def test_add_experiennce(p_exp_handler: PrioritizedExperienceHandler):
    for add in range(3):
        state = np.ones((2, 10, 10)) * add
        action = add
        reward = add
        p_exp_handler.add_experience(state, action, reward)

    assert p_exp_handler.tree.root is not None
    assert p_exp_handler.tree.root.value == np.inf
    assert p_exp_handler.tree.root.extra_vals == 0
class PrioritizedExperienceLearner(learner):
    def __init__(self, skip_frame, num_actions, load=None):

        rand_vals = (1, 0.1, 10000 / skip_frame)  # starting at 1 anneal eGreedy policy to 0.1 over 1,000,000/skip_frame
        self.action_handler = ActionHandler(ActionPolicy.eGreedy, rand_vals)

        self.exp_handler = PrioritizedExperienceHandler(1000000 / skip_frame)
        self.train_handler = TrainHandler(32, num_actions)
        self.cnn = CNN((None, skip_frame, 86, 80), num_actions, 0.1) = 0.99

        if load is not None:

    def frames_processed(self, frames, action_performed, reward):
        self.exp_handler.add_experience(frames, self.action_handler.game_action_to_action_ind(action_performed), reward)
        self.train_handler.train_prioritized(self.exp_handler, 0.99, self.cnn)

    def plot_tree(self):

    def get_action(self, game_input):
        return self.cnn.get_output(game_input)[0]

    def game_over(self):
        self.exp_handler.trim()  # trim experience replay of learner
        self.exp_handler.add_terminal()  # adds a terminal

    def get_game_action(self, game_input):
        return self.action_handler.action_vect_to_game_action(self.get_action(game_input))

    def set_legal_actions(self, legal_actions):

    def save(self, file):

    def get_cost_list(self):
        return self.train_handler.costList
def test_trim(p_exp_handler: PrioritizedExperienceHandler):
    old_state_size = len(p_exp_handler.states)

    assert p_exp_handler.size < old_state_size
    assert len(p_exp_handler.states) < old_state_size
    assert p_exp_handler.size == p_exp_handler.max_len
    assert len(p_exp_handler.states) == p_exp_handler.max_len
    assert len(p_exp_handler.states) == p_exp_handler.size
    assert list(p_exp_handler.term_states)[0] == p_exp_handler.size - 1

    # check tree extra_vals have been updated
    assert p_exp_handler.tree.get_size() == p_exp_handler.size
    # 0 should still be there because it will still be as inf
    assert p_exp_handler.tree.root.value == np.inf
    assert p_exp_handler.tree.root.extra_vals == 0
    # 2 should be the only one left and it's ind should now be 1
    assert p_exp_handler.tree.root.left.value == 2
    assert p_exp_handler.tree.root.left.extra_vals == 1

    # check term_states is still a set
    assert isinstance(p_exp_handler.term_states, set)

    # Test that terminal states that have been deleted are removed
    # add new states and trim
    for add in range(1):
        state = np.ones((2, 10, 10)) * add
        action = add
        reward = add
        p_exp_handler.add_experience(state, action, reward)

    # the left value should be deleted
    assert p_exp_handler.tree.root.left is None
    # right value should be 1 because we deleted state 1 (and it used to be 2)
    assert p_exp_handler.tree.root.right.extra_vals == 1
    assert len(list(p_exp_handler.term_states)) == 0