Esempio n. 1
def test_preprocessing_runs(project):
    Simple tests to assure the preprocessing actually runs. Does not test if it
    does the right thing but will at least assure the program flow works as
    project.create_new_iteration("1", "ses3d_4_1", 8, 100)
    processing_tag = project._get_iteration("1").get_processing_tag()
    event_data_dir = os.path.join(
        project.paths["data"], "GCMT_event_TURKEY_Mag_5.1_2010-3-24-14-11")
    processing_dir = os.path.join(event_data_dir, processing_tag)
    assert not os.path.exists(processing_dir)
    # This will process only one event.
    project.preprocess_data("1", ["GCMT_event_TURKEY_Mag_5.1_2010-3-24-14-11"],
    assert os.path.exists(processing_dir)
    assert len(os.listdir(processing_dir)) == 4

    # Remove and try again, this time not specifying the event which will
    # simply use all events. Should have the same result.
    assert not os.path.exists(processing_dir)
    project.preprocess_data("1", waiting_time=0.0)
    assert os.path.exists(processing_dir)
    assert len(os.listdir(processing_dir)) == 4
Esempio n. 2
def test_iteration_status(project):
    Tests the iteration status commands.
    project.create_new_iteration("1", "ses3d_4_1", 8, 100)
    event = "GCMT_event_TURKEY_Mag_5.1_2010-3-24-14-11"

    # Currenty the project has 4 files, that are not preprocessed.
    status = project.get_iteration_status("1")
    assert len(status["channels_not_yet_preprocessed"]) == 4
    assert status["stations_in_iteration_that_do_not_exist"] == []
    # The project only has synthetics for two stations.
    assert sorted(status["synthetic_data_missing"][event]) == ["KO.KULA",

    # Preprocess some files.
    project.preprocess_data("1", [event],

    status = project.get_iteration_status("1")
    assert status["channels_not_yet_preprocessed"] == []
    assert status["stations_in_iteration_that_do_not_exist"] == []
    assert sorted(status["synthetic_data_missing"][event]) == ["KO.KULA",

    # Remove one of the waveform files. This has the effect that the iteration
    # contains a file that is not actually in existance. This should be
    # detected.
    proc_folder = os.path.join(
        project.paths["data"], event,
    data_folder = os.path.join(project.paths["data"], event, "raw")

    data_file = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(data_folder, "*")))[0]
    proc_file = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(proc_folder, "*")))[0]

    status = project.get_iteration_status("1")
    assert status["channels_not_yet_preprocessed"] == []
    assert len(status["stations_in_iteration_that_do_not_exist"]) == 1
    assert sorted(status["synthetic_data_missing"][event]) == ["KO.KULA",

    # Now remove all synthetics. This should have the result that all
    # synthetics are missing.
    for folder in os.listdir(project.paths["synthetics"]):
        shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(project.paths["synthetics"], folder))
    status = project.get_iteration_status("1")
    assert status["channels_not_yet_preprocessed"] == []
    assert len(status["stations_in_iteration_that_do_not_exist"]) == 1
    # HL.ARG has been remove before.
    assert sorted(status["synthetic_data_missing"][event]) == \
        ["HT.SIGR", "KO.KULA", "KO.RSDY"]
Esempio n. 3
def test_discover_available_data(project):
    Tests the discover available data method.
    event = "GCMT_event_TURKEY_Mag_5.1_2010-3-24-14-11"

    # At the beginning it contains nothing, except a raw vertical component
    assert project.discover_available_data(event, "HL.ARG") == \
        {"processed": {}, "synthetic": {}, "raw": {"raw": ["Z"]}}

    # Create a new iteration. At this point it should contain some synthetics.
    project.create_new_iteration("1", "ses3d_4_1", 8, 100)
    assert project.discover_available_data(event, "HL.ARG") == \
        {"processed": {},
         "synthetic": {"1": ["Z", "N", "E"]},
         "raw": {"raw": ["Z"]}}

    # A new iteration without data does not add anything.
    project.create_new_iteration("2", "ses3d_4_1", 8, 100)
    assert project.discover_available_data(event, "HL.ARG") == \
        {"processed": {},
         "synthetic": {"1": ["Z", "N", "E"]},
         "raw": {"raw": ["Z"]}}

    # Data is also available for a second station. But not for another one.
    assert project.discover_available_data(event, "HT.SIGR") == \
        {"processed": {},
         "synthetic": {"1": ["Z", "N", "E"]},
         "raw": {"raw": ["Z"]}}
    assert project.discover_available_data(event, "KO.KULA") == \
        {"processed": {},
         "synthetic": {},
         "raw": {"raw": ["Z"]}}

    # Requesting data for a non-existent station raises.
    with pytest.raises(LASIFException):
        project.discover_available_data(event, "NET.STA")

    # Now preprocess some data that then should appear.
    processing_tag = project._get_iteration("1").get_processing_tag()
    project.preprocess_data("1", [event], waiting_time=0.0)
    assert project.discover_available_data(event, "HT.SIGR") == \
        {"processed": {processing_tag: ["Z"]},
         "synthetic": {"1": ["Z", "N", "E"]},
         "raw": {"raw": ["Z"]}}
    assert project.discover_available_data(event, "KO.KULA") == \
        {"processed": {processing_tag: ["Z"]},
         "synthetic": {},
         "raw": {"raw": ["Z"]}}
Esempio n. 4
def test_iteration_handling(project):
    Tests the managing of the iterations.
    # First create two iterations.
    project.create_new_iteration("1", "ses3d_4_1", 8, 100)
    project.create_new_iteration("2", "ses3d_4_1", 8, 100)
    assert sorted(os.listdir(project.paths["iterations"])) == \
        sorted(["ITERATION_1.xml", "ITERATION_2.xml"])

