Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, source=REF_QTYS, quantities=Q_SYNS, flowables=F_SYNS, compartments=None,
                 quell_biogenic_CO2=False, quell_biogenic_co2=False,
                 ref=None, **kwargs):

        :param source: for LcArchive and core quantities (ELCD)
        :param quantities: [Q_SYNS] synonym list for quantities
        :param flowables: [F_SYNS] synonym list for flowables
        :param compartments: either a compartment manager, or a compartment definition file
        :param quell_biogenic_CO2: [False] if True, return '0' for all inputs of CO2 from air and all CO2 emissions
         matching a 'biogenic' search criterion.  The CO2 flowable is distinguished by its CAS number, 124-38-9.
         No other flowables are affected.

         The criterion is not quantity-based, but depends on the flowable and compartment only.

         The regex test is currently case-insensitive '(biogenic|biotic|non-fossil)'. It can be tested with

         The quell_biogenic_CO2 parameter can be overridden at query-time as a keyword param.

         Note that the Qdb's architecture does not permit it to distinguish between two different flows of the same
         substance into the same compartment, without making a special exception.  Frankly, to make it do so is
         somewhat distasteful.
        :param ref:
        :param kwargs:
        if ref is None:
            ref = 'local.qdb'
        if not os.path.exists(source):
            print('Using default reference quantities')
            source = REF_QTYS
        self._f = Flowables.from_json(from_json(flowables))
        self._q = SynList.from_json(from_json(quantities))

        super(Qdb, self).__init__(source, ref=ref, **kwargs)

        if isinstance(compartments, CompartmentManager):
            self.c_mgr = compartments
            self.c_mgr = CompartmentManager(compartments)


        self._q_dict = defaultdict(set)  # dict of quantity index to set of characterized flowables (by index)
        self._fq_dict = defaultdict(CLookup)  # dict of (flowable index, quantity index) to c_lookup
        self._f_dict = defaultdict(set)  # dict of flowable index to set of characterized quantities (by index)

        # following are to implement special treatment for biogenic CO2
        self._quell_biogenic_co2 = quell_biogenic_CO2 or quell_biogenic_co2
        self._co2_index = self._f.index('124-38-9')
        self._comp_from_air = self.c_mgr.find_matching('Resources from air')

        # load CFs from reference flows
        for f in self.entities_by_type('flow'):
            for cf in f.characterizations():
                if cf.quantity is not f.reference_entity:
    def __init__(self, ref, version='Unspecified', internal=False, data_dir=None, model=None, **kwargs):
        :param ref:
        :param version:
        :param internal:
        :param kwargs: quiet, upstream
        super(EcoinventSpreadsheet, self).__init__(ref, **kwargs)
        self.version = version
        self.internal = internal

        self._serialize_dict['version'] = version
        self._serialize_dict['internal'] = internal

        # these things are query-only, for foreground use
        self._data_dir = data_dir
        self._model = model
        self.fg = None = None
        self.lcia = None
        if self._data_dir is not None:
            if model == 'undefined':
                self.fg = EcospoldV2Archive(self._fg_filename, prefix='datasets - public')
                self.fg = EcospoldV2Archive(self._fg_filename, prefix='datasets')
                if os.path.exists(self._bg_filename):
                    print('BG: Accessing LCI from %s' % self._bg_filename)
       = LcArchive(self._lci_cache)
                if os.path.exists(self._lci_cache):
                if os.path.exists(self._lcia_validate_filename):
                    self.lcia = EcospoldV2Archive(self._lcia_validate_filename, prefix='datasets')
Esempio n. 3
def archive_from_json(fname, **archive_kwargs):
    :param fname: JSON filename
    :return: an ArchiveInterface
    j = from_json(fname)
    archive_kwargs["quiet"] = True

    if "prefix" in j.keys():
        archive_kwargs["prefix"] = j["prefix"]

    if "nsUuid" in j.keys():
        archive_kwargs["ns_uuid"] = j["nsUuid"]

    if j["dataSourceType"] == "EcoinventSpreadsheet":
        archive_kwargs["internal"] = bool(j["internal"])
        archive_kwargs["version"] = j["version"]

        a = archive_factory(j["dataSourceReference"], j["dataSourceType"], **archive_kwargs)
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError("Unknown dataSourceType %s" % j["dataSourceType"])

    if "catalogNames" in j:
        a.catalog_names = j["catalogNames"]

    if "upstreamReference" in j:
        print("**Upstream reference encountered: %s\n" % j["upstreamReference"])
        a._serialize_dict["upstreamReference"] = j["upstreamReference"]

    return a
Esempio n. 4
 def load_lci_cache(self):
     if self._bg_cache_loaded is False:
         print('Accessing LCI from %s' % self._bg_filename)
         self._bg_cache_loaded = True