def discriminator_class(inputs): with tf.name_scope('discriminator_class'): net = layers.fully_connected_layer(1, inputs, 16) net = layers.fully_connected_layer(2, net, 1, tf.nn.sigmoid, zero_biases=True, zero_weights=True) return net
def build_mlp_inference_graph(x, dropout_keep_prob, is_training, params): nLayers = len(params['num_outputs']) prev_layer = None for i in range(nLayers): num_outputs = params['num_outputs'][i] layer_name = 'fc_layer' + str(i + 1) act = ACTIVATIONS[params['activations'][i]] if i == 0: inpt = x else: inpt = prev_layer if params['dropout'][i]: with tf.name_scope('dropout'): inpt = tf.nn.dropout(inpt, dropout_keep_prob) layer = fully_connected_layer(inputs=inpt, num_outputs=num_outputs, layer_name=layer_name, is_training=is_training, activation_fn=act) prev_layer = layer return prev_layer
def deep_network_with_batchnorm(x, y=None, number_of_classes=2, filters=(16, 32, 64, 128), strides=(2, 1, 2, 1), is_training=True): # TODO: Do the same as with deep_network, but this time add batchnorm before each convoulution. logits = None params = {} assert len(filters)==len(strides), 'The parameters filter and stride should have the same length, had length %d and %d' \ %((len(filters), len(strides))) update_ops = [] #Fill this with update_ops from batch_norm ###### YOUR CODE ####### # Build your network and output logits out = x for i, (filter, stride) in enumerate(zip(filters, strides), start=1): bn_out, bn_params, update_op = batch_norm(out, is_training) conv, conv_params = conv2d(bn_out, number_of_features=filter, stride=stride, k_size=3) # k_size given by assignment out = tf.nn.relu(conv) for key, value in conv_params.items() + bn_params.items(): params['conv%d/%s' % (i, key)] = value update_ops.append(update_op) logits, dense_params = fully_connected_layer(out, number_of_classes) for key, value in dense_params.items(): params['fc/%s' % key] = value # END OF YOUR CODE if y is None: return logits, params, update_ops # TODO: Calculate softmax cross-entropy # without using any of the softmax or cross-entropy functions from Tensorflow loss = None ###### YOUR CODE ####### # Calculate loss h = tf.exp(logits - tf.reduce_max(logits, axis=1, keep_dims=True)) h /= tf.reduce_sum(h, axis=1, keep_dims=True) loss = -tf.reduce_sum(y * tf.log(h), axis=1, keep_dims=True) loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss) #loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=y) # For comparison and debug # END OF YOUR CODE update_op =*tuple(update_ops)) return logits, loss, params, update_op
def discriminator_latent(inputs, categorical_shape, continuous_shape): with tf.name_scope('discriminator_latent'): net = layers.fully_connected_layer(1, inputs, 16) cat_net = layers.fully_connected_layer(2, net, categorical_shape, tf.nn.softmax, zero_biases=True, zero_weights=True) con_net = layers.fully_connected_layer(3, net, continuous_shape, tf.nn.tanh, zero_biases=True, zero_weights=True) return cat_net, con_net
def deep_residual_network(x, y=None, number_of_classes=2, filters=(16, 32, 64, 128), strides=(2, 1, 2, 1), is_training=True): # TODO: Do the same as with deep_network_with_batchnorm*, but this time use the residual_blocks logits = None params = {} assert len(filters)==len(strides), 'The parameters filter and stride should have the same length, had length %d and %d' \ %((len(filters), len(strides))) update_ops = [] #Fill this with update_ops from batch_norm ###### YOUR CODE ####### # Build your network and output logits out = x for i, (filter, stride) in enumerate(zip(filters, strides), start=1): out, resnet_params, update_op = resnet_block(out, filters=(filter, filter), k_size=(3, 3), stride=stride, is_training=is_training) for key, value in resnet_params.items(): params['resnet%d/%s' % (i, key)] = value update_ops.append(update_op) logits, dense_params = fully_connected_layer(out, number_of_classes) for key, value in dense_params.items(): params['fc/%s' % key] = value # END OF YOUR CODE if y is None: return logits, params, update_ops # TODO: Calculate softmax cross-entropy loss # without using any of the softmax or cross-entropy functions from Tensorflow loss = None ###### YOUR CODE ####### # Calculate loss h = tf.exp(logits) h /= tf.reduce_sum(h) #, axis=1, keep_dims=True) loss = -tf.reduce_mean(tf.to_float(y) * tf.log(h)) #loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=y) # For comparison and debug # END OF YOUR CODE update_op =*tuple(update_ops)) return logits, loss, params, update_op
