class ProfileUpdateForm(forms.ModelForm): location = PointField() class Meta: model = Profile fields = ['location'] widgets = {'location': LeafletWidget()}
class PronaAdd(forms.ModelForm): geom = PointField() class Meta: model = prona fields = [ 'id_vendodhje', 'id_lloji', 'cmimi', 'dhoma', 'banjo', 'size', 'titulli', 'pershkrim', 'id_biznes', 'status', 'url', 'hits', 'creation_date', 'modif_date', 'sponsorizuar', 'geom', 'id_user', ] widgets = {'geom': YourMapWidget()}
class BikerRegistrationForm(UserCreationForm): email = forms.EmailField(required=True) area_of_business = PointField() class Meta: model = bikemodel.Biker fields = ('username', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'password1', 'password2', 'date_of_birth', 'id_number', 'residence', 'mobile_number', 'vehiecle', 'area_of_business') widgets = {'area_of_business': LeafletWidget()} def save(self, commit=True): user = super(FoodbusinessRegistrationForm, self).save(commit=False) user.first_name = self.cleaned_data['first_name'] user.last_name = self.cleaned_data['last_name'] = self.cleaned_data['email'] user.date_of_birth = self.cleaned_data['date_of_birth'] user.id_number = self.cleaned_data['id_number'] user.residence = self.cleaned_data['residence'] user.mobile_number = self.cleaned_data['mobile_number'] user.vehiecle = self.cleaned_data['vehiecle'] user.area_of_business = self.cleaned_data['area_of_business'] if commit: return user
class CreatePlaceForm(ModelForm): location = PointField() description = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea( attrs={ 'rows': 5, 'placeholder': 'Short description about the place', }), max_length=1000, help_text='Maximum 1000 characters') address = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={ 'rows': 5, }), max_length=200, help_text='Maximum 200 characters') class Meta: model = Place fields = ( 'title', 'location', 'description', 'address', 'phone', 'city', 'types', 'tags', )
class SpaceTimeForm(forms.Form): location = PointField(label='Possible Contagion Site') start_date = forms.DateField(input_formats=['%Y-%m-%d'], widget=XDSoftDatePickerInput(), label='START') end_date = forms.DateField(input_formats=['%Y-%m-%d'], widget=XDSoftDatePickerInput(), label='END')
class SpaceTimeForm(forms.Form): location = PointField( label='Possible Contagion Site' ) time = forms.DateTimeField( input_formats=['%d/%m/%Y %H:%M'], widget=XDSoftDateTimePickerInput(), label = 'Date+Time' )
class HelpRequestForm(forms.ModelForm): location = PointField( label="Ubicación", error_messages={ 'required': mark_safe( 'Te olvidaste de marcar tu ubicación en el mapita\n <br>Si tenés problemas con este paso <a href="#" class="is-link modal-button" data-target="#myModal" aria-haspopup="true">mirá esta ayuda</a></p><p id="div_direccion" style="font-size: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px;"></p>' ) }, help_text=mark_safe( '<p style="margin-bottom:5px;font-size:10px;">Seleccioná tu ubicación para que la gente pueda encontrarte, si no querés marcar tu casa una buena opción puede ser la comisaría más cercana o algún otro sitio público cercano.\ <br>Si tenés problemas con este paso <a href="#" class="is-link modal-button" data-target="#myModal" aria-haspopup="true">mirá esta ayuda</a></p><p id="div_direccion" style="font-size: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px;"></p>' ), ) class Meta: model = HelpRequest fields = ("title", "message", "categories", "name", "phone", "location", "address", "picture") widgets = { "title": forms.TextInput( attrs={ "class": "input", "placeholder": "Ejemplo: Necesito de manera urgente víveres para mi familia", }), "message": forms.Textarea( attrs={ "class": "textarea", "rows": 4, "placeholder": "Ejemplo: Por la situación actual estoy necesitando tapabocas y productos de limpieza, \ cualquier ayuda aunque sea mínima ya me va a ayudar.\nMuchas Gracias!", }), "name": forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "input"}), "phone": forms.TextInput(attrs={ "class": "input", "type": "tel" }), "address": forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "input"}), 'categories': forms.SelectMultiple(attrs={"style": "display:none;"}), } error_messages = { NON_FIELD_ERRORS: { 'unique_together': "Registro ya ingresado, no puede duplicar mismo pedido.", } }
class ContagionSiteForm(forms.Form): location = PointField(label='Possible Contagion Site') start_date = forms.DateField(input_formats=['%Y-%m-%d'], widget=XDSoftDatePickerInput(), label='START') end_date = forms.DateField(input_formats=['%Y-%m-%d'], widget=XDSoftDatePickerInput(), label='END') radius = forms.ChoiceField(widget=BootstrapSelect(choices=radii), choices=radii)
