def make_BareConfig(self): a = BareConfig() # Test components of the BareConfig class: self.test_url = '' assertEqual(a['overlay'], self.test_url) self.test_keys = ['bzr_addopts', 'bzr_command', 'bzr_postsync', 'bzr_syncopts', 'cache', 'config', 'configdir', 'custom_news_func', 'custom_news_pkg', 'cvs_addopts', 'cvs_command', 'cvs_postsync', 'cvs_syncopts', 'darcs_addopts', 'darcs_command', 'darcs_postsync', 'darcs_syncopts', 'g-common_command', 'g-common_generateopts', 'g-common_postsync', 'g-common_syncopts', 'git_addopts', 'git_command', 'git_email', 'git_postsync', 'git_syncopts', 'git_user', 'installed', 'local_list', 'make_conf', 'mercurial_addopts', 'mercurial_command', 'mercurial_postsync', 'mercurial_syncopts', 'news_reporter', 'nocheck', 'nocolor', 'output', 'overlay_defs', 'overlays', 'proxy', 'quiet', 'quietness', 'rsync_command', 'rsync_postsync', 'rsync_syncopts', 'stderr', 'stdin', 'stdout', 'storage', 'svn_addopts', 'svn_command', 'svn_postsync', 'svn_syncopts', 't/f_options', 'tar_command', 'tar_postsync', 'umask', 'verbose', 'width'] assertEqual(sorted(a), self.test_keys) assertEqual(a.get_option('nocheck'), True)
def make_BareConfig(self): a = BareConfig() # Test components of the BareConfig class: self.test_url = '' assertEqual(a['overlay'], self.test_url) self.test_keys = [ 'bzr_addopts', 'bzr_command', 'bzr_postsync', 'bzr_syncopts', 'cache', 'config', 'configdir', 'custom_news_func', 'custom_news_pkg', 'cvs_addopts', 'cvs_command', 'cvs_postsync', 'cvs_syncopts', 'darcs_addopts', 'darcs_command', 'darcs_postsync', 'darcs_syncopts', 'g-common_command', 'g-common_generateopts', 'g-common_postsync', 'g-common_syncopts', 'git_addopts', 'git_command', 'git_email', 'git_postsync', 'git_syncopts', 'git_user', 'installed', 'local_list', 'make_conf', 'mercurial_addopts', 'mercurial_command', 'mercurial_postsync', 'mercurial_syncopts', 'news_reporter', 'nocheck', 'nocolor', 'output', 'overlay_defs', 'overlays', 'proxy', 'quiet', 'quietness', 'rsync_command', 'rsync_postsync', 'rsync_syncopts', 'stderr', 'stdin', 'stdout', 'storage', 'svn_addopts', 'svn_command', 'svn_postsync', 'svn_syncopts', 't/f_options', 'tar_command', 'tar_postsync', 'umask', 'verbose', 'width' ] assertEqual(sorted(a), self.test_keys) assertEqual(a.get_option('nocheck'), True)
def write_db(self): tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='laymantmp_') test_xml = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test.xml') test_json = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test.json') config = BareConfig() a = DbBase(config, [HERE + '/testfiles/global-overlays.xml', ]) b = DbBase({'output': Message(), 'db_type': 'xml'}, [test_xml,]) b.overlays['wrobel-stable'] = a.overlays['wrobel-stable'] b.write(test_xml) c = DbBase({'output': Message(), 'db_type': 'xml'}, [test_xml,]) keys = sorted(c.overlays) self.assertEqual(keys, ['wrobel-stable']) config.set_option('db_type', 'json') a = DbBase(config, [HERE + '/testfiles/global-overlays.json', ]) b = DbBase({'output': Message(), 'db_type': 'json'}, [test_json,]) b.overlays['twitch153'] = a.overlays['twitch153'] b.write(test_json) c = DbBase({'output': Message(), 'db_type': 'json'}, [test_json,]) keys = sorted(c.overlays) self.assertEqual(keys, ['twitch153']) # Clean up: os.unlink(test_xml) os.unlink(test_json) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
def write_db(self): tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='laymantmp_') test_xml = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test.xml') test_json = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test.json') config = BareConfig() a = DbBase(config, [ HERE + '/testfiles/global-overlays.xml', ]) b = DbBase({ 'output': Message(), 'db_type': 'xml' }, [ test_xml, ]) b.overlays['wrobel-stable'] = a.overlays['wrobel-stable'] b.write(test_xml) c = DbBase({ 'output': Message(), 'db_type': 'xml' }, [ test_xml, ]) keys = sorted(c.overlays) self.assertEqual(keys, ['wrobel-stable']) config.set_option('db_type', 'json') a = DbBase(config, [ HERE + '/testfiles/global-overlays.json', ]) b = DbBase({ 'output': Message(), 'db_type': 'json' }, [ test_json, ]) b.overlays['twitch153'] = a.overlays['twitch153'] b.write(test_json) c = DbBase({ 'output': Message(), 'db_type': 'json' }, [ test_json, ]) keys = sorted(c.overlays) self.assertEqual(keys, ['twitch153']) # Clean up: os.unlink(test_xml) os.unlink(test_json) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
def init_layman(config=None): '''Returns the initialized ``LaymanAPI``. :param config: the layman's configuration to use (optional) ''' if config is None: config = BareConfig(read_configfile=True, quietness=1) return LaymanAPI(config)