def deep_network(x, y=None, number_of_classes=2, filters=(16, 32, 64, 128), strides=(2, 1, 2, 1)): # TODO: Use the conv2d, tf.nn.relu and fully_connected_layer to create a (n+1)-layer network, # where n corresponds to the length of filters and strides. # your n first layers should be convoultional and the last layer fully connected. logits = None params = {} assert len(filters)==len(strides), 'The parameters filter and stride should have the same length, had length %d and %d' \ %((len(filters), len(strides))) ###### YOUR CODE ####### # Build your network and output logits out = x for i, (filter, stride) in enumerate(zip(filters, strides), start=1): conv, conv_params = conv2d(out, number_of_features=filter, stride=stride, k_size=3) # k_size given by assignment out = tf.nn.relu(conv) for key, value in conv_params.items(): params['conv%d/%s' % (i, key)] = value logits, dense_params = fully_connected_layer(out, number_of_classes) for key, value in dense_params.items(): params['fc/%s' % key] = value # END OF YOUR CODE if y is None: return logits, params # TODO: Calculate softmax cross-entropy # without using any of the softmax or cross-entropy functions from Tensorflow loss = None ###### YOUR CODE ####### # Calculate loss h = tf.exp(logits - tf.reduce_max(logits, axis=1, keep_dims=True)) h /= tf.reduce_sum(h, axis=1, keep_dims=True) loss = -tf.reduce_sum(y * tf.log(h), axis=1, keep_dims=True) loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss) #loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=y) # For comparison and debug # END OF YOUR CODE return logits, loss, params
def generator(inputs, batch_size, training): with tf.name_scope('generator'): net = layers.fully_connected_layer(1, inputs, 4 * 4 * 512, None) net = tf.reshape(net, [batch_size, 4, 4, 512]) net = layers.batch_norm(net, training, name='bn1') net = layers.conv2d_transpose_layer(1, net, [5, 5, 256], batch_size, stride=2) net = layers.batch_norm(net, training, name='bn2') net = layers.conv2d_transpose_layer(2, net, [5, 5, 128], batch_size, stride=2) net = layers.batch_norm(net, training, name='bn3') net = layers.conv2d_transpose_layer(3, net, [5, 5, 1], batch_size, tf.nn.sigmoid, stride=2, zero_biases=True) return net
def conv_net_model_train(learning_rate, train_dir, save_dir): """ The feed forward convolutional neural network model Hyper parameters include learning rate, number of convolutional layers and fully connected layers. (Currently TBD) """ # Reset graphs tf.reset_default_graph() # Create placeholders x = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[ None, INPUT_IMAGE_DIMENSION, INPUT_IMAGE_DIMENSION, INPUT_IMAGE_CHANNELS ], name="x") y = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, OUTPUT_VECTOR_SIZE], name="y") weight1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([4, 4, 3, 16], stddev=0.1), dtype=tf.float32, name="W1") bias1 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[16]), dtype=tf.float32, name="B1") weight2 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([4, 4, 16, 32], stddev=0.1), dtype=tf.float32, name="W2") bias2 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[32]), dtype=tf.float32, name="B2") weight3 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([4608, 2], stddev=0.1), dtype=tf.float32, name="W3") bias3 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[2]), dtype=tf.float32, name="B3") # First convolutional layer conv1 = ly.conv_layer(x, weight1, bias1, False) # First pooling pool1 = ly.pool_layer(conv1) # Second convolutional layer conv2 = ly.conv_layer(pool1, weight2, bias2, True) # Second pooling pool2 = ly.pool_layer(conv2) # Flatten input flattened = tf.reshape(pool2, shape=[-1, 12 * 12 * 32]) # Create fully connected layer logits = ly.fully_connected_layer(flattened, weight3, bias3) # Create loss function with tf.name_scope("cross_entropy"): cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=y)) # Create