def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, hidden_dims=[]): super().__init__() self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim self.hidden_dims = utils.make_iterable(hidden_dims) self.weights = [ lbann.Weights(initializer=lbann.HeNormalInitializer()) for _ in range(len(self.hidden_dims)) ] self.weights.append( lbann.Weights(initializer=lbann.HeNormalInitializer()))
def __init__(self, size, bias=False, weights=[], activation=None, transpose=False, name=None, parallel_strategy={}): """Initalize channelwise fully connected module Args: size (int or list): Dimension of the output tensor bias (bool): Whether to apply bias after linearity. transpose (bool): Whether to apply transpose of weights matrix. weights (`Weights` or iterator of `Weights`): Weights in fully-connected layer. There are at most two: the matrix and the bias. If weights are not provided, the matrix will be initialized with He normal initialization and the bias with zeros. activation (type): Layer class for activation function. name (str): Default name is in the form 'channelwisefc<index>'. parallel_strategy (dict): Data partitioning scheme. """ super().__init__() ChannelwiseFullyConnectedModule.global_count += 1 self.instance = 0 self.size = size self.bias = bias self.transpose = transpose self.parallel_strategy = parallel_strategy = (name if name else 'channelwisefc{0}'.format( ChannelwiseFullyConnectedModule.global_count)) self.data_layout = 'data_parallel' self.weights = list(make_iterable(weights)) if len(self.weights) > 2: raise ValueError('`FullyConnectedModule` has ' 'at most two weights, ' 'but got {0}'.format(len(self.weights))) if len(self.weights) == 0: self.weights.append( lbann.Weights(initializer=lbann.HeNormalInitializer(), + '_matrix')) if self.bias and len(self.weights) == 1: self.weights.append( lbann.Weights(initializer=lbann.ConstantInitializer(value=0.0), + '_bias')) self.activation = None if activation: if isinstance(activation, type): self.activation = activation else: self.activation = type(activation) if not issubclass(self.activation, lbann.Layer): raise ValueError('activation must be a layer')
def __init__(self, size, bias=True, weights=[], activation=None, name=None, data_layout='data_parallel'): """Initialize fully-connected module. Args: size (int): Size of output tensor. activation (type): Layer class for activation function. bias (bool): Whether to apply bias after linearity. weights (`Weights` or iterator of `Weights`): Weights in fully-connected layer. There are at most two: the matrix and the bias. If weights are not provided, the matrix will be initialized with He normal initialization and the bias with zeros. name (str): Default name is in the form 'fcmodule<index>'. data_layout (str): Data layout. """ super().__init__() FullyConnectedModule.global_count += 1 self.instance = 0 self.size = size self.bias = bias = (name if name else 'fcmodule{0}'.format(FullyConnectedModule.global_count)) self.data_layout = data_layout # Initialize weights # Note: If weights are not provided, matrix weights are # initialized with He normal scheme and bias weights are # initialized with zeros. self.weights = list(make_iterable(weights)) if len(self.weights) > 2: raise ValueError('`FullyConnectedModule` has ' 'at most two weights, ' 'but got {0}'.format(len(self.weights))) if len(self.weights) == 0: self.weights.append( lbann.Weights(initializer=lbann.HeNormalInitializer(),'_matrix')) if len(self.weights) == 1: self.weights.append( lbann.Weights(initializer=lbann.ConstantInitializer(value=0.0),'_bias')) # Initialize activation layer self.activation = None if activation: if isinstance(activation, type): self.activation = activation else: self.activation = type(activation) if not issubclass(self.activation, lbann.Layer): raise ValueError('activation must be a layer')