def __init__(self, config=None, report_errors=False, output=None): """ @param configfile: optional config file to use instead of the default. can be a BareConfig or ArgsParser config class. default is BareConfig(output=output) @param report_errors: optional bool to silence some error reporting to stdout default is False @param output: optional Message class instance created with your settings. default is Message(module='layman') other params are defaults. """ self.config = config if config is not None else BareConfig( output=output) self.output = self.config['output'] self.report_errors = report_errors # add our error recording function to output self.output.error_callback = self._error # get installed and available dbs self._installed_db = None self._installed_ids = None self._available_db = None self._available_ids = None self._error_messages = [] self.sync_results = [] self.config.set_option( 'mounts', Mounter(self._get_installed_db, self.get_installed, config=self.config))
def __init__(self, stdout=sys.stdout, stdin=sys.stdin, stderr=sys.stderr, config=None, read_configfile=True, quiet=False, quietness=4, verbose=False, nocolor=False, width=0, root=None): """Input parameters are optional to override the defaults. sets up our LaymanAPI with defaults or passed in values and returns an instance of it""" self.message = Message(out=stdout, err=stderr) self.config = BareConfig(output=self.message, stdout=stdout, stdin=stdin, stderr=stderr, config=config, read_configfile=read_configfile, quiet=quiet, quietness=quietness, verbose=verbose, nocolor=nocolor, width=width, root=root) LaymanAPI.__init__(self, self.config, report_errors=True, output=self.config['output']) return
def _get_layman_api(self): ''' Initializes layman api. @rtype layman.api.LaymanAPI instance ''' # Make it so that we aren't initializing the # LaymanAPI instance if it already exists and # if the current storage location hasn't been # changed for the new repository. = self.repo.location.replace(, '') if self._layman and in self.current_storage: return self._layman config = BareConfig() configdir = {'configdir': config.get_option('configdir')} self.message = Message(out=sys.stdout, err=sys.stderr) self.current_storage = options = { 'config': config.get_option('config') % (configdir), 'quiet': self.settings.get('PORTAGE_QUIET'), 'quietness': config.get_option('quietness'), 'overlay_defs': config.get_option('overlay_defs') % (configdir), 'output': self.message, 'nocolor': self.settings.get('NOCOLOR'), 'root': self.settings.get('EROOT'), 'storage': self.current_storage, 'verbose': self.settings.get('PORTAGE_VERBOSE'), 'width': self.settings.get('COLUMNWIDTH'), } self.config = OptionConfig(options=options, root=options['root']) # Reloads config to read custom overlay # xml files. reload_config(self.config) layman_api = LaymanAPI(self.config, report_errors=True, output=self.config['output'] ) self._layman = layman_api return layman_api
def _overlays_bug(self, number): config = BareConfig() filename = os.path.join(HERE, 'testfiles', 'overlays_bug_%d.xml'\ % number) o = DbBase(config, [filename]) for verbose in (True, False): for t in o.list(verbose=verbose): print(t[0].decode('utf-8')) print()
def install_overlay(module, name, list_url=None): '''Installs the overlay repository. If not on the central overlays list, then :list_url of an alternative list must be provided. The list will be fetched and saved under ``%(overlay_defs)/%(name.xml)`` (location of the ``overlay_defs`` is read from the Layman's configuration). :param name: the overlay id :param list_url: the URL of the remote repositories list to look for the overlay definition (optional, default: None) :returns: True if the overlay was installed, or False if already exists (i.e. nothing has changed) :raises ModuleError ''' # read Layman configuration layman_conf = BareConfig(read_configfile=True) layman = init_layman(layman_conf) if layman.is_installed(name): return False if module.check_mode: mymsg = 'Would add layman repo \'' + name + '\'' module.exit_json(changed=True, msg=mymsg) if not layman.is_repo(name): if not list_url: raise ModuleError( "Overlay '%s' is not on the list of known " "overlays and URL of the remote list was not provided." % name) overlay_defs = layman_conf.get_option('overlay_defs') dest = path.join(overlay_defs, name + '.xml') download_url(module, list_url, dest) # reload config layman = init_layman() if not layman.add_repos(name): raise ModuleError(layman.get_errors()) return True