optimizer with tf.name_scope("train"): train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( cross_entropy) # Compute accuracy with tf.name_scope("accuracy"): # argmax gets the highest value in a given dimension (in this case, dimension 1) # equal checks if the label is equal to the computed logits correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(logits, 1), tf.argmax(y, 1)) # tf.reduce_mean computes the mean across the vector accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32)) saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: # Run model data_reader = dr.DataReader(sess, train_dir, INPUT_IMAGE_DIMENSION, OUTPUT_VECTOR_SIZE, INPUT_IMAGE_CHANNELS) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() # Train the model for i in range(STEP_SIZE): images, labels = data_reader.get_train_batch(coord, BATCH_SIZE) if i % 10 == 0: a =, feed_dict={x: images, y: labels}) print("step", i, "of ", STEP_SIZE) print("Acc: ", a) # Run the training step, feed_dict={x: images, y: labels}), save_dir) coord.request_stop()
def conv_net_model_test(save_dir, test_dir, output_dir0, output_dir1): """ The feed forward convolutional neural network model Hyper parameters include learning rate, number of convolutional layers and fully connected layers. (Currently TBD) """ # Reset graphs tf.reset_default_graph() # Create placeholders x = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[ None, INPUT_IMAGE_DIMENSION, INPUT_IMAGE_DIMENSION, INPUT_IMAGE_CHANNELS ], name="x") weight1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([4, 4, 3, 16], stddev=0.1), dtype=tf.float32, name="W1") bias1 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[16]), dtype=tf.float32, name="B1") weight2 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([4, 4, 16, 32], stddev=0.1), dtype=tf.float32, name="W2") bias2 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[32]), dtype=tf.float32, name="B2") weight3 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([4608, 2], stddev=0.1), dtype=tf.float32, name="W3") bias3 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[2]), dtype=tf.float32, name="B3") # First convolutional layer conv1 = ly.conv_layer(x, weight1, bias1, False) # First pooling pool1 = ly.pool_layer(conv1) # Second convolutional layer conv2 = ly.conv_layer(pool1, weight2, bias2, True) # Second pooling pool2 = ly.pool_layer(conv2) # Flatten input flattened = tf.reshape(pool2, shape=[-1, 12 * 12 * 32]) # Create fully connected layer logits = ly.fully_connected_layer(flattened, weight3, bias3) saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, save_dir) # Run model test_images = tdl.load_test_data(test_dir) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() # Test the model l =, 1), feed_dict={x: test_images}) od.output(output_dir0, output_dir1, test_images, l) coord.request_stop()
def conv_net_model(learning_rate, graph_dir, train_dir, test_dir, extra_fc_layer=False): """ The feed forward convolutional neural network model Hyper parameters include learning rate, number of convolutional layers and fully connected layers. (Currently TBD) """ # Reset graphs tf.reset_default_graph() # Create a tensorflow session sess = tf.Session() # Create placeholders x = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[ None, INPUT_IMAGE_DIMENSION, INPUT_IMAGE_DIMENSION, INPUT_IMAGE_CHANNELS ], name="x") y = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, OUTPUT_VECTOR_SIZE], name="y") # Visualize input x tf.summary.image("input", x, BATCH_SIZE) # First convolutional layer conv1, v = ly.conv_layer(x, INPUT_IMAGE_CHANNELS, 32, name="conv1") # Visualize convolution output utils.visualize_conv(v, INPUT_IMAGE_DIMENSION, 32, "raw_conv1") # Visualize relu activated convolution output utils.visualize_conv(conv1, INPUT_IMAGE_DIMENSION, 32, "relu_conv1") # First pooling pool1 = ly.pool_layer(conv1, name="pool1") image_dimension = int(INPUT_IMAGE_DIMENSION / 2) # Visualize first pooling utils.visualize_conv(pool1, image_dimension, 32, "pool1") # Flatten input flattened = tf.reshape(pool1, shape=[-1, image_dimension * image_dimension * 32]) # Create fully connected