def __init__(self, fg_dir, cat_file=None, cfs=None, force_create_new=False): import time t0 = time.time() if fg_dir is None: self._catalog = self.db = FlowDB() print('Setup Catalog and FlowDB... (%.2f s)' % (time.time() - t0)) else: self._ensure_foreground(fg_dir, force_create_new=force_create_new) if cat_file is None: cat_file = os.path.join(fg_dir, 'catalog.json') if os.path.exists(cat_file): self._catalog =, catalog_file=cat_file) else: self._catalog = self._catalog.load(0) if os.path.exists(self[0].compartment_file): self.db = FlowDB(compartments=self[0].compartment_file) else: self.db = FlowDB() print('Setup Catalog and FlowDB... (%.2f s)' % (time.time() - t0)) self[0].load_fragments(self._catalog) print('Fragments loaded... (%.2f s)' % (time.time() - t0)) self._cfs = [] self.unmatched_flows = defaultdict(set) if cfs is not None: print('Loading LCIA data... (%.2f s)' % (time.time() - t0)) for c in cfs: self.load_lcia_cfs(c) print('finished %s... (%.2f s)' % (c, time.time() - t0)) self.compute_unit_scores() print('finished... (%.2f s)' % (time.time() - t0))
class ForegroundManager(object): """ This class is used for building LCA models based on catalog refs. It consists of: * a catalog containing inventory and LCIA data * a Flow-Quantity database It manages: - adding and loading archives to the catalog - searching the catalog It maintains: - a result set generated from search - a select set for comparisons Fragments also get tacked on here for now The interface subclass provides UI for these activities """ def __init__(self, fg_dir, cat_file=None, cfs=None, force_create_new=False): import time t0 = time.time() if fg_dir is None: self._catalog = self.db = FlowDB() print('Setup Catalog and FlowDB... (%.2f s)' % (time.time() - t0)) else: self._ensure_foreground(fg_dir, force_create_new=force_create_new) if cat_file is None: cat_file = os.path.join(fg_dir, 'catalog.json') if os.path.exists(cat_file): self._catalog =, catalog_file=cat_file) else: self._catalog = self._catalog.load(0) if os.path.exists(self[0].compartment_file): self.db = FlowDB(compartments=self[0].compartment_file) else: self.db = FlowDB() print('Setup Catalog and FlowDB... (%.2f s)' % (time.time() - t0)) self[0].load_fragments(self._catalog) print('Fragments loaded... (%.2f s)' % (time.time() - t0)) self._cfs = [] self.unmatched_flows = defaultdict(set) if cfs is not None: print('Loading LCIA data... (%.2f s)' % (time.time() - t0)) for c in cfs: self.load_lcia_cfs(c) print('finished %s... (%.2f s)' % (c, time.time() - t0)) self.compute_unit_scores() print('finished... (%.2f s)' % (time.time() - t0)) def load_lcia_cfs(self, nick, quantity=None): if self._catalog[nick] is None: self._catalog.load(nick) self.merge_compartments(nick) if quantity is None: self.unmatched_flows[nick] |= self.db.import_archive_cfs(self._catalog[nick]) else: if not isinstance(quantity, LcQuantity): quantity = quantity.entity() # assume catalog ref self.unmatched_flows[nick] |= self.db.import_quantity(self._catalog[nick], quantity) print('%d unmatched flows found from source %s... \n' % (len(self.unmatched_flows[nick]), self._cfs.append(nick) def show(self, loaded=True): if loaded: n = self._catalog.show_loaded() if n == 0: raise NoLoadedArchives('No archives loaded!') else: def show_all(self): def load(self, item): self._catalog.load(item) def add_archive(self, *args, **kwargs): self._catalog.add_archive(*args, **kwargs) def save(self): self._catalog.save_foreground() def flows(self, *args, elementary=False): for f in sorted(self[0].flows(), key=lambda x: x['Name']): if isinstance(elementary, bool): if not self.db.is_elementary(f) is elementary: continue if len(args) != 0: if not bool([0], str(f), flags=re.IGNORECASE)): continue print('%s' % f) def __getitem__(self, item): return self._catalog.