def install_overlay(module, name, list_url=None): '''Installs the overlay repository. If not on the central overlays list, then :list_url of an alternative list must be provided. The list will be fetched and saved under ``%(overlay_defs)/%(name.xml)`` (location of the ``overlay_defs`` is read from the Layman's configuration). :param name: the overlay id :param list_url: the URL of the remote repositories list to look for the overlay definition (optional, default: None) :returns: True if the overlay was installed, or False if already exists (i.e. nothing has changed) :raises ModuleError ''' # read Layman configuration layman_conf = BareConfig(read_configfile=True) layman = init_layman(layman_conf) if layman.is_installed(name): return False if module.check_mode: mymsg = 'Would add layman repo \'' + name + '\'' module.exit_json(changed=True, msg=mymsg) if not layman.is_repo(name): if not list_url: raise ModuleError("Overlay '%s' is not on the list of known " \ "overlays and URL of the remote list was not provided." % name) overlay_defs = layman_conf.get_option('overlay_defs') dest = path.join(overlay_defs, name + '.xml') download_url(module, list_url, dest) # reload config layman = init_layman() if not layman.add_repos(name): raise ModuleError(layman.get_errors()) return True
def test(self): archives = [] try: from layman.overlays.modules.tar.tar import TarOverlay archives.append('tar') from layman.overlays.modules.squashfs.squashfs import SquashfsOverlay archives.append('squashfs') except ImportError: pass for archive in archives: xml_text, repo_name, temp_archive_path = getattr( self, "_create_%(archive)s_overlay" % {'archive': archive})() (fd, temp_collection_path) = tempfile.mkstemp() with os.fdopen(fd, 'w') as f: f.write(xml_text) # Make playground directory temp_dir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Make DB from it config = BareConfig() # Necessary for all mountable overlay types layman_inst = LaymanAPI(config=config) db = DbBase(config, [temp_collection_path]) specific_overlay_path = os.path.join(temp_dir_path, repo_name) o = # Actual testcase o.add(temp_dir_path) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(specific_overlay_path)) # (1/2) Sync with source available o.sync(temp_dir_path) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(specific_overlay_path)) os.unlink(temp_archive_path) try: # (2/2) Sync with source _not_ available o.sync(temp_dir_path) except: pass self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(specific_overlay_path)) o.delete(temp_dir_path) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(specific_overlay_path)) # Cleanup os.unlink(temp_collection_path) os.rmdir(temp_dir_path)
def _run(self, number): #config = {'output': Message()} config = BareConfig() # Discuss renaming files to "branch-%d.xml" filename1 = os.path.join(HERE, 'testfiles', 'subpath-%d.xml' % number) # Read, write, re-read, compare os1 = DbBase(config, [filename1]) filename2 = tempfile.mkstemp()[1] os1.write(filename2) os2 = DbBase(config, [filename2]) os.unlink(filename2) self.assertTrue(os1 == os2) # Pass original overlays return os1
def _get_layman_api(self): ''' Initializes layman api. @rtype layman.api.LaymanAPI instance ''' # Make it so that we aren't initializing the # LaymanAPI instance if it already exists and # if the current storage location hasn't been # changed for the new repository. = self.repo.location.replace(, '') if self._layman and in self.current_storage: return self._layman config = BareConfig() configdir = {'configdir': config.get_option('configdir')} self.message = Message(out=sys.stdout, err=sys.stderr) self.current_storage = options = { 'config': config.get_option('config') % (configdir), 'quiet': self.settings.get('PORTAGE_QUIET'), 'quietness': config.get_option('quietness'), 'overlay_defs': config.get_option('overlay_defs') % (configdir), 'output': self.message, 'nocolor': self.settings.get('NOCOLOR'), 'root': self.settings.get('EROOT'), 'storage': self.current_storage, 'verbose': self.settings.get('PORTAGE_VERBOSE'), 'width': self.settings.get('COLUMNWIDTH'), } self.config = OptionConfig(options=options, root=options['root']) # Reloads config to read custom overlay # xml files. reload_config(self.config) layman_api = LaymanAPI(self.config, report_errors=True, output=self.config['output']) self._layman = layman_api return layman_api
def create_overlay_package(config=None, repo=None, logger=None, xterm_titles=None): ''' Creates a layman overlay object from the given repos.conf repo info. @params config: layman.config class object @params repo: portage.repo class object @rtype tuple: overlay name and layman.overlay object or None ''' if repo: overlay = {'sources': []} desc = 'Defined and created from info in %(repo)s config file...'\ % ({'repo':}) if not config: config = BareConfig() if not repo.branch: repo.branch = '' overlay['name'] = overlay['descriptions'] = [desc] overlay['owner_name'] = 'repos.conf' overlay['owner_email'] = '' overlay['sources'].append( [repo.sync_uri, repo.layman_type, repo.branch]) overlay['priority'] = repo.priority ovl = Overlay.Overlay(config=config, ovl_dict=overlay, ignore=1) return (, ovl) msg = '!!! laymansync sez... Error: repo not found.' if logger and xterm_titles: logger(xterm_titles, msg) writemsg_level(msg + '\n', level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return None
