def rbmain(): travis = 'travis' in sys.argv extra_args = [ '--old-calibs-ok', #'--verbose', ] if travis: extra_args.extend( ['--no-wise-ceres', '--no-gaia', '--no-large-galaxies']) if 'ceres' in sys.argv: surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase3') main(args=[ '--brick', '2447p120', '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815', '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--ceres', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', 'out-testcase3-ceres', '--no-depth-cut' ]) sys.exit(0) # demo RexGalaxy, with plots if False: from legacypipe.survey import RexGalaxy from tractor import NanoMaggies, PixPos from tractor import Image, GaussianMixturePSF, LinearPhotoCal from legacypipe.survey import LogRadius rex = RexGalaxy(PixPos(1., 2.), NanoMaggies(r=3.), LogRadius(0.)) print('Rex:', rex) print('Rex params:', rex.getParams()) print('Rex nparams:', rex.numberOfParams()) H, W = 100, 100 tim = Image(data=np.zeros((H, W), np.float32), inverr=np.ones((H, W), np.float32), psf=GaussianMixturePSF(1., 0., 0., 4., 4., 0.), photocal=LinearPhotoCal(1., band='r')) derivs = rex.getParamDerivatives(tim) print('Derivs:', len(derivs)) print('Rex params:', rex.getParamNames()) import pylab as plt from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence('rex') for d, nm in zip(derivs, rex.getParamNames()): plt.clf() plt.imshow(d.patch, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.title('Derivative %s' % nm) ps.savefig() sys.exit(0) # Test RexGalaxy surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase6') outdir = 'out-testcase6-rex' main(args=[ '--brick', '1102p240', '--zoom', '500', '600', '650', '750', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--no-wise', #'--rex', #'--plots', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir ] + extra_args) fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tractor', '110', 'tractor-1102p240.fits') assert (os.path.exists(fn)) T = fits_table(fn) assert (len(T) == 2) print('Types:', T.type) # Since there is a Tycho-2 star in the blob, forced to be PSF. assert (T.type[0] == 'PSF ') cmd = ( '(cd %s && sha256sum -c %s)' % (outdir, os.path.join('tractor', '110', 'brick-1102p240.sha256sum'))) print(cmd) rtn = os.system(cmd) assert (rtn == 0) # Test with a Tycho-2 star in the blob. surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase6') outdir = 'out-testcase6' main(args=[ '--brick', '1102p240', '--zoom', '500', '600', '650', '750', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--no-wise', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir ] + extra_args) fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tractor', '110', 'tractor-1102p240.fits') assert (os.path.exists(fn)) T = fits_table(fn) assert (len(T) == 2) print('Types:', T.type) # Since there is a Tycho-2 star in the blob, forced to be PSF. assert (T.type[0] == 'PSF ') # Test that we can run splinesky calib if required... from legacypipe.decam import DecamImage DecamImage.splinesky_boxsize = 128 surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase4') outdir = 'out-testcase4' fn = os.path.join(surveydir, 'calib', 'decam', 'splinesky', '00431', '00431608', 'decam-00431608-N3.fits') if os.path.exists(fn): os.unlink(fn) main(args=[ '--brick', '1867p255', '--zoom', '2050', '2300', '1150', '1400', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--coadd-bw', '--unwise-dir', os.path.join(surveydir, 'images', 'unwise'), '--unwise-tr-dir', os.path.join(surveydir, 'images', 'unwise-tr'), '--blob-image', '--no-hybrid-psf', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir ] + extra_args + ['-v']) print('Checking for calib file', fn) assert (os.path.exists(fn)) # Wrap-around, hybrid PSF surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase8') outdir = 'out-testcase8' main(args=[ '--brick', '1209p050', '--zoom', '720', '1095', '3220', '3500', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--no-wise', #'--plots', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir ] + extra_args) # Test with a Tycho-2 star + another saturated star in the blob. surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase7') outdir = 'out-testcase7' # remove --no-gaia my_extra_args = [a for a in extra_args if a != '--no-gaia'] os.environ['GAIA_CAT_DIR'] = os.path.join(surveydir, 'gaia-dr2') os.environ['GAIA_CAT_VER'] = '2' main(args=[ '--brick', '1102p240', '--zoom', '250', '350', '1550', '1650', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--no-wise', #'--plots', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir ] + my_extra_args) del os.environ['GAIA_CAT_DIR'] del os.environ['GAIA_CAT_VER'] fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tractor', '110', 'tractor-1102p240.fits') assert (os.path.exists(fn)) T = fits_table(fn) assert (len(T) == 4) # Check skipping blobs outside the brick's unique area. # (this now doesn't