__getitem__(item) def search(self, *args, show=True, **kwargs): return*args, show=show, **kwargs) def find_termination(self, ref, *args, index=None, **kwargs): if isinstance(ref, CatalogRef): if ref.entity_type == 'flow': return self._catalog.terminate_flow(ref, *args, **kwargs) else: print("don't know how to terminate %s" % ref) elif isinstance(ref, ExchangeRef): return self._catalog.terminate(ref, **kwargs) else: if index is None: print('Please specify an index.') return index = self._catalog.get_index(index) if isinstance(ref, Exchange): return self._catalog.terminate(ExchangeRef(self._catalog, index, ref), **kwargs) elif isinstance(ref, LcFlow): return self._catalog.terminate_flow(self.ref(index, ref), *args, **kwargs) elif ref.entity_type == 'fragment': return self._catalog.terminate_fragment(index, ref, **kwargs) def ref(self, *args): return self._catalog.ref(*args) @staticmethod def _ensure_foreground(folder, force_create_new=False): if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) if force_create_new or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder, 'entities.json')): def _add_local_synonym(self, existing, new): syns = self._load_local_synonyms() syns[existing].append(new) self.db.flowables.add_synonym(existing, new) def _install_local_synonyms(self, syns): for k, v in syns: for val in v: self.db.flowables.add_synonym(k, val) def _load_local_synonyms(self): if os.path.exists(self[0].synonyms_file): with open(self[0].synonyms_file, 'r') as fp: syns = json.load(fp) return syns return defaultdict(list) def _save_local_synonyms(self, syns): with open(self[0].synonyms_file, 'w') as fp: json.dump(syns, fp) def workon(self, folder, force_create_new=False): """ Select the current foreground. Create folder if needed. If folder/entities.json does not exist, creates and saves a new foreground in folder. loads and installs archive from folder/entities.json :param folder: :param force_create_new: [False] if True, overwrite existing entities and fragments with a new foreground from the template. :return: """ self._ensure_foreground(folder, force_create_new=force_create_new) self._catalog.reset_foreground(folder) self._catalog.load(0) if os.path.exists(self[0].catalog_file):[0].catalog_file) if os.path.exists(self[0].compartment_file): self.db.load_compartments(self[0].compartment_file) self[0].load_fragments(self._catalog) self._load_local_synonyms() self.clear_unit_scores() self.compute_unit_scores() def add_to_foreground(self, ref): print('Add to foreground: %s' % ref) if isinstance(ref, CatalogRef): ref = ref.entity() if isinstance(ref, list): for k in ref: self.add_to_foreground(k) else: self._catalog[0].add_entity_and_children(ref) def merge_compartments(self, item): if self._catalog.is_loaded(0): self.db.save_compartments(self[0].compartment_file) index = self._catalog.get_index(item) for f in self[index].flows(): if self._catalog.is_loaded(0): self.db.find_matching_compartment(f['Compartment'], interact=True) def find_flowable(self, string): return def add_synonym(self, name, flow): """ Set a flow UUID to be a synonym with an entry in the flow db. :param name: :param flow: :return: """ self._add_local_synonym(name, flow.get_uuid()) def parse_flow(self, flow): return self.db.parse_flow(flow) def cfs_for_flowable(self, string, **kwargs): flowables = self.find_flowable(string) if len(flowables) > 1: for f in flowables: print('%6d %s [%s]' % (len(self.db.all_cfs(f, **kwargs)),, self.db.flowables.cas(f))) elif len(flowables) == 1: f = flowables.pop() print('%s [%s]' % (, self.db.flowables.cas(f))) for cf in self.db.all_cfs(f, **kwargs): print('%s' % cf) def cfs_for_flowable_grid(self, string, **kwargs): flowables = self.find_flowable(string) if len(flowables) > 1: for f in flowables: print('%6d %s [%s]' % (len([cf for cf in self.db.all_cfs(f, **kwargs)]),, self.db.flowables.cas(f))) elif len(flowables) == 1: f = flowables.pop() self.db.cfs_for_flowable(f, **kwargs) # inspection methods def gen_exchanges(self, process_ref, ref_flow, direction): """ This method takes in an exchange definition and gets all the complementary exchanges (i.e. the process_ref's intermediate exchanges, excluding the reference flow :param