def __init__(self, args=None, stdout=None, stdin=None, stderr=None, root=None ): ''' Creates and describes all possible polymeraZe options and creates a Message object. >>> import os.path >>> here = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) >>> sys.argv.append('--config') >>> sys.argv.append(here + '/../etc/layman.cfg') >>> sys.argv.append('--overlay_defs') >>> sys.argv.append('') >>> a = ArgsParser() >>> a['overlays'] '\\n' >>> sorted(a.keys()) ['bzr_addopts', 'bzr_command', 'bzr_postsync', 'bzr_syncopts', 'cache', 'config', 'configdir', 'custom_news_pkg', 'cvs_addopts', 'cvs_command', 'cvs_postsync', 'cvs_syncopts', 'darcs_addopts', 'darcs_command', 'darcs_postsync', 'darcs_syncopts', 'g-common_command', 'g-common_generateopts', 'g-common_postsync', 'g-common_syncopts', 'git_addopts', 'git_command', 'git_email', 'git_postsync', 'git_syncopts', 'git_user', 'installed', 'local_list', 'make_conf', 'mercurial_addopts', 'mercurial_command', 'mercurial_postsync', 'mercurial_syncopts', 'news_reporter', 'nocheck', 'overlay_defs', 'overlays', 'proxy', 'quietness', 'rsync_command', 'rsync_postsync', 'rsync_syncopts', 'storage', 'svn_addopts', 'svn_command', 'svn_postsync', 'svn_syncopts', 't/f_options', 'tar_command', 'tar_postsync', 'umask', 'width'] ''' BareConfig.__init__(self, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, stdin=stdin, root=root) if args == None: args = sys.argv # get a couple BareConfig items self.defaults = self.get_defaults() self.output = self.get_option('output') self.parser = OptionParser( usage = _USAGE, version = VERSION) #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Main Options group = OptionGroup(self.parser, '<Actions>') group.add_option('-a', '--add', action = 'append', help = 'Add the given overlay from the cached remote li' 'st to your locally installed overlays.. Specify "ALL" ' 'to add all overlays from the remote list.') group.add_option('-d', '--delete', action = 'append', help = 'Remove the given overlay from your locally inst' 'alled overlays. Specify "ALL" to remove all overlays') group.add_option('-s', '--sync', action = 'append', help = 'Update the specified overlay. Use "ALL" as para' 'meter to synchronize all overlays') group.add_option('-i', '--info', action = 'append', help = 'Display information about the specified overlay' '.') group.add_option('-S', '--sync-all', action = 'store_true', help = 'Update all overlays.') group.add_option('-L', '--list', action = 'store_true', help = 'List the contents of the remote list.') group.add_option('-l', '--list-local', action = 'store_true', help = 'List the locally installed overlays.') group.add_option('-f', '--fetch', action = 'store_true', help = 'Fetch a remote list of overlays. This option is' ' deprecated. The fetch operation will be performed by ' 'default when you run sync, sync-all, or list.') group.add_option('-n', '--nofetch', action = 'store_true', help = 'Do not fetch a remote list of overlays.') group.add_option('-p', '--priority', action = 'store', help = 'Use this with the --add switch to set the prior' 'ity of the added overlay. This will influence the sort' 'ing order of the overlays in the PORTDIR_OVERLAY varia' 'ble.') self.parser.add_option_group(group) #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Additional Options group = OptionGroup(self.parser, '<Path options>') group.add_option('-c', '--config', action = 'store', help = 'Path to the config file [default: ' \ + self.defaults['config'] + '].') group.add_option('-O', '--overlay_defs', action = 'store', help = 'Path to aditional overlay.xml files [default: '\ + self.defaults['overlay_defs'] + '].') group.add_option('-o', '--overlays', action = 'append', help = 'The list of overlays [default: ' \ + self.defaults['overlays'] + '].') self.parser.add_option_group(group) #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Output Options group = OptionGroup(self.parser, '<Output options>') group.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action = 'store_true', help = 'Increase the amount of output and describe the ' 'overlays.') group.