class x(models.Model): SB = models.CharField(max_length=255) latitude = models.PointField() longitude = models.PointField() def __str__(self): return self.SB point = PointField() @property def lat_lon(self): return list(getattr(self.point, 'COORDINATES', [])[::-1])
class ConfirmedCaseFormOld(forms.Form): location = PointField(label='Approximate Current Residence') estimated_date_contracted = forms.DateTimeField( input_formats=['%d/%m/%Y %H:%M'], widget=XDSoftDateTimePickerInput(), label='Estimated Date Contracted') date_confirmed = forms.DateTimeField(input_formats=['%d/%m/%Y %H:%M'], widget=XDSoftDateTimePickerInput(), label='Date Confirmed') additional_info = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea, label='Additional Information') contagion_sites = MultiPointField( label='Locations Visited Since Contraction')
class PlaceForm(forms.ModelForm): geom = PointField(label='Укажите место на карте') class Meta: model = Place fields = ('name', 'geom', 'comment') def save(self, user): new_place = Place.objects.create(name=self.cleaned_data['name'], location=self.cleaned_data['geom'], comment=self.cleaned_data['comment'], author=user) return new_place
class ContagionSiteForm(forms.Form): location = PointField( label='Possible Contagion Site' ) start_time = forms.DateTimeField( input_formats=['%d/%m/%Y %H:%M'], widget=XDSoftDateTimePickerInput(), label = 'Start Time' ) end_time = forms.DateTimeField( input_formats=['%d/%m/%Y %H:%M'], widget=XDSoftDateTimePickerInput(), label = 'End Time' )
class PlaceForm(forms.ModelForm): name = forms.CharField(max_length=100, help_text="Scan project name", required=True) location = PointField() description = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea) class Meta: model = Place fields = ( 'name', 'description', 'location', )
class FrmLocal(forms.Form): descricao = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 80, 'rows': 4})) geojson = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 80, 'rows': 20}), required=False) poligono = MultiPolygonField(required=False) ponto = PointField(required=False) linha = MultiLineStringField(required=False) class Meta: fields = ('descricao ', 'geojson') widgets = {'poligono': LeafletWidget(), 'ponto': LeafletWidget(), 'linha': LeafletWidget() }
class BusinessRegistrationForm(forms.ModelForm): location = PointField() class Meta: model = bizmodel.Business fields = ( 'business_name', 'mobile_number', 'location', ) widgets = {'location': LeafletWidget()} def save(self, commit=True): user = super(BusinessRegistrationForm, self).save(commit=False) user.business_name = self.cleaned_data['business_name'] user.mobile_number = self.cleaned_data['mobile_number'] user.location = self.cleaned_data['location'] if commit: return user
class IncidenceForm(forms.ModelForm): geom = PointField() class Meta: model = Incidence fields = '__all__'
class LawyerForm(forms.ModelForm): location = PointField() class Meta: model = Lawyer fields = '__all__'
class HelpRequestForm(forms.ModelForm): location = PointField( label="Ubicación", # XXX Move all HTML to the corresponding templates error_messages={ 'required': mark_safe( '{}\n<br>{} <a href="#" class="is-link modal-button" data-target="#myModal" aria-haspopup="true">{}</a></p><p id="div_direccion" style="font-size: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px;"></p>' .format( _("You forgot to mark your location on the map"), _("If you have problems with this step"), _("Check out this help"), )) }, help_text=mark_safe( '<p style="margin-bottom:5px;font-size:10px;">{}.<br>{} <a href="#" class="is-link modal-button" data-target="#myModal" aria-haspopup="true">{}</a></p><p id="div_direccion" style="font-size: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px;"></p>' .format( _("Select your location so that people can find you, if you do not want to mark your home a good option may be the nearest police station or some other nearby public place." ), _("If you have problems with this step"), _("Check out this help"), )), ) class Meta: model = HelpRequest fields = ("title", "message", "categories", "name", "phone", "location", "address", "picture") widgets = { "title": forms.TextInput( attrs={ "class": "input", "placeholder": _("Example: I urgently need food for my family"), }), "message": forms.Textarea( attrs={ "class": "textarea", "rows": 4, "placeholder": _("Example: Due to the current situation I am in need of masks and cleaning products, any help, even a minimal one, will help me. Thank you so much!" ), }), "name": forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "input"}), "phone": forms.TextInput(attrs={ "class": "input", "type": "tel" }), "address": forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "input"}), 'categories': forms.SelectMultiple(attrs={"style": "display:none;"}), } error_messages = { NON_FIELD_ERRORS: { 'unique_together': _("Registration already entered, cannot duplicate the same request." ), } }