process_ref: :param ref_flow: :param direction: :return: an exchange generator (NOT ExchangeRefs because I haven't figured out how to be consistent on that yet) """ for x in self.db.filter_exch(process_ref, elem=False, ref_flow=ref_flow): if not (x.flow == ref_flow and x.direction == direction): yield x def gen_elem(self, process_ref, ref_flow): for x in self.db.filter_exch(process_ref, elem=True, ref_flow=ref_flow): yield x def inventory(self, node, **kwargs): if node.entity_type == 'fragment': print('%s' % node) for x in sorted(self.get_fragment_inventory(node, **kwargs), key=lambda z: (z.direction, z.value)): print(x) else: print('%s' % node.fg()) node.fg().inventory() def intermediate(self, process_ref, **kwargs): exch = self.db.filter_exch(process_ref, elem=False, **kwargs) if len(exch) == 0: print('No intermediate exchanges') return print('Intermediate exchanges:') for i in exch: print('%s' % i) def elementary(self, process_ref, **kwargs): exch = self.db.filter_exch(process_ref, elem=True, **kwargs) if len(exch) == 0: print('No elementary exchanges') return print('Elementary exchanges:') for i in exch: print('%s' % i) def compare_inventory(self, p_refs, elementary=False, **kwargs): def _key(exc): return ('%s [%s]' % (exc.flow['Name'], exc.flow.reference_entity.reference_entity.unitstring()), exc.direction, exc.flow) ints = dict() int_set = set() elems = dict() elem_set = set() for p in p_refs: ints[p] = self.db.filter_exch(p, elem=False, **kwargs) int_set = int_set.union(_key(x) for x in ints[p]) if elementary: elems[p] = self.db.filter_exch(p, elem=True, **kwargs) elem_set = elem_set.union(_key(x) for x in elems[p]) int_rows = sorted(int_set, key=lambda x: x[1]) int_flows = [x[2] for x in int_rows] dynamic_grid(p_refs, int_rows, lambda x, y: {t for t in ints[y] if _key(t) == x}, ('Direction', lambda x: x[1]), ('Flow', lambda x: x[0]), returns_sets=True, suppress_col_list=elementary) if elementary: ele_rows = sorted(elem_set, key=lambda x: x[1]) ele_flows = [x[2] for x in ele_rows] dynamic_grid(p_refs, ele_rows, lambda x, y: {t for t in elems[y] if _key(t) == x}, ('Direction', lambda x: x[1]), ('Flow', lambda x: x[0]), returns_sets=True) return int_flows, ele_flows return int_flows def compare_allocation(self, p_ref): def _key(exc): return '%s' % exc.flow, exc.direction ints = dict() elems = dict() int_set = set() elem_set = set() cols = [] for p in p_ref.entity().reference_entity: cols.append(p) ints[p] = self.db.filter_exch(p_ref, elem=False, ref_flow=p.flow) int_set = int_set.union(_key(x) for x in ints[p]) elems[p] = self.db.filter_exch(p_ref, elem=True, ref_flow=p.flow) elem_set = elem_set.union(_key(x) for x in elems[p]) int_rows = sorted(int_set, key=lambda x: x[1]) dynamic_grid(cols, int_rows, lambda x, y: {t for t in ints[y] if _key(t) == x}, ('Direction', lambda x: x[1]), ('Flow', lambda x: x[0]), returns_sets=True, suppress_col_list=True) ele_rows = sorted(elem_set, key=lambda x: x[1]) dynamic_grid(cols, ele_rows, lambda x, y: {t for t in elems[y] if _key(t) == x}, ('Direction', lambda x: x[1]), ('Flow', lambda x: x[0]), returns_sets=True) @property def lcia_methods(self): return [q for q in self[0].lcia_methods()] @property def flow_properties(self): ls = set([q.get_uuid() for q in self.lcia_methods]) return [q for q in self[0].quantities() if q.get_uuid() not in ls] def _rename_stage(self, frag, old, new): if frag['StageName'] == old: frag['StageName'] = new for x in self.child_flows(frag): self._rename_stage(x, old, new) def rename_stage(self, old_name, new_name, fragment=None): """ Change the name of a stage everywhere it appears. By default, searches through all foreground fragments. you may also specify a single fragment, in which case it will apply only to that fragment and its descendents. :param old_name: :param new_name: :param fragment: :return: """ if fragment is not None: fragments = [fragment] else: fragments = self[0].fragments(background=False) for f in fragments: self._rename_stage(f, old_name, new_name) def _prep_quantities(self, quantities): if quantities is None: qs = self._catalog[0].lcia_methods() if len(qs) == 0: print('No foreground LCIA methods') return None return qs if not (isinstance(quantities, list) or isinstance(quantities, tuple)): quantities = [quantities] out = [] for k in quantities: if isinstance(k, CatalogRef): out.append(k.entity()) else: out.append(k) return out def fg_lcia(self, process_ref, quantities=None, dist=3, scenario=None, **kwargs): """ :param process_ref: :param quantities: defaults to foreground lcia quantities :param dist: [1] how far afield to search for cfs (see CLookup.find() from flowdb) :param scenario: (not presently used) - some day the flow-quantity database will be scenario-sensitive :return: """ if self._catalog.fg is None: print('Missing a foreground!') return None if not self._catalog.is_loaded(0): self._catalog.load(0) if not self._catalog.is_loaded(process_ref.index): self._catalog.load(process_ref.index) exch = self.db.filter_exch(process_ref, elem=True, **kwargs) qs = self._prep_quantities(quantities) results = LciaResults(process_ref.entity()) for q in qs: q_result = LciaResult(q) if q in self.db.known_quantities(): for x in exch: if not x.flow.has_characterization(q): # look locally local = self[0][x.flow.get_uuid()] if local is not None and local.has_characterization(q): cf = local.factor(q) x.flow.add_characterization(cf) else: cf = self.db.lookup_single_cf(x.flow, q, dist=dist, location=process_ref['SpatialScope']) if cf is None: x.flow.add_characterization(q) else: x.flow.add_characterization(cf) self.add_to_foreground(x.flow) fac = x.flow.factor(q) q_result.add_score(, x, fac, process_ref['SpatialScope']) results[q.get_uuid()] = q_result return results def bg_lcia(self, p_ref, quantities=None, **kwargs): qs = self._prep_quantities(quantities) if qs is None: return dict() if p_ref is None: # cutoff result = LciaResults(p_ref.entity()) for q in quantities: result[q.get_uuid()] = LciaResult(q) return result return p_ref.archive.bg_lookup(, quantities=qs, flowdb=self.db, **kwargs) def compare_lcia_results(self, p_refs, quantities=None, background=False, **kwargs): """ p_refs should be an array of catalog_refs :param p_refs: :param quantities: list of qs :param background: whether to use bg_lcia instead of fg_lcia :return: """ results = dict() qs = self._prep_quantities(quantities) for p in p_refs: if background: results[p] = self.bg_lcia(p, quantities=quantities, **kwargs) else: results[p] = self.fg_lcia(p, quantities=quantities, **kwargs) dynamic_grid(p_refs, qs, lambda x, y: results[y][x.get_uuid()], ('Ref Units', lambda x: x.reference_entity), ('LCIA Method', lambda x: x['Name'])) def lcia(self, p_ref): self.compare_lcia_results([p_ref]) def show_detailed_lcia(self, p_ref, quantity, show_all=False): """ :param p_ref: :param quantity: :param show_all: [False] show all exchanges, or only characterized exchanges :return: """ result = self.fg_lcia(p_ref, quantity)[quantity.get_uuid()] result.show_details(p_ref, show_all=show_all) ''' print('%s' % quantity) print('-' * 60) agg_lcia = result.LciaScores[p_ref.get_uuid()] for x in sorted(agg_lcia.LciaDetails, key=lambda t: t.result): if x.result != 0 or show_all: print('%10.3g x %-10.3g = %-10.3g %s' % (, x.factor.value, x.result, x.factor.flow)) print('=' * 60) print(' Total score: %g [%s]' % (agg_lcia.cumulative_result, quantity.reference_entity.unitstring())) ''' # fragment methods def _show_frag_children(self, frag, level=0): level += 1 for k in self.child_flows(frag): print('%s%s' % (' ' * level, k)) self._show_frag_children(k, level) def fragments(self, *args, show_all=False, background=False, **kwargs): """ :param background: :param show_all: :return: """ for f in self[0].fragments(show_all=False, background=background, **kwargs): if len(args) != 0: if not bool([0], str(f), flags=re.IGNORECASE)): continue print('%s' % f) if show_all: self._show_frag_children(f) def background(self, *args): self.fragments(*args, background=True) def