Esempio n. 1
 def test_write_sameFileTwice(self):
     """ Should throw an exception. """
     pc = SimpleTestData.get_point_cloud()
     write(pc, self.test_file_path)
     # Catch most specific subclass of FileExistsError (3.6) and IOError (2.7).
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
         write(pc, self.test_file_path)
Esempio n. 2
 def test_write_loadTheSameSimpleData(self):
     """ Writing point cloud data and loading it afterwards should result in the same point cloud data. """
     pc_in = SimpleTestData.get_point_cloud()
     write(pc_in, self.test_file_path)
     data_in = SimpleTestData.get_data()
     with open(self.test_file_path, 'r') as ply:
         data_out = read_data(ply)
     self.assertEqual(data_in, data_out)
Esempio n. 3
 def test_write_loadTheSameSimpleHeader(self):
     """  Writing a simple point cloud and loading it afterwards should result in the same point cloud."""
     pc_in = SimpleTestData.get_point_cloud()
     header_in = SimpleTestData.get_header()
     write(pc_in, self.test_file_path)
     with open(self.test_file_path, 'r') as ply:
         header_out = read_header(ply)
     self.assertMultiLineEqual(header_in, header_out)
Esempio n. 4
neighbors = compute_neighborhoods(pc, target, Cell(np.float(args.radius)))
iteration = 0
target_idx_base = 0
for x in neighbors:
    end = time.time()
    difftime = end - start
    print(("build kd-tree: %f sec") % (difftime))
    print("Computed neighborhoods list length at iteration %d is: %d" %
          (iteration, len(x)))

    start1 = time.time()
    print("------ Feature calculation is started ------")
    compute_features(pc, x, target_idx_base, target, [
        'max_z', 'min_z', 'mean_z', 'median_z', 'std_z', 'var_z',
        'coeff_var_z', 'skew_z', 'kurto_z', 'sigma_z', 'perc_20', 'perc_40',
        'perc_60', 'perc_80', 'perc_90', 'pulse_penetration_ratio',
        'point_density', 'eigenv_1', 'eigenv_2', 'eigenv_3'
    ], Cell(np.float(args.radius)))
    target_idx_base += len(x)
    end1 = time.time()
    difftime1 = end1 - start1
    print(("feature calc: %f sec") % (difftime1))
    iteration += 1

write(target, args.output)

# example usage: D:/GitHub/eEcoLiDAR/develop-branch/eEcoLiDAR/ D:/GitHub/eEcoLiDAR/myPhD_escience_analysis/test_data/testdata.las D:/GitHub/eEcoLiDAR/myPhD_escience_analysis/test_data/testdata.las 2.5 D:/GitHub/eEcoLiDAR/myPhD_escience_analysis/test_data/testdata.ply
#python D:/GitHub/eEcoLiDAR/myPhD_escience_analysis/test_laserchicken/release1/ D:/GitHub/eEcoLiDAR/develop-branch/eEcoLiDAR/ D:/Koma/Paper1_ReedStructure/Data/ALS/02gz2/testmetrics/tile_00003_norm2.las D:/Koma/Paper1_ReedStructure/Data/ALS/02gz2/testmetrics/tile_00003_norm_target.las 2.5 D:/Koma/Paper1_ReedStructure/Data/ALS/02gz2/testmetrics/testdata.ply
Esempio n. 5
print("------ Computing neighborhood is started ------")

#compute_neighborhoods is now a generator. To get the result of a generator the user
#needs to call next(compute_neighborhoods). The following shows how to get the results.
#indices_cyl=compute_neighborhoods(pc, target, Cell(np.float(args.radius)))
neighbors = compute_neighborhoods(pc, target, Cell(np.float(radius)))
iteration = 0
target_idx_base = 0
for x in neighbors:
    print("Computed neighborhoods list length at iteration %d is: %d" %
          (iteration, len(x)))

    print("------ Feature calculation is started ------")
    compute_features(pc, x, target_idx_base, target, [
        'min_z', 'max_z', 'mean_z', 'median_z', 'perc_10', 'perc_30',
        'perc_50', 'perc_70', 'perc_90', 'point_density', 'eigenv_1',
        'eigenv_2', 'eigenv_3', 'z_entropy', 'std_z', 'var_z', 'skew_z',
        'kurto_z', 'pulse_penetration_ratio', 'density_absolute_mean'
    ], Cell(np.float(radius)))
    target_idx_base += len(x)