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action = 'store_true', help = 'Yield no output. Please be careful with this op' 'tion: If the processes spawned by layman when adding o' 'r synchronizing overlays require any input layman will' ' hang without telling you why. This might happen for e' 'xample if your overlay resides in subversion and the S' 'SL certificate of the server needs acceptance.') group.add_option('-N', '--nocolor', action = 'store_true', help = 'Remove color codes from the layman output.') group.add_option('-Q', '--quietness', action = 'store', type = 'int', default = '4', help = 'Set the level of output (0-4). Default: 4. Once' ' you set this below 2 the same warning as given for --' 'quiet applies! ') group.add_option('-W', '--width', action = 'store', type = 'int', default = '0', help = 'Sets the screen width. This setting is usually ' 'not required as layman is capable of detecting the ' 'available number of columns automatically.') group.add_option('-k', '--nocheck', action = 'store_true', help = 'Do not check overlay definitions and do not i' 'ssue a warning if description or contact information' ' are missing.') group.add_option('--debug-level', action = 'store', type = 'int', help = 'A value between 0 and 10. 0 means no debugging ' 'messages will be selected, 10 selects all debugging me' 'ssages. Default is "4".') self.parser.add_option_group(group) #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Debug Options #self.output.cli_opts(self.parser) # Parse the command line first since we need to get the config # file option. if len(args) == 1: self.output.notice('Usage:%s' % _USAGE) sys.exit(0) (self.options, remain_args) = self.parser.parse_args(args) # remain_args starts with something like "bin/layman" ... if len(remain_args) > 1: self.parser.error("ArgsParser(): Unhandled parameters: %s" % ', '.join(('"%s"' % e) for e in remain_args[1:])) # handle debugging #self.output.cli_handle(self.options) if (self.options.__dict__.has_key('debug_level') and self.options.__dict__['debug_level']): dbglvl = int(self.options.__dict__['debug_level']) if dbglvl < 0: dbglvl = 0 if dbglvl > 10: dbglvl = 10 self.output.set_debug_level(dbglvl) if self.options.__dict__['nocolor']: self.output.set_colorize(OFF) # Set only alternate config settings from the options if self.options.__dict__['config'] is not None: self.defaults['config'] = self.options.__dict__['config'] self.output.debug('ARGSPARSER: Got config file at ' + \ self.defaults['config'], 8) else: # fix the config path self.defaults['config'] = self.defaults['config'] \ % {'configdir': self.defaults['configdir']} if self.options.__dict__['overlay_defs'] is not None: self.defaults['overlay_defs'] = self.options.__dict__['overlay_defs'] self.output.debug('ARGSPARSER: Got overlay_defs location at ' + \ self.defaults['overlay_defs'], 8) # Now parse the config file self.output.debug('ARGSPARSER: Reading config file at ' + \ self.defaults['config'], 8) self.read_config(self.defaults) # handle quietness if self.options.__dict__['quiet']: self.set_option('quiet', True) elif self.options.__dict__['quietness']: self.set_option('quietness', self.options.__dict__['quietness'])
def __init__(self, args=None, stdout=None, stdin=None, stderr=None, root=None ): ''' Creates and describes all possible polymeraZe options and creates a Message object. ''' BareConfig.__init__(self, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, stdin=stdin, root=root) # get a couple BareConfig items self.defaults = self.get_defaults() self.output = self.get_option('output') self.parser = ArgumentParser( usage = _USAGE) self.parser.add_argument('-H', '--setup-help', action = 'store_true', help = 'Print the NEW INSTALL help messages.') self.parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action = 'version', version = VERSION) #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Main Options actions = self.parser.add_argument_group('<Actions>') actions.add_argument('-a', '--add', nargs = '+', help = 'Add the given overlay from the cached remote li' 'st to your locally installed overlays.. Specify "ALL" ' 'to add all overlays from the remote list.') actions.add_argument('-d', '--delete', nargs = '+', help = 'Remove the given overlay from your locally inst' 'alled overlays. Specify "ALL" to remove all overlays.') actions.add_argument('-D', '--disable', nargs = '+', help = 'Disable the given overlay from portage. Specify' ' "ALL" to disable all installed overlay.') actions.add_argument('-E', '--enable', nargs = '+', help = 'Re-enable a previously disabled overlay. Specif' 'y "ALL" to enable all installed overlays.') actions.add_argument('-f', '--fetch', action = 'store_true', help = 'Fetch a remote list of overlays. This option is' ' deprecated. The fetch operation will be performed by ' 'default when you run sync, sync-all, or list.') actions.add_argument('-i', '--info', nargs = '+', help = 'Display information about the specified overlay' '.') actions.add_argument('-L', '--list', action = 'store_true', help = 'List the contents of the remote