frag(self, string, strict=True): """ strict=True is slow :param string: :param strict: :return: """ if strict: k = [f for f in self[0].fragments(show_all=True) if f.get_uuid().startswith(string.lower())] if len(k) > 1: for i in k: print('%s' % i) raise AmbiguousReference() return k[0] else: return next(f for f in self[0].fragments(show_all=True) if f.get_uuid().startswith(string.lower())) def traverse(self, fragment, scenario=None, observed=False): if isinstance(fragment, str): fragment = self.frag(fragment) ffs = fragment.traversal_entry(lambda x: self.child_flows(x), scenario, observed=observed) return ffs def fragment_lcia(self, fragment, scenario=None, observed=False, scale=None): if isinstance(fragment, str): fragment = self.frag(fragment) r = fragment.fragment_lcia(lambda x: self.child_flows(x), scenario=scenario, observed=observed) if scale is not None: r.scale(scale) return r def draw(self, fragment, scenario=None, observed=False): if isinstance(fragment, str): fragment = self.frag(fragment) fs = fragment.show_tree(lambda x: self.child_flows(x), scenario=scenario, observed=observed) self.balance(fragment, scenario=scenario, observed=observed) return fs @staticmethod def _observe(c, scenario): if scenario is None: prompt = 'Observed value' else: prompt = 'Scenario value' print('%s' % c) print(' Cached EV: %6.4g\n Observed EV: %6.4g [%s]' % (c.cached_ev, c.observed_ev, c.flow.unit())) if scenario is None: string_ev = '%10g' % c.observed_ev else: string_ev = '%10g' % c.exchange_value(scenario) print(' Scenario EV: %s [%s]' % (string_ev, c.flow.unit())) val = ifinput('%s ("=" to use cached): ' % prompt, string_ev) if val != string_ev: if val == '=': new_val = c.cached_ev else: new_val = parse_math(val) if scenario is None: c.observed_ev = new_val else: c.set_exchange_value(scenario, new_val) def observe(self, fragment, scenario=None): if isinstance(fragment, str): fragment = self.frag(fragment) if scenario is None: print('{Observing for model reference}\n') else: print('{Observing for scenario "%s"}' % scenario) self._observe(fragment, scenario) if fragment.term.is_null: return if fragment.term.term_node.entity_type == 'fragment': print('fragment children are set by traversal') return for c in self.child_flows(fragment): self._observe(c, scenario) def child_flows(self, fragment): """ This is a lambda method used during traversal in order to generate the child fragment flows from a given fragment. :param fragment: :return: fragments listing fragment as parent """ for x in self[0].fragments(show_all=True): if fragment is x.reference_entity: yield x def scenarios(self, fragment=None, _scens=None): if fragment is None: scens = set() for i in self[0].fragments(show_all=True): scens = scens.union(self.scenarios(i)) return scens if _scens is None: _scens = set() _scens = _scens.union(fragment.scenarios) for c in self.child_flows(fragment): _scens = self.scenarios(c, _scens=_scens) return _scens def show_scenario(self, scenario): print('Parameters for scenario "%s"' % scenario) for f in self[0].fragments(show_all=True, background=None): printed = False if f.exchange_value(scenario) != f.cached_ev: if printed is False: printed = True print('%s' % f) print(' Exchange value: %10.4g (default %10.4g)' % (f.exchange_value(scenario), f.cached_ev)) if f.termination(scenario) != f.term: if printed is False: print('%s' %f) print('%15s: %s\n%15s: %s' % ('Termination', f.termination(scenario).term_node.entity()['Name'], 'Default', f.term.term_node.entity()['Name'])) ''' def auto_terminate(self, index, fragment, scenario=None, use_first=False): """ :param index: :param fragment: :param scenario: :param use_first: [False] if True, resolve AmbiguousTerminations by using the first result :return: """ term_exch = self._catalog.terminate_fragment(index, fragment) if len(term_exch) > 1 and not use_first: raise AmbiguousTermination('%d found' % len(term_exch)) elif len(term_exch) == 0: raise NoTermination term_exch = term_exch[0] try: bg = next(f