    # Make sure they are found correctly.
    assert project.get_iteration_dict() == {key: os.path.join(
        project.paths["iterations"], "ITERATION_" + key + ".xml")
        for key in ["1", "2"]}

    iteration = project._get_iteration("1")

    # Assert that the aspects of the example project did get picked up by the
    # iteration. Only one event will be available as the other is empty.
    assert len( == 1

    assert len(["GCMT_event_TURKEY_Mag_5.1_2010-3-24-14-11"]
               ["stations"]) == 4
    assert iteration.iteration_name == "1"
    assert iteration.source_time_function == "Filtered Heaviside"
    assert iteration.data_preprocessing["lowpass_period"] == 8.0
    assert iteration.data_preprocessing["highpass_period"] == 100.0

    # Assert the processing parameters. This is somewhat redundant and should
    # rather be tested in the iteration test suite.
    process_params = iteration.get_process_params()
    assert process_params["npts"] == 500
    assert process_params["dt"] == 0.75
    assert process_params["stf"] == "Filtered Heaviside"
    assert process_params["lowpass"] == 0.125
    assert process_params["highpass"] == 0.01
Esempio n. 5
def test_coordinate_retrieval(project):
    Tests the retrieval of coordinates.
    event_name = "GCMT_event_TURKEY_Mag_5.1_2010-3-24-14-11"

    # Remove the station file for KO_KULA. This is necessary for some tests
    # later on.
    # Force a rebuilding of the station cache. This usually only happens once.

    # The first two files have coordinates from SEED.
    filename = os.path.join(project.paths["data"], event_name, "raw",
    assert project._get_coordinates_for_waveform_file(
        filename, "raw", "HL", "ARG", event_name) == \
        {"latitude": 36.216, "local_depth_in_m": 0.0, "elevation_in_m": 170.0,
         "longitude": 28.126}
    filename = os.path.join(project.paths["data"], event_name, "raw",
    assert project._get_coordinates_for_waveform_file(
        filename, "raw", "HT", "SIGR", event_name) == \
        {"latitude": 39.2114, "local_depth_in_m": 0.0, "elevation_in_m": 93.0,
         "longitude": 25.8553}

    # This should also work for the synthetics! In that case the coordinates
    # are also found from the SEED files.
    filename = os.path.join(project.paths["synthetics"], event_name,
                            "ITERATION_1", "HL.ARG__.___.x")
    assert project._get_coordinates_for_waveform_file(
        filename, "synthetic", "HL", "ARG", event_name) == \
        {"latitude": 36.216, "local_depth_in_m": 0.0, "elevation_in_m": 170.0,
         "longitude": 28.126}
    filename = os.path.join(project.paths["synthetics"], event_name,
                            "ITERATION_1", "HL.ARG__.___.z")
    assert project._get_coordinates_for_waveform_file(
        filename, "synthetic", "HL", "ARG", event_name) == \
        {"latitude": 36.216, "local_depth_in_m": 0.0, "elevation_in_m": 170.0,
         "longitude": 28.126}
    filename = os.path.join(project.paths["synthetics"], event_name,
                            "ITERATION_1", "HT.SIGR_.___.y")
    assert project._get_coordinates_for_waveform_file(
        filename, "synthetic", "HT", "SIGR", event_name) == \
        {"latitude": 39.2114, "local_depth_in_m": 0.0, "elevation_in_m": 93.0,
         "longitude": 25.8553}

    # Also with processed data. We thus need to create a new iteration and
    # create processed data.
    project.create_new_iteration("1", "ses3d_4_1", 8, 100)
    project.preprocess_data("1", [event_name], waiting_time=0.0)
    processing_tag = project._get_iteration("1").get_processing_tag()

    filename = os.path.join(project.paths["data"], event_name, processing_tag,
    assert project._get_coordinates_for_waveform_file(
        filename, "processed", "HL", "ARG", event_name) == \
        {"latitude": 36.216, "local_depth_in_m": 0.0, "elevation_in_m": 170.0,
         "longitude": 28.126}
    filename = os.path.join(project.paths["data"], event_name, processing_tag,
    assert project._get_coordinates_for_waveform_file(
        filename, "processed", "HT", "SIGR", event_name) == \
        {"latitude": 39.2114, "local_depth_in_m": 0.0, "elevation_in_m": 93.0,
         "longitude": 25.8553}

    # The file exists, but has no corresponding station file.
    filename = os.path.join(project.paths["data"], event_name, "raw",

    # Now check what happens if not station coordinate file is available. It
    # will first attempt retrieve files from the waveform cache which will only
    # be filled if it is a SAC file.
    result = {"latitude": 1, "local_depth_in_m": 2, "elevation_in_m": 3,
              "longitude": 4}
    with mock.patch("") \
            as patch:
        patch.return_value = [result]
        assert project._get_coordinates_for_waveform_file(
            filename, "raw", "KO", "KULA", event_name) == result
        assert patch.called_once_with("KO", "KULA")

    # Otherwise the inventory database will be called.
    with mock.patch("") \
            as patch:
        patch.return_value = result
        assert project._get_coordinates_for_waveform_file(
            filename, "raw", "KO", "KULA", event_name) == result