detect any sources at all, reasonably) # surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase5') # outdir = 'out-testcase5' # # fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tractor', '186', 'tractor-1867p255.fits') # if os.path.exists(fn): # os.unlink(fn) # # main(args=['--brick', '1867p255', '--zoom', '0', '150', '0', '150', # '--force-all', '--no-write', '--coadd-bw', # '--survey-dir', surveydir, # '--early-coadds', # '--outdir', outdir] + extra_args) # # assert(os.path.exists(fn)) # T = fits_table(fn) # assert(len(T) == 1) # Custom RA,Dec; blob ra,dec. surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase4') outdir = 'out-testcase4b' # Catalog written with one entry (--blobradec) fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tractor', 'cus', 'tractor-custom-186743p25461.fits') if os.path.exists(fn): os.unlink(fn) main(args=[ '--radec', '186.743965', '25.461788', '--width', '250', '--height', '250', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--no-wise', '--blobradec', '186.740369', '25.453855', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir ] + extra_args) assert (os.path.exists(fn)) T = fits_table(fn) assert (len(T) == 1) surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase3') outdir = 'out-testcase3' checkpoint_fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'checkpoint.pickle') if os.path.exists(checkpoint_fn): os.unlink(checkpoint_fn) main(args=[ '--brick', '2447p120', '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815', '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir, '--checkpoint', checkpoint_fn, '--checkpoint-period', '1', '--threads', '2' ] + extra_args) # Read catalog into Tractor sources to test read_fits_catalog from legacypipe.catalog import read_fits_catalog from legacypipe.survey import LegacySurveyData, GaiaSource from tractor.galaxy import DevGalaxy from tractor import PointSource survey = LegacySurveyData(survey_dir=outdir) fn = survey.find_file('tractor', brick='2447p120') print('Checking', fn) T = fits_table(fn) cat = read_fits_catalog(T, fluxPrefix='') print('Read catalog:', cat) assert (len(cat) == 2) src = cat[0] assert (type(src) == DevGalaxy) assert (np.abs(src.pos.ra - 244.77973) < 0.00001) assert (np.abs(src.pos.dec - 12.07233) < 0.00001) src = cat[1] print('Source', src) assert (type(src) in [PointSource, GaiaSource]) assert (np.abs(src.pos.ra - 244.77830) < 0.00001) assert (np.abs(src.pos.dec - 12.07250) < 0.00001) # DevGalaxy(pos=RaDecPos[244.77975494973529, 12.072348111713127], brightness=NanoMaggies: g=19.2, r=17.9, z=17.1, shape=re=2.09234, e1=-0.198453, e2=0.023652, # PointSource(RaDecPos[244.77833280764278, 12.072521274981987], NanoMaggies: g=25, r=23, z=21.7) # Check that we can run again, using that checkpoint file. main(args=[ '--brick', '2447p120', '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815', '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir, '--checkpoint', checkpoint_fn, '--checkpoint-period', '1', '--threads', '2' ] + extra_args) # Assert...... something? # Test --checkpoint without --threads main(args=[ '--brick', '2447p120', '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815', '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir, '--checkpoint', checkpoint_fn, '--checkpoint-period', '1' ] + extra_args) # MzLS + BASS data # surveydir2 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'mzlsbass') # main(args=['--brick', '3521p002', '--zoom', '2400', '2450', '1200', '1250', # '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', # '--survey-dir', surveydir2, # '--outdir', 'out-mzlsbass']) # From Kaylan's Bootes pre-DR4 run # surveydir2 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'mzlsbass3') # main(args=['--brick', '2173p350', '--zoom', '100', '200', '100', '200', # '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', # '--survey-dir', surveydir2, # '--outdir', 'out-mzlsbass3'] + extra_args) # With plots! main(args=[ '--brick', '2447p120', '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815', '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', 'out-testcase3', '--plots', '--nblobs', '1' ] + extra_args) # Decals Image Simulations # Uncomment WHEN galsim build for Travis #os.environ["DECALS_SIM_DIR"]= os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'image_sims') #brick= '2447p120' #sim_main(args=['--brick', brick, '-n', '2', '-o', 'STAR', \ # '-ic', '1', '--rmag-range', '18', '26', '--threads', '1',\ # '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815']) # Check if correct files written out #rt_dir= os.path.join(os.getenv('DECALS_SIM_DIR'),brick,'star','001') #assert( os.path.exists(os.path.join(rt_dir,'../','metacat-'+brick+'-star.fits')) ) #for fn in ['tractor-%s-star-01.fits' % brick,'simcat-%s-star-01.fits' % brick]: # assert( os.path.exists(os.path.join(rt_dir,fn)) ) #for fn in ['image','model','resid','simscoadd']: # assert( os.path.exists(os.path.join(rt_dir,'qa-'+brick+'-star-'+fn+'-01.jpg')) ) if not travis: # With ceres main(args=[ '--brick', '2447p120', '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815', '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--ceres', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', 'out-testcase3-ceres' ] + extra_args)