for f in self[0].fragments(background=True) if f.term.matches(term_exch)) fragment.terminate(bg, scenario=scenario) except StopIteration: fragment.term_from_exch(term_exch, scenario=scenario) self.build_child_flows(fragment, scenario=scenario) ''' def import_fragment(self, filename): if os.path.isdir(filename): print('Loading fragment files in directory %s' % filename) self[0].import_fragments(self._catalog, filename) else: self[0].import_fragment(self._catalog, filename) def terminate_to_foreground(self, fragment, scenario=None): """ Marks a fragment as its own termination. Note: this creates unresolved issues with flow matching across scenarios. but those have always been there and never been solved. If the termination already exists, then the *elementary* flows are made into child flows (assuming the intermediate flows were already done). If the fragment was terminated to a sub-fragment, nothing happens.. the subfragment link is just deleted. any i/o flows developed from the subfragment remain, but their exchange values will be used as-specified. :param fragment: :return: """ if isinstance(fragment, str): fragment = self.frag(fragment) term = fragment.termination(scenario) children = [] if term.is_fg: return children if (not term.is_null) and term.term_node.entity_type == 'process': fragment.scale_evs(1.0 / term.inbound_exchange_value) for elem in self.gen_elem(term.term_node, term.term_flow): child = self[0].add_child_ff_from_exchange(fragment, elem, Name=str(fragment.flow), StageName='direct emission') child.term.self_terminate() children.append(child) term.self_terminate() return children def create_fragment_from_process(self, process_ref, ref_flow=None, background=False, background_children=True): """ The major entry into fragment building. Given only a process ref, construct a fragment from the process, using the process's reference exchange as the reference fragment flow. :param process_ref: :param ref_flow: :param background: [False] add as a background fragment and do not traverse children :param background_children: [True] automatically terminate child flows with background references (ecoinvent). :return: """ process = process_ref.fg() if ref_flow is None: if len(process.reference_entity) == 0: ref = pick_one([x for x in self.db.filter_exch(process_ref, elem=False) if x.direction == 'Output'] ).flow elif len(process.reference_entity) > 1: ref = pick_reference(process) else: ref = list(process.reference_entity)[0].flow else: try: ref = next(x.flow for x in process.reference_entity if x.flow.match(ref_flow)) except StopIteration: print('Reference flow not found in target process.') return None ref_exch = next(x for x in direction = comp_dir(ref_exch.direction) frag = self[0].create_fragment(ref, direction, Name='%s' % process_ref.entity(), background=background) frag.terminate(process_ref, flow=ref) if not background: self.build_child_flows(frag, background_children=background_children) return frag def get_fragment_inventory(self, fragment, scenario=None, scale=None, observed=False): """ Aggregates inputs and outputs (un-terminated flows) from a fragment; returns a list of exchanges. :param fragment: ff :param scenario: :return: """ io_ffs = fragment.io_flows(lambda x: self.child_flows(x), scenario, observed=observed) if scale is not None: for i in io_ffs: i.scale(scale) accum = defaultdict(float) ent = dict() ev = fragment.exchange_value(scenario) if fragment.direction == 'Input': # this is input to parent flow, so output to us ev = -ev accum[fragment.flow.get_uuid()] = ev for i in io_ffs: ent[i.fragment.flow.get_uuid()] = i.fragment.flow if i.fragment.direction == 'Input': accum[i.fragment.flow.get_uuid()] += i.magnitude else: accum[i.fragment.flow.get_uuid()] -= i.magnitude in_ex = accum.pop(fragment.flow.get_uuid()) if in_ex * ev < 0: # i.e. if the signs are different raise ValueError('Fragment requires more reference flow than it generates') frag_exchs = [] for k, v in accum.items(): val = abs(v) if fragment.reference_entity