Esempio n. 1
def main():
    # ==========================================================================
    # Telescope element radii
    st_radius = 35.0 / 2.0  # Station-radius
    ss_radius = st_radius * 3.0  # Super-station radius

    # Core ring super-stations
    num_rings = 4
    ring_counts = [1, 5, 11, 17]
    ring_radii = [0.0, 100.0, 190.0, 290.0]  # metres
    num_super_stations_rings = numpy.array(ring_counts).sum()
    ring_start_angle = -360.0 * random(num_rings) + 360.0
    ss_ring_petal_angle = -360.0 * random(num_super_stations_rings) + 360.0

    # Core arms
    num_arms = 3
    core_arm_count = 5  # Number of super-stations per core arm
    a = 300.0
    b = 0.513
    delta_theta = 37.0
    arm_offsets = [35.0, 155.0, 275.0]
    num_super_stations_arms = num_arms * core_arm_count
    ss_arm_petal_angle = -360.0 * random(num_super_stations_arms) + 360.0

    # Outer arms (same outer 3 * 12 = 36 stations as v4a)
    outer_arm_count = 12  # Number of super-stations per outer arm
    num_super_stations_outer = num_arms * outer_arm_count
    v4a_ss_enu_file = 'v7ska1lowN1v2rev3R.enu.94x4.fixed.txt'
    ss_petal_angle_outer = -360.0 * random(num_super_stations_outer) + 360.0

    # Stations
    num_stations_per_ss = 6

    out_dir = 'v4d_layout'
    if not os.path.isdir(out_dir):
    # ==========================================================================

    # == Super-stations

    # Generate core ring super-stations
    v4d_ss_x_rings = numpy.zeros(num_super_stations_rings)
    v4d_ss_y_rings = numpy.zeros(num_super_stations_rings)
    idx = 0
    for i, hist in enumerate(ring_counts):
        angles = numpy.arange(hist) * (360.0 / hist)
        angles += ring_start_angle[i]
        x = ring_radii[i] * numpy.cos(numpy.radians(angles))
        y = ring_radii[i] * numpy.sin(numpy.radians(angles))
        v4d_ss_x_rings[idx:idx+hist] = x
        v4d_ss_y_rings[idx:idx+hist] = y
        idx += hist

    # Generate core spiral arm super-stations
    v4d_ss_x_arms = numpy.zeros(num_super_stations_arms)
    v4d_ss_y_arms = numpy.zeros(num_super_stations_arms)
    for i in range(num_arms):
        t = numpy.arange(1, core_arm_count + 1) * delta_theta
        t = numpy.radians(t)
        x = a * numpy.exp(b * t) * numpy.cos(t + numpy.radians(arm_offsets[i]))
        y = a * numpy.exp(b * t) * numpy.sin(t + numpy.radians(arm_offsets[i]))
        i0 = i * core_arm_count
        i1 = i0 + core_arm_count
        v4d_ss_x_arms[i0:i1] = x
        v4d_ss_y_arms[i0:i1] = y

    # Load super-station outer spiral arms from the v4a config
    v4a_ss_enu = numpy.loadtxt(v4a_ss_enu_file)
    v4a_ss_enu = v4a_ss_enu[:, 1:]
    v4a_ss_r = (v4a_ss_enu[:, 0]**2 + v4a_ss_enu[:, 1]**2)**0.5
    sort_idx = numpy.argsort(v4a_ss_r)
    v4a_ss_enu = v4a_ss_enu[sort_idx[::-1], :]
    v4d_ss_x_outer = v4a_ss_enu[:num_super_stations_outer, 0]
    v4d_ss_y_outer = v4a_ss_enu[:num_super_stations_outer, 1]

    # == Stations

    # Generate core ring stations
    v4d_st_x_rings = numpy.zeros((num_super_stations_rings,
    v4d_st_y_rings = numpy.zeros_like(v4d_st_x_rings)
    for i in range(num_super_stations_rings):
        angles = 360.0 / (num_stations_per_ss - 1) * \
                 numpy.arange(num_stations_per_ss - 1)
        x = (st_radius * 2.0) * numpy.cos(numpy.radians(angles))
        y = (st_radius * 2.0) * numpy.sin(numpy.radians(angles))
        x, y = rotate_coords(x, y, ss_ring_petal_angle[i])
        v4d_st_x_rings[i, 1:] = x
        v4d_st_y_rings[i, 1:] = y
        v4d_st_x_rings[i, :] += v4d_ss_x_rings[i]
        v4d_st_y_rings[i, :] += v4d_ss_y_rings[i]
    v4d_st_x_rings = v4d_st_x_rings.flatten()
    v4d_st_y_rings = v4d_st_y_rings.flatten()