layer if extra_fc_layer: fc_layer = ly.fully_connected_layer(flattened, image_dimension * image_dimension * 32, EXTRA_FC_LAYER_NODES, name="fc_layer") logits = ly.fully_connected_layer(fc_layer, EXTRA_FC_LAYER_NODES, OUTPUT_VECTOR_SIZE, name="logits") else: logits = ly.fully_connected_layer(flattened, image_dimension * image_dimension * 32, OUTPUT_VECTOR_SIZE, name="logits") # Create loss function with tf.name_scope("cross_entropy"): cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=y)) tf.summary.scalar("cross_entropy", cross_entropy) # Create optimizer with tf.name_scope("train"): train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( cross_entropy) # Compute accuracy with tf.name_scope("accuracy"): # argmax gets the highest value in a given dimension (in this case, dimension 1) # equal checks if the label is equal to the computed logits correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(logits, 1), tf.argmax(y, 1)) # tf.reduce_mean computes the mean across the vector accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32)) tf.summary.scalar("accuracy", accuracy) # Get all summary summ = tf.summary.merge_all() # Run model writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(graph_dir) writer.add_graph(sess.graph) data_reader = dr.DataReader(sess, train_dir, test_dir, INPUT_IMAGE_DIMENSION, OUTPUT_VECTOR_SIZE, INPUT_IMAGE_CHANNELS) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() # Train the model for i in range(STEP_SIZE): images, labels = data_reader.get_train_batch(coord, BATCH_SIZE) if i % 5 == 0: [_, s] =[accuracy, summ], feed_dict={ x: images, y: labels }) writer.add_summary(s, i) # Run the training step, feed_dict={x: images, y: labels}) # For model testing with tf.name_scope("test_accuracy"): test_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(logits, 1), tf.argmax(y, 1)) test_accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(test_prediction, tf.float32)) test_accuracy_summary = tf.summary.scalar("test accuracy", test_accuracy) # Test the model for i in range(TEST_STEP_SIZE): test_images, test_labels = data_reader.get_train_batch( coord, BATCH_SIZE) if i % 5 == 0: [_, s] =[test_accuracy, test_accuracy_summary], feed_dict={ x: test_images, y: test_labels }) writer.add_summary(s, i), feed_dict={x: test_images, y: test_labels}) coord.request_stop()
def build_encoder(x): # The encoder uses the deep residual network. outputs = [] pooling = [1, 2, 2, 1] shape = x.get_shape().as_list() bs = shape[0] seq = shape[1] temp_shape = [bs * seq] + shape[2:] x = tf.reshape(x, temp_shape) # print x.get_shape().as_list() # layer 0 with tf.variable_scope("encoder_layer0", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): conv0_0 = layers.conv_layer(name="conv0_0", x=x, filter_shape=layers.create_variable( "filter0_0", shape=[7, 7, 3, 96])) conv0_0 = layers.batch_normalization(conv0_0, "conv0_0_bn") conv0_0 = layers.relu_layer(conv0_0) conv0_1 = layers.conv_layer(name="conv0_1", x=conv0_0, filter_shape=layers.create_variable( "filter0_1", shape=[3, 3, 96, 96])) conv0_1 = layers.batch_normalization(conv0_1, "conv0_1_bn") conv0_1 = layers.relu_layer(conv0_1) shortcut0 = layers.conv_layer(name="shortcut", x=x, filter_shape=layers.create_variable( "filter0_2", shape=[1, 1, 3, 96])) shortcut0 = layers.batch_normalization(shortcut0, "shortcut0_bn") shortcut0 = layers.relu_layer(shortcut0) layer0 = layers.pooling_layer("pooling", conv0_1 + shortcut0, pooling) outputs.append(layer0) # [bs * size, 64, 64, 96] # layer 1 with tf.variable_scope("encoder_layer1", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): conv1_0 = layers.conv_layer(name="conv1_0", x=layer0, filter_shape=layers.create_variable( "filter1_0", shape=[3, 3, 96, 128])) conv1_0 = layers.batch_normalization(conv1_0, "conv1_0_bn") conv1_0 = layers.relu_layer(conv1_0) conv1_1 = layers.conv_layer(name="conv1_1", x=conv1_0, filter_shape=layers.create_variable( "filter1_1", shape=[3, 3, 128, 128])) conv1_1 = layers.batch_normalization(conv1_1, "conv1_1_bn") conv1_1 = layers.relu_layer(conv1_1) shortcut1 = layers.conv_layer(name="shortcut", x=layer0, filter_shape=layers.create_variable( "filter1_2", shape=[1, 1, 96, 