list.') actions.add_argument('-l', '--list-local', action = 'store_true', help = 'List the locally installed overlays.') actions.add_argument('-n', '--nofetch', action = 'store_true', help = 'Do not fetch a remote list of overlays.') actions.add_argument('-p', '--priority', action = 'store', help = 'Use this with the --add switch to set the prior' 'ity of the added overlay. This will influence the sort' 'ing order of the overlays in the PORTDIR_OVERLAY varia' 'ble.') actions.add_argument('-r', '--readd', nargs = '+', help = 'Remove and re-add the given overlay from the cached' ' remote list to your locally installed overlays... Specify' ' "ALL" to re-add all local overlays.') actions.add_argument('-s', '--sync', nargs = '+', help = 'Update the specified overlay. Use "ALL" as para' 'meter to synchronize all overlays.') actions.add_argument('-S', '--sync-all', action = 'store_true', help = 'Update all overlays.') #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Path Options path_opts = self.parser.add_argument_group('<Path options>') path_opts.add_argument('-c', '--config', action = 'store', default = self.defaults['config'], # Force interpolation (to prevent argparse tracebacks) help = 'Path to the config file [default: ' '%s].' % (self.defaults['config'] %self.defaults)) path_opts.add_argument('-C', '--configdir', action = 'store', default = self.defaults['configdir'], help = 'Directory path to user for all layman ' 'configuration information [default:'\ + self.defaults['configdir'] + '].') path_opts.add_argument('-o', '--overlays', nargs = '+', help = 'The list of overlays [default: ' \ + self.defaults['overlays'] + '].') path_opts.add_argument('-O', '--overlay_defs', action = 'store', default = self.defaults['overlay_defs'], # Force interpolation (to prevent argparse tracebacks) help = 'Path to aditional overlay.xml files [default: ' '%s].' % (self.defaults['overlay_defs'] %self.defaults)) path_opts.add_argument('-z', '--storage', action = 'store', default = self.defaults['storage'], help = 'Directory path to user for layman overlay inst' 'allation location [default: /var/lib/layman].') #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Output Options out_opts = self.parser.add_argument_group('<Output options>') out_opts.add_argument('--debug-level', action = 'store', type = int, help = 'A value between 0 and 10. 0 means no debugging ' 'messages will be selected, 10 selects all debugging me' 'ssages. Default is "4".') out_opts.add_argument('-k', '--nocheck', action = 'store_true', help = 'Do not check overlay definitions and do not i' 'ssue a warning if description or contact information' ' are missing.') out_opts.add_argument('-N', '--nocolor', action = 'store_true', help = 'Remove color codes from the layman output.') out_opts.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action = 'store_true', help = 'Yield no output. Please be careful with this op' 'tion: If the processes spawned by layman when adding o' 'r synchronizing overlays require any input layman will' ' hang without telling you why. This might happen for e' 'xample if your overlay resides in subversion and the S' 'SL certificate of the server needs acceptance.') out_opts.add_argument('-Q', '--quietness', action = 'store', type = int, default = 4, help = 'Set the level of output (0-4). Default: 4. Once' ' you set this below 2 the same warning as given for --' 'quiet applies!') out_opts.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action = 'store_true', help = 'Increase the amount of output and describe the ' 'overlays.') out_opts.add_argument('-W', '--width', action = 'store', type = int, default = 0, help = 'Sets the screen width. This setting is usually ' 'not required as layman is capable of detecting the ' 'available number of columns automatically.') #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Additional Options etc_opts = self.parser.add_argument_group('<Additional options>') etc_opts.add_argument('--protocol_filter', nargs = '+', help = 'Sets the protocol filter that determines ' 'which protocols will be used when adding ' 'overlays or updating their source URLs.') #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Debug Options #self.output.cli_opts(self.parser) # Parse the command line first since we need to get the config # file option. # If no flags are present print out usage if len(sys.argv) == 1: self.output.notice('usage:%s' % _USAGE) sys.exit(0) self.options = self.parser.parse_args() self.options = vars(self.options) # Applying interpolation of values for v in ['configdir', 'config']: self.options[v] = self.options[v] % self.options self.defaults[v] = self.options[v] if ('debug_level' in self.options and self.options['debug_level']): dbglvl = int(self.options['debug_level']) if