    # Generate core spiral arm stations
    v4d_st_x_arms = numpy.zeros((num_super_stations_arms,
    v4d_st_y_arms = numpy.zeros_like(v4d_st_x_arms)
    for i in range(num_super_stations_arms):
        angles = 360.0 / (num_stations_per_ss - 1) * \
                 numpy.arange(num_stations_per_ss - 1)
        x = (st_radius * 2.0) * numpy.cos(numpy.radians(angles))
        y = (st_radius * 2.0) * numpy.sin(numpy.radians(angles))
        x, y = rotate_coords(x, y, ss_arm_petal_angle[i])
        v4d_st_x_arms[i, 1:] = x
        v4d_st_y_arms[i, 1:] = y
        v4d_st_x_arms[i, :] += v4d_ss_x_arms[i]
        v4d_st_y_arms[i, :] += v4d_ss_y_arms[i]
    v4d_st_x_arms = v4d_st_x_arms.flatten()
    v4d_st_y_arms = v4d_st_y_arms.flatten()

    # Generate outer arm stations
    v4d_st_x_outer = numpy.zeros((num_super_stations_outer, num_stations_per_ss))
    v4d_st_y_outer = numpy.zeros((num_super_stations_outer, num_stations_per_ss))
    for i in range(num_super_stations_outer):
        angles = 360.0 / (num_stations_per_ss - 1) * \
                 numpy.arange(num_stations_per_ss - 1)
        x = (st_radius * 2.0) * numpy.cos(numpy.radians(angles))
        y = (st_radius * 2.0) * numpy.sin(numpy.radians(angles))
        x, y = rotate_coords(x, y, ss_petal_angle_outer[i])
        v4d_st_x_outer[i, 1:] = x
        v4d_st_y_outer[i, 1:] = y
        v4d_st_x_outer[i, :] += v4d_ss_x_outer[i]
        v4d_st_y_outer[i, :] += v4d_ss_y_outer[i]
    v4d_st_x_outer = v4d_st_x_outer.flatten()
    v4d_st_y_outer = v4d_st_y_outer.flatten()

    # Concatenate coords.
    v4d_ss_x = numpy.hstack((v4d_ss_x_rings, v4d_ss_x_arms, v4d_ss_x_outer))
    v4d_ss_y = numpy.hstack((v4d_ss_y_rings, v4d_ss_y_arms, v4d_ss_y_outer))
    v4d_st_x = numpy.hstack((v4d_st_x_rings, v4d_st_x_arms, v4d_st_x_outer))
    v4d_st_y = numpy.hstack((v4d_st_y_rings, v4d_st_y_arms, v4d_st_y_outer))

    # === Generate layouts ==============================
    num_stations = v4d_st_x.shape[0]
    v4d_st_enu = numpy.zeros((num_stations, 3))
    v4d_st_enu[:, 0] = v4d_st_x
    v4d_st_enu[:, 1] = v4d_st_y
    numpy.savetxt(join(out_dir, 'v4d_stations_enu.txt'), v4d_st_enu,
                  fmt='% -16.12f % -16.12f % -16.12f')

    num_super_stations = v4d_ss_x.shape[0]
    v4d_ss_enu = numpy.zeros((num_super_stations, 3))
    v4d_ss_enu[:, 0] = v4d_ss_x
    v4d_ss_enu[:, 1] = v4d_ss_y
    numpy.savetxt(join(out_dir, 'v4d_super_stations_enu.txt'), v4d_ss_enu,
                  fmt='% -16.12f % -16.12f % -16.12f')

    # ==== Plotting ===========================================================
    fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal')
    for i in range(num_super_stations_rings):
        circle = pyplot.Circle((v4d_ss_x_rings[i], v4d_ss_y_rings[i]),
                               ss_radius, color='b', fill=True, alpha=0.5,

    arm_colors = ['y', 'g', 'r']
    for i in range(num_super_stations_arms):
        q = int(i / core_arm_count)
        circle = pyplot.Circle((v4d_ss_x_arms[i], v4d_ss_y_arms[i]),
                               ss_radius, color=arm_colors[q],
                               fill=True, alpha=0.5, linewidth=0.0)

    for q in range(num_arms):
        i0 = q * outer_arm_count
        i1 = i0 + outer_arm_count
        for i in range(i0, i1):
            circle = pyplot.Circle((v4d_ss_x_outer[i], v4d_ss_y_outer[i]),
                                   ss_radius, color='c', fill=True, alpha=0.5)