128])) shortcut1 = layers.batch_normalization(shortcut1, "shortcut1_bn") shortcut1 = layers.relu_layer(shortcut1) layer1 = layers.pooling_layer("pooling", conv1_1 + shortcut1, pooling) outputs.append(layer1) # [bs * size, 32, 32, 128] # layer 2 with tf.variable_scope("encoder_layer2", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): conv2_0 = layers.conv_layer(name="conv2_0", x=layer1, filter_shape=layers.create_variable( "filter2_0", shape=[3, 3, 128, 256])) conv2_0 = layers.batch_normalization(conv2_0, "conv2_0_bn") conv2_0 = layers.relu_layer(conv2_0) conv2_1 = layers.conv_layer(name="conv2_1", x=conv2_0, filter_shape=layers.create_variable( "filter2_1", shape=[3, 3, 256, 256])) conv2_1 = layers.batch_normalization(conv2_1, "conv2_1_bn") conv2_1 = layers.relu_layer(conv2_1) shortcut2 = layers.conv_layer(name="shortcut", x=layer1, filter_shape=layers.create_variable( "filter2_2", shape=[1, 1, 128, 256])) shortcut2 = layers.batch_normalization(shortcut2, "shortcut2_bn") shortcut2 = layers.relu_layer(shortcut2) layer2 = layers.pooling_layer("pooling", conv2_1 + shortcut2, pooling) outputs.append(layer2) # [bs * size, 16, 16, 256] # layer 3 with tf.variable_scope("encoder_layer3", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): conv3_0 = layers.conv_layer(name="conv3_0", x=layer2, filter_shape=layers.create_variable( "filter3_0", shape=[3, 3, 256, 256])) conv3_0 = layers.batch_normalization(conv3_0, "conv3_0_bn") conv3_0 = layers.relu_layer(conv3_0) conv3_1 = layers.conv_layer(name="conv3_1", x=conv3_0, filter_shape=layers.create_variable( "filter3_1", shape=[3, 3, 256, 256])) conv3_1 = layers.batch_normalization(conv3_1, "conv3_1_bn") conv3_1 = layers.relu_layer(conv3_1) layer3 = layers.pooling_layer("pooling", conv3_1, pooling) outputs.append(layer3) # [bs * size, 8, 8, 256] # layer 4 with tf.variable_scope("encoder_layer4", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): conv4_0 = layers.conv_layer(name="conv4_0", x=layer3, filter_shape=layers.create_variable( "filter4_0", shape=[3, 3, 256, 256])) conv4_0 = layers.batch_normalization(conv4_0, "conv4_0_bn") conv4_0 = layers.relu_layer(conv4_0) conv4_1 = layers.conv_layer(name="conv4_1", x=conv4_0, filter_shape=layers.create_variable( "filter4_1", shape=[3, 3, 256, 256])) conv4_1 = layers.batch_normalization(conv4_1, "conv4_1_bn") conv4_1 = layers.relu_layer(conv4_1) shortcut4 = layers.conv_layer(name="shortcut", x=layer3, filter_shape=layers.create_variable( "filter4_2", shape=[1, 1, 256, 256])) shortcut4 = layers.batch_normalization(shortcut4, "shortcut4_bn") shortcut4 = layers.relu_layer(shortcut4) layer4 = layers.pooling_layer("pooling", conv4_1 + shortcut4, pooling) outputs.append(layer4) # [bs * size, 4, 4, 256] # layer 5 with tf.variable_scope("encoder_layer5", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): conv5_0 = layers.conv_layer(name="conv5_0", x=layer4, filter_shape=layers.create_variable( "filter5_0", shape=[3, 3, 256, 256])) conv5_0 = layers.batch_normalization(conv5_0, "conv5_0_bn") conv5_0 = layers.relu_layer(conv5_0) conv5_1 = layers.conv_layer(name="conv5_1", x=conv5_0, filter_shape=layers.create_variable( "filter5_1", shape=[3, 3, 256, 256])) conv5_1 = layers.batch_normalization(conv5_1, "conv5_1_bn") conv5_1 = layers.relu_layer(conv5_1) shortcut5 = layers.conv_layer(name="shortcut", x=layer4, filter_shape=layers.create_variable( "filter5_2", shape=[1, 1, 256, 256])) shortcut5 = layers.batch_normalization(shortcut5, "shortcut5_bn") shortcut5 = layers.relu_layer(shortcut5) layer5 = layers.pooling_layer("pooling", conv5_1 + shortcut5, pooling) outputs.append(layer5) # [bs * size, 2, 2, 256] final_shape = [bs, seq, fc_layer_size[0]] # Flatten layer and fully connected layer flatten = layers.flatten_layer(layer5) outputs.append(flatten) with tf.variable_scope("fc_layer", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): layer_fc = layers.fully_connected_layer(flatten, fc_layer_size[0], "fclayer_w", "fclayer_b") # layer_fc = layers.batch_normalization(layer_fc, "fc_bn") layer_fc = layers.relu_layer(layer_fc) outputs.append(layer_fc) # [bs * size, 1024] # [bs, size, 1024] return tf.reshape(outputs[-1], final_shape)