dbglvl < 0: dbglvl = 0 if dbglvl > 10: dbglvl = 10 self.output.set_debug_level(dbglvl) if self.options['nocolor']: self.output.set_colorize(OFF) # Set only alternate config settings from the options if self.options['config'] is not None: self.defaults['config'] = self.options['config'] self.output.debug('ARGSPARSER: Got config file at ' + \ self.defaults['config'], 8) else: # fix the config path self.defaults['config'] = self.defaults['config'] \ % {'configdir': self.defaults['configdir']} self._options['setup_help'] = self.options['setup_help'] # Now parse the config file self.output.debug('ARGSPARSER: Reading config file at ' + \ self.defaults['config'], 8) self.read_config(self.defaults) # Handle the overlay_defs option: if ('%(configdir)s' in self.options['overlay_defs'] and self.config.has_option('MAIN', 'overlay_defs')): # If it hasn't been interpolated then it's not being set as a # command line argument. So we first try to set it to the config # value. self.options['overlay_defs'] = self.config.get('MAIN', 'overlay_defs') elif self.defaults['overlay_defs'] == self.options['overlay_defs']: # If it isn't a command line argument and no config option then # set it to the default. self.defaults['overlay_defs'] = self.defaults['overlay_defs'] % self.options self.options['overlay_defs'] = self.defaults['overlay_defs'] # handle quietness if self.options['quiet']: self.set_option('quiet', True) elif self.options['quietness']: self.set_option('quietness', self.options['quietness'])
def __init__(self, args=None, stdout=None, stdin=None, stderr=None, root=None): ''' Creates and describes all possible polymeraZe options and creates a Message object. ''' BareConfig.__init__(self, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, stdin=stdin, root=root) # get a couple BareConfig items self.defaults = self.get_defaults() self.output = self.get_option('output') self.parser = ArgumentParser(usage=_USAGE) self.parser.add_argument('-H', '--setup-help', action='store_true', help='Print the NEW INSTALL help messages.') self.parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version=VERSION) #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Main Options actions = self.parser.add_argument_group('<Actions>') actions.add_argument( '-a', '--add', nargs='+', help='Add the given overlay from the cached remote li' 'st to your locally installed overlays.. Specify "ALL" ' 'to add all overlays from the remote list.') actions.add_argument( '-d', '--delete', nargs='+', help='Remove the given overlay from your locally inst' 'alled overlays. Specify "ALL" to remove all overlays.') actions.add_argument( '-D', '--disable', nargs='+', help='Disable the given overlay from portage. Specify' ' "ALL" to disable all installed overlay.') actions.add_argument( '-E', '--enable', nargs='+', help='Re-enable a previously disabled overlay. Specif' 'y "ALL" to enable all installed overlays.') actions.add_argument( '-f', '--fetch', action='store_true', help='Fetch a remote list of overlays. This option is' ' deprecated. The fetch operation will be performed by ' 'default when you run sync, sync-all, or list.') actions.add_argument( '-i', '--info', nargs='+', help='Display information about the specified overlay' '.') actions.add_argument('-L', '--list', action='store_true', help='List the contents of the remote list.') actions.add_argument('-l', '--list-local', action='store_true', help='List the locally installed overlays.') actions.add_argument('-n', '--nofetch', action='store_true', help='Do not fetch a remote list of overlays.') actions.add_argument( '-p', '--priority', action='store', help='Use this with the --add switch to set the prior' 'ity of the added overlay. This will influence the sort' 'ing order of the overlays in the PORTDIR_OVERLAY varia' 'ble.') actions.add_argument( '-r', '--readd', nargs='+', help='Remove and re-add the given overlay from the cached' ' remote list to your locally installed overlays... Specify' ' "ALL" to re-add all local overlays.') actions.add_argument( '-s', '--sync', nargs='+', help='Update the specified overlay. Use "ALL" as para' 'meter to synchronize all overlays.') actions.add_argument('-S', '--sync-all', action='store_true', help='Update all overlays.') #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Path Options path_opts = self.parser.add_argument_group('<Path options>') path_opts.add_argument( '-c', '--config', action='store', default=self.defaults['config'], # Force interpolation (to prevent argparse tracebacks) help='Path to the config file [default: ' '%s].' % (self.defaults['config'] % self.defaults)) path_opts.add_argument('-C', '--configdir', action = 'store', default = self.defaults['configdir'], help = 'Directory path to user for all layman ' 