def proxy(subpath): f"{request.method} GeoServer proxy, user={g.user}, subpath={subpath}, url={request.url}, request.query_string={request.query_string.decode('UTF-8')}" ) url = settings.LAYMAN_GS_URL + subpath + '?' + request.query_string.decode( 'UTF-8') headers_req = { key.lower(): value for (key, value) in request.headers if key.lower() not in ['host', settings.LAYMAN_GS_AUTHN_HTTP_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE.lower()] } data = request.get_data() authn_username = authn.get_authn_username() if is_user_with_name(authn_username): headers_req[ settings.LAYMAN_GS_AUTHN_HTTP_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE] = authn_username f"{request.method} GeoServer proxy, headers_req={headers_req}, url={url}" ) wfs_t_layers = set() if data is not None and len(data) > 0: try: wfs_t_attribs, wfs_t_layers = extract_attributes_and_layers_from_wfs_t( data) if wfs_t_attribs: ensure_wfs_t_attributes(wfs_t_attribs) except BaseException as err: app.logger.warning( f"WFS Proxy: error={err}, trace={traceback.format_exc()}") response = requests.request(method=request.method, url=url, data=data, headers=headers_req, cookies=request.cookies, allow_redirects=False) if response.status_code == 200: for workspace, layername in wfs_t_layers: if authz.can_i_edit(LAYER_TYPE, workspace, layername): patch_after_feature_change(workspace, layername) excluded_headers = [ 'content-encoding', 'content-length', 'transfer-encoding', 'connection' ] headers = { key: value for (key, value) in response.headers.items() if key.lower() not in excluded_headers } final_response = Response(response.content, response.status_code, headers) return final_response
def setup_post_access_rights(request_form, kwargs, actor_name): kwargs['access_rights'] = dict() for type in ['read', 'write']: if not request_form.get('access_rights.' + type): if is_user_with_name(actor_name): access_rights = [actor_name] else: access_rights = [settings.RIGHTS_EVERYONE_ROLE] else: access_rights = list({ x.strip() for x in request_form['access_rights.' + type].split(',') }) kwargs['access_rights'][type] = access_rights
def reserve_username(username, adjust=False): current_username = authn.get_authn_username() if is_user_with_name(current_username): raise LaymanError(34, {'username': current_username}) if adjust is not True: check_workspace_name(username) workspaces = get_workspaces() if username in workspaces: raise LaymanError(35) try: ensure_whole_user(username) claims = get_open_id_claims() _save_reservation(username, claims) except LaymanError as exc: delete_whole_user(username) raise exc return claims = get_open_id_claims() suggestions = [username] + get_username_suggestions_from_claims(claims) suggestions = [ slugify(s) for s in suggestions if s is not None and len(s) > 0 ] suggestions = to_safe_names(suggestions, 'user') workspaces = get_workspaces() username = None idx = 0 while True: for suggestion in suggestions: if idx > 0: suggestion = f"{suggestion}{idx}" try: check_workspace_name(suggestion) except LaymanError as exc: if not (exc.code == 2 or exc.code == 35): raise exc if suggestion in workspaces: continue try: ensure_whole_user(suggestion) username = suggestion _save_reservation(username, claims) break except LaymanError: delete_whole_user(suggestion) if username is not None: break idx += 1