    # Plot station positions
    for i in range(v4d_st_x.shape[0]):
        circle = pyplot.Circle((v4d_st_x[i], v4d_st_y[i]),
                               st_radius, color='k', linewidth=1.0,
                               fill=True, alpha=0.2)

    # circle = pyplot.Circle((0.0, 0.0), 1700.0, color='r', linestyle='--',
    #                        linewidth=1.0, fill=False, alpha=0.5)
    # ax.add_artist(circle)

    ax.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.5)
    ax.grid(which='major', alpha=1.0)
    ax.set_ylabel('North [m]')
    ax.set_xlabel('East [m]')
    ax.set_xlim(-1500, 1500)
    ax.set_ylim(-1500, 1500)
    pyplot.savefig(join(out_dir, 'v4d_station_layout_zoom_1.5km.png'))
    ax.set_xlim(-3000, 3000)
    ax.set_ylim(-3000, 3000)
    pyplot.savefig(join(out_dir, 'v4d_station_layout_zoom_3.0km.png'))
    ax.set_xlim(-5000, 5000)
    ax.set_ylim(-5000, 5000)
    pyplot.savefig(join(out_dir, 'v4d_station_layout_zoom_5.0km.png'))
    ax.set_xlim(-50000, 50000)
    ax.set_ylim(-50000, 50000)
    pyplot.savefig(join(out_dir, 'v4d_station_layout_50.0km.png'))

    if uvwsim_found:
        # TODO-BM make this a function in
        print('generating uv coords...')
        x = v4d_st_x
        y = v4d_st_y
        num_stations = x.shape[0]
        z = numpy.zeros_like(x)
        lon = radians(116.63128900)
        lat = radians(-26.69702400)
        alt = 0.0
        ra = radians(68.698903779331502)
        dec = radians(-26.568851215532160)
        mjd_mid = 57443.4375000000
        obs_length = 4.0 * 3600.0  # seconds
        num_times = int(obs_length / (3 * 60.0))
        # print('num_times =', num_times)
        dt_s = obs_length / float(num_times)
        mjd_start = mjd_mid - (obs_length / 2.0) / (3600.0 * 24.0)
        mjd_start = mjd_mid
        obs_length = 0.0
        dt_s = 0.0
        num_times = 1
        num_baselines = num_stations * (num_stations - 1) / 2
        x, y, z = convert_enu_to_ecef(x, y, z, lon, lat, alt)
        uu, vv, ww = generate_baseline_uvw(x, y, z, ra, dec, num_times,
                                           num_baselines, mjd_start,
        layout_utils.plot_hist(uu, vv, join(out_dir, 'v4d_hist.png'),
                               'v4d snapshot-uv')
        layout_utils.plot_uv_dist(uu, vv, st_radius,
                                  join(out_dir, 'v4d_snapshot_uv_zenith'))
        layout_utils.plot_uv_grid_image(uu, vv, 5.0,
                                        join(out_dir, 'uv_image'))
Esempio n. 2
def main():
    1. Generate a large-ish core of stations using random generator.
         a. overlap some stations in the core to have a very dense station
    2. After core area start using arms but generate some randomness in the arms
       by placing antennas randomly near the outer stations keeping them along
       the spiral
    3. Remove radius redundancy in the spiral arms

    # =========================================================================

    # ====== Core
    seed = 1
    num_tries = 10
    num_core_stations = (1 + 5 + 11 + 17) * 6 + (3 * 6)
    core_radius_m = 480.0
    inner_core_radius_m = 280.0
    station_radius_m = 35.0 / 2.0
    sll = -28
    # ====== Core arms
    num_arms = 3
    core_arm_count = 4
    stations_per_arm_cluster = 6
    arm_cluster_radius = 75.0
    # a = 300.0
    # b = 0.513
    a = 300.0
    b = 0.513
    delta_theta = math.radians(37.0)
    arm_offsets = numpy.radians([35.0, 155.0, 270.0])

    a2 = 500.0
    b2 = 0.513
    delta_theta2 = math.radians(12.0)
    arm_offsets2 = numpy.radians([35.0, 155.0, 270.0])

    num_core_arm_stations = num_arms * core_arm_count * stations_per_arm_cluster
    # ====== Outer arms
    outer_arm_count = 12
    stations_per_outer_cluster = 6
    num_clusters_outer = outer_arm_count * num_arms
    v4a_ss_enu_file = 'v7ska1lowN1v2rev3R.enu.94x4.fixed.txt'
    outer_arm_cluster_radius = 80.0