'configuration information [default:'\ + self.defaults['configdir'] + '].') path_opts.add_argument('-o', '--overlays', nargs = '+', help = 'The list of overlays [default: ' \ + self.defaults['overlays'] + '].') path_opts.add_argument( '-O', '--overlay_defs', action='store', default=self.defaults['overlay_defs'], # Force interpolation (to prevent argparse tracebacks) help='Path to additional overlay.xml files [default: ' '%s].' % (self.defaults['overlay_defs'] % self.defaults)) path_opts.add_argument( '-z', '--storage', action='store', default=self.defaults['storage'], help='Directory path to user for layman overlay inst' 'allation location [default: /var/lib/layman].') #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Output Options out_opts = self.parser.add_argument_group('<Output options>') out_opts.add_argument( '--debug-level', action='store', type=int, help='A value between 0 and 10. 0 means no debugging ' 'messages will be selected, 10 selects all debugging me' 'ssages. Default is "4".') out_opts.add_argument( '-k', '--nocheck', action='store_true', help='Do not check overlay definitions and do not i' 'ssue a warning if description or contact information' ' are missing.') out_opts.add_argument( '-N', '--nocolor', action='store_true', help='Remove color codes from the layman output.') out_opts.add_argument( '-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='Yield no output. Please be careful with this op' 'tion: If the processes spawned by layman when adding o' 'r synchronizing overlays require any input layman will' ' hang without telling you why. This might happen for e' 'xample if your overlay resides in subversion and the S' 'SL certificate of the server needs acceptance.') out_opts.add_argument( '-Q', '--quietness', action='store', type=int, default=4, help='Set the level of output (0-4). Default: 4. Once' ' you set this below 2 the same warning as given for --' 'quiet applies!') out_opts.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Increase the amount of output and describe the ' 'overlays.') out_opts.add_argument( '-W', '--width', action='store', type=int, default=0, help='Sets the screen width. This setting is usually ' 'not required as layman is capable of detecting the ' 'available number of columns automatically.') #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Additional Options etc_opts = self.parser.add_argument_group('<Additional options>') etc_opts.add_argument('--protocol_filter', nargs='+', help='Sets the protocol filter that determines ' 'which protocols will be used when adding ' 'overlays or updating their source URLs.') #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Debug Options #self.output.cli_opts(self.parser) # Parse the command line first since we need to get the config # file option. # If no flags are present print out usage if len(sys.argv) == 1: self.output.notice('usage:%s' % _USAGE) sys.exit(0) self.options = self.parser.parse_args() self.options = vars(self.options) # Applying interpolation of values for v in ['configdir', 'config']: self.options[v] = self.options[v] % self.options self.defaults[v] = self.options[v] if ('debug_level' in self.options and self.options['debug_level']): dbglvl = int(self.options['debug_level']) if dbglvl < 0: dbglvl = 0 if dbglvl > 10: dbglvl = 10 self.output.set_debug_level(dbglvl) if self.options['nocolor']: self.output.set_colorize(OFF) # Set only alternate config settings from the options if self.options['config'] is not None: self.defaults['config'] = self.options['config'] self.output.debug('ARGSPARSER: Got config file at ' + \ self.defaults['config'], 8) else: # fix the config path self.defaults['config'] = self.defaults['config'] \ % {'configdir': self.defaults['configdir']} self._options['setup_help'] = self.options['setup_help'] # Now parse the config file self.output.debug('ARGSPARSER: Reading config file at ' + \ self.defaults['config'], 8) self.read_config(self.defaults) # Handle the overlay_defs option: if ('%(configdir)s' in self.options['overlay_defs'] and self.config.has_option('MAIN', 'overlay_defs')): # If it hasn't been interpolated then it's not being set as a # command line argument. So we first try to set it to the config # value. self.options['overlay_defs'] = self.config.get( 'MAIN', 'overlay_defs') elif self.defaults['overlay_defs'] == self.options['overlay_defs']: # If it isn't a command line argument and no config option then # set it to the default. self.defaults[ 'overlay_defs'] = self.defaults['overlay_defs'] % self.options self.options['overlay_defs'] = self.defaults['overlay_defs'] # handle quietness if self.options['quiet']: self.set_option('quiet', True) elif self.options['quietness']: self.set_option('quietness', self.options['quietness'])