class LeafForm(forms.ModelForm): geom = PointField() class Meta: model = Leaf fields = ('name', 'geom')
class HelpRequestForm(forms.ModelForm): location = PointField( label="Ubicación:", error_messages={ 'required': mark_safe( 'Te olvidaste de marcar tu ubicación en el mapita\n <br>Si tienes un problemas con este paso \ <a href="#" class="is-link modal-button" data-target="#myModal" aria-haspopup="true">mira esta ayuda</a></p>\ <p id="div_direccion" style="font-size: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px;"></p>' ) }, help_text=mark_safe( '<p style="margin-bottom:5px;font-size:10px;">Selecciona tu Ubicación para que las personas solidarias te puedan encontrar.\ <br>Si tienes un problemas con este paso \ <a href="#" class="is-link modal-button" data-target="#myModal" aria-haspopup="true">mira esta ayuda</a></p>\ <p id="div_direccion" style="font-size: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px;"></p>' ), ) class Meta: model = HelpRequest fields = ("title", "message", "categories", "name", "phone", "provincia", "location", "address", "picture") widgets = { "title": forms.TextInput( attrs={ "class": "input", "placeholder": "Ejemplo: Necesito de manera urgente víveres para mi familia", }), "message": forms.Textarea( attrs={ "class": "textarea", "rows": 4, "placeholder": "Puedes describir detalladamente lo que necesites, ", }), "name": forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "input"}), "phone": forms.TextInput(attrs={ "class": "input", "type": "tel" }), "address": forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "input"}), 'categories': forms.SelectMultiple(attrs={"style": "display:none;"}), "provincia": forms.Select(attrs={ "id": "provicia_id", "placeholder": "Seleccione una provincia" }), } error_messages = { NON_FIELD_ERRORS: { 'unique_together': "Registro ya ingresado, no puede duplicar mismo pedido.", } }
class SearchForm(SingleButtonMixin, forms.Form): point = PointField() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SearchForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.helper.form_method = 'get'
class HelpRequestForm(forms.ModelForm): location = PointField( label="Ubicación", error_messages={ 'required': mark_safe( '<p>Te olvidaste de marcar tu ubicación en el mapita.\n <br>Si tenés problemas con este paso <a href="#" class="is-link modal-button error-message-hyperlink" data-target="#myModal" aria-haspopup="true">mirá esta ayuda</a></p><p id="div_direccion" style="font-size: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px;"></p>' ) }, help_text=mark_safe( '<p>Seleccioná tu ubicación para que la gente pueda encontrarte, si no querés marcar tu casa una buena opción puede ser la comisaría más cercana o algún otro sitio público cercano.</p><p class="help text-muted has-text-left"><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i> Si tenés problemas con este paso <a href="#" class="is-link modal-button" data-target="#myModal" aria-haspopup="true">mirá esta ayuda</a></p>' ), ) class Meta: model = HelpRequest fields = ("title", "message", "categories", "name", "phone", "location", "address", "picture") widgets = { "title": forms.TextInput( attrs={ "id": "title", "class": "input", "placeholder": "Ejemplo: Necesito de manera urgente víveres para mi familia", }), "message": forms.Textarea( attrs={ "id": "message", "class": "textarea", "rows": 4, "minlength": 20, "placeholder": "Ejemplo: Por la situación actual estoy necesitando tapabocas y productos de limpieza, cualquier ayuda aunque sea mínima ya me va a ayudar. ¡Muchas Gracias!", }), "name": forms.TextInput( attrs={ "id": "name", "class": "input", 'pattern': '[A-Za-zÁÉÍÓÚáéíóúñÑ ]+', 'title': 'Ingrese solo letras.', "placeholder": "Nombre completo", }), "phone": forms.TextInput( attrs={ "id": "phone", "class": "input", "type": "tel", 'pattern': '\+?1?\d{8,15}$', 'title': 'Ingrese solo números y una cantidad mayor a 7.', "placeholder": "Teléfono", }), "address": forms.TextInput(attrs={ "id": "address", "class": "input", "placeholder": "Dirección", }), "picture": forms.FileInput(attrs={"id": "picture"}), 'categories': forms.SelectMultiple(attrs={ "id": "categories", "style": "display:none;" }), } error_messages = { NON_FIELD_ERRORS: { 'unique_together': "Registro ya ingresado, no puede duplicar mismo pedido.", } } def clean_phone(self): phone ='phone') if not re.match(r"\+?1?\d{9,15}$", f'+54{phone}'): raise forms.ValidationError('Ingrese un número de teléfono válido') return phone
class WeatherStationForm(forms.ModelForm): geom = PointField() class Meta: model = WeatherStation fields = ('name', 'geom')