#from legacyanalysis.decals_sim import main as sim_main from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table if __name__ == '__main__': travis = 'travis' in sys.argv # demo RexGalaxy, with plots if False: from legacypipe.survey import RexGalaxy from tractor import RaDecPos, NanoMaggies, PixPos from tractor import ScalarParam from tractor import Image, GaussianMixturePSF, LinearPhotoCal from legacypipe.survey import LogRadius rex = RexGalaxy( PixPos(1., 2.), NanoMaggies(r=3.), LogRadius(0.)) print('Rex:', rex) print('Rex params:', rex.getParams()) print('Rex nparams:', rex.numberOfParams()) H,W = 100,100 tim = Image(data=np.zeros((H,W), np.float32), inverr=np.ones((H,W), np.float32), psf=GaussianMixturePSF(1., 0., 0., 4., 4., 0.), photocal=LinearPhotoCal(1., band='r')) derivs = rex.getParamDerivatives(tim) print('Derivs:', len(derivs)) print('Rex params:', rex.getParamNames()) import pylab as plt from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence
H, W = 100, 100 pixscale = 0.262 ra, dec = 40., 10. psf_sigma = 1.4 # pixels v = psf_sigma**2 ps = pixscale / 3600. wcs = Tan(ra, dec, W / 2. + 0.5, H / 2. + 0.5, -ps, 0., 0., ps, float(W), float(H)) tim = tractor.Image(data=np.zeros((H, W), np.float32), inverr=np.ones((H, W), np.float32), psf=tractor.GaussianMixturePSF(1., 0., 0., v, v, 0.), wcs=tractor.ConstantFitsWcs(wcs)) src = RexGalaxy(tractor.RaDecPos(ra, dec), tractor.Flux(100.), LogRadius(0.)) tr = tractor.Tractor([tim], [src]) mod = tr.getModelImage(0) plt.clf() plt.imshow(mod, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.savefig('rex.png') # add noise with std 1. noisy = mod + np.random.normal(size=mod.shape) # make that the tim's data = noisy # reset the source params src.brightness.setParams([1.])
main(args=['--brick', '2447p120', '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815', '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--ceres', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', 'out-testcase3-ceres', '--no-depth-cut']) sys.exit(0) # demo RexGalaxy, with plots if False: from legacypipe.survey import RexGalaxy from tractor import RaDecPos, NanoMaggies, PixPos from tractor import ScalarParam from tractor import Image, GaussianMixturePSF, LinearPhotoCal from legacypipe.survey import LogRadius rex = RexGalaxy( PixPos(1., 2.), NanoMaggies(r=3.), LogRadius(0.)) print('Rex:', rex) print('Rex params:', rex.getParams()) print('Rex nparams:', rex.numberOfParams()) H,W = 100,100 tim = Image(data=np.zeros((H,W), np.float32), inverr=np.ones((H,W), np.float32), psf=GaussianMixturePSF(1., 0., 0., 4., 4., 0.), photocal=LinearPhotoCal(1., band='r')) derivs = rex.getParamDerivatives(tim) print('Derivs:', len(derivs)) print('Rex params:', rex.getParamNames()) import pylab as plt from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence
psfimg = np.exp( (-0.5 * ((xx - psfw // 2)**2 + (yy - psfh // 2)**2) / psf_sigma**2)) psfimg /= np.sum(psfimg) row = psfimg[0, :] print('Bottom row of PSF img: absmax', row[np.argmax(np.abs(row))], row) pixpsf = PixelizedPSF(psfimg) psf = HybridPixelizedPSF(pixpsf) tim = Image(data=np.zeros((h, w)), invvar=np.ones((h, w)), psf=psf) pos = PixPos(h // 2, w // 2) flux = 100. bright = Flux(flux) rex = RexGalaxy(pos, bright, LogRadius(0.)) psf = PointSource(pos, bright) tractor = Tractor([tim], [rex]) cat = tractor.getCatalog() mask = ModelMask(0, 0, w, h) mm = [{rex: mask, psf: mask}] tractor.setModelMasks(mm) plt.clf() row = psfimg[:, psfw // 2] * flux row = np.hstack((row, np.zeros(5))) plt.plot(row, 'k.-') from astrometry.util.miscutils import lanczos_filter
psf = tractor.psf.PixelizedPSF(psf.array) # sky_level_pixel = sky_level * pixel_scale**2 sky_level_pixel = float(sky_levels_pixel[0]) # [counts / pixel] gmag = 23.0 ## gflux = exptime * 10.**((zpt - gmag) / 2.5) # [Total counts on the image]. gflux = 10**(-0.4 * (gmag - 22.5)) # [Nanomaggies]. gre = 0.40 # [arcsec]. ## ## _gflux = tractor.Fluxes(g=gflux, r=0.0, z=0.0) _gflux = tractor.NanoMaggies(**{'g': gflux, 'r': 0.0, 'z': 0.0}) src = RexGalaxy(tractor.RaDecPos(ra, dec), _gflux, LogRadius(gre)) wcs = Tan(ra, dec, W / 2. + 0.5, H / 2. + 0.5, -ps, 0., 0., ps, float(W), float(H)) wcs = tractor.ConstantFitsWcs(wcs) tims = [] for band in ['g', 'r', 'z']: ## photcal = tractor.LinearPhotoCal(1., band=band) photcal = tractor.MagsPhotoCal(band, zpt) csky_level_sig = photcal.brightnessToCounts(sky_level_sig) ## The rms of the noise in ADU. ## noise = galsim.PoissonNoise(rng, sky_level=sky_level_pixel)