def get_publication_infos_with_metainfo( workspace_name=None, pub_type=None, style_type=None, reader=None, writer=None, limit=None, offset=None, full_text_filter=None, bbox_filter=None, order_by_list=None, ordering_full_text=None, ordering_bbox=None, ): order_by_list = order_by_list or [] full_text_tsquery = db_util.to_tsquery_string( full_text_filter) if full_text_filter else None full_text_like = '%' + full_text_filter + '%' if full_text_filter else None ordering_full_text_tsquery = db_util.to_tsquery_string( ordering_full_text) if ordering_full_text else None where_params_def = [ (workspace_name, ' = %s', (workspace_name, )), (pub_type, 'p.type = %s', (pub_type, )), (style_type, 'p.style_type::text = %s', (style_type, )), (reader and not is_user_with_name(reader), 'p.everyone_can_read = TRUE', tuple()), (is_user_with_name(reader), f"""(p.everyone_can_read = TRUE or ( is not null and = %s) or EXISTS(select 1 from {DB_SCHEMA}.rights r inner join {DB_SCHEMA}.users u2 on r.id_user = inner join {DB_SCHEMA}.workspaces w2 on = u2.id_workspace where r.id_publication = and r.type = 'read' and = %s))""", ( reader, reader, )), (writer and not is_user_with_name(writer), 'p.everyone_can_write = TRUE', tuple()), (is_user_with_name(writer), f"""(p.everyone_can_write = TRUE or ( is not null and = %s) or EXISTS(select 1 from {DB_SCHEMA}.rights r inner join {DB_SCHEMA}.users u2 on r.id_user = inner join {DB_SCHEMA}.workspaces w2 on = u2.id_workspace where r.id_publication = and r.type = 'write' and = %s))""", ( writer, writer, )), (full_text_filter, '(_prime_schema.my_unaccent(p.title) @@ to_tsquery(unaccent(%s))' 'or lower(unaccent(p.title)) like lower(unaccent(%s)))', ( full_text_tsquery, full_text_like, )), (bbox_filter, 'p.bbox && ST_MakeBox2D(ST_MakePoint(%s, %s), ST_MakePoint(%s, %s))', bbox_filter), ] order_by_definition = { consts.ORDER_BY_FULL_TEXT: ('ts_rank_cd(_prime_schema.my_unaccent(p.title), to_tsquery(unaccent(%s))) DESC', (ordering_full_text_tsquery, )), consts.ORDER_BY_TITLE: ('lower(unaccent(p.title)) ASC', tuple()), consts.ORDER_BY_LAST_CHANGE: ('updated_at DESC', tuple()), consts.ORDER_BY_BBOX: (""" -- A∩B / (A + B) CASE -- if there is any intersection WHEN p.bbox && ST_MakeBox2D(ST_MakePoint(%s, %s), ST_MakePoint(%s, %s)) THEN -- in cases, when area of intersection is 0, we want it rank higher than no intersection GREATEST(st_area(st_intersection(p.bbox, ST_MakeBox2D(ST_MakePoint(%s, %s), ST_MakePoint(%s, %s)))), 1) -- we have to solve division by 0 / (GREATEST(st_area(p.bbox), 1) + GREATEST(st_area(ST_MakeBox2D(ST_MakePoint(%s, %s), ST_MakePoint(%s, %s))), 1) ) -- if there is no intersection, result is 0 in all cases ELSE 0 END DESC """, ordering_bbox + ordering_bbox + ordering_bbox if ordering_bbox else tuple()), } assert all(ordering_item in order_by_definition.keys() for ordering_item in order_by_list) ######################################################### # SELECT clause select_clause = f""" select as id_publication, as workspace_name, p.type,, p.title, p.uuid::text, p.style_type, p.updated_at, ST_XMIN(p.bbox) as xmin, ST_YMIN(p.bbox) as ymin, ST_XMAX(p.bbox) as xmax, ST_YMAX(p.bbox) as ymax, (select rtrim(concat(case when is not null then || ',' end, string_agg(, ',') || ',', case when p.everyone_can_read then %s || ',' end ), ',') from {DB_SCHEMA}.rights r inner join {DB_SCHEMA}.users u2 on r.id_user = inner join {DB_SCHEMA}.workspaces w2 on = u2.id_workspace where r.id_publication = and r.type = 'read') can_read_users, (select rtrim(concat(case when is not null then || ',' end, string_agg(, ',') || ',', case when p.everyone_can_write then %s || ',' end ), ',') from {DB_SCHEMA}.rights r inner join {DB_SCHEMA}.users u2 on r.id_user = inner join {DB_SCHEMA}.workspaces w2 on = u2.id_workspace where r.id_publication = and r.type = 'write') can_write_users, count(*) OVER() AS full_count from {DB_SCHEMA}.workspaces w inner join {DB_SCHEMA}.publications p on p.id_workspace = left join {DB_SCHEMA}.users u on u.id_workspace = """ select_params = ( ROLE_EVERYONE, ROLE_EVERYONE, ) ######################################################### # WHERE clause where_params = tuple() where_parts = list() for ( value, where_part, params, ) in where_params_def: if value: where_parts.append(where_part) where_params = where_params + params where_clause = '' if where_parts: where_clause = 'WHERE ' + '\n AND '.join(where_parts) + '\n' ######################################################### # ORDER