for t in (gamma, beta, mu, variance))
            gamma, beta, mu, variance = (t.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 'x')
                                         for t in (gamma, beta, mu, variance))
        w_next = w * gamma / (T.sqrt(variance + epsilon))
        w_next = T.clip(w_next, -limits[i], limits[i])
        plain_params.append([w_next, b_next])
    return plain_params

plain_params = remove_batchnorm(params)
z = feedForward(x, plain_params)
y = T.argmax(z, axis=1)
# compile theano functions
predict = theano.function([x], y)

batch_size = 250
# test
running_accuracy = 0.0
batches = 0
for start in range(0, 10000, batch_size):
    x_batch = x_test[start:start + batch_size]
    t_batch = labels[start:start + batch_size]
    running_accuracy += np.mean(predict(x_batch) == t_batch)
    batches += 1
test_accuracy = running_accuracy / batches
print('test accuracy = ' + repr(test_accuracy))

layers.saveParams('', plain_params)
Esempio n. 2
def dropout_removal(params):
    updates = []
    #For FC layers, I do not compensate as it turns out it is better this way
    return updates

z, _ = feedForward(x, params)
y = T.argmax(z, axis=1)
dropout_updates = dropout_removal(params)
# compile theano functions
predict = theano.function([x], y)
remove_it = theano.function([],[],updates=dropout_updates)
batch_size = 250
# test
running_accuracy =0.0
batches = 0
for start in range(0,10000,batch_size):
    x_batch = x_test[start:start+batch_size]
    t_batch = labels[start:start+batch_size]
    running_accuracy += np.mean(predict(x_batch) == t_batch)
test_accuracy = running_accuracy/batches
print('test accuracy = ' + repr(test_accuracy))

print("Params have been saved.")
Esempio n. 3
        #random crop
        padded = np.pad(x_batch, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (4, 4), (4, 4)),
        random_cropped = np.zeros(x_batch.shape, dtype=np.float32)
        crops = np.random.random_integers(0, high=8, size=(batch_size, 2))
        for r in range(batch_size):
            random_cropped[r, :, :, :] = padded[r, :,
                                                crops[r, 0]:(crops[r, 0] + 32),
                                                crops[r, 1]:(crops[r, 1] + 32)]

        cost = train(random_cropped, t_batch, lr, 1)
        running_cost = running_cost + cost
        batches = batches + 1
    total_loss = running_cost / batches

    # test
    running_accuracy = 0.0
    batches = 0
    for start in range(0, 10000, batch_size):
        x_batch = x_test[start:start + batch_size]
        t_batch = labels[start:start + batch_size]
        running_accuracy += np.mean(predict(x_batch, 0) == t_batch)
        batches += 1
    test_accuracy = running_accuracy / batches
    print('loss = ' + repr(total_loss))
    print('test accuracy = ' + repr(test_accuracy))

layers.saveParams('', params)
print('Params have been saved')
Esempio n. 4
    if ((i + 1) % 100 == 0):
        lr = 0.1
    indices = np.random.permutation(60000)
    running_cost = 0.0
    batches = 0
    for start in range(0, 60000, batch_size):
        x_batch = x_train[indices[start:start + batch_size]]
        t_batch = t_train[indices[start:start + batch_size]]
        cost = train(x_batch, t_batch, lr, 1)
        running_cost = running_cost + cost
        batches = batches + 1
    total_loss = running_cost / batches

    # test
    labels = np.argmax(t_test, axis=1)
    running_accuracy = 0.0
    batches = 0
    for start in range(0, 10000, batch_size):
        x_batch = x_test[start:start + batch_size]
        t_batch = labels[start:start + batch_size]
        running_accuracy += np.mean(predict(x_batch, 0) == t_batch)
        batches += 1
    test_accuracy = running_accuracy / batches

    print('loss = ' + repr(total_loss))
    print('test accuracy = ' + repr(test_accuracy))

layers.saveParams('', params)
print('Params have been saved')
Esempio n. 5
        running_cost = running_cost + cost
        batches = batches + 1
    total_loss = running_cost / batches

    # test
    running_accuracy = 0.0
    batches = 0
    for start in range(0, 10000, batch_size):
        x_batch = x_test[start:start + batch_size]
        t_batch = labels[start:start + batch_size]
        running_accuracy += np.mean(predict(x_batch, 0) == t_batch)
        batches += 1
    test_accuracy = running_accuracy / batches
        np.array_str(total_loss) + ' ' + np.array_str(test_accuracy) + '\n')
    for res in runningGradientStats:
        for stat in res:
                np.array_str(stat[0].get_value()) + ' ' +
                np.array_str(stat[1].get_value()) + '\n')
    for res in runningActGrad:
        for stat in res:
                np.array_str(stat[0].get_value()) + ' ' +
                np.array_str(stat[1].get_value()) + '\n')

    print(np.array_str(total_loss) + ' ' + np.array_str(test_accuracy))
layers.saveParams('', params)
print("Params have been saved")