is None: if ev != in_ex: val *= (ev / in_ex) if v == 0: continue elif v < 0: dirn = 'Output' else: dirn = 'Input' frag_exchs.append(ExchangeValue(fragment, ent[k], dirn, value=val)) return sorted(frag_exchs, key=lambda x: x.direction) def build_child_flows(self, fragment, scenario=None, background_children=False): """ Given a terminated fragment, construct child flows corresponding to the termination's complementary exchanges. :param fragment: the parent fragment :param scenario: :param background_children: if true, automatically terminate child flows to background. :return: """ if fragment.is_background: return None # no child flows for background nodes term = fragment.termination(scenario=scenario) if term.is_null or term.is_fg: return None if term.term_node.entity_type == 'process': if scenario is not None: print('Automatic building of child flows is not supported for scenario terminations of process nodes.') return [] if len([c for c in self.child_flows(fragment)]) != 0: print('Warning: fragment already has child flows. Continuing will result in (possibly many) ') if ifinput('duplicate child flows. Continue? y/n', 'n') != 'y': return [] int_exch = self.gen_exchanges(term.term_node, term.term_flow, term.direction) # in process case- possible to specify multiple identical children from the same node """ this means that build_child_flows will have undesirable results if called for a process- terminated node with similar exchanges for multiple scenarios. maybe changing node terminations should only be permitted for subfragments. something to think about. """ elif term.term_node.entity_type == 'fragment': if term.term_node.reference_entity is not None: the_ref = _recursive_ref(term.term_node) correct_reference = True else: the_ref = term.term_node correct_reference = False int_exch = self.get_fragment_inventory(the_ref, scenario=scenario) if correct_reference: surrogate_in = next(x for x in int_exch if x.flow is term.term_flow and x.direction == term.direction) # or StopIter int_exch.remove(surrogate_in) int_exch.append(ExchangeValue(the_ref, the_ref.flow, comp_dir(the_ref.direction), value=the_ref.cached_ev)) for x in int_exch: x.value *= 1.0 / surrogate_in.value # in subfragment case- child flows aggregate so we don't want to create duplicate children for x in int_exch: match = [c for c in self.child_flows(fragment) if c.flow == x.flow and c.direction == x.direction] if len(match) > 1: raise AmbiguousReference('Multiple child flows matching %s' % x) elif len(match) == 1: int_exch.remove(x) # don't make a new child if one is already found else: raise AmbiguousTermination('Cannot figure out entity type for %s' % term) children = [] for exch in int_exch: child = self[0].add_child_ff_from_exchange(fragment, exch) if background_children: self.terminate_to_background(child) children.append(child) return children def clear_unit_scores(self, scenario=None): for f in self[0].fragments(show_all=True): if scenario is None: for term in f.terminations(): f.termination(term).clear_score_cache() else: if scenario in f.terminations(): f.termination(scenario).clear_score_cache() def compute_unit_scores(self, scenario=None): for f in self[0].fragments(show_all=True): self.compute_fragment_unit_scores(f, scenario=scenario) ''' if self.db.is_elementary(fragment.flow): cfs = self.db.factors_for_flow(fragment.term.term_flow, [l for l in self[0].lcia_methods()]) fragment.term.flowdb_results(LciaResult.from_cfs(fragment, cfs)) ''' def compute_fragment_unit_scores(self, fragment, scenario=None): """ lcia gets run as: lcia(self.term_node, self.term_flow, q_run) for background or default: x = fragment :param fragment: :param scenario: :return: """ term = fragment.termination(scenario) l_methods = [q for q in self[0].lcia_methods()] if fragment.is_background: def lcia(x, y, z): return self.bg_lcia(x, ref_flow=y, quantities=z) elif term.is_fg: def lcia(x, y, z): local = self[0][y.get_uuid()] if local is not y: raise AmbiguousReference('!!! this