BY clause order_by_params = tuple() order_by_parts = list() for order_by_part in order_by_list: order_by_parts.append(order_by_definition[order_by_part][0]) order_by_params = order_by_params + order_by_definition[order_by_part][ 1] order_by_parts.append(' ASC') order_by_parts.append(' ASC') order_by_clause = 'ORDER BY ' + ', '.join(order_by_parts) ######################################################### # Pagination clause pagination_params = tuple() pagination_clause = '' if limit is not None: assert limit >= 0 assert isinstance(limit, int) pagination_clause = pagination_clause + f' LIMIT {limit} ' if offset is not None: assert offset >= 0 assert isinstance(offset, int) pagination_clause = pagination_clause + f' OFFSET {offset} ' ######################################################### # Put it together sql_params = select_params + where_params + order_by_params + pagination_params select = select_clause + where_clause + order_by_clause + pagination_clause values = db_util.run_query(select, sql_params) # print(f'get_publication_infos:\n\nselect={select}\n\nsql_params={sql_params}\n\n&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&') infos = {( workspace_name, type, publication_name, ): { 'id': id_publication, 'name': publication_name, 'title': title, 'uuid': uuid, 'type': type, 'style_type': style_type, 'updated_at': updated_at, 'bounding_box': [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], 'access_rights': { 'read': can_read_users.split(','), 'write': can_write_users.split(',') } } for id_publication, workspace_name, type, publication_name, title, uuid, style_type, updated_at, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, can_read_users, can_write_users, _ in values} if values: total_count = values[0][-1] else: count_clause = f""" select count(*) AS full_count from {DB_SCHEMA}.workspaces w inner join {DB_SCHEMA}.publications p on p.id_workspace = left join {DB_SCHEMA}.users u on u.id_workspace = """ sql_params = where_params select = count_clause + where_clause count = db_util.run_query(select, sql_params) total_count = count[0][-1] if infos: start = offset + 1 if offset else 1 content_range = (start, start + len(infos) - 1) else: content_range = (0, 0) result = { 'items': infos, 'total_count': total_count, 'content_range': content_range, } return result
def generate_map_thumbnail(username, mapname, editor): map_info = get_publication_info(username, MAP_TYPE, mapname, context={'keys': ['file']}) map_file_get_url = map_info['_file']['url'] params = urlencode({ 'map_def_url': map_file_get_url, 'gs_url': f"http://{settings.LAYMAN_SERVER_NAME}{settings.LAYMAN_GS_PATH}", 'gs_public_url': f"{settings.LAYMAN_GS_PROXY_BASE_URL}", 'editor': editor if is_user_with_name(editor) else '', 'proxy_header': settings.LAYMAN_AUTHN_HTTP_HEADER_NAME, # 'file_name': tmp_file_name, }) timgen_url = f"{settings.LAYMAN_TIMGEN_URL}?{params}""Timgen URL: {timgen_url}") chrome_options = Options() chrome_options.add_argument("--headless") chrome_options.add_argument("--no-sandbox") desired_capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME desired_capabilities['goog:loggingPrefs'] = {'browser': 'ALL'} chrome = webdriver.Chrome( options=chrome_options, desired_capabilities=desired_capabilities, ) chrome.set_window_size(500, 500) chrome.get(timgen_url) entries = chrome.get_log('browser') max_attempts = 40 attempts = 0 while next((e for e in entries if e['level'] != 'INFO' or (e['level'] == 'INFO' and '"dataurl" "data:image/png;base64,' in e['message'])), None) is None and attempts < max_attempts:"waiting for entries") time.sleep(0.5) attempts += 1 entries = chrome.get_log('browser') if attempts >= max_attempts:"max attempts reach") return for entry in entries:"browser entry {entry}") # chrome.save_screenshot(f'/code/tmp/{username}.{mapname}.png') chrome.close() chrome.quit() entry = next((e for e in entries if e['level'] == 'INFO' and '"dataurl" "data:image/png;base64,' in e['message']), None) if entry is None: return match = re.match(r'.*\"dataurl\" \"data:image/png;base64,(.+)\"', entry['message']) if not match: return groups = match.groups() if len(groups) < 1: return data_url = groups[0] #"data_url {data_url}") #"len(data_url) {len(data_url)}") ensure_map_thumbnail_dir(username, mapname) file_path = get_map_thumbnail_path(username, mapname) try: os.remove(file_path) except OSError: pass with open(file_path, 'wb') as file: file.write(base64.b64decode(data_url))