    iteration += 1

write(target, filename + str(resolution) + "m_cell.ply")

end1 = time.time()
difftime1 = end1 - start1
print(("feature calc: %f sec") % (difftime1))
Esempio n. 6
from laserchicken import read_las
from laserchicken.spatial_selections import points_in_polygon_wkt
from laserchicken import write_ply

pc ="D:/GitHub/eEcoLiDAR/eEcoLiDAR/testdata/AHN2.las")
pc_out = points_in_polygon_wkt(
    "POLYGON(( 243590.0 572110.0, 243640.0 572160.0, 243700.0 572110.0, 243640.0 572060.0, 243590.0 572110.0 ))"

print(("Number of points in target: %s ") %

print("------ Computing neighborhood is started ------")

#compute_neighborhoods is now a generator. To get the result of a generator the user
#needs to call next(compute_neighborhoods). The following shows how to get the results.
#indices_cyl=compute_neighborhoods(pc, target, Cell(np.float(args.radius)))
neighbors = compute_neighborhoods(pc, target, Cell(np.float(radius)))
iteration = 0
target_idx_base = 0
for x in neighbors:
    print("Computed neighborhoods list length at iteration %d is: %d" %
          (iteration, len(x)))

    print("------ Feature calculation is started ------")
    compute_features(pc, x, target_idx_base, target, [
        'max_z', 'min_z', 'mean_z', 'median_z', 'std_z', 'var_z',
        'coeff_var_z', 'skew_z', 'kurto_z'
    ], Cell(np.float(radius)))
    target_idx_base += len(x)

    iteration += 1

write(target, workingdirectory + filename + "_cell_10m.ply")

end1 = time.time()
difftime1 = end1 - start1
print(("feature calc: %f sec") % (difftime1))
Esempio n. 8
pc =

f = open(args.kdtree, 'rb')
kdtree = pickle.load(f)

start1 = time.time()

compute_features(pc, kdtree, 0, pc, [
    'max_z', 'min_z', 'mean_z', 'median_z', 'std_z', 'var_z', 'range',
    'coeff_var_z', 'skew_z', 'kurto_z', 'sigma_z', 'perc_20', 'perc_40',
    'perc_60', 'perc_80', 'pulse_penetration_ratio', 'density_absolute_mean'
], Sphere(np.float(args.radius)))
                           'max_z':pc[point]['max_z']['data'],'min_z':pc[point]['min_z']['data'], 'mean_z':pc[point]['mean_z']['data'],
                           'median_z':pc[point]['median_z']['data'],'std_z':pc[point]['std_z']['data'], 'var_z':pc[point]['var_z']['data'],
                           'range':pc[point]['range']['data'],'coeff_var_z':pc[point]['coeff_var_z']['data'], 'skew_z':pc[point]['skew_z']['data'],'kurto_z':pc[point]['kurto_z']['data'],
                           'sigma_z':pc[point]['sigma_z']['data'], 'perc_20':pc[point]['perc_20']['data'],
                           'perc_40':pc[point]['perc_40']['data'],'perc_60':pc[point]['perc_60']['data'], 'perc_80':pc[point]['perc_80']['data']})


end1 = time.time()
difftime1 = end1 - start1
print(("feature calc: %f sec") % (difftime1))

write(pc, args.output)
Esempio n. 9
def load(input_las_path, output_ply_path):
    pc =
    write_ply.write(pc, output_ply_path)
Esempio n. 10
 def test_write_loadTheSame(self):
     """ Writing a point cloud and loading it afterwards should result in the same point cloud. """
     pc = generate_test_point_cloud()
     write(pc, self.test_file_path)
     loaded = read_ply(self.test_file_path)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(loaded, pc)
Esempio n. 11
 def test_write_sameFileTwice(self):
     """ Should not throw an exception. """
     pc = generate_test_point_cloud()
     write(pc, self.test_file_path)
     write(pc, self.test_file_path)
Esempio n. 12
 def test_write_nonExistingFile(self):
     """ Should create a file. """
     pc = generate_test_point_cloud()
     write(pc, self.test_file_path)
     assert (os.path.exists(self.test_file_path))