should be in foreground') return LciaResult.from_cfs(x, self.db.factors_for_flow(local, z)) else: def lcia(x, y, z): return self.fg_lcia(x, ref_flow=y, quantities=z, scenario=scenario) term.set_score_cache(lcia, l_methods) def terminate_to_background(self, fragment): """ Given an existing fragment, create (or locate) a background reference that terminates it. If the fragment is terminated, transfer the termination to the background reference. :param fragment: :return: """ if fragment.term.is_bg: return fragment # nothing to do else: if fragment.term.is_null: frag_exch = Exchange(fragment, fragment.flow, fragment.direction) try: bg = next(f for f in self[0].fragments(background=False) if f.term.terminates(frag_exch)) print('found termination in foreground') fragment.terminate(bg) except StopIteration: try: bg = next(f for f in self[0].fragments(background=True) if f.term.terminates(frag_exch)) print('found cutoff flow') fragment.terminate(bg) except StopIteration: bg = self[0].add_background_ff_from_fragment(fragment) print('created null termination in background') fragment.terminate(bg) else: term_exch = fragment.term.to_exchange() try: bg = next(f for f in self[0].fragments(background=False) if f.term.matches(term_exch)) print('found termination match in foreground') fragment.terminate(bg) except StopIteration: try: bg = next(f for f in self[0].fragments(background=True) if f.term.matches(term_exch)) print('found termination match in background') fragment.terminate(bg) except StopIteration: bg = self[0].add_background_ff_from_fragment(fragment) print('created termination in background') fragment.terminate(bg) return bg def fragment_to_foreground(self, fragment, background_children=True): """ Move a background fragment into the foreground. Add the node's child flows to the foreground. Given a fragment that is terminated to background, recall the background termination and make it into a foreground termination. (the background reference will not be deleted). Proceed to add the foreground node's child flows. :param fragment: :param background_children: :return: """ if fragment.is_background: fragment.to_foreground() self.build_child_flows(fragment, background_children=background_children) return fragment elif fragment.term.is_bg: bg = fragment.term.term_node fragment.terminate(bg.term.term_node, flow=bg.term.term_flow, direction=bg.term.direction) self.build_child_flows(fragment, background_children=background_children) return fragment elif fragment.term.is_null: fragment.term.self_terminate() return fragment # nothing to do def balance(self, frag, scenario=None, observed=False): qs = defaultdict(float) if frag.reference_entity is None: in_ex = frag.exchange_value(scenario, observed=observed) else: in_ex = 1.0 for cf in frag.flow.characterizations(): if cf.value is not None: if frag.direction == 'Input': # output from term qs[cf.quantity] -= cf.value * in_ex else: qs[cf.quantity] += cf.value * in_ex for c in self.child_flows(frag): for cf in c.flow.characterizations(): mag = c.exchange_value(scenario, observed=observed) * (cf.value or 0.0) if mag != 0: if c.direction == 'Output': qs[cf.quantity] -= mag else: qs[cf.quantity] += mag for k, v in qs.items(): print('%10.4g %s' % (v, k)) return qs def show_balance(self, frag, quantity=None, scenario=None, observed=False): def _p_line(f, m, d): try: # will fail if m is None or non-number print(' %+10.4g %6s %.5s %s' % (m, d, f.get_uuid(), f['Name'])) finally: pass if quantity is None: quantity = frag.flow.reference_entity print('%s' % quantity) mag = if frag.reference_entity is None: mag *= frag.exchange_value(scenario, observed=observed) if frag.direction == 'Input': mag *= -1 net = mag _p_line(frag, mag, comp_dir(frag.direction)) for c in sorted(self.child_flows(frag), key=lambda x: x.direction): mag = c.exchange_value(scenario, observed=observed) * if c.direction == 'Output': mag *= -1 if mag is None or mag != 0: _p_line(c, mag, c.direction) net += mag print('----------\n %+10.4g net' % net)