def proxy(subpath): f"{request.method} GeoServer proxy, actor={g.user}, subpath={subpath}, url={request.url}, request.query_string={request.query_string.decode('UTF-8')}" ) # adjust authentication headers url = settings.LAYMAN_GS_URL + subpath query_params_string = request.query_string.decode('UTF-8') headers_req = { key.lower(): value for (key, value) in request.headers if key.lower() not in ['host', settings.LAYMAN_GS_AUTHN_HTTP_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE.lower()] } data = request.get_data() authn_username = authn.get_authn_username() if is_user_with_name(authn_username): headers_req[ settings.LAYMAN_GS_AUTHN_HTTP_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE] = authn_username # ensure layer attributes in case of WFS-T f"{request.method} GeoServer proxy, headers_req={headers_req}, url={url}" ) wfs_t_layers = set() if data is not None and len(data) > 0: try: wfs_t_attribs, wfs_t_layers = extract_attributes_and_layers_from_wfs_t( data) if wfs_t_attribs: ensure_wfs_t_attributes(wfs_t_attribs) except BaseException as err: app.logger.warning( f"WFS Proxy: error={err}, trace={traceback.format_exc()}") query_params = CaseInsensitiveDict(request.args.to_dict()) # change CRS:84 to EPSG:4326 if one of SLD layers has native CRS EPSG:5514 # otherwise layers are shifted by hundreds of meters, we are not sure about the reason if query_params.get('service') == 'WMS' and query_params.get('request') == 'GetMap'\ and (query_params.get('crs') or query_params.get('srs')) == crs_def.CRS_84: layers = [ layer.split(':') for layer in query_params.get('layers').split(',') ] url_workspace = extract_workspace_from_url(subpath) layers = [ layer if len(layer) == 2 else [url_workspace] + layer for layer in layers ] fix_params = False for geoserver_workspace, layer in layers: workspace = gs_wms.get_layman_workspace(geoserver_workspace) publ_info = layman_util.get_publication_info( workspace, LAYER_TYPE, layer, {'keys': ['native_crs', 'style_type']}) if publ_info and publ_info.get( 'native_crs') == crs_def.EPSG_5514 and publ_info.get( 'style_type') == 'sld': fix_params = True break if fix_params: if query_params.get('crs') == crs_def.CRS_84: param_key = 'crs' bbox = query_params['bbox'].split(',') bbox = [bbox[1], bbox[0], bbox[3], bbox[2]] query_params['bbox'] = ",".join(bbox) else: param_key = 'srs' query_params[param_key] = crs_def.EPSG_4326 query_params_string = parse.urlencode(query_params) url += '?' + query_params_string"{request.method} GeoServer proxy, final_url={url}") response = requests.request(method=request.method, url=url, data=data, headers=headers_req, cookies=request.cookies, allow_redirects=False) if response.status_code == 200: for workspace, layername in wfs_t_layers: file_info = layman_util.get_publication_info( workspace, LAYER_TYPE, layername, context={'keys': ['file']})['file'] if authz.can_i_edit( LAYER_TYPE, workspace, layername ) and file_info['file_type'] == settings.FILE_TYPE_VECTOR: patch_after_feature_change(workspace, layername) excluded_headers = [ 'content-encoding', 'content-length', 'transfer-encoding', 'connection' ] headers = { key: value for (key, value) in response.headers.items() if key.lower() not in excluded_headers } final_response = Response(response.content, response.status_code, headers) return final_response