float32)
        text_comps = np.hstack([text_comps, score])
        text_comps = la_nms(text_comps, self.text_comp_nms_thr)

        if text_comps.shape[0] >= 1:
            img_h, img_w = center_region_mask.shape
            text_comps[:, 0:8:2] = np.clip(text_comps[:, 0:8:2], 0, img_w - 1)
            text_comps[:, 1:8:2] = np.clip(text_comps[:, 1:8:2], 0, img_h - 1)

            comp_centers = np.mean(text_comps[:, 0:8].reshape((-1, 4, 2)),
            x = comp_centers[:, 0]
            y = comp_centers[:, 1]

            height = (top_height_map[y, x] + bot_height_map[y, x]).reshape(
                (-1, 1))
            width = np.clip(height * self.comp_w_h_ratio, self.min_width,

            cos = cos_map[y, x].reshape((-1, 1))
            sin = sin_map[y, x].reshape((-1, 1))

            _, comp_label_mask = cv2.connectedComponents(center_region_mask,
            comp_labels = comp_label_mask[y, x].reshape(
                (-1, 1)).astype(np.float32)

            x = x.reshape((-1, 1)).astype(np.float32)
            y = y.reshape((-1, 1)).astype(np.float32)
            comp_attribs = np.hstack(
                [x, y, height, width, cos, sin, comp_labels])
            comp_attribs = self.jitter_comp_attribs(comp_attribs,

            if comp_attribs.shape[0] < self.num_min_comps:
                num_rand_comps = self.num_min_comps - comp_attribs.shape[0]
                rand_comp_attribs = self.generate_rand_comp_attribs(
                    num_rand_comps, 1 - text_mask)
                comp_attribs = np.vstack([comp_attribs, rand_comp_attribs])
            comp_attribs = self.generate_rand_comp_attribs(
                self.num_min_comps, 1 - text_mask)

        num_comps = (np.ones((comp_attribs.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float32) *
        comp_attribs = np.hstack([num_comps, comp_attribs])

        if comp_attribs.shape[0] > self.num_max_comps:
            comp_attribs = comp_attribs[:self.num_max_comps, :]
            comp_attribs[:, 0] = self.num_max_comps

        pad_comp_attribs = np.zeros(
            (self.num_max_comps, comp_attribs.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32)
        pad_comp_attribs[:comp_attribs.shape[0], :] = comp_attribs

        return pad_comp_attribs