    # ===== uvw coordinate generation.
    lon = radians(116.63128900)
    lat = radians(-26.69702400)
    alt = 0.0
    ra = radians(68.698903779331502)
    dec = radians(-26.568851215532160)
    mjd_mid = 57443.4375000000

    # obs_length = 0.0
    # mjd_start = mjd_mid
    # dt_s = 0.0
    # num_times = 1

    obs_length = 2.0 * 3600.0  # seconds
    num_times = int(obs_length / (3.0 * 60.0))
    dt_s = obs_length / float(num_times)
    mjd_start = mjd_mid - ((obs_length / 2.0) / 3600.0 * 24.0)
    print('num times = %i' % num_times)

    out_dir = 'v5d-2h'
    # =========================================================================
    if not os.path.isdir(out_dir):

    # Generate core stations
    x_core, y_core, weights, r_weights = \
        generate_random_core(num_core_stations, core_radius_m,
                             inner_core_radius_m, sll, station_radius_m,
                             num_tries, seed)

    # Core arms
    x_arm, y_arm, cx_arm, cy_arm = \
        generate_core_arms(num_arms, core_arm_count, stations_per_arm_cluster,
                           arm_cluster_radius, station_radius_m,
                           a, b, delta_theta, arm_offsets, num_tries)

    # Core arms
    x_arm_2, y_arm_2, cx_arm_2, cy_arm_2 = \
        generate_core_arms_2(num_arms, core_arm_count, stations_per_arm_cluster,
                             arm_cluster_radius, station_radius_m,
                             a2, b2, delta_theta2, arm_offsets2, num_tries)

    # Outer stations.
    x_arm_outer, y_arm_outer, cx_outer, cy_outer = \
        generate_outer_arms(v4a_ss_enu_file, num_clusters_outer,
                            outer_arm_cluster_radius, station_radius_m,

    # Plotting
    plot_layout(x_core, y_core,
                x_arm, y_arm, x_arm_2, y_arm_2,
                x_arm_outer, y_arm_outer,
                cx_arm, cy_arm, cx_arm_2, cy_arm_2,
                cx_outer, cy_outer, station_radius_m,
                inner_core_radius_m, core_radius_m, arm_cluster_radius,
                outer_arm_cluster_radius, out_dir)
    plot_core_thinning_profile(r_weights, weights, core_radius_m,
                               inner_core_radius_m, out_dir)

    if uvwsim_found:
        x = numpy.hstack((x_core, x_arm_2, x_arm_outer))
        y = numpy.hstack((y_core, y_arm_2, y_arm_outer))
        print('total stations = %i' % x.shape[0])
        num_stations = x.shape[0]
        z = numpy.zeros_like(x)

        num_baselines = num_stations * (num_stations - 1) / 2
        x, y, z = convert_enu_to_ecef(x, y, z, lon, lat, alt)
        uu, vv, ww = generate_baseline_uvw(x, y, z, ra, dec, num_times,
                                           num_baselines, mjd_start,
        plot_hist(uu, vv, join(out_dir, 'uv_hist_%.2fh.png'
                               % (obs_length/3600.0)),
                  'v5d %.2f h' % (obs_length/3600.0))
        plot_uv_dist(uu, vv, station_radius_m, join(out_dir, 'uv_%.2fh'
                                                    % (obs_length/3600.0)))
        plot_uv_grid_image(uu, vv, 5.0, join(out_dir, 'uv_image'))

        # TODO-BM see ALMA memo for plots?
        # TODO-BM Plot of azimuthal variation
        # TODO-BM movie of uv coverage histogram improvement with time?
        # TODO-BM convolve uv response with station beam?!

    print('making image...')
    imager = Imager('single')
    fov = 1.0
    im_size = 2048
    freq = 150.0e6
    wavelength = 299792458.0 / freq
    uu /= wavelength
    vv /= wavelength
    ww /= wavelength
    amp = numpy.ones(uu.shape, dtype='c16')
    weight = numpy.ones(uu.shape, dtype='f8')
    image = imager.make_image(uu, vv, ww, amp, weight, fov, im_size)
    fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal')
    ax.imshow(image, interpolation='nearest')

    cell = math.degrees(imager.fov_to_cellsize(math.radians(fov), im_size))
    save_fits_image_2(join(out_dir, 'psf.fits'), image, cell, math.degrees(ra),
                      math.degrees(dec), freq)