def __init__( self, embed_dim=512, num_heads=8, feedforward_dim=2048, dropout=0.1, name=None, ): TransformerDecoderLayer.global_count += 1 self.instance = 0 self.embed_dim = embed_dim self.feedforward_dim = feedforward_dim self.dropout_prob = dropout # Module name = name if not = f'transformerdecoderlayer{TransformerDecoderLayer.global_count}' # Layer modules self.attention1 = lbann.modules.transformer.MultiheadAttention( embed_dim, num_heads, name=f'{}_attention1') self.attention2 = lbann.modules.transformer.MultiheadAttention( embed_dim, num_heads, name=f'{}_attention2') # Weights for fully-connected layers self.fc1_weights = [ lbann.Weights(initializer=lbann.HeNormalInitializer(), name=f'{}_fc1_matrix'), lbann.Weights(initializer=lbann.ConstantInitializer(value=0), name=f'{}_fc1_bias'), ] self.fc2_weights = [ lbann.Weights(initializer=lbann.GlorotNormalInitializer(), name=f'{}_fc2_matrix'), lbann.Weights(initializer=lbann.ConstantInitializer(value=0), name=f'{}_fc2_bias'), ]
def __init__(self, neuron_dims=[1000, 1000, 1000], activation=lbann.Relu, keep_prob=0.95, name=None): self.instance = 0 = (name if name else 'combo{0}'.format(Combo.global_count)) #shared weights for drug 1 and 2 tracks shared_w = [] for i in range(len(neuron_dims)): shared_w.append( lbann.Weights(initializer=lbann.HeNormalInitializer(), name='drug_matrix' + str(i))) shared_w.append( lbann.Weights(initializer=lbann.ConstantInitializer(value=0.0), name='drug_bias' + str(i))) print("SHARED W ", type(shared_w)) self.geneT = TrackModule(neuron_dims, activation, keep_prob, + 'gene_track') self.drug1T = TrackModule(neuron_dims, activation, keep_prob, shared_w, + 'drug1_track') self.drug2T = TrackModule(neuron_dims, activation, keep_prob, shared_w, + 'drug2_track') self.concatT = TrackModule(neuron_dims, activation, keep_prob, + 'concat_track')
def __init__(self, num_dims, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1, bias=True, weights=[], activation=None, name=None, transpose=False, parallel_strategy={}): """Initialize convolution module. Args: num_dims (int): Number of dimensions. out_channels (int): Number of output channels, i.e. number of filters. kernel_size (int): Size of convolution kernel. stride (int): Convolution stride. padding (int): Convolution padding. dilation (int): Convolution dilation. groups (int): Number of convolution groups. bias (bool): Whether to apply channel-wise bias after convolution. weights (`Weights` or iterator of `Weights`): Weights in convolution layer. There are at most two: the kernel and the bias. If weights are not provided, the kernel will be initialized with He normal initialization and the bias with zeros. name (str): Default name is in the form 'convmodule<index>'. transpose (bool): If true call deconvolution (or convolution transpose) parallel_strategy dict): Data partitioning scheme. """ super().__init__() ConvolutionModule.global_count += 1 self.instance = 0 self.num_dims = num_dims self.out_channels = out_channels self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.stride = stride self.padding = padding self.dilation = dilation self.groups = groups self.bias = bias self.weights = list(make_iterable(weights)) = (name if name else 'convmodule{0}'.format( ConvolutionModule.global_count)) self.transpose = transpose self.parallel_strategy = parallel_strategy # Initialize weights # Note: If weights are not provided, kernel weights are # initialized with He normal scheme and bias weights are # initialized with zeros. self.weights = list(make_iterable(weights)) if len(self.weights) > 2: raise ValueError('`ConvolutionModule` has ' 'at most two weights, ' 'but got {0}'.format(len(self.weights))) if len(self.weights) == 0: self.weights.append( lbann.Weights(initializer=lbann.HeNormalInitializer(), + '_kernel')) if len(self.weights) == 1: self.weights.append( lbann.Weights(initializer=lbann.ConstantInitializer(value=0.0), + '_bias')) # Initialize activation layer self.activation = None if activation: if isinstance(activation, type): self.activation = activation else: self.activation = type(activation) if not issubclass(self.activation, lbann.Layer): raise ValueError('activation must be a layer')